Processes Of HR management Flashcards
What are the types of development a business can participate in?
Organisational development
Mentoring and coaching
Performance appraisal
What is the process of HR management?
- Acquisition
- identifying staffing needs
- recruitment
- selection - Development
- training
- development and performance management - Maintenanace
- monetary and non monetary benefits
- legal responsibilities - Seperation
- involuntary and voluntary
Explain the importance of development in HR process
Development programs ensure that experienced and talented staff are retained and enhances motivation and commitment to business. It enhances skills of employee through:
- further professional learning
- mentoring or coaching
- performance appraisal
How does an effective HR manager identify staffing needs of the business?
The HR would specifically identify needs through analysing internal environment such as business goals and external influences such as economic, social and legal influences.
Differentiate between recruitment selection and placement
Recruiting is the first step which refers to attracting right quality and quantity of staff to apply for employment
Selection involved gathering information through job design and job analysis to choose most appropriate applicant.
Placement involves locating the employee in a position that best utilizes the skill of the individual to meet the needs of the business
What would an employer utilize to introduce a new employee to the workforce?
Induction programs introducd a new employee to the workforce. It should give employee a positive attitude to job, builds employees confidence, establish working relationships and stresses policies.
What is the purpose of training staff?
Training seeks a long term change in employees skill, knowledge and attitudes and behaviour in order to improve work performance. Also allows multi skilled employees adapt to changing circumstances.
What are some strategies a business manager can utilize to help motivate and retain staff under organisational development?
Business manager may incooperate a flatter management structure for shared ideas, teamwork and improving efficiency. Strategies include:
Job enlargement - increasing breadth of tasks in a job
Job rotation - moving staff from one task to another over period of time
Job enrichment - increasing responsibilities of a staff member
Job sharing - two + people share same job
Differentiate between mentoring and coaching
Mentoring is usually mutual, rewardinf experience focused on building a personal relationship that encompasses the life experience of both parties.
Cosching is focused on improving skills and performance and managing work roles more efficiently.
Explain the role of performance appraisal
Performance appraisal is a systematic process of analysing and evaluating employee performance for strength, weakness and opportunities for development.
List the four main objectives of performance appraisal
- To provide feedback from management to employees regarding performance
- To act as a measurement against which promotion and pay rises can be determined
- To help monitor businesses employee selection
- To identify employees training and development needs
What are some tools used for performance appraial?
Essay evaluation
Ranking method
What is the purpose of maintenance in HR process
Focuses on process required to retain staff and manage their well being at work.
May be utilized through:
Communication and workplace culture
Employee participation
Business legal complying to legislations and acting in a corporate socially responsible manner
How may a business improve communication and workplace culture?
Regular team meetings
Social functions
Suggestion boxes
Staff surveys
What is an effective benefit to improve flexibility and attract retained staff?
Flexibility and family-friendly work areangements is an effective strategy to balance the life of employees. As well as flexible working hours, family leave, long term leaves etc
Define seperation
Seperation is where an employee leaves the business erher voluntarily or involuntarily.
List three types of voluntary and involuntary seperation
- resignation
- relocation
- voluntary redundancy
- contract expiry
- retrenchment
- dismissal
Define redundancy and retrenchment
Redundancy and retrenchment refers to employees losing their job where they are no longer needed.
Define dismissal
Dismissal occurs when an employee participates in gross or serious misconduct such as theft resulting in loss of job. Fair work australia determines if dismissal is fair. Can also occur due to poor performance or technological change.
Define unfair dismissal
Unfair dismissal occurs when an employee is dismissed by employer and action is believed to be harsh unreasonable or unjust.
When can an employee claim unfair dismissal?
When busines sis over 15 employees
Process of dismissal has not been carried out correctly such as written proof or interview with employee about alternative options and shows there was no other work avaliable.
List the 5 steps in an effective training program
Step 1 asses the needs of individual job and business
Step 2 determine objectives of training program job and individual
Step 3 consider internal and external influences. Internal such as attitude of employees and external such as government programs or support.
Step 4 determine process such as content of training program, learning principles, participants involved.
Step 5 evaluate training program with tests and surveys prior to after training such as customer complaints, benchmarking and accudent rates.