Instruction Flashcards
What is the direct method/ natural method?
Second language should be acquired the same way as the first- exposure. Oral language is emphasized, but speech isn’t forced.
how students learn grammar in the natural method- they figure our rules through speaking and listening. (this is antiquated- most believe grammar needs explicit instruciton
Grammar translation method
a form of instruction where reading/ writing/ translating happens between first and second language. no emphasis on speech
audio-lingual method
used by military to communicate when abroad- teaches language through repeition. emphasize grammatical, structural patterns, vocab.
communicative approach
language acquisition comes from need to communicate real meaining
communicative competence-
knowledge of grammar and syntax, interpretation of social behaviors and also conversations, slang etc.
task based instruction-
student assigned, or choose a task with a clear objective and a measured outcome
TPR- total physical repsonse
students acquire lnaguage by listening to and following commands. LOTS of modeling to start.
The Silent Way
teacher speaks as little as possible. trnaslation, repetition and memorization are avoided
2 models for programs?
push in- team teahcing, small group instruction, one on one instruction
pull out- small group instruction, 1 on 1 instruction
sheltered instruction
separate class for EL learners with Grade level content. support for language instruction, AND GL content in self contained sheltered environment
What are the 6 cognitive strategies to explicitly teachkids?
comprehension strategies,
writing strategies
problem solving
reasoning (evidence, evaluate
self regulation
metacognitive (plan, thought journal, think aloud, self evaluate, debrief)
How can you activate prior knowledge?
vocab, graphic organizers, outlines, diagrams, brainstorm ideas about a topic/ content
What are discrete language skills?
teaching RULES- phonics, grammar, syntax
what are integrated language skills?
activities that allow students to practice and apply knowledge of different elements of language simultaneously
content based language instruction
using grade level content as base for instruction
task based instruction
give a TASK, but students need to use language in order to complete task- focus is not on LANGUAGE, but language is tool.
Whats the difference between authentic materials and semi authentic materials?
authentic- actual items, pamphlets, menus, tv etc. semi authentic are created with lesson in mind (helpful with lower level learners who need more supports)
What are the 6 different learning styles and why do they matter?
Kids learn in different ways- teach with those differences in mind so all students can thrive.
visual learners
auditory learners
tactile leaners (touching, manipulating objects)
kinesthetic learners
analytic leaners (details)
global leaners
What do you want to keep in mind when selecting materials?
Are they age appropriate? Are they level appropriate? Are they culturally appropriate?
objects and materials from everyday life (authentic materials)
when do students have an easier time learning second language?
2-12- before brain undergoes laterlization- brain starts to function as distinct halves durin puberty. (but after some literacy devleops in native language)
How can you motivate students?
be aware of affective domain, anchor charts, portfolios, constructive feedback, build independent learning skills