promissory notes Flashcards
Shipwrights of Axis
Promissory Note: Industry Secrets
When 1 or more of your units use PRODUCTION:
Place this card face up in your play area to apply +4 to the PRODUCTION value of those units and reduce the combined cost of the produced units by 1 for this use of PRODUCTION.
At the start of the status phase, return this card to the Axis player
Bentor Conglomerate
Promissory Note: Encryption Key
ACTION: Attach this card to a non-home planet you control.
This planet has 1 technology specialty of any color.
Celdauri Trade Confederation
Promissory Note: Trade Alliance
When you receive this card, if you are not the Celdauri player, you must place it face up in your play area.
While this card is in your play area, you can use the Celdauri player’s commander ability, if it is unlocked.
If you activate a system that contains 1 or more of the Celdauri player’s units, return this card to the Celdauri player.
Cheiran Hordes
Promissory Note: Carcinisation
When 1 of your non-fighter ships is destroyed during combat in a system:
You may place 2 fighters from your reinforcements in the space area of that system.
At the end of that combat, return this card to the Cheiran player.
Savages of Cymiae
Promissory Note: Algorithmic Replication
ACTION: Choose 1 action card from the action card discard pile and add it to your hand.
Then, purge this card.
Dih-Mohn Flotilla
Promissory Note: Combat Drills
When 1 of your ships would be destroyed:
Instead of destroying that ship, place this card face up in your play area.
Return this card to the Dih-Mohn player at the start of the status phase.
Edyn Mandate
Promissory Note: Edyn Rider
After an agenda is revealed:
You cannot vote on this agenda. Predict aloud an outcome of this agenda. If your prediction is correct, place 1 command token from another player’s reinforcements in a system that contains your units.
Then, return this card to the Edyn player.
Florzen Profiteers
Promissory Note: Underground Market
When you would gain a relic:
You may draw 1 additional card; choose 1 to gain and return the rest to the relic deck. Then, shuffle the relic deck.
Then, return this card to the Florzen player
Free Systems Compact
Promissory Note: Broadcast Teams
When you gain control of a planet during a tactical action:
If the active system does not contain another player’s ships, you may produce up to 2 ships in that system.
Then, return this card to the Free Systems player
Ghemina Raiders
Promissory Note: Raid Leaders
After you activate a system:
Choose 1 non-fighter ship you control; during this action, that unit gains BOMBARDMENT 5(x2) and a capacity value of 2.
Return this card to the Ghemina player at the end of this action.
Ghoti Wayfarers
Promissory Note: Ghoti Relay
At the start of your turn:
Place this card in your play area to produce up to 2 ships in a system that contains 1 or more of your ships.
At the start of the status phase, return this card to the Ghoti Player.
Gledge Union
Promissory Note: Gledge Base
ACTION: Attach this card to a non-home planet you control.
This planet’s resource value is increased by 2
Augurs of Ilyxum
Promissory Note: Read the Fates
ACTION: Place this face up in your play area.
While this card is in your play area, you may look at the public objective card on the Ilyxum player’s faction sheet.
If you activate a system that contains 1 or more of the Ilyxum player’s units, return this card to the Ilyxum player
Berserkers of Kjalengard
Promissory Note: Vassalage
At the start of combat:
Apply +1 to the results of each of your fighters’ combat rolls during this combat. The Kjalengard player captures each of your fighters destroyed during this combat.
Then, return this card to the Kjalengard player.
Kollecc Society
Promissory Note: AI Survey
At the start of your turn:
You may look at either the top card of the cultural, hazardous, and industrial exploration decks, or the top card of the relic deck.
Then, return this card to the Kollecc player.
Monks of Kolume
Promissory Note: Combinatorial Bypass
At the start of invasion, place this card in your play area.
During this invasion, all other player’s units lose SPACE CANNON and PLANETARY SHIELD.
At the start of your next turn, return this card to the Kolume player
Kortali Tribunal
Promissory Note: Blessing of the Queens
ACTION: Place this card face up in your play area and remove 1 of your command tokens from the game board.
At the start of the status phase, return this card to the Kortali player.
Kyro Sodality
Promissory Note: Kyro Rider
After an agenda is revealed:
You cannot vote on this agenda. Predict aloud an outcome of this agenda. If your prediction is correct, place 3 infantry from your reinforcements on a planet you control.
Then, return this card to the Kyro player.
Lanefir Remnants
Promissory Note: Spoils of War
After you win a combat:
Place this card face-up in your play area to explore 1 planet you control.
At the start of the Lanefir player’s turn, return this card to the Lanefir player.
Li-Zho Dynasty
Promissory Note: Trusted Counselor
At the start of a space combat you are participating in:
You may place up to 2 fighters from your reinforcements into the space area of the active system.
Then, return this card to the Li-Zho player
L’tokk Khrask
Promissory Note: Stone Speakers
During a tactical action, when you produce 1 or more hits during a BOMBARDMENT roll:
For each hit you produced, you may instead place 1 infantry from your reinforcements on the planet being bombarded.
Then, return this card to the L’tokk Khrask player.
Mirveda Protectorate
Promissory Note: Rapid Excavation
At the start of your turn:
You may move up to 2 PDS units you control to a planet you control.
Then, return this card to the Mirveda player
Glimmer of Mortheus
Promissory Note: Secrets of the Weave
At the start of a space combat while you are the defender:
You may spend influence equal to the cost value of 1 of your opponent’s ships in the active system to place 1 unit of that type from your reinforcements in that system.
Then, return this card to the Mortheus player
Promissory Note: Gift of Insight
ACTION: Place this card face up in your play area.
While this card is in your play area, once per turn, after you roll a die, you may reroll that die.
If you activate a system that contains 1 or more of the Myko-Mentori player’s units, return this card to the Myko-Mentori player.
Nivyn Star Kings
Promissory Note: Nivyn Guidance
After you activate a system:
During this activation, you may ignore the effects of each anomaly.
Return this card to the Nivyn player at the end of this activation.
Nokar Sellships
Promissory Note: Nokar Navigator
At the start of a space combat:
During this combat, the active system is adjacent to each system that contains a planet you control for the purposes of announcing and resolving retreats.
At the end of this combat, return this card to the Nokar player.
Olradin League
Promissory Note: Incite Revolution
ACTION: Place this card face up in your play area to choose and exhaust 1 planet you control. Then, ready 1 non-home planet you control other than Mecatol Rex.
At the start of the status phase, return this card to the Olradin player.
Zealots of Rhodun
Promissory Note: Favor of Rhodun
When you ignore a prerequisite on a technology card you are researching:
You may ignore 1 additional prerequisite of the same color.
Then, return this card to the Rhodun player
Roh’Dhna Mechatronics
Promissory Note: Automatons
At the end of your turn, you may attach this card to a non-home planet you control other than Mecatol Rex. This planet has PRODUCTION 3 as if it were a unit.
Tnelis Syndicate
Promissory Note: Plots Within Plots
When you draw 1 or more secret objective cards: Draw 1 additional secret objective card. Then, return 1 secret objective card to the secret objective deck; shuffle that deck.
Then, return this card to the Tnelis player.
Vaden Banking Clans
Promissory Note: Vaden Handshake
After you activate a system:
You may spend any number of trade goods; for each trade good spent, apply +1 to the move value of 1 non-fighter ship you control during this activation.
Return this card to the Vaden player at the end of this activation.
Vaylerian Scourge
Promissory Note: Clan’s Favor
At the start of a round of space combat:
The Vaylerian player discards 1 action card. Then, move all of your ships from the active system to an adjacent system that does not contain another player’s ships; the space combat ends in a draw.
Then, place a command token from your reinforcements in that system and return this card to the Vaylerian player.
Veldyr Sovereignty
Promissory Notes:
Branch Office - Tax Haven
When you receive this card, you must attach it to a non-home planet you control other than Mecatol Rex that does not have a Branch Office attachment. Its influence value is increased by 1.
Branch Office - Broadcast Hub
When you receive this card, you must attach it to a non-home planet you control other than Mecatol Rex that does not have a Branch Office attachment. Its influence value is increased by 1.
Branch Office - Reserve Bank
When you receive this card, you must attach it to a non-home planet you control other than Mecatol Rex that does not have a Branch Office attachment. Its resource value is increased by 1.
Branch Office - Orbital Shipyard
When you receive this card, you must attach it to a non-home planet you control other than Mecatol Rex that does not have a Branch Office attachment. Its resource value is increased by 1.
Zelian Purifier
Promissory Note: Hyperkinetic Ordinance
When 1 or more of your units would make a BOMBARDMENT roll:
If you produce 1 or more hits during this BOMBARDMENT roll, produce 1 additional hit for that roll.
Then, return this card to the Zelian player.