Processor Design Actuals (Pre-Midterm) Flashcards
DEFINE: The von Neumann Model.
The model of a computer as the interactive components of main memory, processing and storage.
What functions can a Turing machine compute, of all the functions in existence?
Any that can be computed mechanically.
What stages does the classic RISC pipeline have?
1) Fetch.
2) Decode.
3) Execute.
4) Memory.
5) Writeback.
What two major constraints does pipeline staging in processor design have to contend with?
1) Circuit timing, i.e. how to minimize delays, speed up the clock, keep processing order intact.
2) Memory Access Latency, i.e. the delay of querying main memory, outer caches.
Why aren’t there only three stages of processors, Fetch, Execute, and Memory?
The Execute step takes much too long, so it must be split up to speed up the clock.
In other words, the pipeline is unbalanced.
What is the goal of pipelining stages in the processor?
To parallelize the functions it performs, maximizing throughput.