Prompting Flashcards
What is a prompt?
An antecedent stimulus/event used to evoke the appropriate bx in the presence of the SD
What is the relationship between prompting and fading?
Prompting gets the correct bx to occur in the presence of the SD so it can be reinforced; fading transfers stim con to SD
What are the types of prompts?
-Response Prompts
-Stimulus Prompts
What are response prompts?
The bx of another person that evokes the correct response in the presence of the SD
What are stimulus prompts?
Involves some change in a stimulus or the addition/removal of a stimulus to evoke correct response in the presence of the SD
Types of Response Prompts (weakest to strongest intrusiveness)
-Verbal: verbal statement that a person how/when to engage in correct bx
-Gestural: using physical movements to cue correct bx
-Modeling: demonstrate correct bx
-Physical: physical guide the person
Types of Stimulus prompts
-Within-stimulus: changing SD to make to more conspicuous/noticeable
-Extrastimulus: adding another stimulus or cue to SD (picture or symbol prompts)
What is fading?
-The gradual elimination of the prompt as the bx occurs in the presence of SD
-One way to achieve transfer of stim con to SD
What is the transfer of stimulus control?
When the correct bx to occur at the right time in presence of SD without any assistance (prompts)
Ways to transfer stim con
-Prompt fading
-Prompt delay
-Stimulus fading
What is Prompt fading?
A response prompt is removed gradually across learning trials as bx occurs in presence of SD, until prompts no longer provided
What are the types of prompt fading?
-Fading within prompt: one type of prompt is faded
-Fading across prompts: fading across different types
•least to most
•most to least
What is Prompt delay?
-present the SD, wait a certain amount of time, and if correct response is not made, provide prompt
-constant or progressive
-first trial always begins with 0 sec delay
What is stimulus fading?
-removal of stim prompts so person is only responding to SD
-extrastimulus: gradually removing additional stim as response occurs reliably
-within-stim: gradually changing SD from altered form to natural form
Guideline of prompting and transferring stimulus control
- Choose the most appropriate strategy.
- Get the learner’s attention.
- Present the So.
- Prompt the correct behavior.
- Reinforce the correct behavior.
- Transfer stimulus control by fading or prompt delay.
- Continue to reinforce unprompted responses.
What is a learning trial?
The sequence of present SD, prompting the response, and providing the reinforcer
Acquisition & Variables affecting vicarious learning
- Model’s bx has reinforcing consequences & emotional responses
- Characters of model: similar
- Similarity of bx: engaging in similar activity; follow the leader, blind leading b
- Observer’s age: younger more likely to imitate, older more likely to learn
- Reinforcement for vigilance/attention: differential reinforcement, observational learning, prompts, rules
- Visibility of model
- Easiness of bx: mastery v. coping
- Observers learning history
Other variables
-The Venus effect: strong emotions interfere with learning/logical thinking
-Complexity: more complex the task, more difficult to pick up with observational learning
Acquiring vs Performing Knowledge
Learning the skills/knowledge vs actually putting it into practice
Factors affecting performance
-Past reinforcement: bx, models, contexts
-Consequences of observer’s bx: present reinforcement, positive emotional responses