Professional orientation and ethical practice Flashcards
Can you friend clients on social media?
No. Doing so goes beyond professional boundaries and do not follow clients online as this constitutes an invasion of their privacy. If the counselor has social media, the counselor should have separate professional and personal pages and make sure clients can discern the difference. Also never post information about clients on social media and never ask for assistance with a difficult client on linkedin forums.
What is a Tarasoff warning?
A Tarasoff warning is an exception to confidentiality when the counselor has reason to believe someone else may be harmed by a client – in that case, the counselor has a duty to warn. This can also apply to a medical situation if your client has a contagious life-threatening disease which could harm someone else.
Is it ethical to split fees?
No. Charging a set fee is ethical, though counselors should adjust fees if possible if they would cause financial hardship.
Can a counselor engage in bartering with a client?
Yes but if and only if the practice will not cause harm or exploitation. When bartering, one should take into account a written contract and cultural considerations.
Can counselors accept small gifts?
Yes, counselors may accept OR decline small gifts from a client. The ethical guidelines don’t stipulate precisely what constitutes a small gift but something like $20 or less – cultural factors and client rationale should also be taken into account.
Can counselors use any theory?
No. Counselors must only use theories grounded in science and research. If using a developing theory, this should be shared w/the client in an informed consent disclosure statement.
Can counselors use conversion or reparative therapies to change sexual orientation?
Can counsels discriminate based on sexual identity or gender identity?
No. A counselor can refer a client due to lack of knowledge but not because of personal values.
what should be in a distance counselor’s informed consent statement?
It should describe technology failure issues , response time, risks, time zones, and emergency protocol
What is required to store and use electronic storage?
Records stored in the cloud must be backed up and secure. It is also imperative that you explain to the client that you are using electronic storage procedures. You must also inform the client if a third party, such as computer-support staff, software vendors, or supervisors/colleagues could have access to their electronic file and of the risks of things like Wi-Fi connections, etc. Note that it is important for a counselor to encrypt their contact form page, though do not have to encrypt the entire contact form page. Public heath information (PHI) should always been encrypted.
How long must you wait after therapy to have a sexual or romantic relationship with a client, family member o a client, or the client’s romantic partner?
5 years. After 5 years, a written statement should be prepared to explain why the relationship would not hurt or exploit the former clients.
Can you refer a client to your own private practice when working for a school or counseling agency?
No. this is known as a self-referral and is not ethical
Can you evaluate current or former clients for legal/forensic purposes?
No. You cannot evaluate current or former clients and you cannot counsel individuals if you are evaluating them.
Should counselor educators provide advice related to the student’s career and opportunities?
Yes. And counselor educators should not take fees or payments for placing a student in a given setting. They should also recruit and attempt to retain a diverse faculty and student body.
What should happen if a counselor becomes incapacitated dies, closes the practice, or retires?
The counselor should have a plan in each of these situations. The plan relates to the client and the client records.
Does violating an ethical principle mean you are breaking the law?
No. legal liability can only be established by a court of law.
In a research study, who is responsible for ensuring the research is ethical?
The principal researcher has the ultimate responsibility for ethical research. Anyone else involved in the research is responsible for their own behavior.
Which group was most instrumental in opposing counselor licensure?
Psychologists. But now, psychologists, counselors, social workers, and related specialists often work together.
What is the NBCC?
In 982, the American Association for Counseling and Development (AACD) now known as the American Counseling Association (ACA) formed the National Bored for Certified Counselors (NBCC). IF you meet the educational/skill requirements and pass an exam, you can use the title of National Certified Counselor (NCC). The designation lasts for 5 years and the counselor must have 100 hours of CEUs.
What is the NCC?
The NCC, the National Certified Counselor, is a generic certificate for counselors. The word “generic” here means “general” or “referring to all types of counselors”.
You have to have the NCC in order to secure specialty certificates such as the CCMHC and the NCSC. Also, just because you are certified does not mean you can call yourself a licensed counselor. National certifications (like the NCC) can be used nationally but licenses are state specific and are conferred by the individual state and not the federal government.
What is the counseling ethic or law termed “scope of practice”?
The scope of practice concept suggests that counselors should only practice using techniques for which they have been trained. This concept also implies that a counselor should not attempt to treat clients for which he or she has no training. State laws could stipulate you disclose your scope of practice to all potential clients.
What are ethics for counselors?
Standards of conduct imposed by the ACA (American Counseling Association) and NBCC (national board for certified counselors).
Note that:
- Ethics are not always synonymous with laws - so a counselor who is dating a client may lose his license but wouldn’t be arrested
- Ethics are not universal
What are most ethical dilemmas related to?
Confidentiality. Confidentiality implies that the counselor will not reveal anything about a client unless he or she is given specific authorization to do so.
When does confidentiality end?
Counselors have an obligation to protect the confidentiality of the dead and this must be stated clearly in your informed consent document.
People say that you can say nice things but that you must attempt to uphold what the client would have a wanted based on documentation. If it is not clear, then it should be kept private.
Can a counselor attend a funeral?
You would ask yourself whether ir might be beneficial, just as you would if you decided to attend a client’s wedding. If somebody approaches you at the funeral, you can say that you knew the deceased professionally.
What did the 1969 case Tarasoff v the Board of Regents of the University of California illuminate?
Tarasoff illuminated the duty to warn a client in imminent danger. This case is often cited as an example of a professional helper’s duty to warn a person of serious and foreseeable harm to him- or herself or to others. Note that the language is broad enough to include when a client with a terminal illness or who has no medical options wishes to end his or her life.
Basically, if another party needs to be contacted to prevent a dagngenours situation the counselor should ethically take this action even If it means violating confidentiality. Note that some states say that when there is a “clear or present danger” the counselor must make a report to a designated state agency within 24 hrs.
What is beneficence?
This means that the counselor is working for the good of the client or the group.
What is justice in the context of group counseling?
This typically means that the counselor treats all members fairly.
What is nonmaleficence?
This means that the counselor will do no harm.
What is defamation?
This describes behavior that can damage one’s reputation. Defamation is known as libel if it is written and slander if the defamation refers to verbal remarks.
What do state laws govern?
- title and useage practice
- counselor licensure
- psychologist licensure
- involuntary commitment to state psychiatric facilities
Note that state laws do not govern accreditation. Accreditation is not the law. Accredifation is the process whereby an agency or school meets certain standards and qualifications set forth by an association or accrediting organization. Accreditation applies to programs not individuals.
What could a statement of disclosure include?
- The counselor’s qualifications, office hours, and billing policies
- Emergency procedures and therapy techniques utilized
- A statement that confidentiality is desirable but cannot be guaranteed in a group setting
Some states require a statement of disclosure be given to all potential clients. The procedure of giving the client the document and having him or her read and sign it is sometimes referred to as informed consent.
What is privileged communication?
privileged communication is a legal term that implies that a therapeutic interaction (verbal or written) will not be available for public inspection. A counselor-client relationship protected by privileged communication is one in which the client (not the counselor) can choose not to have confidential information revealed during a legal proceeding. The client is the holder of the privilege.
However, laws are unclear and may vary from state-to-state.
When does privileged communication NOT apply?
Privileged communication is not applicable in cases of:
- child abuse, neglect, or exploitation
- suicide or homicide threats
- criminal intentions
- clients in dire need of hospitalization
- cases where a counselor is the victim of a malpractice lawsuit
- With minors (though their legal guardians generally hold the privilege) or those who are mentally incompetent
What does it mean to state that privileged communication is “qualified”?
This means that exceptions may exist to the privilege.
Note that privileged communication is based on licensure status, not one’s graduate degree or certification credentials.
What would happen if you are a counselor in a state that does not legal support privileged communication and you refuse to testify in court?
You would be held in contempt of court. In this case, your client would not have the privilege to say no if. you are asked to testify.
When must counselors report something to the authorities
Counselors are mandated reporters for child abuse. It is legal and ethical to break confidentiality – reporting child abuse is the law. There may be a legal penalty for failure to report child abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Generally, counselors report incidents via the state child abuse hotline.
What are the exceptions or limitations to maintaining confidentiality?
- Client is a danger to self or others
- client requests a release of information
- a court orders a release of information
- the counselor is engaged in a systematic supervision process
- clerical assistants who process client info and papers
- legal and clinical consultation situations
- client raises the issue of counselor’s competence in malpractice lawsuit
- client is under 18 (if client is a minor, a parent or guardian can demand info be disclosed that was revealed during session)
- an elderly person is abused
- an insurance company or managed care company requests a diagnosis and/or relevant clinical info
Are counselors always mandated reporters?
Counselors are only mandated reporters while they are performing professional duties.
Who does the Tarasoff case say you should warn?
The potential victim. Professionals generally adhere to the principle of minimal disclosure which suggests you should reveal only what is necessary. Tarasoff is controversial. It could also be appropriate to tell a supervisor, administrator, or board member.
Should an NCC counselor release test scores when legally ordered to?
Yes. You must turn over the test records complete with the test scores. In general, normally you would not turn over records without the client’s consent EXCEPT when:
- There is clear ir imminent danger?
- When legally required to do so by a government agency or court order
What is aspirational ethics?
This means that a practitioner adheres to the highest possible ethical standards.
What was one main impetus for counselor licensing?
Psychology licensure bodies sought to restrict the practice of counselors so counselors could not received third party payments from insurance and managed care companies. Most counselors were not able to be licensed as psychologists, so licensing for counselors was needed as psychologists attained licensing and had somewhat of a monopoly on non-medical treatment services.
Can a counselor with a graduate degree become a licensed psychologist?
No. In nearly every case, individuals trained in counseling departments would not be allowed to sit for the EPPP (examination for professional practice in psychology) and thus could not become licensed psychologists. The individual would need a psychology degree, not a counseling degree.
What does it mean to be a licensed counseling psychologist?
This means you have a graduate degree from a psychology program – the term psychology can only be used if the helper is a licensed psychologist, even if the person specializes in counseling.
Psychologists also wish to eliminate practitioners with a degree lower than a doctorate.
What is CACREP?
CACREP is the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, which is ACA’s accrediting agency.
What can NBCC do if they feel you have violated professional ethics?
- Remove your name from the list of NCCs in the US
- Revoke your NCC status
- Note in their newsletter that your NCC status was revoked.
Key point: certification is not the same as licensing. The NBCC cannot revoke your state counseling license and a certified therapist cannot legally use the title “counselor” unless he or she is licensed by the state. A counseling license is granted by the state government – but you must be certified to call yourself a certified counselor (though could call yourself a professional counselor regardless).
What is an impaired professional?
This is someone who might have deteriorated in their ability to function as a counselor (I.e. a counselor who is an alcoholic and suffering from burnout).
Should you treat someone with an issue that you do not have background in?
No. You should refer this client to a colleague who is trained and experienced with this type of client.
What was the AGPA (now ACA) division most instrumental in pushing for licensing?
The ACES (American Counselor Education and Supervision).
What is the challenge with sliding scale fees?
It is difficult to administer them in a fair manner. Sliding fee scales are quite popular and are legal and ethical but sometimes hard to distribute.
What is the procedure for a client who wants his records sent to the psychiatrist he’s seeing?
The client must first sign a dated release of information form that stipulates whether the information can be released once or what period of time it can be released – and then you can send it over.
If your agency didn’t collect the information you must have a release form to send it. (so if you got a record for somewhere else, you cannot send it on. The other person has to get it from the original source). The release of information can also be called consent to disclose or transfer records.
Can you record or observe a session?
Only with permission from the client.
How does license transfer work if you relocate to another state?
Some states have reciprocity or endorsement – in those cases, you can practice in the new state based on your current credentials without taking another exam. Some states do not grant reciprocity, though the profession (especially CACREP) is working to increase portability.
What is the Buckley Amendment or the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?
This act stated that parents can see their children’s school records and college students can view their own records. This act applied to educational files rather than counseling files, but most agencies and ethical bodies carotid procedures so clients can view their own records.
But in order to abide by FERPA, school counselors have to keep their counseling notes separate from the rest of the student’s files and make sure teachers don’t have access.
What are a CRC and an MAC?
CRC: A Certified Rehabilitation Counselor.
MAC: MAster addictions counselor (certification specialty of NBCC)
What is a registry?
A registry is a list of providers. A person whose name is included in a state counseling registry can sometimes use the title “registered professional counselor” or RPC.
What is abandonment?
Abandonment is when a counselor stops providing services and does not refer the client to another helper.
What is a multiple relationship?
Multiple or dual relationships are prevented by ethical codes BUT this is becoming more humanistic. ACA dropped the term “dual relationships” from their ethical guidelines because they felt that in some instances, a relationship could be beneficial (I.e. attending a graduation, visiting in a hospital. In the newer 2014 ACA codes, the phase “non counseling roles and relationships” is used and the counselor must include in notes why such action would be beneficial. The counselor should also discuss any potential benefits or harm.
Sexual or romantic activity is still unethical.
What is a dual or multiple relationship?
This is when a counselor has another significant relationship with a client that hinders objectivity (I.e. your client is also your cousin). A dual relationship also exists if a supervisor accepts a subordinate or administrator as a client. If you have had a prior sexual or romantic relationship with someone, you should not be their therapist.
What are the continuing education requirements for NCC?
NCCs need 100 hours of professional development during a 5-year period – or they have to take the NCE again to become re-certified.
What should you do if you are sexually attracted to a client?
This is a typical manifestation of countertransference. If the sexual attraction is hindering the counseling process, you should explain this to the client and refer the client to another provider. IF the attraction is not hindering the treatment practice, the plan of action should be personal therapy/supervision for the counselor. Note that the person should not discuss the attraction with the client prior to the point of it interfering with treatment.
According to NBCC code, even one inappropriate behavior on the part of the helper is considered sexual harassment.
What could happen if you are sexually involved with a client?
- some states will revoke your license (even if it occurs outside of the session and the client has consented)
- a malpractice or liability insurance company is least likely to defend you - -and most insurance companies will cancel the insurance and the possibility of finding another company to insure the counselor is very difficult
- This is considered illegal in most areas of the country
When can you ethically engage in a sexual or romantic relationship with a client?
According to the NBCC, you must wait 2 years after terminating the counseling relationship and you must be able to document that the relationship is not exploitative in nature. According to the ACA, you must wait 5 years.
What is Computer Managed Counseling (CMC)?
This is when a computer helps mange your practice – this would be using a computer for things like bookkeeping, client scheduling, printing billing statements, compiling referral sources.
What is Computer-assisted counseling (CAC)?
This is like having a counseling “assistant” do the counseling or you – so a computer program that attempts to counsel clients is an example of CAC in action. CAC is controversial and most experts agree computers can never provide the compassion of a human doing counseling.
Can being a research subject be a required part of student coursework?
No. Participation or lack thereof cannot impact a student’s academic standing. And you cannot stipulate that client participate in a study in order to receive counseling services.
Can you supervise a relative?
No. NBCC ethics say you cannot supervise a relative.
What style-guide should counseling journals adhere to?
APA style.
What is a multiple submission?
This is a violation of ethics that occurs when a journal article is submitted to more than one journal at a time.
What is negligence?
This is when a counselor neglects to perform a required behavior – for example, I a 16-year old threatens to kill herself and you fail to inform the parents.
What are stereotyping and discrimination?
- stereotyping: when a counselor views all people of a given classification in a biased manner (I.e. women aren’t assertive enough to be managers)
- discrimination: The practice of not treating all clients in an squal manner especially due to religious, racial, ethic, sexual, or cultural prejudice.
What does ethics say about people in leadership roles using their names to advertise counseling?
This is unethical. People who hold leadership roles should not allow their names to be used in professional notices (ads, etc) when they are not practicing counseling unless this is clearly stated in the practices’s literature.
What is misrepresentation?
Misrepresentation is if you agree to provide services that you do not have adequate training in.
Can you terminate a client for not paying a bill in a timely manner?
Yes, but you must reveal this policy to the client in the initial disclosure statement.
Can you use experimental treatment strategies?
It could be ethical as long as you explain it to the client and the client agrees. Clients must clearly inform clients of the goals, purposes, and techniques utilized.
Are paradoxical interventions useful in all cases?
Paradoxical interventions, in which a client is told to exaggerate a symptom, are contraindicated in cases with suicidal or homicidal clients.
Is bartering ethical?
The practice of bartering is discouraged – particularly when what the item being bartered could impact the counselor’s objectivity (I.e. if you do some work for me, I’ll give you counseling for free – what about if the work isn’t done well, etc).
Currently ethics allows the practice of bartering if the client requests it, a written contract is dated, it does not result in any harm, and the relationship is not exploitative.
What must ethically happen before admitting any clients to a therapy group?
They must be screened.
What is minimal disclosure?
This means that if you must break confidentiality, you must reveal only what is necessary (I.e. a minimal amount) and when possible inform the client that you are going to disclose confidential information.
How do you approach client communication on the topic if your agency uses a collection agency when clients don’t pay bills?
You must inform the client before the counseling begins. The ethical principle of informed consent dictates that the counselor should give the client this information upfront.
Can you submit an article to multiple journals at once?
No. Counselors must submit manuscripts for consideration to only one journal at a time. In our field, multiple or duplicate submissions are unethical in relation to journal articles. Note that once the article is published, you may not have it published elsewhere without the permission of the first publisher.
What is consultation?
Consultation is a voluntary relationship between a professional helper and a help-needing individual, group, or social unit in which the consultants helps define or solve problems related to clients, the client system, or work-related issues. Ethically, the consulting relationship must encourage growth and self-direction for the consult and the consultant must not become a decision maker for clients or create a dependent relationship. In most instances, consultation services do not go on as long as supervision services.
Traditionally which type of counseling has caused the most ethical concerns?
Behavioral therapy. The concern has been that behavioral therapists can control, manipulate, and shape behavior. Is it ethical, for example, to use aversive conditioning like electrical shocks, drugs, or paralysis to eliminate smoking, alcoholism and gambling? Some clients in token economy behavior modification systems have questioned the legality of using contingencies in the form of reinforcement to get them to talk, work, behave, dress, or interact in certain ways.
What are third party payments?
Third party payments basically mean insurance payments, Note that third-party payments often do not cover the entire counseling fee. When a client pays for a portion of the service, it is known as a copayment.
How many digits do DSM diagnostic codes have?
DSM diagnostic codes have 4 or 5 digits. The decimal point always comes after the first 3 digits. On occasion, the first digit can be a letter, like in v-code diagnoses (regular life stuff vs. psychological diagnoses). For example:
- 300.9 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- 305.50 Opiod use disorder.
- V62.3 Academic or educational problem.
Note that a single code can represent multiple conditions, so it is imperative that you list the name of the condition in the client’s chart or medical record.
What is the ethical thing to do if you learn of a client’s past criminal actions?
As long as there is no reason to believe the client will harm himself or anyone else in the future (so not covered by Tarasoff), you should keep it confidential. This is what is considered ethical – though it’s possible the state’s laws say otherwise.
What are v-code diagnoses
Essentially v-code diagnoses are what the average person might considered day-to-day problems rather than a psychiatric or psychological difficulty. So, for example, acculturate problem occupational problem, academic problem, malingering (avoiding life’s work or duties by intentionally exaggerating or feigning physical symptoms or illness), parent-child problems, noncompliance with medical treatment, other interpersonal problems, phase of life or circumstance problems (I.e. divorce)
What is Narcan or Naloxone?
Narcan/Naloxone is said to block the effects of opioids such as heroin and painkillers such as morphine, codeine, and oxycodone. Narcan has virtually no side effects and will not make someone high.
How is the type of mental health service provided to a client coded for things like insurance payments?
Insurance companies require that practitioners specify a CPT (AMA’s Current Procedural Terminology) code in addition to the ICD code on your billing statement. The CPT code will specify the exact nature of the treatment being utilized (I.e. psychotherapy, hypnosis, biofeedback, group psychotherapy, etc). The CPT code can also specify the length of the service unit such as “psychotherapy over 30 minutes”).
A superbly must include the client’s name, the date, the ICD code, the CPT code, and the prover’s name and license.
Can you pay someone a referral fee for sending a client over to them?
No. Counselors cannot ethically accept referral fees.
If you have written a textbook, can you use it for a course you are teaching?
Yes. Though it’s possible the school could have a policy against it.
What should an elementary school counselor do if a child taking a standardized test says he does not understand what a counselor is saying?
The counselor should repeat the question but speak more slowly. The counselor should always attempt to use the recommended wording because changing the wording could alter the impact of the test question, possibly confounding results.
What are the different kinds of consultation?
Mental health consultation occurs when a consultant works with a consultee regarding clients or adminiatrative/program issues.
- When the ultimate goal is to help the client, this is known as client-centered consultation.
- In consultee-centered consultation, the focus is on helping the consultee develop improved techniques or skills.
- A variation on this is known as consultee-centered administrative consultation in which your supervisor’s intention is to sharpen up your administrative skills.
- Program-centered administrative consultation is when the emphasis is on creating, designing, or evaluating the program in question.
These four basic types of mental health counseling have been proposed by Gerald Caplan and are the most popular paradigm of mental health consultation.
What is the doctor-patient consultation model?
This model, associated with the work of Schein, relies on 4 distinct stages: entry, diagnosis, implementation, and evaluation. In order for this structure to work, the consultee must accurately depict symptomology, trust the consultant’s diagnosis, and carry out the consultant’s directives.
Consultants can choose to focus on process or content.
What are the leading causes of malpractice actions taken against counselors, therapists, and mental health providers?
Confidentiality and dual relationships. Sexual issues also rank highly.
Note also that excessive self-disclosure on the part of the therapist can be considered malpractice. If it doesn’t help the client and is seemingly intended to help the counselor, then it is inappropriate.
Can you ask a client for testimonials?
No. Ethics guidelines clearly state that the counselor should not solicit testimonials from clients.
Should you consult colleagues while dealing with a complex ethical situation?
Yes. Legal standards and cases regarding malpractice suits are often decided by the behavior of your fellow professionals and it can be extremely useful to get a sense of if others agree with your plan. In malpractice cases, you are often judged by what your peers would do in the situation.
What should you do if you have attempted to help a client for over 2 years with no success?
You should terminate the relationship and initiate an appropriate referral. Ethical guidelines suggest that when a counselor feels he or she is unable to help a potential or existing client, then the relationship should either not be initiated or the existing one should be terminated. And in either case, the counselor is responsible for providing alternative referral sources to the client.
Even if the client insists that she has seen lots of other therapists and wants to see you, you are still not obligated to continue the relationship because you are acting in the best interest of the client.
Who were the first counselors in the US?
They were deans and advisors employed after the Civil War in college settings to watch over young women.
Who set up the first psychology laboratory?
Wilhelm Wundt in 1879 in Leipzig German. Wunde was convinced that psychology could be accepted as a science if consciousness could be measured.
What book spurred the popularization of counseling in 1931?
Workbook in Vocations by William Proctor. This book set the stage for the popularization of the word “counseling”. Prior to 1931, the word “guidance” was used for educational and vocational guidance.
What does the PL 94-142 (the Education for All Handicapped Children Act) state?
- All children between 5-21 are assured free education
- disabled people are placed in the least-restrictive environment (LRE)
- an individualized Education Plan (IEP) is developed for each child.
This act was passed in 1975.
What major trend had an impact on the counseling movement in the 1980s?
An emphasis on professionalism, certification, and licensing. Credentialing helped counseling become a separate and specific profession such as psychology or psychiatry. Although group work is still very popular, it emerged as a driving force for all of this in the 1970s.
Why did the APGA and the APA split their previously-joint ethics guidelines?
Because the APA did not wish to credential master’s level counselors or psychologists.
What area of psychological theory made great strides in the 1950s?
Developmental psychology. Piaget, Erikson, and Havinghurst were all very influential and, thanks to the work of Carl Rogers, counseling rather than testing also became the major focus for professionals.
Which counseling/therapy movement began in the late 1960s?
The group movement. Groups would remain popular in the 1970s. This was also a time in which there was a huge flood of new therapies, perhaps due to the upheaval in society in general. Gestalt, transactional analysis, primal scream therapy, encounter groups, marathon groups, and even naked encounter groups became popular.
What did C. Gilbert’s 1960s book The Counselor in a Changing World urge counselors to do?
To emphasize developmental concerns rather than merely focusing on crises and curing emotional illness. This 1962 APGA publication was an attempt to steer counseling away from merely providing remedial services to students.
What was one of the primary problems of counseling in he early 1960s?
In the early 1960s, counseling emphasized intrapsychic processes (internal processes) rather than acknowledging the major issues impacting people at the time including Vietnam, Civil Rights, and women’s issue
What is the significance of the 1958 National Defense Education Act (NDEA)?
It provided financial aid for graduate education in counseling, expanded school guidance services, improved guidance for gifted kids. It helped fund pilot programs and also helped counselors prepare to work with economically disadvantaged youth. The Act eventually helped all types of young people secure better counseling and guidance services.