Pronomen Flashcards
Possessiva pronomen
Min bok
Possessiva pronomen
mon livre
Din (bläck)penna
Possessiva pronomen
ton stylo
Mitt kort/min karta
Possessiva pronomen
ma carte
Din bil
Possessiva pronomen
ta voiture
Mina nycklar
Possessiva pronomen
Mes clés
Dina biljetter
Possessiva pronomen
tes billets
Jag ser hans/hennes cykel
Possessiva pronomen
je vois son vélo
Känner du hans/hennes syster?
Possessiva pronomen
tu connais sa sœur?
Hon gillar hans/hennes bror
Hon gillar sin bror
Possessiva pronomen
Elle aime son frère
Han gillar hans/hennes pappa
Han gillar sin (egen) pappa
Possessiva pronomen
Il aime son père
Han läser sina böcker
Han läser hennes böcker
Han läser hans böcker
Possessiva pronomen
Il lit ses livres
Hon ser sina filmer
Hon ser hennes filmer
Hon ser hans filmer
Possessiva pronomen
Elle voit ses films
Den här
ce, cet (maskulin)
Den här
cette (feminin)
Vår dotter heter Lisa
Notre fille s’appelles Lisa
Vår son heter Kalle
Notre fils s’appelles Kalle
Er dotter heter Maja
Votre fille s’appelles Maja
Er son heter Lars
Votre fils s’appelles Lars
Våra barn har en hund
Nos enfants ont un chien
Era nycklar är mina nu!
Vos clés est mes maintenant!
Det är nödvändigt att äta
il faut manger
Det är nödvändigt att läsa för att förstå
Il faut lire pour comprendre
Man måste äta
Il faut manger
Man måste läsa för att förstå
il faut lire pour comprendre
They’re going to help us
Object pronouns
ils vont nous aider
I can see it (or: her)
Object pronouns
je la vois
Do you like carrots?
No I hate them!
Object pronouns
Tu aimes les carrottes?
Non, je les déteste!
Can you hear me?
Tu m’entends (me)
Help me!
In orders and instructions telling someone to do something, __ is used instead of me and ___ instead of te
In orders and instructions telling someone to do something, MOI is used instead of me and YOI instead of te
Sit down
In orders and instructions telling someone to do something, __ is used instead of me and ___ instead of te
In orders and instructions telling someone to do something, MOI is used instead of me and YOI instead of te
I love you.
Can you see them?
She doesn’t know us.
Note that in orders and instructions telling someone to do something, the direct object pronoun comes AFTER the verb.
Je t’aime.
= I love you.
Les voyez-vous?
= Can you see them?
Elle ne nous connaît pas.
= She doesn’t know us.
Note that in orders and instructions telling someone to do something, the direct object pronoun comes AFTER the verb.
He saw me.
When a verb like vouloir (meaning to want) or pouvoir (meaning to be able to, can) is followed by another verb in the infinitive (the ‘to’ form of the verb), the direct object pronoun comes BEFORE the infinitive.
He saw me. = Il m’a vu.
When a verb like vouloir (meaning to want) or pouvoir (meaning to be able to, can) is followed by another verb in the infinitive (the ‘to’ form of the verb), the direct object pronoun comes BEFORE the infinitive.
Here are the French direct object pronouns:
Singular Meaning = me = you = him/it = them (masculine and feminine) = her/it
Plural Meaning
= us
= you
Here are the French direct object pronouns:
Singular Meaning me (m’) = me te (t’) = you le (l’) = him/it les = them (masculine and feminine) la (l’) = her/it
Plural Meaning
nous = us
vous = you
Your shirt’s very dirty.’ – ‘I know.’
le is sometimes used to refer back to an idea or information that has already been given. The word it is often missed out in English.‘
Your shirt’s very dirty.’ – ‘I know.’
‘Ta chemise est très sale.’ – ‘Je le sais.’
le is sometimes used to refer back to an idea or information that has already been given. The word it is often missed out in English.‘