Problem 6 Flashcards
Why did scientific psychology expand as rapidly in the USA in the 20th century ?
While europe was crippled by 2 wars, USA became an economic superpower, investing in all types of sciences
- -> resulted in establishment of many laboratories
- -> foundation of APA
- -> initiation of important journals
What led to functionalism ?
Psychology changed to address concerns prevalent in american society
ex.: adaptation to the environment (eugenics), practical usefulness
Refers to a social philosophy claiming that the fate of a nation can be improved by selective breeding of its inhabitants
–> started with Galton
Positive Eugenics
Sought to improve society by encouraging people with desirable features to have more children
–> Galton
Negative Eugenics
Sought to improve society by preventing people with undesirable features from having more children/ entering the country
Gall + Spurzheim
View that an individuals personality could be deduced from his/her physical appearance, in particular from the head + face
- -> different function are controlled by different parts of the brain
- -> bigger parts are better developed
Refers to the act of putting someone into a mental state like sleep, in which a person’s thoughts can be easily influenced by someone else
View that the spirits of the dead could be contacted by mediums
Why was the impact of the “new psychology”, meaning psychology as a science, limited ?
The topics they talked about failed to capture the publics imagination to the same degree as phrenology, mesmerism + spiritualism
–> rather associated psychology with these three subjects
What led to an increased interest in animal behaviour, especially the similarities between human + animal behaviour ?
The evolutionary theory, meaning the writings of spencer + Darwin
Anthropomorphic interpretation
Interpreting behavior on animals by attributing human motives + human-like intelligence to them
- -> assumed animals have same reasoning processes as humans
- -> how animal behavior was studied initially
In which way did Thorndikes approach differ from the Anthropomorphic interpretation ?
- Observed in a controlled environment
- Based his conclusions on animals behaviour, objectively
- -> Law of effect
Law of effect
States that behaviours followed by positive consequences are strengthened + more likely to be repeated
Instrumental conditioning
Refers to learning on the basis of the law effect
–> called operant conditioning by Skinner
Thorndikes puzzle box
- Put hungry animals in a puzzle box
- Placed food outside of the box
- Animal could reach the food if it managed to solve the puzzle + open the door
ex. : pulling lever
–> time decreased, because animal will repeat behaviors that had been successful