PROFILES Flashcards
What are the PFs calls on a SE Missed?
- “Missed Approach, Max Thrust, Set Flaps 20”
- “Gear up, FLCH”
- “Select HDG” or “SELECT FMS NAV”
- “Set Vsec”
- “Flaps 12”
- “Flaps up, after T/O checks”
What are the PF’s calls on a V1 cut?
"Set takeoff power" "check" "Gear up, FLCH" "Set Vsec" "Flaps up, memory items"
What are the PNF’s calls on a V1 cut?
"Takeoff power set" "Airspeed Alive, 80 knots crosscheck" "V1, rotate" "Positive Rate" "Accel Height" "Vsec"
What are the PNFs triggers to watch for on a SE Missed approach?
- Positive Rate
- 400’
- Accel Height
- Ref+20
At first indication of STALL?
(PNF and PF)
PF—–announce “STALL!”
PF—–advance THRUST levers, “TOGA”.
PNF—“TOGA checked”
PF—–5 degrees nose up
Clean configuration stall, after TOGA, 5 up, next step is?
Setup for TAKEOFF configuration stall?
170 kias, flaps 12, gear down
thrust idle, maintain altitude
Recovery for TAKEOFF configuration stall?
TOGA, 5 nose up, level wings
Vsec, PNF-“positive rate”, PF-“Gear up”
PNF-“V2+20 knots”, PF- “Flaps up”
Setup for landing configuration stall?
170, flaps full, gear down.
maintain altitude
Recovery for LANDING configuration stall?
PF- “TOGA, Flaps 20”, PNF- “TOGA checked”, 5 nose up, Vsec.
PNF- “Positive Rate”, PF- “Gear up”
PNF- “Vref +10”, PF- “Flaps 12”
PNF- “Vref+30”, PF- “Flaps up”
On takeoff after an engine failure (V1 cut), after the PNF calls “positive rate” the PF will _________.
Say; “GEAR UP, FLCH” and maintain V2.
On an engine failure on takeoff (V1 cut), after the PNF calls; “ACCELERATION HEIGHT”, the PF will ____________.
Call; “SET Vsec”
On an engine failure on takeoff (V1 cut), after the PNF calls; “Vsec”, the PF will ___________.
Call “Flaps up, after takeoff checks”
After reaching reaching ACCEL HEIGHT and bugging Vsec on a SE missed approach, the PNF is watching _______.
The airspeed to call; “Vref+20”