Professional Responsibility Flashcards
Commitment to client
Conflicts of interest
Who can practice law in VA?
Attorneys licensed in VA. Those not licensed can’t rep VA citizens but may appear in court at any time with VA co-counsel as long as they are licensed in some state.
Who are foreign lawyers?
Somebody licensed by another state or foreign lawyer who has not been disbarred.
What are the prohibitions on foreign lawyers?
Can’t establish office in VA, can’t do continuous practice in VA, can’t say you’re a VA lawyer.
If you are a foreign lawyer, what disclosures must you make?
Must inform client and interested parties that you aren’t admitted in VA, where you are admitted, and address in jurisdiction where you are admitted.
What are the safe harbors for foreign lawyers practicing in VA?
1) Appear w/ VA co-counsel; 2) if in proceeding and authorized by law or order or reasonably expect to be, fine; 3) Arbitrator or mediator or alt dispute resolution can rep client if matter came out of or arose in own jur; 4) if related to representation in own state, may continue to represent out of state.
Can you contract around ethical rules?
No. Moreover, rules cannot be challenged as inapplicable.
What are the procedures for bringing a claim?
Complaint filed with VA State Bar, which investigates the complaint and gives notice to the accused attorney if cause is found. Hrg held w/ right to confront accuser, but accused cannot resign to avoid discipline. If a violation is found, accused atty can appeal decision in state court.
What are the possible sanctions for an attorney?
Disbarment, suspension, reprimand, fines, restitution, limit practice, required CLEs, forced entry in a drug rehab program, retake the bar.
What if criminal and ethical charges are brought but the crim charges are dropped?
Charges of ethical violations may proceed. Sanctions may follow.
What are the obligations of a VA attorney’s duty to report ethical violations?
Must report violations of other attorneys if violations raise a substantial question as to such attorney’s honest or fitness to practice law.
What are the exceptions to the duty to report other attorneys’ ethical violations?
The violating attorney is your client, you are helping people on state bar substance abuse committee, or you hear about the violations from a client (confidentiality-can’t tell unless you get specific permission).
Are law firms subject to VA professional standards?
Individual attorneys only are the subject of ethical regulation and individuals will be sanctioned, but some specific rules relate to firms.
Can law firms restrict the right of a departing attorney to practice law after termination?
Covenants not to compete are impermissible.
Can firms/attorneys use legal services plans?
Not if that entity uses deceptive ads or solicitation. Issue is whether lawyer can exercise independent judgment.
What other rules apply to firms?
Rules prohibiting false advertising, misleading letterhead, or hiring a lawyer whose license has been revoked, apply.
How does the right to counsel relate to A’s ethical obligations?
Aspirational duty to provide legal services to the poor. Also, if a C refuses to pay a bill, withdrawal isn’t permitted if it would materially prejudice the C.
What are the restrictions on non-lawyers practicing law?
Practice of law by non-As prohibited. Also a violation to aid and abet the unauthorized practice of law via fee splitting w/ a client who preps legal documents.
What is Rule 5.4 fee-splitting with non-attorneys?
Generally prohibited except 1) may pay fees you have collected to widow of deceased attorney at firm and 2) may have retirement/savings plan for non-lawyer employees.
What about the multi-disciplinary practice of law?
Rule 5.4b. You may not form a partnership with a non-lawyer if the partnership business relates to the practice of law.
Can you hire a lawyer whose license is revoked?
Rule 5.5. Hiring such a lawyer as a law clerk or paralegal is aiding the unauthorized practice of law IF the non-lawyer used to work for you OR if you represent his or her previous clients.
Are lawyers permitted to advertise?
Under modern rules, yes. So long as ads are not false or misleading. They must be accurate as to the services offered, the attorney’s level of experience, and the fee schedule.
What must the ad include?
The name and address of the responsible attorney. TV and radio ads must be clear that they are ads. Rule 7.1.
Is solicitation allowed in VA?
Yes. Only jur to allow this. Prohibited if what you say is false or coercive. Can’t threaten, promise results to, harass, confuse, or take advantage of a potential client who is ill or under the influence of drugs. TEST: if no pressure, harassment, or confusion, OK.
Can you pay someone to recommend your services?
No. Unless it is payment for advertising, payment to legal services plan or non-profit or qualified referral service, payment to buy a law practice, or a nominal gift of gratitude.
May attorneys write letters to get business?
Yes. As long as they aren’t misleading or deceptive. Must ID as “advertising material.” Cannot hold oneself out as a specialist.
What money may a lawyer spend to advance a client’s case?
COSTS OF LITIGATION. 1) Court costs and filing fees, 2) investigation costs, 3) W costs, and 4) medical exams for trial. Client is responsible for repayment. No advancement of living fees, but loans may be okay if C must repay no matter how the case comes out.
What if a legal services organization refers a C to you?
Fine, but you must retain independent professional judgment.
What if a C wants to engage in frivolous litigation?
Can’t take a case if C’s sole purpose is to harass or injure another party. Can’t file a claim or assert a defense that is not supported by existing law (or a GF change/extension of law).
What can an A do with respect to criminal matters?
A can’t threaten criminal prosecution to help a client or gain an advantage in a civil matter. If you are a crim defense A, not frivolous to introduce all possible defenses.
What if you meet with someone but an A-C relationship does not develop?
There is still a duty of confidentiality. You cannot use any info you received against the client i.e. can’t rep opposing party.
What is the duty of competence?
If you take on representation of C, you must know the rules of procedure, applicable law, and investigate the facts. It is an ethical violation to neglect a matter or to fail to do adequate research.
Before taking a case, what must A determine with regard to his ability?
Capable of handling matter w/o months of research in an unfamiliar area. Must refer to someone competent if this is the case.
What A’s diligence requirements?
Competence implies efficiency, timeliness, and keeping in touch with the C. A must defer to C’s decisions and consult with C regarding objectives.
What are A’s obligations with respect to settlement offer?
Always report them to C and let C decide.
Are A-C contracts required?
No. Unless there’s a contingency fee, which must be in writing and explain how the fee will be calculated. If K, it can’t limit malpractice liability.
What are acceptable compensation arrangements?
Fee must be reasonable and client must understand how he or she will be billed.
When is a contingency fee appropriate/not appropriate?
If no risk of losing a case, no contingency fee. Never appropriate in criminal cases, and rarely appropriate in domestic cases (divorce, but okay in alimony, back payment cases). Most common in personal injury claims.
What if A is fired from a case w/ a contingency fee arrangement?
Awarded fees on a quantum meruit basis if client obtains a judgment.
What fees given to attorneys in advance of case are/aren’t refundable?
Advance deposits are refundable to the extent they aren’t drawn down; retainers aren’t since they are earned for being available.
When may a fee be split between two attorneys?
If C wants two attorneys, fee sharing allowed. As don’t have to do equal work, which allows a back-door referral fee.
What are an attorney’s roles in his relationship with client?
Agent, fiduciary, trustee
What is the lawyer’s role as an agent?
Ability to bind C, so must show up at trial and file docs on time. Need to explain what’s happening and let C make informed decisions unless C asking for unethical behavior.
What is the lawyer’s role as a fiduciary?
Can’t use C’s money or knowledge about C to your advantage or to C’s advantage. Can’t take or keep a case if you have so much interest in outcome that it may affect independent professional judgment.
What is the lawyer’s role as a trustee?
No commingling of your funds with C’s even if no harm is done. Keep scrupulous records.
When A represents a corporation, who is A representing?
The corporation itself. Not the BOD, SHs, officers, or employees. You do have a duty to advise these parties, but when a conflict develops between corp. and SH, must disclose the conflict.
When A represents a partnership, who is A representing?
Same as rules for corp. It is difficult to represent a partner and a partnership, and impossible once a conflict develops. You have to disclose this at the outset.
What is the difference between privileged information and confidential information?
A-C privilege is the evidentiary rule that is much more narrow than A’s duty of confidentiality which covers any info the C expects will remain private or that would embarrass/harm C.
When does the duty of confidentiality end?
What are the limits on the duty of confidentiality?
May reveal what C allows you to; may reveal under court order; may reveal C’s fraud on 3d party; must reveal C intent to commit all crime in VA; must reveal C’s fraud on tribunal in civil law.
What if C wants to perjure self?
A should try to dissuade. If this fails, A should withdraw. If withdraw not allowed, perjury should be revealed.
You cannot use false evidence, make false statements, or assist a C in wrongdoing, but if this happens, what are your options?
Mere suspicion isn’t enough to create a duty. Past fraud on the tribunal must be revealed; past fraud on 3d party may be revealed; present involvement in fraud requires withdrawal; future intent to commit crime must be revealed.
What is the attorney exception to confidentiality?
May reveal to establish the reasonableness of the fee and to defend self from wrongdoing.
What are the three types of conflicts of interest?
(1) A conflict with C interest; (2) A reps 2 Cs with different interests; (2) A reps a C w/ contrary interest to former C.
What is the rule with A-C conflict of interest?
A should not let his or her own interests interfere with C’s interests. Rule 1.7. EX: contingency fee arrangement may make you want to settle but C doesn’t want to. (Note: this is what the living expenses prohibition is based on.)
What if C wants to leave A a gift in will?
There are limits on personal business relationships with clients. You cannot draft a will that gives you a gift from C, and this conflict is imputed to your entire firm. You can be the executor of C’s will but this isn’t a great option.
Can A start a JV with C?
Yes. But if C wants A to represent the JV, must make sure it’s fair and disclose all potential problems. Must get new A if C + A start fighting.
What if A sets up a trust for his wife but then misuses the funds?
Doesn’t matter that A is taking advantage of his wife. What matters is that this is wrong.
Can A be a W in C’s case?
Generally no. If you know you are a W, you should either not take the case or withdraw. Can get around the prohibition if it would case “serious hardship” to C.
When may A be a W in C’s case?
A may testify about “mere formalities” i.e. own legal fees or other non-controversial matters where there is no opposing W.
What if actual conflict of interest exists between A and C and A wants to be a W?
If A becomes an adverse W, conflict is imputed to A’s entire firm. Total prohibition on being a W hostile to C’s interest.
What are the rules about As as Ws getting at?
Conflict between A wanting to stay on and get paid versus C’s desire of best representation. Don’t want jury to discredit Ws because think you’re advocating.
What is the rule about A signing a book deal on C’s case?
A criminal defense A should not sign a book deal during representation of a famous criminal because of the risk that the attorney may choose to make the book exciting rather than serving the C’s best interests.
What are the two possible ethical problems when Cs have conflicting interests?
Duties of loyalty and confidentiality make it difficult to represent Cs with conflicting interests.
What should A do if there’s potential conflict between Cs?
Ensure you will be able to exercise independent judgment on behalf of each C. You must 1) disclose potential conflicts and 2) get both Cs to consent. If actual conflict develops, you need to withdraw from rep of one or both Cs.
What are we trying to protect against when A reps Cs with potentially conflicting interests?
Don’t want A’s “knowing to much” to give unfair advantage. The line that cannot be crossed is you cannot represent parties making adverse claims against one another, and don’t want A taking advantage of unrepresented person he knows a lot about.
Can Ps in a tort suit share an A?
Generally no because passenger allowed to sue the driver. We also have problems if settlement offers differ and 1P wants to settle but the other doesn’t.
Can co-Ds share A?
No. Why? Possibility that Ds may each claim the other was the primary offender.
What if 2 Cs want A to provide non-partisan advice?
A should disclose the potential conflict and withdraw if A decides each needs independent counsel, but generally, A may act as 3d party neutral or a mediator.
If a conflict between Cs comes up, what should you discuss?
No confidences, no catering to individual needs, who is being taken advantage of, and whether anyone gets an unfair edge.
What is the rule about payment of fees by a third party?
You must disclose to your client any fees paid by a 3d party, get the C’s consent to the arrangement, and refuse to let the 3d party influence your independent professional judgment. MUST HAVE CONTACT WITH THE PERSON WHO IS ACTUALLY YOUR CLIENT.
What is the rule about conflicts between a former C and current C?
You cannot represent a new C in the same matter in which to represented a former C, or in a matter SUBSTANTIALLY RELATED to the prior matter if the interest of the new C is MATERIALLY ADVERSE to the interest of the former C, unless the former C consents.
If there is a conflict between former C and current C, what is the problem?
Confidential info and gaining an improper edge. Entire firm will be conflicted out.
Can prosecutor represent D in a related civil case?
Not if appeals are still ongoing in the criminal case, but yes if the criminal prosecution is totally over.
In matters of wills, if A wrote the will for a deceased, can A represent the person challenging the will?
NO. Cannot go against your own previous work.
What if government attorneys and judges enter private practice? How do we deal with their conflicts?
They cannot take on matters on which they worked, but the law firm they join can screen them off and will not be conflicted out.
What if an A changes firms and the new firm may have a conflict?
If A worked on the relevant matter and had access to confidential info, the new firm is conflicted out. The firm that A leaves is not prohibited from representing Cs adverse to Cs of departing attorney if no one in the old firm has confidential info.
What is zeal?
It implies diligent representation and competence. Need to be capable of representing C w/o unreasonable delay or expense. Must keep client informed and involved.
Can A interview a W that A knows the other side will use?
Yes. A needs to do this. Doesn’t matter if you tell other side about this or not.
What does zeal w/in the bounds of the law mean?
A can’t get involved w/ a fraudulent C or bring a frivolous lawsuit. Withdraw if C asks you to do unethical or illegal things, but ensure C isn’t prejudiced by withdrawal (and may need court’s permission).
Can you be zealous and have a conflict?
Possibly. If you can’t be zealous because of personal values or client is distasteful, you must withdraw. Hard to do if you’ve already done a lot of work.
What are the roles of a lawyer?
Negotiator, lobbyist and advocate?
What are the obligations when A is being a negotiator?
Can’t lie in negotiation about the facts or law or strength of C’s case. Can’t reveal confidences and secrets, but can’t participate in a fraud either.
What are the obligations when A is being a lobbyist?
Can’t imply to C that you are able to influence a legislator or other public official (or judge).
What are the 11 limits on advocacy that mediate zeal?
1) Can’t LIE or advise client to lie; 2) no trickery i.e. W or doc manipulation or abuse process; 3) must be honest w/ court and opposing Cs; 4) not allowed to media to influence trial; 5) Restrictions on talking to adverse party; 6) can’t allow C to lie/mislead court; 7) must reveal adverse in jur legal authority that is directly adverse to claim or defense; 8) must avoid personal opinions on facts, Ws, or proper outcomes unless you are a W; 9) can’t harass/influence jurors; 10) can’t manipulate Ws; 11) special rules for prosecutors.
Who can you not talk to on the other side if you are A?
A person in the control group of your adverse party company (i.e. company president, low level employee = okay). You cannot say you will/can protect the people who talk to you though.
What is the standard for prohibited use of the media?
Whether a statement will have a substantial likelihood of interfering with the fairness of a jury trial.
What information can a prosecutor give the press?
Name of D, but nothing that may prejudice the case like info, previous arrests, etc.
What are the rules about contact with another party?
A can’t talk to a represented party unless his lawyer is present or consents (unless C is seeking 2d opinion or replacement counsel). If opposing party isn’t represented, A may not appear impartial or give advice.
When can A speak to jurors?
ONLY after trial in a proper and dignified manner w/o embarrassing them to find out if there was reversible error in deliberations.
What may A do with respect to Ws?
Pay travel expenses and a modest fee (lost wages). Can also request non-C refrain from giving info if non-C is a relative or employee of C. BUT can’t induce W to testify in a certain way (i.e. no contingency fees).
What are the special rules for prosecutors?
Zeal mediated by higher duty to ensure justice is done, so P must reveal all evidence and Ws that might help D. May not bring doubtful cases or try to get D to waive rights or discourage Ws from testifying on behalf of D.
May a prosecutor advise law enforcement officers regarding obtaining statements?
VA rules recently amended to allow this. Prosecutor can give advice about the legality of an interview w/ a D who waives right to have counsel present, but the prosecutor can’t send the police in to do what P could not i.e. script or mastermind the interview.
When must A withdraw from the representation of C?
1) A is about to break the law or commit an ethics violation; 2) physically or mentally unable to represent C; 3) C fires you.
When may A withdraw from representation of C?
1) A can withdraw w/o material prejudice to C; 2) C is constantly breaking the law; 3) C not doing what you tell him or not paying you; 4) C placing unreasonable financial burden on you or your firm.
When must you seek a judge’s permission to withdraw?
Once in trial, must have permission to withdraw.
What must you do if you withdraw?
Take all reasonable steps to protect C i.e. returning docs, cooperating with new C, etc.
What may a lawyer not do with respect to a judge?
Give gifts or loan money because of the appearance of influence. Can’t talk to a judge ex parte and any written communications must be copied to opposing counsel.
What if A leaves private practice to become a judge or public official?
May not use position to get special advantages for previous Cs or let them influence you.
What are a judge’s obligations?
Have integrity and impartiality, and conduct must promote public confidence in the judiciary. Can’t be influenced by social relationships or favor certain attorneys or parties.
In court, what must judges do?
Avoid ex parte communications (though they may seek expert advice and talk to court employees); be fair and efficient; avoid public statements about a case; DQ selves if personal or financial interest; no accepting gifts; report income from all sources; avoid political causes (education and charity okay); not practice law or run for office.