Professional/ Legal Flashcards
How did the Reyes vs. School district of Denver case in 1969 affect ELLS?
parents sued school district of CO for sep but unequal education. This gave rights to Latinos that formerly just affected Black pop.
Lau vs. Nicols-
chinese speaking students vs. school district in SF. determined that federal funds must be provided to help non English speakers receive an equal educaiton
What was the equal educational opportunity act in 1974?
no state can deny access to equal education
How did Catenada vs. Packard affect learning for ELLS?
demandated a bilingual eduation requirement from the decade before it.
How did NCLB affect learning for ELLS?
LEP students must be placed in language instruction educaiton program. federal mandates. students need to be identified. students need to be evaluated and accountable- BUT states get to determine standards, and tests.
What was teh ESSA?
every student succeeds act of 2015- increase in funding. gave more acocuntability measures back to the states. ended assessments for content assessments. There were concerns about inclusivity attached to these.