pro noun Flashcards
1.The women demanded her right to live.
1.Which noun does the pronoun her refer to? Women. Now, women is the plural of woman. So, the pronoun used shall also be in the plural. Correct:The women demanded their right to live.
2.Sandhya was one of those Miss Universe contestantswho attributed her success to her parents.
2.The pronouns her and her both are associated with the relative pronoun who. Who refers to those and not one. So, the pronouns should be in plural. Correct:Sandhya was one of those Miss Universe contestants who attributed their success to their parents.
3.The army was rewarded for their overwhelmingsuccess in curbing terrorism.
3.The army is a group of soldiers. Since the group is being rewarded as a whole, it should take a singular pronoun. Correct:The army was rewarded for its overwhelming success ….
4.The comptroller and auditor-general gave their verdicton the scam.
4.As we know, the comptroller and auditor-general is one person. Note the use of the article the. It has been used only once. If the authorities were two separate persons, the usage would have been the comptroller and the auditor-general. But as it stands now, he is one person. So the pronoun should be singular. Correct:The comptroller and auditor-general gave his verdict on the scam.
5.Each book and each pen are costly in theirappearance.
“5.Remember the rule : ““When two singular nouns joined by and are preceded by each or every, the pronoun must be singular.”” And so should the verb. Correct:Each book and each pen is costly in its appearance.”
6.Either Kishan or Pradip has left behind their cap.
6.The sentence may be corrected even by applying common sense. Two men usually do not wear the same cap. So it cannot be their cap. It must belong to one of them. So, Correct:Either Kishan or Pradip has left behind his cap.
7.Either the principal or the students should beresponsible for the management of his school.
7.The school does not belong only to the principal. The students are also an integral part of the school. So it is their school too. We should use the plural which will take into account both. Correct:Either the principal or the students should be responsible for the management of their school.
8.He and I have done his duty.
“8.Apply the ““123 rule of joint pronouns””. Correct:He and I have done our duty.”
9.It was her who did the cooking.
9.The pronoun that follows a verb of incomplete predication is in the nominative case. Was is a form of be, a verb of incomplete predication. Correct:It was she who did the cooking.
10.Let we are the bidders at the auction.
10.10.Let us look at something very closely. Let him also see. Let her also see. Let them also see. See what? Well, if you look carefully at these sentences, you can notice that let is always followed by the objective case. So, not let we, but let us. Accordingly, the verb are also changes to be. So, Correct:Let us be the bidders at the auction.
11.I have contributed to the team as much as him.
11.As much as is a compound conjunction. So him is not the object to the preposition as. The objective case has to be changed to the nominative. So, Correct:I have contributed to the team as much as he. As much as thus joins the clauses I have contributed to the team and he (has contributed to the team). The words within brackets are understood.
12.Who was there but she to look after the family indistress?
12.But is obviously not a conjunction. If it were so, it would have joined clauses, but she to look after the family in distress does not contain a verb and hence cannot be a clause. This means but is a preposition meaning except. The word that follows but is, therefore, object to the preposition and should be in the objective case. Correct:Who was there but her to look after the family in distress?
13.My cow gives more milk than his.
13.The sentence is correct. At first sight, one may be led to think that since than is a conjunction comparing two clauses, it should be followed by the nominative (on the lines of 11). So it should be he, not his. But look at the fallacy we are committing. The sentence would then be My cow gives more milk than he (gives). Now, we are yet to enter the era of man’s milk! Actually, what follows than in the given sentence is the nominative itself. It will become clear if we write down the hidden words. My cow gives more milk than his (cow gives). Now, his cow is the nominative that follows than. Hence, correct.
14.The campus of the school is larger than the college.
14.We can compare two institutions, but not the campus of one and the other institution itself. So insert that for the campus of the college. Correct:The campus of the school is larger than that of the college.
15.You may be an editor or a reporter; this makes yousit, that makes you run.
15.It is common knowledge that the editor’s job is a sedentary (sitting) one. The reporter, on the other hand, has to run around collecting information. So, being an editor makes you sit. Being a reporter makes you run. Now, in such sentences as the given one, this refers to the thing last mentioned, that to the thing first mentioned. Correct:You may be an editor or a reporter; this makes you run, that makes you sit.
16.Each has their own grievances to give voice to.
16.The distributive pronoun each brings out the sense of the individual. Hence, singular. In case of sex not being specified, the masculine gender is used. So, Correct:Each has his own grievances to give voice to.
17.One should not forget what he was.
17.The anti-defection law of one forbids changes of convenience. Stick to one if you use it once. Correct:One should not forget what one was.
18.Anyone of the two ministers were not available forcomments.
18.When we talk of two only, either is used, not anyone. Also, either takes singular verb. Either of the two ministers was not available for comments. But for a better construction, the not in not available should be combined with either. So, Correct:Neither of the two ministers was available for comments.
19.Neither of the ways are easy to follow.
19.Distributive neither is singular. Correct:Neither of the ways is easy to follow.
20.The women performed puja each.
20.Each could have been thus used at the end if puja were considered as countable and the number of pujas mentioned. As it stands now, puja has been used simply as worship. Correct:Each of the women performed puja.
21.A house which rooms are spacious is what I want.
21.Which is not used in the possessive. It may either be whose this usage is now gaining currency, that is, coming more and more in vogue or use) or of which to convey the sense of the possessive. So, Correct:A house, the rooms of which are spacious, is what I want.
22.The way he tackles the answers should not be emulated.
“22.Use in which after the way (or the manner) in such sentences. Why? In order to understand this, let us split the sentence: He tackles the answers a certain way. That way should be emulated. Obviously, something is missing in the first sentence. It is the preposition in. It should be ““He tackles the answers in a certain way.”” So, Correct:The way in which he tackles the answers should not be emulated. Note: If not given for sentence correction, it is now acceptable to write: ““The way he tackles ….”””
23.It was the coldest day which we ever experienced.
23.That is preferred to which after the superlative (the coldest). So, Correct:It was the coldest day that we ever experienced.
24.He is the same man who was arrested yesterday.
24.The same should not be followed by who, but by that or as. Correct:He is the same man that (or as) was arrested yesterday.
25.That what cannot be cured must be endured.
25.What itself means that which. So, do not use that. Correct:What cannot be cured must be endured.
26.There is scarcely a schoolgoing child but does notlike television.
26.But in such sentences means who …. not. So, the given sentence would mean There is scarcely a schoolgoing child who does not not like (that is, likes) television. But it is common knowledge that most of the schoolgoing children like television. So, Correct:There is scarcely a schoolgoing child but likes television. This would mean There is scarcely a schoolgoing child who does not like television.
27.Mr Chakravarty with his luggage left the town whichwas heavy with clothes.
27.What was heavy with clothes? The luggage or the town? Obviously, the luggage. So, which was heavy with clothes should come immediately after luggage. Correct:Mr Chakravarty with his luggage, which was heavy with clothes, left the town.
28.You, who loves dining out, will never cook at home.
28.The relative pronoun who will be the same number and person as the antecedent you. Correct:You, who love dining out, will never cook at home.
29.It was a magnificent chance, but which you lost.
29.Which, a relative pronoun, itself acts as a conjunction. So delete but. Correct:It was a magnificent chance, which you lost.
30.I do not care for your words who does not knowwhat he says.
“30.The sentence has many errors. Let us first look at what the antecedent of who is. Obviously it is you, not words. So, the sentence should be I do not care for the words uttered by you who does not know what he says. The sentence is still only partially correct. The relative pronoun who should behave according to the antecedent you. So, I do not care for the words uttered by you who do not know what he says. There is still something wrong. What is not being valued is the words uttered by ““you””. But the end of the sentence is ““he says””. You can easily see that the sense gets lost. The end should be converted to ““you say””. So, Correct:I do not care for the words uttered by you who do not know what you say.”
31.Each of the girls gave their version of the incident inwriting.
31.Note that the antecedent of the pronoun their is each, not girls. So, Correct:Each of the girls gave her version of the incident in writing.
32.This is the only one of his books that carry someweight.
32.Correct: This is the only one of his books that carries some weight.
33.Here comes Kapil Dev, whom they say is the bestall-rounder India has ever had.
33.Whom has wrongly been used. The relative pronoun here is the subject of the verb is and should, therefore, be the nominative who. Correct:Here comes Kapil Dev, who they say is the best all-rounder India has ever had.
34.Whom do you believe him to be?
34.When the interrogative pronoun is thus used for identity as a person, the nominative who is used. For example, Who is he? The answer would be He is Mr So-and-So. So, here Correct:Who do you believe him to be? Note: What is he is used when you want to know about his profession. The answer to this would be He is an advertising manager. Correct:
35.The boy, being a brilliant student, he will top theclass.
35.Correct: The boy, being a brilliant student, will top the class.
36.Can not one do what one likes on one’s own?
36.The sentence is correct. One has been uniformly used.
37.Much depends upon him signing the agreement.
37.Correct: Much depends upon his signing the agreement.
38.If I were him, I would put in all my money in theventure.
38.Correct: If I were he, ….
39.He is one of the best players that has played on thisground.
39.Correct: He is one of the best players that have played on this ground.
40.He prides upon his patriotism.
40.Correct: He prides himself upon his patriotism.
1.Any one of these two students (a)/ can be sent to participate (b)/ in the drawing competition. (c)/ No error (d) [C.P.O. (Main) 2014]
1.(a) Where two things or persons are concerned either is used. ‘Any one of these two students’ should be ‘either of these two students’.
2.I and he (a)/ have prepared (b)/ the lessons thoroughly. (c)/ No error (d) [Multitasking 2013]
2.(a) The normal order of the subject pronounsis Third person + Second person + First Person. ‘I and he’ should be ‘he and I’.
3.Everyone (a)/ must sign their full names (b)/ before entering the hall. (c)/ No error (d) [Multitasking 2013]
3.(b) Everyone normally takes the possessive determiner ‘his’. Therefore, ‘must sign their full name’ should be ‘must sign his full name’.
4.The newspapers they admit that (a)/ advertising sometimes (b)/ influences their editorial policy. (c)/ No error (d) [Multitasking 2013]
4.(a) Subject pronouns should not be used if there is already a subject in the sentence. ‘The newspapers they admit that’ should be ‘The newspapers admit that’.
5.He does not write (a)/ as fast as (b)/ me. (c)/ No error (d) [Multitasking 2013]
5.(b) When the pronoun is the subject of a verb in comparison, only subject pronouns are used after ‘as’ or ‘than’. ‘Me’ should be ‘I’.
6.This errors(a)/ are made (b)/ by foreigners. (c)/ No error (d) [Multitasking 2013]
6.(a) Demonstrative determiner ‘these’ can go before a plural noun’. ‘This errors’ should be ‘these errors.’
7.He is (a)/ fatter (b)/ than me. (c)/ No error (d) [Multitasking 2013]
7.(c) When the pronoun is the subject of a verb in comparison, only subject pronouns can be used after as or than. ‘Than me’ should be ‘Than I.’
8.Each one of you (a)/ must make up their mind (b)/ as I did. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL TIER-I 2013]
8.(a) All can modify these, ‘These all’ should be ‘all these’
9.These all (a)/ mangoes (b)/ are ripe. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL TIER-II 2013]
9.(a) ‘I and Tina will’ should be ‘Tina and I will’.
10.I and Tina will (a)/ go to the market (b)/ in the evening. (c)/ No error (d) [LDC 2013]
10.(c) ‘To me using the calculator’should be ‘to my using the calculator’.
11.My teacher (a)/ did not object (b)/ to me using the calculator. (c)/ No error (d) [LDC 2013]
11.(c) When ‘one’ means any person, the possessive determiner one’s is used. ‘To earn his living’ should be ‘to earn one’s living’.
12.The manager told the boys (a)/ that one ought to work hard (b)/ to earn his living. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL 2013]
12.(a) ‘Due to me being new comer’ should be ‘due to my being a new comer’.
13.Due to me being a new comer (a)/ I was unable (b)/ to get a good house. (c)/ No error (d) [FCI (PT) 2012]
13.(a) My sister and myself should be ‘ My sister and I’.
14.My sister and myself (a)/ are pleased (b)/ to accept your invitation to dinner. (c)/ No error (d) [FCI (PT) 2012]
14.(b) Only subject pronouns can be used as complement of the verb ‘to be’. ‘Me who telephoned’ should be ‘I who telephoned’.
15.It was (a)/ me who telephoned (b)/ the fire service. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL TIER-II 2012]
15.(a) ‘Me’ should be ‘I’.
16.Being a rainy day (a)/ we didn’t (b)/ go out. (c)/ No error (d) [LDC 2012]
16.(b) The antecedent ‘the vaccine’is a thing, the relative pronoun which or that is required after the word ‘vaccine’. ‘When hit the Indian market’ should be ‘Which hit the Indian market’.
17.The vaccine (a)/ when hit the Indian market (b)/ is dogged by controversy. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL TIER-I 2011]
17.(a) ‘It was him’ should be ‘It was he.’
18.It was him (a)/ who came running (b)/ into the classroom. (c)/ No error (d) [LDC 2011]
18.(b) Nobody, usually, requires the possessive determiner ‘his’. ‘In their senses’ should be ‘in his senses’.
19.Nobody (a)/ in their senses (b)/ would have acted so. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2008]
19.(c) Object pronouns are normally used as objects of prepositions. Therefore, ‘with himself’ should be ‘with him’.
20.He is (a)/ the man whom I think (b)/ committed the crime. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2009]
20.(d) When expressions like I think, I know, I believe separate who or whom from its own verb, or subject and verb, inserting such expressions don’t make any difference. Because the antecedent is the subject, the relative pronoun ‘who’ should be used. ‘The man whom I think’ should be ‘The man who I think’.
21.The principal objected (a)/ to them wearing short skirts (b)/ at the function. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2010]
21.(b) ‘To them wearing short skirts’ should be ‘To their wearing short skirts’.
22.The police arrived and discovered (a)/ a large number of hoarded sugar (b)/ in his shop. (c)/ No error (d) []
22.(b) ‘A large number’ goes with a plural countable noun. ‘A large amount of’ goes with an uncountable noun, ‘A large number of hoarded sugar’ should be ‘a large amount of hoarded sugar’.
23.There is not many traffic (a)/ along the street (b)/ where I live. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2011]
23.(a) ‘Traffic’ is an uncountable noun. ‘Much’ goes before an uncountable noun; ‘Many’ goes before a plural countable noun, ‘Many traffic’ should be ‘much traffic’.
24.The Ganges and (a)/ its tributaries constitute (b)/ one of the largest river-systems in the world. (c)/ No error (d)
24.(d) The sentance contains no error.
25.The number of applications has risen (a)/ this year by (b)/ as many as 50%. (c)/ No error
25.(c) The word ‘percent’ is preceded by, ‘much’, not many. ‘As many as 50% should be ‘as much as 50%’.
26.Neither Ramesh nor Rajendra (a)/ has done (b)/ their work properly. (c)/ No error (d) [Multitasking 2010]
26.(c) When a correlative conjunction is used the possessive determiner agrees with the antecedent which is nearer. ‘Their work’ should be ‘his work’.
27.Neither of the two children (a)/ said their prayer (b)/ before going to bed. (c)/ No error (d) [Tax Assistant 2009]
27.(b) ‘Neither’ requires the possessive determiner ‘his’. ‘Their prayer’should be ‘his payer’.
28.The climate of Hyderabad (a)/ is better than (b)/ Chennai. (c)/ No error (d) [Statistical Investigator 2008]
28.(c) In comparative structures ‘that’ replaces a singular noun. ‘Chennai’ should be ‘that of Chennai’.
29.If there are billions of stars in the galaxy (a)/ how much are (b)/ suitable for life. (c)/ No error (d) [Section Officer 2006]
29.(b) ‘How much’ should be ‘How many’.
30.All doubts are cleared (a)/ between (b)/ you and I. (c)/ No error (d) [Section Officer 2006]
30.(c) Because preposition are followed by an object-pronoun, ‘you and I’ should be ‘you and me’.
31.One of the questions (a)/ he asked me was (b)/ ‘who did you travel with’? (c)/ No error (d)
31.(c) Beause ‘Whom’is used for the object, ‘Who did you travel with’?, should be ‘Whom did you travel with’.
32.Any of the two (a)/ roads leads (b)/ to the station. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL (PT) 2014]
32.(a) ‘Any of the two’ should be ‘either of the two’.
33.One should (a)/ keep (b)/ his word. (c)/ No error (d
33.(c) ‘His word’ should be ‘One’s word’.
34.This is the girl (a)/ whose brother (b)/ is a doctor. (c)/ No error (d). [C.P.O. (Main) 2012]
34.(d) The sentance contains no error.
- Neither of the two boys (a)/ is sensible (b)/ enough to do this job. (c)/ No error (d)
- (d) The sentance contains no error.
1.The priest emphasized (a)/ that it is the duty (b)/ of all Christians to love each other. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL (PT) 2014]
1.(c) ‘Each other’ should be ‘One another’. ‘Each other’ is used to refer to two people and ‘One another’ is used to refer to more than two.
2.This is the boy (a)/ who I think had won (b)/ the gold medal in the dance competition. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL (PT) 2014]
2.(d) The antecedent of the relative pronoun is the subject of the verb had won.
3.One should have (a)/ their teeth ‘checked’ (b)/ every six months. (c)/ No error (d) [LDC 2015]
3.(b) ‘One’ meaning ‘anybody’ requires the possessive determiner ‘one’s’. ‘Their teeth checked’ should be ‘One’s teeth checked.’
4.Any of the two (a)/ roads leads (b)/ to the station. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL (PT) 2014
4.(a) When two persons or things are concerned ‘either’ is used. ‘Any of the two’ should be ‘either of the two’.
5.There is only one cure (a)/ to the evils which newly (b)/ acquired freedom produces and that cure is freedom. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL (PT) 2014]
5.(b) Only is followed by the relative pronoun ‘that’.
6.The children which are assembled (a)/ in the hall are the ones (b)/ chosen for the field trip. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL TIER-II 2014]
6.(a) ‘The children which are assembled’ should be ‘The children who are assembled’.
7.Science and religion (a)/ are both necessary for man and for their (b)/ outer and inner self respectively. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL TIER-I 2013]
7.(b) ‘Man’ requires the possessive determiner ‘his’. ‘Are both necessary for man and for their’should be ‘are both necessary for man and for his’.
8.A simple sentence, also called an independent clause, (a)/ contains a subject and a verb, (b)/ and it expresses a complete thought. (c)/ No error (d) [C.P.O. 2013]
8.(c) A subject pronoun is not normally used if there is already a subject in the sentence. ‘And it expresses a complete thought’ should be ‘and expresses a complete thought’.
9.The standard of living in India (a)/ is still lower (b)/ than most of the other developed countries. (c)/ No error (d) [C.P.O. (Main) 2013]
9.(c) In comparative structures, the demonstrative pronoun ‘that’ is required to avoid the repetition of asingular noun. Therefore, ‘than most of the other developed countries’ should be ‘than that of the other developed countries’.
10.None of (a)/ the twins (b)/ offered to help me. (c)/ No error (d) [LDC 2013]
10.(a) When two people are concerned, neither should be used. ‘None of’ should be ‘neither of’.
11.Our geography teacher told (a)/ to study the map of India (b)/ for a test. (c)/ No error (d) [MT 2013]
11.(a) ‘Told’ is normally followed by an object pronoun. ‘Our geography teacher told’ should be ‘our geography teacher told us’.
12.One should respect (a)/ the religions of others (b)/ as much as his own. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL (Main) 2013]
12.(a) One meaning ‘anybody’ requires the possessive determiner ‘one’s’. When one means anyone its possessive form is one’s.
13.How much (a)/ horses were (b)/ there running in the last race? (c)/ No error (d) [FCI (Main) 2012]
13.(c) ‘How much’ should be ‘How many’.
14.You should (a)/ avail of every opportunity (b)/ to practice your skill. (c)/ No error (d) [FCI (Main) 2012]
14.(b) ‘Avail’ requires a reflexive pronoun. ‘Avail of every opportunity’should be ‘avail yourself of every opportunity’.
15.Vijay, having finished his paper, (a)/ he (b)/ left the examination hall. (c)/ No error (d) [Stenographer 2012]
15.(b) A subject pronoun is not normally used if there is already a subject in the sentence.
16.It is feared that (a)/ hundreds of people (b)/ have lost lives. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL TIER-II 2012]
16.(c) ‘Have lost lives’ should be ‘Have lost their lives’.
17.Though she appears to be very tall (a)/ she is just an inch (b)/ taller than me. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL TIER-II 2012]
17.(c) Subject pronoun follows as or than if it is the subject of a verb.
18.The most meritorious student (a)/ might become worst (b)/ if does not work hard. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL TIER-II 2012]
18.(b) A pronoun cannot normally be left out. ‘If does not work hard’should be ‘If he does not work hard’.
19.One of the most important things about art (a)/ is the way in which great works continue (b)/ to exert their influence through the ages. (c)/ No error (d) [CPO (Main) 2012]
19.(d) contains no error.
20.It is not (a)/ I who am (b)/ to blame. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL TIER-II 2010]
20.(d) contains no error.
21.The fact of me (a)/ being a stranger (b)/ does not excuse his conduct. (c)/ No error (d) [Tax Assistant 2008]
21.(b) ‘The fact of me’ should be ‘The fact of my’. A gerund precedes a possessive determiner.
22.You could by better off these days (a)/ and this enable you (b) to have little more fun. (c)/ No error (d) [Tax Assistant 2007]
22.(c) ‘To have little more fun’. should be ‘to have a little more fun’. A little expresses a positive idea.
23.The articles suggest that when a person is under unusual stress (a)/ you should be especially careful (b)/ to eat a well-balanced diet. (c)/ No error (d) [CGL TIER-II 2015]
23.(b) ‘You should be especially careful’ should be ‘He should be especially careful’.
24.The novel is interesting (a)/ informative (b)/ and it is easy to read. (c)/ No error (d) [NDA 2011 (I)]
24.(c) ‘It is easy to read’ should be ‘is easy to read’. ‘It’ is not required.
25.He told his friends that (a)/ each of them (b)/ should be able to carry out orders oneself. (c)/ No error (d) [NDA 2012 (II)]
25.(c) ‘Oneself’should be ‘himself’ because ‘each’ requires ‘himself’.
26.The teacher asked his students (a)/ if they had gone through (b)/ either of three chapters included in the prescribed text. (c)/ No error (d) [NDA 2011 (I)]
26.(c) When three or more people are concerned, ‘any’ is used. ‘Either of’ should be ‘Any of’.
27.We discussed the problem (a)/ so thoroughly that (b)/ I found it easy to work it out. (c)/ No error (d) [NDA 2010 (II)]
27.(c) ‘I found it easy to work out’should be ‘I found it easy to work out’.
28.Have you gone through (a)/ either of these three chapters (b)/ that have been included in this volume? (c)/ No error (d) [NDA 2009]
28.(b) When three or more are concerned, ‘any’ is used. ‘Either of’ should be ‘any of’.
29.The distinguished visitor said that he had great pleasure to be with us for sometime (a)/ and that the pleasure was all the greater (b)/ because his visit afforded him an opportunity to study the working of an institution of such imminence as ours. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2014 (I)]
29.(c) ‘As ours’ should be ‘as that of ours’.
30.Now, it can be easily said (a)/ that the population of this city is greater (b)/ than any other city in India. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2014 (I)]
30.(c) ‘Than any other city in India’ should be ‘than that of any other city in India’.
31.Now we have banks (a)/ and people deposit there money their (b)/ and draw it out. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2012]
31.(b) ‘And people deposit there money their’ should be ‘and people deposit their money there’.
32.The world (a)/ comprises (b)/ good and bad people. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2011 (II)]
32.(c) ‘good and bad people’should be ‘both good and bad people’.
33.This is the old man (a)/ whom I said (b)/ had helped me. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2011 (II)]
33.(b) ‘Whom’ should be ‘who’.
34.Every woman in the world (a)/ fervently hopes that their child (b)/ will be a normal and healthy baby. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2011 (I)]
34.(b) When sex is known ‘Every’ can require possessive determiner ‘her’. ‘Their child’ should be ‘her child’.
35.This is a strange world (a)/ where each one pursues their own golden bubble (b)/ and laughs at others for doing the same. (c)/ No error (d)
35.(b) ‘Their’ should be ‘his’. Each requires ‘his’.
36.Young school students now-a-days (a)/ are subjected to intense pressure from peers and parents alike (b)/ to fetch high marks in public examinations. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2010 (I)]
36.(b) ‘from peers and parents’ should be ‘from their peers and parents’.
37.Considerable encouragement for the scheme (a)/ has been received from the Bengal chamber of commerce (b)/ which has promised their full support. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2010]
37.(c) ‘Their full’ should be ‘its full’.
38.Drydu’s prose, which is meant to be popular (a)/ loses nothing of its value (b)/ by being compared with his contemporaries. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2010 (I)]
38.(c) ‘With his contemporaries’ should be ‘with those of his contemporaries’.
39.Put you in my position (a)/ and you would realise (b)/ the problems faced in my profession. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2010 (I)]
39.(a) ‘Put you in my position’ should be ‘put yourself in my position’.
40.She could not believe (a)/ that it had all (b)/ happened to her. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2008 (II)]
40.(d) The sentance contains no error.
41.Bread and butter (a)/ is (b)/ all we want. (c)/ No error (d) [CDS 2010]
41.(c) ‘All we want’ should be ‘all that we want’.
42.Whenever is the matter I shall (a)/ do this work because I have (b)/ to expose my working capacity at my cost. (c)/ No error (d) [RLY Kolkata 99]
42.(a) ‘Whenever’ should be ‘whatever’.
43.I have read (a)/ Tagore’s poems (b)/ who is a great poet. (c)/ No error (d)
43.(b) Use the poems of Tagore.
44.When the two (a)/ parted (b)/ they bade farewell to one another. (c)/ No error (d)
44.(c) ‘one another’ should be ‘each other’.
45.Needless to say (a)/ both Anil and me (b)/ will do our best to complete the project as scheduled. (c)/ No error (d) [RLY 2001]
45.(b) ‘both Anil and me’ should be ‘Anil and I’.
The audience (a)/ are requested (b)/ to be in its seats. (c)/ No error (d)
- (c) ‘In its seats’ should be ‘in their seats’.
1.Government department should (a)/ share information with (b)/ one another so that (c)/ they records are up-to-date. (d)/ No error (e) [IBPS Clerk 2011]
1.(d) ‘They’ records’ should be ‘their records’. To show possession, a possessive determiner must precede a noun.
2.The state government has (a)/ issued licenses to farmers (b)/ allowing them to sell (c)/ its vegetables to hotels. (d)/ No error (e) [IBPS Clerk (I) 2011]
2.(d) There must be agreement between possessive determiner and antecedent. ‘Its’ should be ‘their’ to agree with plural antecedent ‘farmers’.’ Its vegetables’ should be ‘their vegetables’.
3.All companies must (a)/ send its annual report to (b)/ its shareholders twenty-one days (c)/ before the Annual General Body Meeting. (d)/ No error (e) [IBPS (I) 2011]
3.(b) ‘Its annual report’ should be ‘their annual report’.
4.Banks which do not (a)/ meet its priority sector (b)/ targets are required to (c)/ pay high penalties. (d)/ No error (e) [IBPS (Clerk East Zone) 2011]
4.(b) ‘Its priority’ should be ‘their priority’.
5.The winner of (a)/ the journalist of the year’s award was (b)/ not other than (c)/ the editor’s daughter. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Baroda, Clerk 2011]
5.(c) Use no other than.
6.A vast numbers (a)/ of people greeted (b)/ the film star on his arrival (c)/ at the airport. (d)/ No error (e) [UCO Bank Clerk 2010]
6.(a) ‘A vast numbers’ should be ‘a vast number.’
7.We have many rooms (a)/ in our house (b)/ several of which (c)/ have not been in use for years. (d)/ No error (e) [UCO Bank Clerk 2010]
7.(e) Which should be ‘them’.
8.There were many (a)/ factors that contributed (b)/ to the success (c)/ of this experiments. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of India 2010]
8.(d) ‘Experiments’ should be preceded by the demonstrative ‘these’. ‘These’ goes before a plural noun.
9.SEBI has recently issued (a)/ show cause notices to some (b)/ insurance companies seeking its explanation for not (c)/ complying with certain norms. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Baroda Clerk 2010]
9.(d) Because the word ‘insurance companies’ is in the third person plural, it requires the possessive determiner ‘their’.
10.The foreign Investment Promotion Board is (a)/ the government body who (b)/ regulates investment received (c)/ by India from foreign countries. (d)/ No error (e) [Allahabad Bank Clerk 2010]
10.(b) ‘Who’ should be which or that.
11.The company has (a)/ decided to sell half (b)/ of its shares (c)/ to a Chinese firm. (d)/ No error (e) [Union Bank of India 2010]
11.(e) The sentance contains no error.
12.Her class is very special (a)/ because it has children (b)/ with many different (c)/ abilities and skills. (d)/ No error (e) [Corporation Bank Clerk 2009]
12.(c) Delete ‘many’.
13.As the airplane was (a)/ ready for take-off (b)/ the passengers and the crew (c)/ fastened themselves seatbelts. (d)/ No error (e) [PNB Clerk 2009]
13.(d) ‘Themselves’ should be ‘their’.
14.Progress is impossible (a)/ without change and those (b)/ who can’t change their minds (c)/ can’t change anything. (d)/ No error (e) [Indian Bank Clerk 2009]
14.(e) The sentance contains no error.
15.A lot number of people (a)/ donate money to the organisation (b)/ at this time (c)/ of the year. (d)/ No error (e) [Andhra Bank Clerk 2009]
15.(a) ‘A lot number of people’should be ‘A large number of people’.
16.It took myself (a)/ four months to (b)/ convince them to (c)/ take this step. (d)/ No error (e) [Central Bank of India Clerk 2009]
16.(a) In the object position, an object pronoun should be used. ‘It took myself’ should be ‘It took me’.
17.He promised to get (a)/ in touch with myself (b)/ as soon as he had (c)/ the information needed. (d)/ No error (e) [PNB Clerk 2009]
17.(b) A preposition is normally followed by an object pronoun. ‘In touch with myself’ should be ‘in touch with me’.
18.I have finally managed (a)/ to convince my parents (b)/ to allow myself (c)/ to study abroad. (d)/ No error (e) [Canara Bank Clerk 2009]
18.(c) The object of a verb is normally an object pronoun. ‘To allow myself’ should be ‘To allow me’.
19.Rajiv is the best person (a)/ to advise you since (b)/ he faced plenty of difficulty (c)/ while setting up his business. (d)/ No error (e) [Canara Bank Clerk 2009]
19.(c) In formal English, we use much, not plenty.
20.During the interview (a)/ the panel asked me (b)/ several technical questions (c)/ and I answered all of it. (d)/ No error (e) [SBI Clerk 2009]
20.(d) The antecedent several technical questions requires the object pronoun them’.
21.A successful company (a)/ is any that makes a good (b)/ profit and provides (c)/ high returns to it shareholders. (d)/ No error (e) [SBI Clerk 2009]
21.(b) ‘Any’ should be ‘one’.
22.It is sad than in (a)/ our country education is (b)/ available only to those (c)/ whom can afford it. (d)/ No error (e) [Dena Bank Clerk 2009]
22.(d) Because the relative pronoun refers to a subject, ‘who’ should be used. Whom can afford it should be ‘who can afford it’.
23.Although he approached (a)/ many private businesses to invest (b)/ in his printing business (c)/ nobody of them was interested. (d)/ No error (e) [Allahabad Bank Clerk 2009]
23.(d) ‘Nobody of them’ should be ‘none of them’.
24.If you decide to hold (a)/ the function in Kolkata (b)/ not much of us (c)/ will be able to attend. (d)/ No error (e) [Allahabad Bank Clerk 2009]
24.(e) ‘Not much of us’should be ‘not many of us’.
25.Even those which (a)/ have not previous (b)/ work experience have (c)/ applied for this job. (d)/ No error (e) [Allahabad Bank Clerk 2009]
25.(a) When we refer to people, who/whom is used. ‘Even those which’ should ‘even those who’.
26.A person whose wishes to (a)/ avail of this facility (b)/ should not have been (c)/ a loan defaulter in the past. (d)/ No error (e) [OBC Clerk 2009]
26.(a) ‘A person whose wishes to’ should be ‘A person who wishes to’ Because antecedent ‘a person’ is the subject of the verb, ‘who’ should be used.
27.The company has appointed (a)/ consultants to help them (b)/ increase its revenue (c)/ and remove its financial position. (d)/ No error (e) [Allahabad Bank Clerk 2009]
27.(b) The antecedent ‘The company’ requires ‘it’ as object. ‘Help them’ should be ‘help it’.
28.He reports (a)/ suggest that (b)/ the project is (c)/ behind schedule. (d)/ No error (e) [Allahabad Bank Clerk 2008
28.(a) ‘He’should be ‘His’. The noun phrase ‘His reports’ is used as subject.
29.She has started (a)/ much new initiatives (b)/ to help underprivileged students (c)/ get an education. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Maharashtra Clerk 2008]
29.(b) ‘Many’ precedes a plural noun. ‘Much new initiatives’ should be ‘Many new initiatives’.
30.I cannot sanction (a)/ such a large sum (b)/ without no permission (c)/ of the manager. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Maharashtra Clerk 2008]
30.(c) ‘Any’ is used in negative expressions. ‘Without no permission’ should be ‘without any permission’.
31.In my opinion (a)/ vikas has (b)/ failed to follow (c)/ none of the instructions. (d)/ No error (e) [SBI Clerk 2008]
31.(d) ‘Any’ is used in negative expressions. ‘None of the instructions’ should be ‘any of the instructions’.
32.Government and businesses must reduce (a)/ its own energy use (b)/ and promote conservation (c)/ to their citizens and employees. (d)/ No error (e) [SBI Clerk 2008]
32.(b) The possessive determiner ‘their’ is required because the antecedent Government and business’ is in the third person plural.
33.There is no need (a)/ to import maize (b)/ since there is (c)/ any demand for it. (d)/ No error (e) [UBI Clerk 2008]
33.(d) In a negative expressions no + noun/ not + any + noun is used. ‘Any demand’ should be ‘not any demand’ or ‘no demand’.
34.Because of the pace at (a)/ which the company is growing (b)/ I believe it will easily (c)/ achieve their target. (d)/ No error (e) [SBI Associate 2008]
34.(d) The antecedent company requires the possessive determiner ‘its’.
35.The clerk whom (a)/ spoke rudely to (b)/ the customer yesterday (c)/ has been suspended. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Maharashtra Clerk 2007]
35.(a) ‘Who’ is used to refer to a subject. ‘The clerk whom’ should be ‘The clerk who’.
36.Some people have (a)/ generously contributed to the welfare fund (b)/ but they wanted that there names (c)/ should not be published. (d)/ No error (e) [Indian Overseas Bank Clerk 2007]
36.(c) The possessive determiner ‘their’ is required. ‘There’ should be ‘their’.
37.Unfortunately today many (a)/ parents cannot afford (b)/ to send its (c)/ children to school. (d)/ No error (e) [Dena Bank Clerk 2007]
37.(c) The antecedent ‘many parents’ requires the possessive determiner ‘their’.
38.My son has (a)/ brought four pens (b)/ who are (c)/ red in colour. (d)/ No error (e) [Andhra Bank Clerk 2007]
38.(c) ‘Which’ is used in reference to things. ‘Who’ should be ‘which’.
39.One should (a)/ be honest (b)/ to his word (c)/ in all situations. (d)/ No error (e) [Corporation Bank Clerk 2007]
39.(c) ‘One’ takes possessive determiner one’s. ‘To his word’ should be ‘to one’s word’.
40.Being a rainy day (a)/ Ashish decided to stay indoors (b)/ and enjoy himself (c) with music. (d)/ No error (e) [Corporation Bank Clerk 2007]
40.(a) Impersonal ‘It’ as subject is required in expressions of weather, time and distance. ‘Being a rainy day’ should be ‘It being a rainy day’.
41.He is the man (a)/ who I know (b)/ has helped my son (c)/ in the final examination. (d)/ No error (e) [Corporation Bank Clerk 2007]
41.(e) The sentance contains no error.
42.I and Ramesh will (a)/ proceed on journey tomorrow (b)/ as it is an auspicious day (c)/ according to my uncle. (d)/ No error (e) [BSRB Clerk 1999]
42.(a) ‘I and Ramesh will’ should be ‘Ramesh and I’.
43.Bhema was (a)/ a man (b)/ who all (c)/ the Indians loved. (d)/ No error (e)
43.(c) ‘Whom’ refers to an object. ‘Who all’ should be ‘whom all’.
- The taxi was (a)/ hired by (b)/ the ladies (c)/ for its picnic. (d)/ No error (e)
- (d) The possessive determiner ‘their’ is required because the antecedent ‘the ladies’ is in the plural.
1.He had telephoned yesterday to (a)/ ask how much of the youth (b)/ who attend our classes would be (c)/ interested in working for a textile company. (d)/ No error (e) [Indian Bank P.O. 2010]
1.(b) Wh-word ‘How much’ is used for uncountables and ‘How many’ for plural countables. Therefore, ‘How much’ should be ‘how many’.
2.Nobody in the bus (a)/ offered to give their seat (b)/ to the elderly leader who had to (c)/ travel a long distance. (d)/ No error (e) [IDBI P.O., 2009]
2.(b) ‘Nobody’ normally takes the possessive determiner ‘his’. Therefore, ‘their seat’ should be ‘his seat’.
3.Despite the merger (a)/ the airline has reported (b)/ sizeable losses and is unable (c)/ to pay their employees. (d)/ No error (e) [OBC P.O., 2009]
3.(d) A possessive determiner must agree in number, person and gender with the noun it refers back. Therefore, ‘their employees’ should be ‘its employees’.
4.Instead of laying off (a)/ workers (b)/ the company decided to ask them to (c)/ avail voluntary retirement. (d)/ No error (e) [Corporation Bank, P.O., 2009]
4.(d) Verb ‘avail’isfollowed by a possessive determiner. ‘Avail voluntary retirement’ should be ‘Avail themselves voluntary retirement’.
5.The students dressed (a)/ in their trendiest best attire (b)/ as they attended (c)/ the annual day programme of the collage. (d)/ No error [NIT 2009]
5.(a) When the action expressed by the verb passes back to the subject, a reflexive pronoun must be used. ‘The students dressed’ should be ‘The students dressed themselves’.
6.Ashok is among (a)/ the few people in the world (b)/ which did not blindly follow (c)/ the path of others. (d)/ No error (e) [UBI P.O., 2009]
6.(c) ‘Which’ should be ‘who’.
7.Most people like to (a)/ rest after a day’s hard work (b)/ but he seemed to have (c)/ an inexhaustive supply of energy. (d)/ No error (e) [UBI P.O, 2009]
7.(c) ‘He’ should be ‘They’ because the pronoun refers back to a plural noun.
8.The company is in debt (a)/ and has been unable (b)/ to pay their employees’ salaries (c)/ for the past six months. (d)/ No error (d) [Indian Overseas Bank P.O., 2009]
8.(c) The word ‘company’ requires the possessive determiner. ‘its’. ‘Their employees’ should be ‘its employees’.
9.Her talk was (a)/ judged by many (b)/ as one of the most important talks (c)/ given in the seminar. (d)/ No error (d) [NABARD Agriculture Officer 2009]
9.(e) No error
10.She is the teacher (a)/ whom I know (b)/ has helped my son (c)/ in the examination. (d)/ No error (e) [NABARD Agriculture Officer 2009]
10.(b) ‘Whom I know’ should be ‘who I know’. The expression ‘I know’ just separate who/whom from its own verb or subject and verb. ‘Whom I know’ should be ‘who I know’.
11.There is just not enough time (a)/ in my unit to sit round (b)/ talking about how we feel (c)/ about each other. (d)/ No error (e) [NABARD A.O. 2009]
11.(d) ‘Each other’ should be ‘one another’.
12.The bank has (a)/ designated an executive (b)/ whom will guide customers (c)/ during online transactions. (d)/ No error (e) [Allahabad Bank P.O., 2008]
12.(c) ‘Whom’ should be ‘Who’.
13.They have invited (a)/ Shushma and I (b)/ for the meeting to be (c)/ held in the next month. (d)/ No error (e) [UCO Bank P.O., 2008]
13.(b) ‘Sushma and I’ should be ‘Sushma and me’. In the object position, an object pronoun is used.
14.These companies have been asked (a)/ to furnish their financial details (b)/ and information about (c)/ its board members. (d)/ No error (e)
14.(d) ‘Its’ should be ‘their’.
15.Despite taking steps to (a)/ encourage foreign investment (b)/ there has been any (c)/ substantial improvement in our company. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Maharashtra P.O., 2008]
15.(c) ‘There has been any’should be ‘There has not been any’.
16.Hisspeech was very (a)/ thought provoking and well appreciated (b)/ by them who attend (c)/ the world Economic Forum held in Davos. (d)/ No error (e) [Dena Bank P.O., 2008]
16.(c) ‘By them who attended’ should be ‘by those who attended’. The personal pronoun they/ them is normally not modified by a phase or clause. We use the demonstrative ‘those’ instead.
17.Keeping in mind the rivalry (a)/ between Vinod and Sachin (b)/ the manager has assigned him (c)/ two different teams. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of India P.O., 2008]
17.(c) ‘Him’ should be ‘them’. The antecedent ‘Vinod and Sachin’ requires a plural possessive determiner.
18.We must take (a)/ regular exercises (b)/ to keep (c)/ oneself fit. (d)/ No error (e) [SBI P.O., 2008]
18.(d) ‘Oneself’ should be ‘ourselves’. ‘We’ takes ‘ourselves’.
19.Some people like (a)/ to do some social (b)/ work even though (c)/ it lacks resources. (d)/ No error (e) [SBI P.O., 2008
19.(d) ‘It lacks resources’ should be ‘They lack resources’. A personal pronoun is of the same number, gender and person as the noun for it stands.
20.Meetings were held with unions (a)/ to tackle indiscipline (b)/ and with customers (c)/ to understand its needs. (d)/ No error (e) [IDBI P.O., 2008]
20.(d) ‘Its’should be ‘theirs’. The antecedent ‘unions’ require a plural possessive determiner.
21.Corruption costs the economy about (a)/ there percent of the GDP every year (b)/ what is almost equal to (c)/ the amount spend on education. (d)/ No error (e) [NABARD P.O., 2008]
21.(d) ‘What/That’ is used in reference to things. Therefore, ‘What’ should be ‘Which or that’.
22.We have failed to produce (a)/ no evidence to support (b)/ the charge that he (c)/ is responsible for the error. (d)/ No error (e) [Oriental Bank of Commerce P.O., 2008]
22.(b) A negative expression takes ‘any’. Therefore, ‘no evidence’ should be ‘any evidence’. ‘Fail’ is an embedded negative expression.
23.Out of the six companies (a)/ shortlisted for the project (b)/ five have already (c)/ made its presentations. (d)/ No error (e) [Oriental Bank of Commerce P.O., 2008]
23.(d) ‘Made its presentations’ should be ‘made their presentations’.
24.Indian’s GDP is (a)/ most likely to grow (b)/ at six percent higher than (c)/ those of the US. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Baroda, P.O., 2008]
24.(d) ‘Those of the US’ should be ‘That of the US’.
25.Customers should avail (a)/ of the consulting services (b)/ offered by an insurance company (c)/ before buying a policy. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Baroda, P.O., 2008]
25.(a) ‘Customers should avail’ should be ‘customers should avail themselves’. The verb avail is followed by a reflexive pronoun.
26.The only option is (a)/ for the bank to (b)/ modernize its operations (c)/ at all their branches. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Maharashtra P.O., 2007]
26.(d) ‘At all their branches’ should be ‘At all its branches’. The antecedent ‘the bank’ requires ‘its’.
27.The government has introduced (a)/ a new law who forces (b)/ farmers to sell their produce (c)/ only to licensed dealers. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Maharashtra P.O., 2007]
27.(b) ‘A new law who forces’ should be ‘A new law which forces’. ‘Which’ is used in reference to things.
28.To improve its efficiency (a)/ all income tax officers (b)/ will be provided with (c)/ laptops by next year. (d)/ No error (e)
28.(a) ‘To improve its efficiency’ should be ‘to improve their efficiency’. The antecedent income tax officers’ requires a plural possessive determiner.
29.Ram will be suspended (a)/ because he opened an account (b)/ without obtaining none (c)/ of the necessary documents. (d)/ No error (e) [Andhra Bank P.O., 2007]
29.(c) ‘Without obtaining none’ should be ‘without obtaining any’.
30.Most companies neglect (a)/ to spend none (b)/ of their resources (c)/ on training older employees. (d)/ No error (e) [UBI P.O., 2007]
30.(b) ‘To spend none’ should be ‘To spend any’. The embedded negative expression requires ‘any’.
31.The cashier cannot (a)/ give no explanation (b)/ for the money (c)/ that is missing. (d)/ No error (e) [Allahabad Bank P.O., 2007]
31.(b) ‘Give no explanation’should be ‘Give any explanation’. Negative expression require ‘any’.
32.His industrious nature (a)/ and calm temperament (b)/ have endeared him (c)/ to his colleagues and one’s superiors. (d)/ No error (e) [Allahabad Bank P.O., 2007]
32.(d) ‘One’s’ should be ‘his’. The antecedent requires ‘his’.
33.The candidate has appealed (a)/ for donations from younger voters (b)/ who will be used (c)/ to defray campaign expenses. (d)/ No error (e) [PNB Management Trainee 2007]
33.(c) ‘Who’ will be ‘which’. Which is used in reference to things.
34.The shopkeeper was pleased (a)/ when we told him (b)/ this kinds of mangoes (c)/ were very delicious. (d)/ No error (e) [CBI P.O., 2006]
34.(c) ‘Kinds’should be preceded by ‘these’.
35.Before he becoming (a)/ chief pilot in the aviation services (b)/ he had undergone (c)/ rigorous training for eight years. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank P.O., 2005]
35.(a) A possessive determiner precedes a gerund. Therefore, ‘before he becoming’ should be ‘his becoming’.
36.The business lobby wanted (a)/ he to take over (b)/ as the new chairman (c)/ of their coveted board. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Baroda P.O., 2005]
36.(d) Only object pronouns are used as object of verbs. ‘He’ should be ‘him’.
37.Eva would accept (a)/ nothing less or more than excellence in school (b)/ because she saw education (c)/ as the only antidote to their poverty. (d)/ No error (e) [O.B.C. 2004]
37.(d) The antecedent ‘Eva’ requires ‘her’, not ‘their’. ‘Their poverty’ should be ‘her poverty’.
38.He was the man (a)/ whom they determined (b)/ should be (c)/ next chairman. (d)/ No error (e) [ECGC, 2003]
38.(b) ‘Whom’ should be ‘who’.
39.One should study the history (a)/ of his country because it alone can satisfy (b)/ one’s natural curiosity to know (c)/ what happened in the past. (d)/ No error (e) [Bank of Maharashtra 2003]
39.(b) When one means anybody, the possessive one’s is used. ‘His country’ should be ‘one’s country.
40.It is the need (a)/ of the hour that (b)/ we should help people (c)/ whom we think are poor. (d)/ No error (e) [Indian Bank Specialist Officer 2002]
40.(d) ‘Whom’ should be ‘who’. ‘Who’ refers to the antecedent ‘people’ which is the subject of the verb in the relative clause.
41.Stone being readily available (a)/ in nature, it was used (b)/ extensively by the prehistoric man (c)/ in his daily life. (d)/ No error (e) [IBSO 2002]
41.(e) The sentance contains no error.
42.I know who (a)/ this job should be (b)/ entrusted to (c)/ for smooth handling. (d)/ No error (e)
42.(a) ‘I know who’ should be ‘I know whom’. ‘Whom’ is used to refer to an object’.
43.If you are (a)/ one of them (b)/ who have often wondered how (c)/ great fortunes are made, this story will be enlightening. (d)/ No error (e)
43.(b) ‘One of them’ should be ‘One of those’.
44.He walked to the market (a)/ with both his servants (b)/ on either side of his (c)/ to help him buy things. (d)/ No error (e) [Corporation Bank clerk 2002]
44.(c) ‘On either side of his’ should be ‘on either side of him’. Object pronouns are used as objects of prepositions.
45.He is certainly a man (a)/ whom I know very well (b)/ is trustworthy beyond doubt (c)/ and meticulous in his habits. (d)/ No error (e) [BSRB Kolkata P.O., 1999]
45.(b) ‘Whom I know’ should be ‘Who I know’.
- If the by-stander had not been (a)/ familiar with first-aid techniques (b)/ the driver which had met (c)/ with the accident would have died. (d)/ No error (e)
- (c) ‘The driver which had met’ should be ‘The driver who had met’.