Prometric 8 Flashcards
Disoreintation, wondering, forgetfulness
First sign of Lymphatic Encephalopathy
Excessive thought of importance or achievement, “ I am your King, so knell before me.”
Delusion of grandeur
When turned to side, upper half of body is pale, lower half is red this is?
Harlequinstign (Normal)
Common neurotransmitter that increases the heart rate?
Tachycardia, restless, agitation, confusion
First sign of Tofranil Toxicity
Anastomosis between the stomach and jejunum.
Surgical opening of the abdomen.
Chest pain or discomfort that is new, worsening, or occurs at rest. This is an emergency situation as it can precede a heart attack, serious abnormal heart rhythm, or cardiac arrest.
Unstable angina pectoris
Excessive fundal height inappropriate to
First sign of hydatidiform mole (H-mole)
It is common in Narcissistic individual.
Delusion of grandeur
Infant doubles birth weight (141lbs) at what age?
6 months
Common neurotransmitter that lowers the heart rate to normal level?
The average adult male hemoglobin is?
14-16 GMS/DL
Easy tiredness or fatigue
First sign of Hypothyroidism in adult
Cutting away or taking out.
Removal of lymph-node–bearing tissue as well as adjacent muscles and vessels of
the neck.
Radical neck dissection
Sore throat, fever, infection, jaundice
First sign of Thorazine Toxicity
Patient believes his body is full of cancer or legs had turned to stone.
Somatic delusion
Child triples birth weight (21lbs) at what age?
12 months
Lack of RBC will lead to?