Project Pre-Initiation Flashcards
Typical elements of a business case:
1) Problem statement and project objectives
2) Summary of scope and any alternatives/options
3) Cost and investment appraisal
4) Benefits expected (quantitative, i.e. Expressed in measurable terms against today’s situation and qualitative)
5) Risks (summary of the key risks of the projects)
6) Timescales (summary of plan)
7) Assumptions/constraints
Capital Expenditures (CAPEX):
Capital expenditures is funds spent in order to create future benefits of an organization, i.e. purchasing new fixed assets or extending the value of existing assets beyond the taxable year
Operating Expense (OPEX):
Operating Expense is an ongoing cost for running the business
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO):
Total Cost of Ownership is a financial estimate whose purpose is to determine the cost of acquiring and maintaining an asset over a number of years
Main CAPEX elements:
1) Software licenses
2) Hardware licenses
3) Telecommunications technology and lines
4) Acquisition research/decision/procurement costs
5) Implementation/installation services
6) Development and customization services
7) Integration services
8) Testing
9) Consulting
10) Training
11) Travel
Main OPEX elements:
1) Software maintenance
2) Hardware technology maintenance
3) Telecommunications technology lines
4) Recurring data centre costs
5) Recurring operations costs
6) Training
Return on Investment (ROI):
Return on Investment are the benefits received from the project against the total costs of the project over a timeframe
Payback Period (PP):
Payback Period is the length of time taken to repay the initial capital cost
Future Value Formula:
Future Value = Amount_Invested * (1 + Interest_Rate)^N
Present Value:
Present Value = Future_Amount * (1 + Interest_Rate)^N
Net Present Value (NPV):
Net Present Value is the sum of the present values of all net cash flows during the period into consideration for the investment
Net Cash Flows:
The inflows minus outflows (inflows are the funds received and outflows are funds paid out)
NPV formula:
Sum of all terms At / (1 + r)^t
t = time of the cash flow
r = discount rate
At = the net cash flow at time t
Cost Estimate Level - Order of Magnitude (ROM):
Use when only very basic information is available or needed. Typically used before a project is officially started
Cost Estimate Level - Budgetary
Use when allocating money into an organisation’s budget, typically 1-2 years before the project starts. Scope, high-level requirements and resources information is relatively available
Cost Estimate Level - Definitive:
Use when detailed information is available, e.g. to make purchasing decisions, to update budget. Typically <1 year before project starts
Main Estimation Approach - Analogous (Top-Down):
Use actual cost of a previous similar project as a basis for estimating the costs of the current project
Main Estimation Approach - Bottom-Up:
Estimating the costs of individual tasks/activities and summing them to get the total. Size of tasks/activities and experience of the estimators drive the accuracy levels
Main Estimation Approach - Parametric
Use project characteristics in a mathematical model
Three-point Estimate Formula:
E = (4 * MP + O + P) / 6 MP = Most Probable O = Optimistic P = Pessimistic
Project Budget:
The process and relevant artefact of allocating the estimated costs, labour and material over time
The process of acquiring products or services from a 3rd party. Often done via a (formal) bid (tender) process.
Statement of Work:
The description of work required for the procurement or as part of the contract. Scope document with sufficient level of detail. Clarity and non-ambiguity are critical factors.