Project Initiation Flashcards
RACI chart
1 Responsible
2. Accountable
3. Consulted
4. Informed
Things to determine during initiation
- Scope
- Goals
- Deliverables
- Success criteria
- Stakeholders
- Resources
people who are interested in and affected by the project’s completion and success.
Essential project roles
- project sponsors,
- customers,
- team members,
- the project manager.
RACI charts
help clarify roles and responsibilities and prevent confusion on who takes ownership of which tasks
- Responsible: who gets the work done
- Accountable: who makes sure the work is done
- Consulted: who gives input or feedback
- Informed: who needs to know the outcome
Tip: use roles rather than names
Primary stakeholders
directly affected by the outcome of the project
i.e. team members, senior leaders, and customers
Secondary stakeholders
indirectly affected by the outcome of the project
i.e. project’s point of contact in legal
Project sponsor
initiates the project and is responsible for presenting a business case for its existence, signing the project charter, and releasing resources to the project manager.
Steering committee
a collection of key stakeholders who have a high level of power and interest in a project.
Initiating processes
- Develop project charter
- Identify stakeholders
Initiating process group purpose
The purpose of the project group is to alight stakeholder expectations and the project purpose, inform stakeholders of the scope and objectives, discuss how their participation in the project and ist associated phases can help to ensure their expectations are met
Business documents
Documents that are generally originated outside of the project but are used as inputs to the project, i.e.
- business case
- benefits management plan
Benefits of revisitind initialing process at the start of each project phase
- helps keep the project focused on the business need that the project was undertaken to address
- project charter, business documents and success criteria are verified
- influence drivers, expectations and objectives of the project stakeholders are reviewed
Key benefits of developing a project charter
- provides a direct link between the project and the strategic objectives of the organization
- creates a formal record of the project
- shows the organizational commitment to the project
Project Charters Inputs
- Business documents
- Agreements
- Enterprise environmental factors
- Ogranizational process assets