Common Error Drills Flashcards
1.In India and other Asian countries(A)/a very large section of young female force is(B)/deployed at(C)/domestic servants particularly in urban areas.(D)/No error(E)
1.(C) deployed as
2.Citizens have the duty to respect the Constitution,(A)/the national flag and the national anthem, protect the sovereignty,(B)/unity of the country and safeguard public property,(C)/from avoiding violence.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) by avoiding violence.
3.It should be obvious that social perceptions in(A)/respect of normative minimum living standard(B)/is not precisely numerically specifiable(C)/in quantitative terms(D)/No error(E)
- (C) are not precisely numerically specifiable
4.Inequality focuses,(A)/on the distribution of attributes(B)/such as income or consumption(C)/across the whole population.(D)/No error /(E)
- (C) such as income and consumption
5.Ratio of machine work(A)/has also being considered(B)/to estimate the level of mechanization(C)/and sum of manual and machine work(D)/No error /(E)
- (B) has also been considered
6.Craft industries from an important sector(A)/of the Indian economy, and exports,(B)/contributing substantially to manufacturing income, employment,(C)/and the scale of these contributions is increasing.(D)/No error(E)
- (A) Craft industries form an important sector
7.A huge unorganized market(A)/exists for credit to agricultural sector in India,(B)/which provide timely fund to this sector(C)/but on the exorbitant rate of interest.(D)/No error /(E)
- (D) but at the exorbitant rate of interest.
8.In the recent Union Budget(2007-08),(A)/agriculture has get considerable attention(B)/with the various policy initiatives(C)/from the side of finance ministry.(D)/No error /(E)
- (B) agriculture has got considerable attention
9.Intensive cultivation(A)/as a result of introduction of high yielding varieties(B)/on the mid 1960’s required(C)/ higher energy inputs and better management practices.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) in the mid 1960’s required
10.To reduce the cascading impact of tax on tax(A)/and to help restoring competitiveness of service sector,(B)/a credit of the service tax paid on the input-service(C)/is allowed from 2002.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) is allowed since 2002.
11.Hydro energy produces no direct waste(A)/and have a considerably lower output level(B)/of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide(C)/than fossil fuel powered energy plants.(D)/No error(E)
- (B) and has a considerably lower output level
12.The National Urban Transport Policy(A)/emphasizes extensive public transport facilities(B)/and non-motorized modes(C)/above personal vehicles(D)/No error(E)
- (D) over personal vehicles
13.Modernization requires sophistication in mechanization,(A)/which is possible(B)/at relatively large scales of operations which(C)/capital and management constraints overcome.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) at relatively large scales of operations with
14.The Andhra Pradesh weavers represent(A)/the most extreme example of what can happen(B)/when possessors of traditional knowledge(C)/find them their specialized expertise is no longer economically viable.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) find that their specialized expertise is no longer economically viable.
15.Climate change may alter(A)/the distribution and quality(B)/of India’s natural resources(C)/or adversely affect the livelihood of its people.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) and adversely affect the livelihood of its people.
16.The Constitution has given(A)/to the union the right(B)/to legislate and collect duties on(C)/.goods imported upon or exported from India.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) goods imported into or exported from India.
17.All receipts having the character(A)/of income are taxable(B)/unless there are specifically(C)/exempt from taxation. (D)/No error /(E)
- (C) unless they are specifically
18.The assignment of tax powers(A)/is based on the principle(B)/of tax separation and the consequence(C)/are a vertical fiscal imbalance.(D)/No error /(E)
- (D) is a vertical fiscal imbalance.
19.A Himalayas possess one of the largest resources(A)/of snow and ice and its glaciers(B)/form a source of water for the perennial rivers(C)/such as the Indus, the Ganga, and the Brahmaputra.(D)/No error(E)
- (A) The Himalayas possess one of the largest resources
20.Cooperative approaches by the government(A)/and industry are needed(B)/to enhance awareness for energy-efficient options,(C)/and upgrade relevant technical knowledge.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) to enhance awareness of energy-efficient options,
21.The effect of the rising temperatures across(A)/the Earth’s surface will lead too(B)/changes in average temperatures,(C)/ rainfall patterns and monsoon timings.(D)/No error(E)
- (B) The effect of the rising temperatures across the Earth’s surface will lead to changes in average temperatures, rainfall patterns and monsoon timings.
22.The fundamental rights was included in the constitution(A)/because they were considered essential for the development(B)/of the personality of every individual(C)/and to preserve human dignity.(D)/No error(E)
- (A) The fundamental rights were included in the constitution because they were considered essential for the development of the personality of every individual and to preserve human dignity.
23.Local water harvesting systems developed(A)/by local communities and households(B)/can reduce the pressure on the state(C)/to provide all the financial resources needed of water supply.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) Local water harvesting systems developed by local communities and households can reduce the pressure on the state to provide all the financial resources needed for water supply.
24.Water harvesting to recharge(A)/the groundwater enhances the availability(B)/of groundwater as specific place and time and(C)/thus assures a continuous and reliable access to groundwater.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) Water harvesting to recharge the groundwater enhances the availability of groundwater at specific place and time and thus assures a continuous and reliable access to groundwater.
25.The private sector used,(A)/bribes to influence public policy(B)/laws and regulations, believe over half(C)/of that polled for the survey.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) The private sector used, bribes to influence public policy laws and regulations, believe over half of those polled for the survey.
26.At last,(A)/late in the afternoon, a long line(B)/of men and women were seen(C)/moving toward(D)/the Chowra Bazar. No error(E)
- (C) ‘… a long line… was seen…’ The subject here is singular (line) and takes a singular verb (was seen).
27.If he would have(A)/taken rest as advised by the(B)/doctor, he might(C)/not have had(D)/a second heart attack. No error(E)
- (A) ‘If he had taken… second heart attack’. The verb in the if clause of a past contrary-to-fact conditional statement must take the had taken form and not the would have taken.
28.Though you(A)/may not agree with(B)/the philosophy of Rajneesh you must admit that he had(C)/tremendous influence over(D)/a great many followers. No error(E)
- (E) There is no error in any of the underlined parts.
29.There is no(A)/objection to him joining(B)/the Congress (I) party, provided he is willing (C)/to fit in(D)/with the party’s secular policies. No error(E)
- (B) ‘… no objection to his joining the…’ Here the pronoun is acting as the subject of the gerund joining. As the subject of the gerund, the pronoun must be in the possessive case (his, not him).
30.A gang(A)/of armed thieves has(B)/raided(C)/the house of Mr Gupta late last night.(D)/No error(E)
(C) ‘A gang of armed thieves raided the…’ The use of past tense (raided)—not present perfect tense (has raided)—is necessary because the sentence has a specific time reference (last night).
31.That is(A)/one of(B)/the books(C)/that is listed(D)/in the catalogue. No error(E)
- (D) ‘… the books that are listed…’ That refers to books, plural noun, and, therefore, the verb must be plural (are, and not is).
32.Everyone is expected(A)/to attend(B)/the staff meeting today, but(C)/the sales manager and I.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) ‘… but the sales manager and me’. The preposition but is understood before me. Since me is the object of the preposition but, it has an objective form (me), not a nominative form.
33.When(A)/her plane arrives(B)/at the airport in Amritsar, I would already have(C)/left for(D)/New Delhi. No error(E)
- (E) There is no error in any of the underlined parts.
34.Many people in Bangladesh don’t scarcely(A)/know about the(B)/hardships that the(C)/Chakma refugees are experiencing.(D)/No error(E)
- (A) ‘Many people in Bangladesh scarcely know…’ The word scarcely is sufficiently negative to express the meaning of the sentence. The word don’t should be omitted.
35.Since(A)/we live in a money-oriented society, the average(B)/individual cares little about(C)/solving anyone’s else(D)/problem. No error(E)
- (D) ‘… about solving anyone else’s problem.’
36.Due to(A)/the truckers’ strike, the vegetable vendors were(B)/doing about half of(C)/the business that they were(D)/ doing before. No error(E)
- (A) ‘Because of the… doing before.’ Do not begin a sentence with the words due to. Due to is an adjective, which must have a noun to modify.
37.Of the(A)/two cars that you(B)/have, the new Maruti is without(C)/any question, the cheapest(D)/to run. No error(E)
- (D) ‘…the cheaper to run’. Since we are comparing two things (cars), we use the comparative degree (cheaper), not the superlative degree (cheapest).
38.I always had(A)/a great interest(B)/and admiration for the(C)/works of(D)/William Shakespeare. No error(E)
- (B) ‘I always had a great interest in and…’ Here the preposition in after interest is necessary.
39.Have you(A)/read in the(B)/Hindustan Times that Kapil Dev’s shoulder(C)/was broken while playing(D)/the final Test against Pakistan. No error(E)
- (D) ‘…was broken while he was playing the…’ Add the words he was to make the meaning clear. Otherwise it gives the impression that shoulder was playing.
40.Between you and I(A)/, I am convinced(B)/that this painting by Neetu shows greater(C)/artistry than that(D)/of Reshma. No error(E)
- (A) ‘Between you and me,…’ The object of the preposition between must be an objective case form (me and not I).
41.Being that(A)/you are interested in the(B)/outcome of the election, let us wait till(C)/the final tally has been(D)/ made. No error(E)
- (A) ‘Since you are interested…’ Being that is not used in place of since or because.
42.Since it(A)/was an unusually(B)/warm day, the dog laid under(C)/the tree all afternoon.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) ‘… the dog lay under…’ The past tense of the verb lie is lay, and not laid.
43.Neither(A)/Rakesh nor(B)/Shakti, presented their(C)/papers before the deadline for doing(D)/so. No error(E)
- (C) ‘… presented his papers before…’ Singular antecedent (Rakesh and Shakti) joined by or or nor are referred to by singular pronoun (his).
44.A recent(A)/poll has indicated(B)/that Binny is considered(C)/brighter than any student(D)/in the class. No error(E)
- (D) ‘… brighter than any other student…’ In a comparative construction we must be sure that if A and B are compared, A is not included as part of B.
45.The question(A)/arises as to who(B)/should go out(C)/today—you or me.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) ‘… who should go out today, you or I…’
46.The company is planning(A)/a training(B)/programme for their(C)/senior officers sometime(D)/in December. No error(E)
- (C) ‘…training programme for its…’ A singular pronoun-adjective (its, not their) must be used to refer to a collective noun (company) when the members of the collective noun are considered a unit.
47.There was only(A)/a loaf of bread and two bottles of milk in the(B)/refrigerator when(C)/we came back(D)/after a weekend in Manali. No error(E)
- (A) ‘There were only…’ The subject of the sentence is plural (a bread and bottles). Therefore, the verb must be plural (were, not was). Here the word there is not the subject.
48.Neither(A)/the old man nor his(B)/children knows(C)/what to do about the(D)/problem. No error(E)
- (C) ‘… children know…’ If one of the two antecedents joined by or or nor is singular and the other is plural, the pronoun agrees with the one nearer (children).
49.Because of(A)/the recent strike in the(B)/mills, less men(C)/will be recruited in the coming(D)/season. No error(E)
- (C) ‘… fewer men will be recruited…’ Less denotes amount or degree and fewer denotes number.
50.No sooner(A)/had he entered(B)/the hall when the(C)/lights went out and everybody began(D)/to scream. No error(E)
- (C) ‘… the hall than the lights…’
51.The repetition(A)/of these(B)/sounds stir(C)/the emotions.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) stirs The subject ‘repetition’ is singular, hence ‘stirs’ a singular verb.
52.Unemployment(A)/as well as(B)/poverty influence(C)/the votes.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) influences Two subjects joined by as well as take singular verb.
53.Tonsillitis(A)/is(B)/among those(C)/diseases that is curable.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) are curable A relative pronoun (that, who, which) used as a subject takes on a singular or plural verb to accord with its antecedent. Here ‘that’ is referring to diseases that are curable.
54.This is the(A)/only one of the(B)/local newspapers(C)/that print(D)/such news. No error(E)
- (D) prints It is only one newspaper that prints.
55.Each of these(A)/companies had their(B)/account books(C)/audited.(D)/No error(E)
- (B) its A singular pronoun is used to refer to such antecedents as each, either, neither, one etc.
56.Ten rupees(A)/seem(B)/too much for(C)/such a leather bag.(D)/No error(E)
- (B) seems Collective nouns, as well as noun phrases denoting a fixed quantity, frequently take a singular verb because the group or quantity is usually regarded as a unit.
57.These days(A)/news are(B)/travelling(C)/faster than(D)/before. No error(E)
- (B) news is Nouns like news, measles, economics etc. are treated singular.
58.My best(A)/friend(B)/and advisor have(C)/made this suggestion.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) has A compound subject (friend and advisor) takes a singular verb because the subject denotes one person only.
59.Rakesh was one(A)/of the only players(B)/who have not(C)/participated in this(D)/match. No error(E)
- (C) has not ‘who’ refers to ‘Rakesh’.
60.I have(A)/ceased worrying(B)/because I heard(C)/no more rumours.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) I have heard Because both verbs indicate action at some time before now.
61.Having climbed(A)/the mountain,(B)/they have felt(C)/a real sense of achievement.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) delete ‘have’ Climbing took place first; then came their sense of achievement.
62.When(A)/I had been(B)/at camp, I heard(C)/that my application was accepted.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) had been accepted: The had before been indicates a time prior to that of heard.
63.Measles is among(A)/those(B)/diseases that is(C)/curable now.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) that are See Sentence No. 3.
64.Every member(A)/and the office bearer(B)/were aware(C)/of this move.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) was aware Every or each preceding singular subjects joined by and calls for a singular verb.
65.Sunita was(A)/the better(B)/of the(C)/two in(D)/Sociology. No error(E)
- (B) the best
66.Yesterday(A)/one of(B)/the teacher(C)/was called(D)/by the office. No error(E)
- (C) teachers
67.The timing(A)/of these strikes(B)/were(C)/poorly planned(D)/by union. No error(E)
- (C) was poorly Verb refers to ‘timings’ and not ‘strikes’.
68.Neither the(A)/manager nor the(B)/accountant were able(C)/to report on the(D)/company’s progress. No error(E)
- (C) was able Two nouns joined by neither… nor calls for a singular verb.
69.Either the(A)/president or the(B)/secretary have an(C)/option to donate(D)/funds. No error(E)
- (C) has
70.He is(A)/the only one(B)/of the men who are(C)/making this(D)/survey. No error(E)
- (C) who is Only one person is making the survey.
71.Our mill is(A)/the only one(B)/of the mills(C)/which have(D)/shown a profit this year. No error(E)
- (D) which has Only one mill is showing profit.
72.Kishore is the(A)/only one of(B)/the teachers who are(C)/receiving an award(D)/of merit this year. No error(E)
- (C) who is Only one teacher is receiving the award.
73.His wife(A)/and mother(B)/were(C)/standing beside(D)/him. No error(E)
- (B) his mother
74.We judge(A)/our friends(B)/both by what(C)/they say and their(D)/actions. No error(E)
- (D) and by their
75.Sunil Gavaskar runs(A)/faster than(B)/any cricket(C)/player in the(D)/team. No error(E)
- (C) any other cricket
76.This is not(A)/the first time(B)/I am heard(C)/of your insubordination.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) I have heard
77.I want to(A)/know as to why(B)/you did not(C)/attend the(D)/office yesterday. No error(E)
- (B) Delete ‘as to’
78.What to(A)/speak of shorthand,(B)/he does(C)/not know even(D)/typewriting. No error(E)
- (A) Not to speak
79.Due to(A)/bad weather she(B)/cannot come(C)/to the office(D)/today. No error(E)
- (A) Owing to
80.He went(A)/there with a view(B)/to find(C)/out the truth about yesterday’s(D)/happening. No error(E)
- (C) to finding out
81.You will be(A)/going to Shimla(B)/soon for the vacations(C)/, I think.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) I suppose
82.My mother(A)/is very(B)/ill, I hope(C)/she will soon die.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) I expect
83.I am(A)/sure you(B)/will get(C)/through in(D)/the examination. No error(E)
- (D) Delete ‘in’
84.The objections(A)/of my secretary(B)/to accompany(C)/me to Bangalore are(D)/meaningless. No error(E)
- (C) to accompanying me
85.Today I met(A)/a lady who(B)/was my(C)/teacher fifteen years ago.(D)/No error(E)
- (C) who had been
86.What to speak(A)/of proper medical(B)/treatment(C)/even first aid was not given(D)/to him. No error(E)
- (A) Not to speak of
87.The reason(A)/why she is(B)/absent today(C)/is because(D)/her husband is ill. No error(E)
- (D) Replace ‘because’ with ‘that’
88.I never(A)/remember(B)/to have met(C)/this gentleman in(D)/Baroda. No error(E)
- (A) I do not remember
89.Don’t worry(A)/, I shall(B)/be back(C)/in a few minutes(D)/and join you. No error(E)
- (C) I shall come back
90.You are(A)/wrong, I never spoke(B)/to her(C)/on telephone(D)/this morning. No error(E)
- (B) I did not speak
91.The scenery(A)/of Kodaikanal(B)/are not(C)/doubt very(D)/beauti ful. No error(E)
- (B) is no doubt
92.All the gentries(A)/were invited(B)/to the(C)/college annual(D)/day function. No error(E)
- (A) All the gentry
93.She has been(A)/advised to(B)/live on vegetables(C)/and fruits.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) fruit (not fruits)
94.They have(A)/purchased many(B)/items of furnitures(C)/for their new(D)/bungalow. No error(E)
- (C) of furniture (not furnitures)
95.Dozen of(A)/apples were(B)/distributed among the(C)/boys by the(D)/class teacher. No error(E)
- (A) Dozens (not dozen)
96.They had to(A)/face much troubles(B)/during their(C)/journey to West(D)/Bengal. No error(E)
- (B) much trouble (not troubles)
97.Most of(A)/the five-years(B)/plans of India(C)/have been(D)/successful. No error(E)
- (B) five-year plans (not five-years)
98.One of(A)/my student(B)/tells me(C)/that she has failed(D)/in English. No error(E)
- (B) students (not student)
99.She is(A)/more cleverer(B)/than any(C)/other girl of(D)/her age. No error(E)
- (B) Delete ‘more’
- Harder(A)/you work(B)/, the better(C)/division you(D)/get. No error(E)
- (A) Add ‘The’ before ‘harder’
1.We threw out some old furniture(A)/so that the new television set(B)/has enough space.(C)/No error(D)
1.(C) ‘has’ should be replaced with ‘had’
2.This small table(A)/will collapse(B)/if you will stand on it.(C)/No error(D)
2.(C) Remove ‘will’ after ‘you’
3.Children often(A)/quarrel on(B)/petty issue.(C)/ No error(D)
3.(B) ‘on’ should be replaced with ‘over’
4.To transport goods(A)/by sea is cheaper(B)/than land.(C)/No error(D)
4.(C) ‘land’ should be replaced with ‘the land’
5.Meatless Days (A)/have been made(B)/in to a film.(C)/No error(D)
5.(B) ‘have’ should be replaced with ‘has’
6.He did not eat the apple(A)/because it tasted bitterly(B)/and was slightly rotten.(C)/No error(D)
6.(B) ‘bitterly’ should be replaced with ‘bitter’
7.When she arrived(A)/, I was pretty fed up(B)/because it was been a horrible weather(C)/since eight O’clock in the morning. No error(D)
7.(B) ‘has been’ should be used
8.He went on committing crime after crime(A)/, but in spite of my best efforts(B)/I could not prevent him to do so.(C)/ No error(D)
8.(C) ‘to do so’ should be replaced with ‘from doing so’
9.Of the two thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D in English(A)/neither was found suitable(B)/by the examiners for the award of the degree.(C)/No error(D)
9.(A) ‘thesis’ should be replaced with ‘theses’
10.The doctor advised us(A)/not to told(B)/the patient about his disease.(C)/No error(D)
10.(B) ‘told’ should be replaced with ‘tell’
11.As sooner did he(A)/return from school(B)/than he was told to go to the shop.(C)/No error(D)
11.(A) ‘as’ should be replaced with ‘no’
12.All teachers agree(A)/that Paresh is the(B)/more intelligent of all the boys is his class.(C)/No error(D)
12.(C) ‘more’ should be replaced with ‘most’
13.But for some(A)/anxious moments, our expedition(B)/in the Himalayas was enjoyable.(C)/No error(D)
13.(D) This sentence is correct
14.Javed had not forgotten(A)/the incident and could(B)/clear remember all the details.(C)/No error(D)
14.(C) ‘clear’ should be replaced with ‘clearly’
15.Whether you agree(A)/or not(B)/I have to send you at Bombay.(C)/No error(D)
15.(C) ‘at’ should be replaced with ‘to’
16.How close the ball(A)/will come depends(B)/on how forcefully it was hit.(C)/No error(D)
16.(C) ‘was’ should be replaced with ‘has been’
17.In spite of the help(A)/offered to him(B)/he refuses to accept and I decided to leave him alone.(C)/ No error(D)
17.(C) ‘I decided’ should be replaced with ‘I have decided’
18.If my father(A)/will approve(B)/I will go to Bombay.(C)/No error(D)
18.(B) ‘will approve’ should be replaced with ‘approves’
19.Bread and butter(A)/is(B)/wholesome food.(C)/No error(D)
19.(D) The sentence is correct
20.It is high time(A)/that we send(B)/the answer.(C)/No error(D)
20.(C) ‘the’ should be replaced with ‘an’
21.The angry man ran hurried(A)/into the crowded room(B)/and shouted loud at the guests.(C)/No error(D)
21.(C) ‘loud’ should be replaced with ‘loudly’
22.Hardly he had arrived(A)/when the house caught fire(B)/and everything was reduced to ashes.(C)/No error(D)
22.(D) The sentence is correct
23.Interviews for(A)/the posts of lecturer will(B)/begin from Monday.(C)/No error(D)
23.(B) ‘posts’ should be replaced with ‘post’
24.Good night.(A)/I am glad(B)/to see you of.(C)/No error(D)
24.(C) ‘see you of’ should be replaced with ‘see you off’
25.We all(A)/take vegetable(B)/and fruit.(C)/No error(D)
25.(D) The sentence is correct
26.As there are only one taxi available(A)/I have no other alternative(B)/but to pay the fare demanded by the driver.(C)/ No error(D)
26.(A) ‘are’ should be replaced with ‘is’
27.Prayag and Parag used(A)/to work for almost twelve hours in the factory(B)/is were working earlier.(C)/No error(D)
27.(C) ‘is’ should be replaced with ‘they’
28.Whenever they go out(A)/for shopping(B)/they take their pet dog with them.(C)/No error(D)
28.(D) This sentence is correct
29.Monisha was to about(A)/tell her teacher the(B)/truth when her friend interrupted her.(C)/No error(D)
29.(A) ‘to about’ should be replaced with ‘about to’
30.The children were(A)/playing with a ball(B)/and run around when the accident occurred.(C)/No error(D)
30.(C) ‘run’ should be replaced with ‘running’
31.Avinash is not so(A)/good a batsman to(B)/be selected for the national cricket team.(C)/No error(D)
31.(B) ‘to’ should be replaced with ‘as to’
32.He ran so fastly(A)/that he reached(B)/the destination in just two minutes.(C)/No error(D)
32.(A) ‘fastly’ should be replaced with ‘fast’
33.The fireman could not(A)/succeed in rescue the(B)/child although they could put out the fire.(C)/No error(D)
33.(B) ‘rescue’ should be replaced with ‘rescuing’
34.Anjali’s performance in the(A)/drama was best than(B)/Deepali’s but not as good as Vaishali’s.(C)/No error(D)
34.(B) ‘best’ should be replaced with ‘better’
35.Although he is usually(A)/rude with everyone(B)/he behaved nice with all of us today.(C)/No error(D)
35.(C) ‘nice’ should be replaced with ‘nicely’
36.The policeman started(A)/firing the crowd(B)/when the striking workers got violent.(C)/No error(D)
36.(B) ‘firing’ should be replaced with ‘firing at’
37.Of all the friends(A)/I have had, he is the most helpful(B)/and less arrogant.(C)/No error(D)
37.(C) ‘less’ should be replaced with ‘the least’
38.Supposing if you(A)/are arrested(B)/what will you do?(C)/No error(D)
38.(A) ‘Supposing if’ should be replaced with ‘Suppose’
39.Although we are free(A)/for the last forty-five years or so(B)/yet we continue to be economically backward.(C)/No error(D)
39.(A) ‘are free’ should be replaced with ‘have been free’
40.Satyajit Ray, who conceived, co-authored(A)/, and directed a number of good films, was(B)/one of India’s most talented film maker.(C)/No error(D)
40.(C) ‘maker’ should be replaced with ‘makers’
41.Neither the famine(A)/or the subsequent fire(B)/was able to destroy the spirit of the people.(C)/No error(D)
41.(B) ‘or’ should be replaced with ‘nor’
42.The lawyer told his client(A)/that he would represent him(B)/only if he pays up his fee.(C)/No error(D)
42.(C) ‘pays’ should be replaced with ‘paid’
43.The signpost at the gate(A)/of the garden read(B)/: Trespassers will be prosecuted.(C)/No error(D)
43.(D) This sentence is correct
44.One of the drawbacks(A)/of modern education are(B)/that it does not encourage original thinking.(C)/ No error(D)
44.(B) ‘are’ should be replaced with ‘is’
45.He was(A)/acquitted from(B)/the charges.(C)/No error(D)
45.(B) ‘from’ should be replaced with ‘of’
46.This watch is(A)/more superior and(B)/more expensive than that.(C)/No error(D)
46.(B) ‘more superior’ should be replaced with ‘superior to’
47.Some people(A)/consider wealth(B)/superior than wisdom.(C)/No error(D)
47.(C) ‘than’ should be replaced with ‘to’
48.Judging by what he tells me.(A)/I don’t think he has made a good impression(B)/to the manager of the company where he works.(C)/No error(D)
48.(C) ‘to’ should be replaced with ‘on’
49.He told me that he couldn’t buy(A)/the paintings which he wants(B)/very much because he didn’t have enough money.(C)/No error(D)
49.(B) ‘wants’ should be replaced with ‘wanted’
50.There was great difference(A)/of opinion between(B)/the members of the Board.(C)/No error(D)
50.(B) ‘between’ should be replaced with ‘among’
51.I can speak Gujarati(A)/a little but not well(B)/as you do.(C)/No error(D)
51.(B) ‘well’ should be replaced with ‘as well’
52.He hesitated to accept the past(A)/as he did not think the salary would not be(B)/enough for a man with a family of ten.(C)/No error(D)
52.(B) Delete ‘not’ after ‘would’
53.Finally, after long years of hardship(A)/he succeeded(B)/which completely altered his outlook on life.(C)/No error(D)
53.(D) This sentence is correct
54.While I was travelling(A)/in a train(B)/piece of luggage fell on my head.(C)/No error(D)
54.(C) ‘piece’ should be replaced with ‘a piece’
55.Will the bank loan(A)/me money(B)/if I pledge my land?(C)/No error(D)
55.(A) ‘loan’ should be replaced with ‘lend’
56.No sooner did the teacher(A)/enter the class(B)/then the students stand up.(C)/No error(D)
56.(C) ‘then’ should be replaced with ‘than’
57.Although my car is expensive(A)/I have had(B)/a lot of trouble with it.(C)/No error(D)
57.(B) ‘I’ should be replaced with ‘yet I’
58.He asked Ramu(A)/ why your father(B)/ had lost his temper.(C)/No error(D)
58.(B) ‘your’ should be replaced with ‘his’
59.What to speak of milk(A)/, even water(B)/ was not available there.(C)/No error(D)
59.(A) ‘What’ should be replaced with ‘Not’
60.My father asked me(A)/ to go to the fair(B)/ and enjoy there.(C)/No error(D)
60.(A) ‘asked’ should be replaced with ‘told’
61.Although winter in Kashmir is cold(A)/but it is pleasant(B)/in many ways.(C)/No error(D)
61.(B) ‘but’ should be replaced with ‘yet’
62.Hari was unhappy(A)/that he would(B)/not attend the wedding of his friend yesterday.(C)/No error(D)
62.(B) ‘would’ should be replaced with ‘could’
63.Rama could not(A)/go to the picnic(B)/for his mother was not well.(C)/No error(D)
63.(D) This sentence is correct.
64.Sarita was popular(A)/with her classmates that(B)/she always had someone or the other coming to her house.(C)/No error(D)
64.(A) ‘was’ should be replaced with ‘was so’
65.The programme which(A)/came on television(B)/these days in the evenings is very interesting.(C)/No error(D)
65.(B) ‘came’ should be replaced with ‘comes’
66.Prakash was leading(A)/a happy and leisurely(B)/life after his retirement from service.(C)/No error(D)
66.(D) The sentence is correct.
67.Elections to American(A)/President take place(B)/every fourth year in November.(C)/No error(D)
67.(B) ‘president’ should be replaced with ‘presidency’
68.Guru Ram Das was(A)/the fourth Guru of the Sikhs(B)/between 1674 to 1681.(C)/No error(D)
68.(C) ‘between’ should be replaced with ‘from’
69.Alexander was(A)/the first European invasion(B)/ to set foot on the Indian soil.(C)/No error(D)
69.(B) ‘invasion’ should be replaced with ‘invader’
70.Brazil is(A)/the larger(B)/country in South America.(C)/No error(D)
70.(B) ‘larger’ should be replaced with ‘largest’
71.Mercury is(A)/the best conductors(B)/of heat and is used in thermometers.(C)/No error(D)
71.(B) ‘conductors’ should be replaced with ‘conductor’
72.We are(A)/fortunate in being able(B)/to visit Puri because there is many who cannot go there.(C)/No error(D)
72.(C) ‘is’ should be replaced by ‘are’
73.If a man joins a post and do(A)/not work he is(B)/asked to resign the post.(C)/No error(D)
73.(A) ‘do’ should be replaced with ‘does’
74.After Independence many(A)/people have say(B)/many things about the national language.(C)/No error(D)
74.(B) ‘say’ should be replaced with ‘said’
75.Us(A)/may stay(B)/in Darjeeling until the monsoon starts.(C)/No error(D)
75.(A) ‘Us’ should be replaced with ‘We’
76.There will be(A)/increased emphasis on(B)/heavy industry in planning.(C)/No error(D)
76.(B) ‘increased’ should be replaced with ‘an increased’
77.Due to the explosion the(A)walls bursted apart(B)/and the roof was blown off.(C)/No error(D)
77.(B) ‘bursted’ should be replaced with ‘burst’
78.The selection Board will(A)/call only those(B)/candidates whom have the proper qualifications.(C)/ No error(D)
78.(C) ‘whom’ should be replaced with ‘who’
79.In the high school, girls often do(A)/as good as boys(B)/if not better than the boys.(C)/No error(D)
79.(D) This sentence is correct.
80.The authorities states(A)/that the students are(B)/responsible for the lack of discipline in the colleges.(C)/No error(D)
80.(A) ‘states’ should be replaced with ‘state’
81.No employee are(A)/permitted to act on(B)/behalf of the company in financial matters.(C)/No error(D)
81.(A) ‘are’ should be replaced with ‘is’
82.She denied(A)/that(B)/she did not(C)commit the crime.(D)/No error(E)
82.(C) Delete ‘not’ after ‘did’
83.I prefer(A)/punishment(B)/than(C)/insult.(D)/No error(E)
83.(C) ‘than’ should be replaced with ‘to’
84.My friend always prefers(A)/reading short stories(B)/than voluminous novels.(C)/No error(D)
84.(C) ‘than’ should be replaced with ‘to’
85.It has been unbearable hot(A)/for(B)/the last two months.(C)/No error(D)
85.(A) ‘unbearable’ should be replaced with ‘unbearably’
86.On the occasion,(A)/a tribal chieftain boldly asserted that any one of his boys could kill a tiger(B)/with his bare hands.(C)/No error(D)
86.(D) This sentence is correct.
87.It’s time(A)/we do something to check(B)/the incidence of this infectious disease.(C)/No error(D)
87.(B) ‘do’ should be replaced with ‘did’
88.Neither John nor Jim was able to tell me(A)/who had visited our place(B)/in the evening in my absence.(C)/No error(D)
88.(A) ‘was’ should be replaced with ‘were’
89.Neither of the contestant was(A)/in a proper physical condition(B)/to do his best work.(C)/No error(D)
89.(C) ‘do his’ should be replaced with ‘perform’. Delete ‘work’
90.No everything(A)/that a daily newspaper prints(B)/is intended to be read for its educational value.(C)/No error(D)
90.(A) ‘No’ should be replaced with ‘Not’
91.It was now six(A)/and he was tired(B)/because he has been working since dawn.(C)/No error(D)
91.(C) ‘has’ should be replaced with ‘had’
92.A report of the meetings,(A)/and a list of the new officers(B)/are printed on the third page.(C)/No error(D)
92.(C) ‘are’ should be replaced with ‘is’
93.Why you worry me(A)/when this problem of yours(B)/can be solved by your brother?(C)/No error(D)
93.(A) ‘you’ should be replaced with ‘do you’
94.When you have written your essay(A)/, read it over carefully(B)/to correct possible mistakes.(C)/No error(D)
94.(C) Delete ‘possible’ after ‘correct’
95.If you will let me try(A)/I will make this engine go(B)/but you had better get out of the way first.(C)/No error(D)
95.(A) Delete ‘will’ after ‘you’
96.Being a very hot day(A)/I stayed at home(B)/and prepared for my examination.(C)/No error(D)
96.(A) ‘Being’ should be replaced with ‘It being’
97.He told me(A)/the same old story(B)/in great details.(C)/No error(D)
97.(C) ‘details’ should be replaced with ‘detail’
98.The two brothers have never been(A)/on good terms(B)/to each other.(C)/No error(D)
98.(C) ‘to’ should be replaced with ‘with’
99.The man disappeared(A)/after he has committed(B)/a murder in the running train.(C)/No error(D)
99.(B) ‘has should be replaced with ‘had’
- This carpenter is the most skilled(A)/of all other carpenters(B)/in our workshop.(C)/No error(D)
- (B) Delete ‘other’ after ‘all’
1.Countries with high levels of corruption,(A)/like India, had found themselves(B)/less able to attract investment(C)/ and aid in a competitive global market.(D)/No error(E)
1.(B) Countries with high levels of corruption, like India, have found themselves less able to attract investment and aid in a competitive global market.
2.Poverty coupled which rapidly growing(A)/population, ignorance and increasing dependency load(B)/are behind the grim incidence of children employment(C)/in the villages and towns of developing countries.(D)/No error(E)
2.(A) Poverty coupled with rapidly growing population, ignorance and increasing dependency load are behind the grim incidence of children employment in the villages and towns of developing countries.
3.The attitudes of parents also contribute for child labour;(A)/some parents feel that children should work in order(B)/ to develop skills useful in the job market,(C)/instead of taking advantage of a formal education. (D)/No error(E)
3.(A) The attitudes of parents also contribute to child labour; some parents feel that children should work in order to develop skills useful in the job market, instead of taking advantage of a formal education.
4.Poverty is not just income deficiency;(A)/the need for enabling environment(B)/both physical and psychological(C)/ needs to the addressed.(D)/No error(E)
4.(D) Poverty is not just income deficiency; the need for enabling environment both physical and psychological needs to be addressed.
5.The basis of taxation incurred(A)/is the gross receipts(B)/before deducting the related expenses(C)/in connection with earning such receipts.(D)/No error(E)
5.(C) The basis of taxation incurred is the gross receipts after deducting the related expenses in connection with earning such receipts.
6.Working children are counted as workers(A)/only if these contribute towards(B)/the national product based on(C)/ economic accounting model.(D)/No error(E)
6.(B) working children are counted as workers only if they contribute towards the national product based on economic accounting model.
7.The weak global economic prospects and continuing uncertainties(A)/in the international financial markets(B)/have had their impact(C)/in emerging market economies like India.(D)/No error(E)
7.(D) The weak global economic prospects and continuing uncertainties in the international financial markets have had their impact on emerging market economies like India.
8.The decline in reserves(A)/is partly due to(B)/intervention from the RBI to stem the slide(C)/of the rupee against the US dollar.(D)/No error(E)
8.(C) The decline in reserves is partly due to intervention by the RBI to stem the slide of the rupee against the US dollar.
9.It was indicated that(A)/the macroeconomic dimensions of fiscal policies(B)/is best understood with reference to fiscal aggregates(C)/at the level of consolidated general government.(D)/No error(E)
9.(C) it was indicated that the macroeconomic dimensions of fiscal policies are best understood with reference to fiscal aggregates at the level of consolidated general government.
10.Sustainable development(A)/is a difficult balancing act(B)/on countries especially(C)/with low incomes.(D)/No error(E)
10.(C) Sustainable development is a difficult balancing act in countries especially with low incomes.
11.Monetary policy remained(A)/focused on controlling inflation(B)/or anchoring inflationary expectations,(C)/with 13 adjustments in policy rates since March 2010. (D)/No error(E)
11.(C) Monetary policy remained focused on controlling inflation and anchoring inflationary expectations, with 13 adjustments in policy rates since March 2010.
12.Implementing carbon mitigation options(A)/in buildings is associated(B) /with a wide race of co-benefits,(C)/ including improved energy security and system reliability.(D)/No error(E)
12.(C) Implementing carbon mitigation options in buildings is associated with a wide range of co-benefits, including improved energy security and system reliability.
13.It will effectively address(A)/the issue of education of children(B)/of migrant labourers as there children(C)/can be admitted at new places, without cumbersome verification.(D)/No error(E)
13.(C) It will effectively address(A)/the issue of education of children(B)/of migrant labourers as their children(C)/can be admitted at new places, without cumbersome verification.
14.Even some industrialized nations(A)/have viewed the operations of credit rating agencies(B)/with concern, especially(C)/then their own credit ratings have been downgraded.(D)/No error(E)
14.(D) Even some industrialized nations have viewed the operations of credit rating agencies with concern, especially when their own credit ratings have been downgraded.
15.The standard sovereign credit rating,(A)/is a statement of(B)/how safe and rewarding a nation’s credit is(C)/without every account where other nation’s stand on this dimension.(D)/No error(E)
15.(D) The standard sovereign credit rating is a statement of how safe and rewarding a nation’s credit is, without any account where other nation’s stand on this dimension.
16.Prices are signals(A)/to consumers and sellers(B)/and all those who deal(C)/in those products of shortages and abundance.(D)/No error(E)
16.(D) Prices are signals to consumers and sellers and all those who deal in these products of shortages and abundance.
17.Heat transfer(A)/to the thermometer took place(B)/by the conventional three mechanisms,(C)/conduction, convection and radiation. (D)/No error(E)
17.(B) Heat transfer to the thermometer takes place by the conventional three mechanisms, conduction, convection and radiation.
18.Policymaking has to move on(A)/from a purely mechanistic exercise(B)/of implementing well-worn rules(C)/to nurturing bold, strategic ideas and putting that to work.(D)/No error(E)
18.(D) Policymaking has to move on from a purely mechanistic exercise of implementing well-worn rules to nurturing bold, strategic ideas and putting them to work.
19.Specified tools used(A)/in the handicrafts sector(B)/included in an list of specified goods(C)/allowed to be imported duty free to handicrafts exporters.(D)/No error(E)
19.(C) Specified tools used in the handicrafts sector included in the list of specified goods allowed to be imported duty free to handicrafts exporters.
20.A concessional rate(A)/of excise duty of 10 per cent(B)/prescribed for hydrogen vehicles(C)/based in fuel cell technology.(D)/No error(E)
20.(D) A concessional rate of excise duty of 10 percent prescribed for hydrogen vehicles based on fuel cell technology.
21.A tariff rate(A)/of excise duty for 10 per cent prescribed(B)/for jute yarn while it is being simultaneously(C)/ exempted from excise duty.(D)/No error(E)
21.(B) A tariff rate of excise duty of 10 per cent prescribed for jute yarn while it is being simultaneously exempted from excise duty.
22.A fundamental shift(A)/in the approach of public expenditure management(B)/by removing the Plan-Non Plan distinction(C)/or with budgeting linked to outputs and outcomes.(D)/No error(E)
22.(D) A fundamental shift in the approach of public expenditure management by removing the Plan-Non Plan distinction and with budgeting linked to outputs and outcomes.
23.Indian Railways have been taking measures(A)/to judiciously augment its resources(B)/through public private partnerships(PPP), cost sharing with(C)/state governments and other stake holders, and market borrowings.(D)/No error(E)
23.(A) Indian Railways has been taking measures to judiciously augment its resources through public private partnerships(PPP), cost sharing with state governments and other stake holders, and market borrowings.
24.The fiscal outcome in 2011-12(A)/is likely to be affected by the macroeconomic setting(B)/with indicates a sharp slowdown(C)/in industry and rising costs affecting profits.(D)/No error(E)
24.(C) The fiscal outcome in 2011-12 is likely to be affected by the macroeconomic setting which indicates a sharp slowdown in industry and rising costs affecting profits.
25.The sharp rise and volatility of prices(A)/of oil and petroleum products(B)/at international markets has become(C)/a matter of global concern.(D)/No error(E)
25.(C) The sharp rise and volatility of prices of oil and petroleum products in international markets has become a matter of global concern.
26.The teacher asked the students(A)/if each of them(B)/were ready to take(C)/practical class everyday.(D)/No error(E)
26.(C) ‘were’ should be replaced with ‘was’
27.There is no doubt(A)/that a majority of workers(B)/is in favour(C)/of increasing wages.(D)/No error(E)
27.(C) ‘is’ should be replaced with ‘are’
28.No sooner he left the office(A)/than it started raining heavily(B)/enough to make(C)/him completely wet.(D)/No error(E)
28.(A) ‘No sooner he left’ should be replaced with ‘no sooner had he left’
29.One of my first friend(A)/is both a novelist(B)/ and a poet(C)/of repute.(D)/No error(E)
29.(A) ‘My first friend’ should be replaced with ‘my best friends’
30.Even after hearing the leader(A)/for a long time(B)/the followers could not make out(C)/ which he was talking about. (D)/No error(E)
30.(D) ‘which he was’ should be replaced with ‘what he was’
31.The principal along with the teachers(A)/were seen boarding a bus(B)/to go to a picnic(C)/on a national holiday.(D)/ No error(E)
31.(B) ‘were seen’ should be replaced with ‘was seen’
32.With the introduction of the new syllabus(A)/the number of colleges reporting(B)/high results were decreasing(C)/ year after year.(D)/No error(E)
32.(C) ‘results are’ should be replaced with ‘results were’
33.The management warned the employees(A)/that if they persist(B)/in their obstructionist attitude, they would be suspended.(C)/No error(D)
33.(B) ‘if they persist’ should be replaced with ‘if they persisted’
34.A morning bath(A)/is good not only for body(B)/but also for the mind.(C)/No error(D)
34.(B) ‘only for body’ should be replaced with ‘only for the body’
35.He has taken his(A)/degree examination last year(B)/,but failed.(C)/No error(D)
35.(A) ‘has taken’ should be replaced with ‘took’
36.The police were(A)/on the alert(B)/to see that nothing goes wrong.(C)/No error(D)
36.(C) ‘goes wrong’ should be repalced with ‘went wrong’
37.Such candidates who have not(A)/cleared the written test(B)/will not be called for the interview.(C)/ No error(D)
37.(A) ‘such candidates’ should be replaced with ‘Those candidates’
38.Many precious lives were(A)/lose in a collision(B)/between a truck and a bus.(C)/No error(D)
38.(B) ‘lose in’ should be replaced with ‘lost in’
39.He has been going to the office(A)/for a year now(B)/and he even can’t understand its working.(C)/No error(D)
39.(C) ‘he even’ should be replaced with ‘yet’
40.On second thoughts(A)/the employee has withdrawn(B)/his resignation from his job a week ago.(C)/ No error(D)
40.(B) ‘has withdrawn’ should be replaced with ‘withdrew’
41.He would have lent me some money(A)/if he was knowing(B)/that I had lost everything.(C)/No error(D)
41.(B) ‘was knowing’ should be replaced with ‘had known’
42.The dark and tranquil atmosphere(A)/was occasionally disturbed(B)/by the thunder and lightning in the sky.(C)/No error(D)
42.(D) This sentence is correct
43.It surprises me to infer from whatever you say(A)/that he always intended to achieve his aim(B)/by hook or crook. (C)/No error(D)
43.(C) ‘crook’ should be replaced with ‘by crook’
44.The manager of his bank(A)/is a close friend(B)/of me.(C)/No error(D)
44.(C) ‘of me’ should be replaced with ‘of mine’
45.He ought to start at one(A)/lest he may not miss the train(B)/and fail to appear for the interview.(C)/No error(D)
45.(B) Delete ‘not’
46.He refused to recognise(A)/that the goldmine there(B)/was of poor quality.(C)/No error(D)
46.(C) ‘was of poor’ should be replaced with ‘is of poor’
47.They swam all night(A)/in the pond(B)/isn’t it?(C)/No error(D)
47.(C) ‘isn’t it’ should be replaced with ‘didn’t they’
48.If you will work hard(A)/you will surely get a seat(B)/in any medical college in India.(C)/No error(D)
48.(A) ‘you will work’ should be replaced with ‘you work hard’
49.If a man runs after money he is greedy(A)/, if he keeps it he’s miser(B)/, and if he spends it he is extravagant.(C)/No error(D)
49.(D) This sentence is correct
50.It passes my understanding(A)/as to how can you doubt the truth of(B)/what the venerable old man has said.(C)/No error(D)
50.(B) Delete ‘the truth of’
51.He suggested me that(A)/we should put the cupboard in the corner(B)/near the window.(C)/No error(D)
51.(A) ‘suggested me’ should be replaced with ‘suggested to me’
52.When I alongwith some others,(A)/went to meet the principal(B)/the peon prevented us to enter his office.(C)/No error(D)
52.(C) ‘prevented us to’ should be replaced with ‘prevented us from’
53.The new joint venture company(A)/would first look into the tender conditions(B)/of both basic and value added services(C)/before submit its bid.(D)/No error(E)
53.(D) ‘before submit’ should be replaced with ‘before submitting’
54.Prosperity should have(A)/alleviated poverty, but it has(B)/instead aggravated(C)/to the process of exploiting the poor.(D)/No error(E)
54.(C) ‘aggravated its’ should be replaced with ‘aggravated it to’
55.Neither he(A)/nor his wife(B)/was invited for(C)/the inaugural function.(D)/No error(E)
55.(C) ‘was invited’ should be replaced with ‘were invited’
56.It is definitely(A)/kind of this attitude(B)/that is required in(C)/this day and age.(D)/No error(E)
56.(B) ‘kind of this attitude’ should be replaced with ‘this kind of attitude’
57.No sooner did(A)/the bell rung(B)/than the children(C)/ran towards the classroom.(D)/No error(E)
57.(B) ‘the bell rung’ should be replaced with ‘the bell ring’
58.The school teachers encourages(A)/the children who(B)/have difficulty in understanding the(C)/subject matter in the class.(D)/No error(E)
58.(A) ‘teachers encourages’ should be replaced with ‘teachers encourage’
59.Our efforts will be well rewarded(A)/if some people imbibe new ideas(B)/and plunged themselves into the(C)/ challenging task of nation-building.(D)/No error(E)
59.(C) ‘and plunged’ should be replaced with ‘and plunge’
60.Society’s role is(A)/just not to provide(B)/guns and goods but a sense(C)/of purpose and a philosophy of life.(D)/No error(E)
60.(B) ‘just not to’ should be replaced with ‘not only to’
61.But for(A)/your co-operation and blessings(B)/ this work(C)/could not have been completed.(D)/No error(E)
61.(E) This sentence is correct
62.To my uttered surprise(A)/I found that children(B)/with learning difficulties were(C)/using computers with ease.(D)/ No error(E)
62.(A) ‘uttered surprise’ should be replaced with ‘utter surprise’
63.The health workers are(A)/being tried their best(B)/ to popularise(C)/ preventive measures.(D)/No error(E)
63.(B) ‘being tried their best’ should be replaced with ‘trying their best’
64.Several issues raising(A)/in the meeting could(B)/be amicably resolved(C)/due to his tactful handling.(D)/No error(E)
64.(A) ‘issues raising’ should be replaced with ‘issues raised’
65.Motivating employees with(A)/traditional authority and financial(B)/incentives have become(C)/increasingly difficult.(D)/No error(E)
65.(C) ‘have become’ should be replaced with ‘has become’
66.What is needed today is(A)/a new breed of managers(B)/with a new set of concepts(C)/and a feasible way about thinking.(D)/No error(E)
66.(D) ‘about thinking’ should be replaced with ‘of thinking’
67.Your machine would not have(A)/given you so much trouble(B)/if you had(C)/maintained it proper.(D)/No error(E)
67.(D) ‘maintained it proper’ should be replaced with ‘maintained it properly’
68.He ought(A)/not have(B)/done such a(C)/filthy thing.(D)/No error(E)
68.(B) ‘not have’ should be replaced with ‘not to have’
69.Generally people have not receptive(A)/and fail to notice the(B)/irrelevant answers they(C)/get for straight questions. (D)/No error(E)
69.(A) ‘have not receptive’ should be replaced with ‘are not receptive’
70.He could succeed(A)/in catching the ball(B)/before it reaches(C)/the boundary line.(D)/No error(E)
70.(C) ‘before it reaches’ should be replaced with ‘before it reached’
71.Even at the planning stage(A)/Rajesh was quite sure(B)/that the scheme was(C)/binding to fail.(D)/No error(E)
71.(D) ‘binding to fail’ should be replaced with ‘bound to fail’
72.The environment in which(A)/companies operating(B)/today is(C)/undergoing frenetic changes.(D)/ No error(E)
72.(B) ‘companies operating’ should be replaced with ‘companies are operating’
73.There(A)/have(B)/been heavy(C)/rainfall yesterday.(D)/No error(E)
73.(B) ‘have’ should be replaced with ‘has’
74.Neither the(A)/head constable(B)/nor other policemen is(C)/injured.(D)/No error(E)
74.(C) ‘policemen is’ should be replaced with ‘policemen were’
75.Every(A)/leaf and every flower proclaim(B)/the(C)/glory of God.(D)/No error(E)
75.(B) ‘flower proclaim’ should be replaced with ‘flower proclaims’
76.Playing(A)/the(B)/harmonium and(C)/singing are(D)/difficult.(E)/No error(F)
76.(D) ‘singing are’ should be replaced with ‘singing is’
77.Six miles(A)/are(B)/a long(C)/distance.(D)/No error(E)
77.(B) ‘are’ should be replaced with ‘is’
78.The team(A)/are(B)/out to(C)/win the match.(D)/No error(E)
78.(B) ‘are’ should be replaced with ‘is’
79.The(A)/cluster of(B)/grapes were(C)/plucked by the child.(D)/No error(E)
79.(C) ‘grapes were’ should be replaced with ‘grapes was’
80.A box of(A)/apples are(B)/in(C)/the car.(D)/No error(E)
80.(B) ‘apples are’ should be replaced with ‘apples is’
81.The(A)/jury is(B)/arguing among(C)/themselves.(D)/No error(E)
81.(B) ‘jury is’ should be replaced with ‘jury are’
82.I did not(A)/do no work(B)/during(C)/the day.(D)/No error(E)
82.(B) ‘do the work’ should be replaced with ‘do any work’
83.He has been(A)/complaining(B)/that his brother comes seldom(C)/to meet.(D)/No error(E)
83.(C) ‘comes seldom’ should be replaced with ‘seldom comes’
84.Let us(A)/hire(B)/a taxi I cannot hardly(C)/walk.(D)/No error(E)
84.(C) ‘I cannot hardly’ should be replaced with ‘I can hardly’
85.You are(A)/wrong(B)/I never met(C)/him yesterday.(D)/No error(E)
85.(C) ‘never met’ should be replaced with ‘did not meet’
86.It will(A)/not rain,(B)/I do not(C)/think so.(D)/No error(E)
86.(C) delete ‘do not’
87.I started(A)/the(B)/car and drive(C)/down the street.(D)/No error(E)
87.(C) ‘and drive’ should be replaced with ‘and drove’
88.Mary(A)/cut(B)/Anne’s hair(C)/and curls them.(D)/No error(E)
88.(B) ‘cut’ should be replaced with ‘cuts’
89.You(A)/wash(B)/the(C)/dishes and I dry them.(D)/No error(E)
89.(D) ‘I dry them’ should be replaced with ‘I shall dry them’
90.Now(A)/they watched(B)/ the(C)/ river everyday.(D)/No error(E)
90.(B) ‘they watched’ should be replaced with ‘they watch’
91.They(A)/often(B)/went(C)/fishing together.(D)/No error(E)
91.(E) This sentence is correct
92.He(A)/went(B)/before I(C)/left this place.(D)/No error(E)
92.(C) ‘before I’ should be replaced with ‘much before I’
93.If(A)/I(B)/am(C)/a king.(D)/No error(E)
93.(C) ‘am’ should be replaced with ‘were’
94.I(A)/saw(B)/him when(C)/he talked to his friend.(D)/No error(E)
94.(D) ‘he talked’ should be replaced with ‘he was talking’
95.He(A)/is(B)/working for(C)/the past four hours.(D)/No error(E)
95.(B) ‘is’ should be replaced with ‘has been’
96.I(A)/ will(B)/ come(C)/ just now.(D)/No error(E)
96.(B) ‘will’ should be replaced with ‘shall’
97.I(A)/watched(B)/him(C)/fell.(D)/No error(E)
97.(D) ‘fell’ should be replaced with ‘fall’
98.I told you(A)/that(B)/he ought to(C)/come today.(D)/No error(E
98.(C) ‘he ought to’ should be replaced with ‘he shall/will’
99.I(A)/will(B)/contact you when(C)/you will come.(D)/No error(E)
99.(D) ‘you will’ should be replaced with ‘you shall’
- He(A)/will leave(B)/you(C)/in lunch.(D)/No error(E)
- (D) ‘in lunch’ should be replaced ‘after lunch’
1.The food price index(A)/consists of to subcomponents,(B)/namely primary food articles(C)/and manufactured food products.(D)/No error(E)
1.(B) The food price index consists of two subcomponents, namely primary food articles and manufactured food products.
2.Global growth remains(A)/very weak and the renewed sluggishness(B)/in the global economy has led to some moderation(C)/.in global commodity prices - particularly these of food and metals.(D)/No error(E)
2.(D) Global growth remains very weak and the renewed sluggishness in the global economy has led to some moderation in global commodity prices - particularly those of food and metals.
3.The government monitors(A)/the price situation regularly(B)/at price stability remains(C)/high on its agenda.(D)/No error(E)
3.(C) The government monitors the price situation regularly as price stability remains high on its agenda.
4.In recent years,(A)/the pace and quality of banking(B)/has changed with the adoption(C)/of technological advancements.(D)/No error(E)
4.(C) In recent years, the pace and quality of banking have changed with the adoption of technological advancements.
5.Monetary tightening in India has(A)/lead to some correction in stock markets,(B)/just as it happened in other emerging market economies(C)/as their central banks tightened their grips.(D)/No error(E)
5.(B) Monetary tightening in India has led to some correction in stock markets, just as it happened in other emerging market economies as their central banks tightened their grips.
6.In India, FDI(A)/is preferred over portfolio flows(B)/as the FDI flows trend to be more stable(C)/than portfolio and other forms of capital flows.(D)/No error(E)
6.(C) In India, FDI is preferred over portfolio flows as the FDI flows tend to be more stable than portfolio and other forms of capital flows.
7.On an annual average basis,(A)/the rupee appreciated(B)/against major international currencies(C)/expect the Japanese yen in fiscal 2010-11.(D)/No error(E)
7.(D) On an annual average basis, the rupee appreciated against major international currencies except the Japanese yen in fiscal 2010-11.
8.The size of foreign exchange reserves(A)/could been a constraining factor(B)/in checking depreciation of local currency(C)/in the event of external shock and reversal of capital.(D)/No error(E)
8.(B) The size of foreign exchange reserves could be a constraining factor in checking depreciation of local currency in the event of external shock and reversal of capital.
9.Conditions for(A) international trade finance/(B)/have also been adversely affected(C)/from current unstable financial conditions.(D)/No error(E)
9.(C) Conditions for international trade finance have also been adversely affected by current unstable financial conditions.
10.Except pearls, precious stones, metals, coins, etc.(A)/all the other nine items witnessed(B)/an decrease in global share(C)/in 2010 over 2009, with cotton being at the top of the list.(D)/No error(E)
10.(C) Except pearls, precious stones, metals, coins, etc. all the other nine items witnessed an increase in global share in 2010 over 2009, with cotton being at the top of the list.
11.Self-assessment on customs(A)/to usher in a new era of trust based customs-trade partnership,(B)/modernize the customs administration(C)/and quicken the clearance of cargo.(D)/No error(E)
11.(A) Self-assessment in customs to usher in a new era of trust based customs-trade partnership, modernize the customs administration and quicken the clearance of cargo.
12.Management planning is a process -(A)/not an event;(B)/i.e. it do not end with the production of a plan,(C)/but continues through its implementation and beyond.(D)/No error(E)
12.(C) Management planning is a process - not an event; i.e. it does not end with the production of a plan, but continues through its implementation and beyond.
13.When the management plan(A)/has been prepared and approved,(B)/and the operational plans are in place to guide its implementation,(C)/field staff are that able to put the plan into practice.(D)/No error(E)
13.(D) When the management plan has been prepared and approved, and the operational plans are in place to guide its implementation, field staff are then able to put the plan into practice.
14.The net interest margin(A)/is a measure of how well the institution(B)/is able to maintain(C)/a spread among the interest income to interest expense.(D)/No error(E)
14.(D) The net interest margin is a measure of how well the institution is able to maintain a spread between the interest income to interest expense.
15.The manager thinks(A)/how to use the hands of others,(B)/gave the workers instructions(C)/and monitor their performance.(D)/No error(E)
15.(C) The manager thinks how to use the hands of others, give the workers instructions and monitor their performance.
16.The line organization present(A)/all the management levels(B)/and operational functions of the organization,(C)/but does not contain advisory functions. (D)/No error(E)
16.(E) The line organization present all the management levels and operational functions of the organization, but does not contain advisory functions.
17.Decentralization occurs(A)/when a significant amount of authority(B)/was delegated(C)/to lower levels in the organization.(D)/No error(E)
17.(C) decentralization occurs when a significant amount of authority is delegated to lower levels in the organization.
18.Personnel requirements(A)/are assessed(B)/and the physical resources needed(C)/too accomplish the objectives determined.(D)/No error(E)
18.(D) Personnel requirements are assessed and the physical resources needed to accomplish the objectives determined.
19.At the moment a job,(A)/becomes to complex(B)/too diverse, or too voluminous for one person,(C)/the need for delegation arises.(D)/No error(E)
19.(B) At the moment a job becomes too complex, too diverse, or too voluminous for one person, the need for delegation arises.
20.Once the employee understands the job,(A)/that person would be(B)/made aware of how performance(C)/will be measured.(D)/No error(E)
20.(B) Once the employee understands the job, that person should be made aware of how performance will be measured.
21.The designer may(A)/adjust the planning(B)/to accommodate(C)/the available human resources and equipment.(D)/ No error(E)
21.(E) The designer may adjust the planning to accommodate the available human resources and equipment.
22.The ability to effectively communicate(A)/in work, home, and in life is probably(B)/one of the most important sets(C)/of skills a person needs.(D)/No error(E)
22.(B) The ability to effectively communicate at work, home, and in life is probably one of the most important sets of skills a person needs.
23.Co-operation among workers(A)/is possible only when this is(B)/an exchange of information between(C)/individuals and groups and between the management and the employees.(D)/No error(E)
23.(B) Co-operation among workers is possible only when there is an exchange of information between individuals and groups and between the management and the employees.
24.Morale and good relations(A)/in the organization are essential(B)/ofachieving goals of the organization and promoting(C)/its benevolence goodwill in the public.(D)/No error(E)
24.(C) Morale and good relations in the organization are essential for achieving goals of the organization and promoting its benevolence goodwill in the public.
25.The company has to(A)/provide factual information(B)/about profitability, quality of products, facilities provided(C)/ to the workers and services rendered towards the community.(D)/No error(E)
25.(D) The company has to provide factual information about profitability, quality of products, facilities provided to the workers or services rendered towards the community. 2
26.No sooner did(A)/I reach(B)/Delhi railway station than(C)/the train departed.(D)/No error(E)
27.As soon as I will(A)/reach Patna I will(B)/send you the books(C)/you have asked for.(D)/No error(E)
26.Here present simple will be used. Hence, delete ‘will’
28.One of my good quality(A)/is that I do not(B)/take things like(C)/this very seriously.(D)/No error(E)
27.(A) One of my good ‘qualities’
29.Our housing society comprises of(A)/eight blocks and(B)/forty-eight flats in an(C)/area of about thousand square metres.(D)/No error(E)
28.(A) ‘Of’ is not used with ‘comprise’
30.It being a(A)/pleasant morning I(B)/decided to go out(C)/on walking in the garden.(D)/No error(E)
31.We are happy that(A)/our prime minister(B)/with the members(C)/of his cabinet are to be present at the function.(D)/ No error(E)
30.(D) Replace ‘are’ with ‘is’ because the subject (prime minister) is singular here
32.Neither the size nor the colour(A)/of clothes which(B)/I purchased for him(C)/yesterday were right.(D)/No error(E)
31.(D) Replace ‘were’ with ‘was’
33.I heard to my surprise(A)/that the present(B)/I send him was not(C)/to his taste.(D)/No error(E)
32.(C) It should be ‘the present I sent for him’
34.Let us refer(A)/this matter to the principal.(B)/We shall abide(C)/with his decision.(D)/No error(E)
33.(D) It should be ‘by his decision’
35.If I would have come(A)/a little earlier, I would have(B)/got a glimpse(C)/of my beloved leader.(D)/ No error(E)
34.(A) The sentence should begin as, ‘If I had come ……’
36.When you buy something(A)/on the instalment system(B)/you are not required to pay(C)/the whole price at once. (D)/No error(E)
35.(D) Replace ‘at once’ with ‘at the beginning’
37.I am waiting for you(A)/for the last two hours(B)/but you did not bother(C)/to turn up on time.(D)/No error(E)
36.(A) The sentence should start as, ‘I had been waiting for you’
38.It is indeed commendable(A)/that the apex court has deemed(B)/it necessary to remind the government of its duties in promoting(C)/education and investing in it.(D)/No error(E)
39.The perception(A)/of animal life was even more ambigous(B)/because of anthropomorphic(C)/characterizations of animal behaviour.(D)/No error(E)
38.(B) The right spelling—ambiguous
40.The policy of permitting(A)/legal(B)/import of gold has stimulated(C)/its consummation.(D)/No error(E)
39.(D) Instead of ‘consumption’
41.His continually(A)/defending(B)/his stand on the issue has risen(C)/doubts in the mind of the jury.(D)/ No error(E)
40.(C) Use ‘raised’ in place of ‘risen’
42.The government’s strategy to encourage(A)/enterpreneurship(B)/gathers momentum(C)/with unenvisaged(D)/ response. No error(E)
41.(B) The right spelling—entrepreneurship
43.My daughter never(A)/would write to me(B)/so I never know(C)/what she is doing.(D)/No error(E)
42.(B) Replace ‘would’ ‘write’ with ‘writes’
44.Whenever we have a puncture(A)/she just sits in the car(B)/and reads a book(C)/while I changed the wheel.(D)/No error(E)
43.(D) Replace ‘changed’ with ‘change’
45.He walked to the market(A)/with both his servants(B)/on either side of his(C)/to help him buy things.(D)/No error(E)
44.(C) Replace ‘his’ by ‘him’
46.Ganesh, who has been(A)/driving all day(B)/, was extremely tired(C)/and wanted to stop.(D)/No error(E)
45.(A) Replace ‘has’ by ‘had’
47.Everyone was reading quietly(A)/when suddenly the door(B)/burst open and a(C)/complete stranger rushed in.(D)/ No error(E)
48.It was(A)/natural that(B)/some difficulties crop up(C)/in his life while(D)/he was studying. No error(E)
47.(C) Replace ‘crop up’ with ‘cropped up’
49.Chatting on(A)/the Internet with people only not(B)/helps us(C)/make friends but also(D)/increases our knowledge. No error(E)
48.(B) Replace ‘people only not’ with ‘people not only’
50.Knowledge will not attract money(A)/unless it is(B)/organised and intelligently directed(C)/through practical plans(D)/of action, to the definite end of accumulation. No error(E)
49.(E) Replace ‘of accumulation’ with ‘of accumulating’
51.As the experiences(A)/of other countries have shown,(B)/an ailing financial sector can very quickly(C)/render wreck(D)/the entire economy. No error(E)
50.(D) Replace ‘render wreck’ with ‘wreck’ only (delete ‘render’)
52.If you are(A)/one of the(B)/who have often wondered how(C)/great fortunes are(D)/made, this story will be enlightening. Nor error(E)
51.(B) Replace ‘one of the’ with ‘one of those’
53.My only concern(A)/is that(B)/at this juncture(C)/communal sentiments are rather(D)/heightened upwardly.(E)
52.(E) Remove the word ‘upwardly’
54.However,(A)/this division(B)/of power is not quiet(C)/as neat as it may(D)/appear at first. No error(E)
53.(C) Replace ‘quiet’ with ‘quite’
55.He strongly felt(A)/that the explanation(B)/given(C)/during the meeting(D)/was not at all truth. No error(E)
54.(E) Replace ‘truth’ with ‘true’
56.We decided to(A)/dedicate this article on the women(B)/who have been instrumental in(C)/training generations of(D)/young girls to create a healthy atmosphere. No error(E)
55.(B) Replace ‘on the women’ with ‘to the women’
57.When the opportunity came(A)/it appeared in a different form(B)/and from a different(C)/direction then he had(D)/ expected. No error(E)
56.(D) Replace ‘then’ with ‘than’
58.My secretary is so(A)/careful of her work that(B)/none has so far found(C)/any error in her work.(D)/ No error(E)
57.(B) Replace ‘of’ with ‘in’
59.Our conclusion is that(A)/between Vinayak and(B)/Lalo, Vinayak is(C)/the most honest.(D)/No error(E)
58.(B) Here there is a comparison between two persons, so it should be ‘more honest’ in place of ‘most honest’
60.The new project group(A)/would first look into the tender conditions(B)/of both basic and value-added(C)/services before submit its bid.(D)/No error(E)
59.(D) It should be ‘submitting’
61.I would have committed(A)/the same mistake of signing(B)/the sale deed if my agent(C)/would not have forewarned me.(D)/No error(E)
60.(D) Replace ‘would not have’ with ‘had not’
62.The team leaders encourages(A)/the participants who have(B)/difficulty in performing(C)/the assigned task.(D)/No error(E)
61.(A) ‘team leaders encourages’ should be replaced by ‘team leaders encourage’ or ‘team leader encourages’
63.The judge asked the man(A)/if the bag he had lost(B)/contain five thousand rupees.(C)/The man replied that it did. (D)/No error(E)
64.I trust you will(A)/show forbearance to me(B)/a few minutes more(C)/so that I can finish this work.(D)/No error(E)
65.The ground outside the village,(A)/abounding with frogs and snakes,(B)/the enemies of mankind,(C)/ is soft and marshy.(D)/No error(E)
66.We are all short-sighted(A)/and very often see but one side of the matter(B)/. Our views are not extended(C)/to all that has as connection with it.(D)/No error(E)
67.Just laws are no restraint on(A)/the freedom of the good,(B)/for the good man desires nothing(C)/which a just law interfere with.(D)/No error(E)
68.Had he done(A)/his home work well(B)/he would not have(C)/suffered this embarrassment.(D)/No error(E)
69.He was angry with me(A)/because he thought my(B)/remark was(C)/aimed before him.(D)/No error(E)
70.We were happy that(A)/the audience responded well(B)/and gave all the speakers(C)/a patiently listening.(D)/No error(E)
71.He received timely support(A)/from his elder brother(B)/who is working abroad(C)/for the last six years.(D)/No error(E)
72.The notorious gang opened(A)/the door quietly and(B)/escaped into the dark with(C)/whatever they would collect. (D)/No error(E)
73.One of the security men(A)/rushed forward and asked(B)/me whether I(C)/had anything objectionable.(D)/No error(E)
74.We could not(A)/believe that one(B)/of us was(C)/responsible with the act.(D)/No error(E)
75.We are now(A)/reliably learned that(B)/he was involved(C)/in the bank robbery.(D)/No error(E)
76.I do not know(A)/what most people feel(B)/depressed and dejected(C)/even at the slightest provocation.(D)/No error(E)
77.She had such pretty(A)/that she thinks(B)/she can afford to be(C)/careless about her clothes.(D)/No error(E)
78.After carefully examining(A)/all the medicine bottles(B)/he submitted a detailed report(C)/to the higher authorities. (D)/No error(E)
79.All of you are at liberty(A)/to come home(B)/as per the convenient(C)/ and discuss the problems.(D)/ No error(E)
80.He was persuaded(A)/by his friends(B)/to end his fast(C)/because of his condition deteriorated.(D)/ No error(E)
81.I know who(A)/this job should be(B)/entrusted to(C)/for smooth handling.(D)/No error(E)
82.They have the nasty habit of(A)/looking down upon people(B)/and criticised them(C)/for no reason.(D)/No error(E)
83.Nowadays, the cost of living(A)/is so high that(B)/people find it difficult(C)/to make both ends meeting.(D)/No error(E)
84.Karnavati is(A)/one of the leading(B)/business centres(C)/in our state.(D)/No error(E)
85.You may not know it(A)/but this engine is(B)/claimed to have twice(C)/as powerful as the previous one.(D)/No error(E)
86.Nothing ever becomes real(A)/till it is experienced(B)/. Even a proverb is no proverb to you(C)/till your life has illustrated with it.(D)/No error(E)
87.I remember my childhood days(A)/when I was used to go(B)/to the farm with my father(C)/and help him in his work. (D)/No error(E)
88.I missed the last train(A)/which I usually catch(B)/and have to stay at the station(C)/on my way back home yesterday. (D)/No error(E)
89.Sureshbabu, who is living(A)/in this town since 1955,(B)/is a well-known scholar of history(C)/and a distinguished musician.(D)/No error(E)
90.If you had read(A)/the relevant literature carefully(B)/you would have answered(C)/most of the questions correctly. (D)/No error(E)
91.The house where the dead man was found(A)/is being guarded by police(B)/to prevent it from being entered(C)/and the evidence interfered with.(D)/No error(E)
92.As I reached the hospital(A)/I had found a great rush of visitors(B)/whose relatives had been admitted there(C)/for one or the other ailment.(D)/No error(E)
93.One should study the history(A)/of one’s country because it alone can satisfy(B)/the natural curiosity to know(C)/ what happened in the past.(D)/No error(E)
94.It is interesting to note(A)/that the greatest lines in poetry are simple(B)/and yet there is in them some quality(C)/ which makes them outstanding.(D)/No error(E)
95.For life happy,(A)/man should live(B)/as far as possible(C)/in perfect harmony with nature.(D)/No error(E)
96.You have heard(A)/of Socrates, I suppose.(B)/Undoubtedly, he was one(C)/of the greatest man of the world.(D)/No error(E)
97.Owing to(A)/scarcity of water,(B)/the metropolitan city of Mumbai is passing(C)/through a hard time.(D)/No error(E)
98.I reprimanded him for using(A)/humiliating language while(B)/addressing the(C)/audience.(D)/No error(E)
99.I appealed to her to look after my(A)/children during my(B)/absence and she(C)/acceded to my request.(D)/No error(E)
- You have absolutely no(A)/authority to(B)/interfere in my(C)/affairs.(D)/No error(E)
- (C)
1.When a worker wishes(A)/to convey certain information(B)/to the production manager,(C)/it can been channelized only through the foreman.(D)/No error(E)
1.(D) when a worker wishes to convey certain information to the production manager, it can be channelized only through the foreman.
2.Be confident and strong(A)/in you views and statements,(B)/but remember that whomever you are communicating with(C)/has their own thoughts, feelings, perspectives, ideals and objectives.(D)/No error(E)
2.(B) Be confident and strong in your views and statements, but remember that whomever your are communicating with has their own thoughts, feelings, perspectives, ideals and objectives.
3.Public relations emphasizes(A)/a proper understanding of the nature,(B)/of the public and the social environment(C)/ in which an industry is operating and the changes that is constantly occurring.(D)/No error(E)
3.(D) Public relations emphasizes a proper understanding of the nature, of the public and the social environment in which an industry is operating and the changes that are constantly occurring.
4.Project sponsors are the route(A)/through with project managers directly report(B)/and from which project managers obtain(C)/their formal authority, remit and decisions.(D)/No error(E)
4.(B) Project sponsors are the route through which project managers directly report and from which project managers obtain their formal authority, remit and decisions. Sponsors own the project business case.
5.Over 70%(A)/of our time is spent(B)/on communicating with others(C)/and that interaction is compulsory.(D)/No error(E)
5.(C) Over 70% of our time is spent in communicating with others and that interaction is compulsory.
6.A efficient reporting(A)/process will minimize(B)/the reporting burden throughout(C)/the organization without compromising effectiveness.(D)/No error(E)
6.(A) An efficient reporting process will minimize the reporting burden throughout the organization without compromising effectiveness.
7.Efficient project management(A)/requires effective delegation(B)/these allows decisions to be made at a level(C)/ that is consistent with the organization’s system for internal control.(D)/No error(E)
7.(C) Efficient project management requires effective delegation that allows decisions to be made at a level that is consistent with the organization’s system for internal control.
8.The success of strategic planning efforts(A)/can generally be traced to the effort B)/put in organizing resources to support(C)/the planning process and completing analyses of the organization.(D)/No error(E)
8.(C) The success of strategic planning efforts can generally be traced to the effort put into organizing resources to support the planning process and completing analyses of the organization.
9.Creating and keeping customers(A)/means having products available for when they want them B)/and often this requires(C)/sum type of storage facility.(D)/No error(E)
9.(D) Creating and keeping customers means having products available for when they want them, and often this requires some type of storage facility.
10.Target pricing is which a company studies(A)/the competition and the customer(B)/to identify a point where(C)/the product must be priced to be competitive.(D)/No error(E)
10.(A) Target pricing is where a company studies the competition and the customer to identify a point where the product must be priced to be competitive.
11.Wholesalers sold to retailers,(A)/other wholesalers and industrial users, B)/but do not sell in significant amounts(C)/ to ultimate consumers.(D)/No error(E)
11.mate consumers.
12.Unity of command means(A)/that a person in the organization(B)/should receive orders from one person only(C)/so at to avoid any kind of confusion and conflict.(D)/No error(E)
12.(D) Unity of command means that a person in the organization should receive orders from one person only so at to avoid any kind of confusion and conflict
13.Managers divide activities(A)/to increase efficiency(B)/and to ensure them(C)/work is properly done.(D)/No error(E)
13.(C) Managers divide activities to increase efficiency and to ensure that work is properly done.
14.Over half of the world’s population(A)/lives on watersheds(B)/of major rivers originating(C)/in mountains with glaciers and snow.(D)/No error(E)
14.(B) Over half of the world’s population lives in watersheds of major rivers originating in mountains with glaciers and snow.
15.A warming climate(A)/is now causing a global recession(B)/in glaciers, and some areas(C)/may lose their glaciers entirely in that century.(D)/No error(E)
15.(D) A warming climate is now causing a global recession in glaciers, and some areas may lose their glaciers entirely in this century.
16.Glaciers originate from accumulations(A)/of snow and ice and flow down the slope(B)/in response to gravitational forces,(C)/and grow or shrink as an result of exchanges of mass and energy.(D)/No error(E).
16.(D) Glaciers originate from accumulations of snow and ice and flow down the slope in response to gravitational forces, and grow or shrink as a result of exchanges of mass and energy.
17.When an subordinate accepts duties,(A)/by the superior he has to perform(B)/those duties(C)/in the manner desired(D)/No error(E)
17.(A) When a subordinate accepts duties, by the superior he has to perform those duties in the manner desired
18.Diseases that affect(A)/wildlife and the living things B)/that carry diseases has been(C)/expanding their geographic ranges as climate heats up.(D)/No error(E)
18.(C) Diseases that affect wildlife and the living things that carry diseases have been expanding their geographic ranges as climate heats up.
19.A elimination of all black carbon(A) generated by fossil fuel use(B)/could reduce total global warming(C)/by 8-18 per cent within 3-5 years.(D)/No error(E)
19.(A) The elimination of all black carbon generated by fossil fuel use could reduce total global warming by 8-18 per cent within 3-5 years.
20.Human well-being depends(A)/on the Earth’s ecosystems(B)/and the services that these provide(C)/to sustain and fulfill human life.(D)/No error(E)
20.(C) Human well-being depends on the Earth’s ecosystems and the services that these provide to sustain and fulfill human life
21.The ocean is three-dimensional,(A)/offering vast living space(B)/and diverse habitats from the surface(C)/through the water column too the seafloor.(D)/No error(E)
21.(D) The ocean is three-dimensional, offering vast living space and diverse habitats from the surface through the water column to the seafloor.
22.Water utilities use energy(A)/to pump groundwater,(B)/move surface water supplies, treat raw water to potable standards,(C)/and distribute it to there customers.(D)/No error(E)
22.(D) Water utilities use energy to pump groundwater, move surface water supplies, treat raw water to potable standards, and distribute it to their customers.
23.Additional sea-level rise(A)/is caused from the melting(B)/of inland glaciers and continental ice sheets(C)/including those resting on Greenland and Antarctica.(D)/No error(E)
23.(B) Additional sea-level rise is caused by the melting of inland glaciers and continental ice sheets including those resting on Greenland and Antarctica.
24.The acid converts(A)/carbonate ions into bicarbonate,(B)/removing the carbonate building blocks shellfish(C)/or other organism need to generate their shells.(D)/No error(E)
24.(D) The acid converts carbonate ions into bicarbonate, removing the carbonate building blocks shellfish and other organism need to generate their shells.
- A ocean covers(A)/more than 70%B)/of the planet and(C)/is the largest biospheric reservoir of carbon.(D)/No error(E)
- (A) The ocean covers more than 70% of the planet and is the largest biospheric reservoir of carbon.
1.He(A)/considers(B)/me(C)/his sister.(D)/No error(E)
1.(E) No error
2.We think(A)/him as(B)/a(C)/silly boy.(D)/No error(E)
2.(C) ‘We think him a silly boy’; Verbs like consider, think, call etc. are not followed by ‘as’
3.He has(A)/no pencil(B)/to(C)/write with.(D)/No error(E)
3.(E) No error
4.Ram is(A)/senior(B)/to me(C)/in office.(D)/No error(E)
4.(E) No error
5.This pen(A)/is(B)/inferior(C)/than that.(D)/No error(E)
5.(D) ‘This pen is inferior to that’
6.He is(A)/senior(B)/than me(C)/in service.(D)/No error(E)
6.(C) ‘He is senior to me in service’
7.This ketchup(A)/is(B)/inferior(C)/to that.(D)/No error(E)
7.(E) No error
8.I prefer(A)/sociology(B)/from(C)/History.(D)/No error(E)
8.(C) ‘I prefer sociology to history
9.Health is(A)/ more(B)/ preferable(C)/ to wealth.(D)/No error(E)
‘9. (B) ‘Health is preferable to wealth’. The adjectives of comparative degree like senior, junior, prefer, superior are always followed by ‘to’ instead of ‘than’
10.Your Liberty(A)/shoes are (B)/more superior(C)/than me.(D)/No error(E)
9.(C) ‘Your shoe is superior to mine’
11.We had(A)/a nice(B)/play of football(C)/and badminton today.(D)/No error(E)
10.(C) ‘Game’ instead of ‘play’
12.We had(A)/a nice game(B)/of badminton(C)/yesterday afternoon.(D)/No error(E)
11.(E) No error
13.Admission to(A)/the circus(B)/will be(C)/by tickets.(D)/No error(E)
12.(D) ‘…….. by ticket’ instead of ‘………. tickets’
14.I saw a(A)/large fish(B)/floating in(C)/the river.(D)/No error(E)
13.(C) Lifeless objects float, living things swim
15.A large log(A)/of wood was(B)/swimming in the(C)/river.(D)/No error(E)
16.I saw(A)/on his(B)/desk was(C)/a book and a book-file.(D)/No error(E)
15.(C) ‘Were’: When a verb has two singular subjects connected by ‘and’ the verb is plural
17.The Chief Minister, Mr Charan Singh, with his(A)/cabinet colleagues, were(B)/ warmly received(C)/at the(D)/ airport. No error(E)
16.(B) ‘……….. were warmly……..’ should be replaced by ‘……. was warmly …….’. When a singular subject is attached to a phrase introduced by ‘with’ or ‘as well as’ the verb is always singular
18.Satyajit Ray was(A)/one of the(B)/greatest film directors(C)/that has ever lived.(D)/No error(E)
17.(D) ‘……… has ever lived’ should be replaced by ‘have ever lived’. In this sentence, the subject of ‘as ever lived’ is ‘that’. It is plural because its antecedents ‘directors’ are plural. A relative pronoun agrees in number with its antecedent
19.Neither(A)/the carpenters nor the(B)/plumber have(C)/ finished the work.(D)/No error(E)
18.(C) ‘…….. have finished……..’ to be replaced by ‘…….. has finished …….’ when one singular and one plural subjects are joined by ‘or’ and ‘nor’ the subject closer to the verb determines the number of the verb
20.Either(A)/the Head Office nor(B)/ the branch offices close(C)/ at(D)/ 5.00 p.m. No error(E)
19.(E) No error. The subject ‘branch offices’ is plural and the verb ‘close’ is also plural here
21.I recollected(A)/the incident(B)/after I handed(C)/ over my statement.(D)/No error(E)
20.(C) ‘……… I handed’ should be replaced by ‘…….. I had handed’ the incident was recollected after handing over the statement
22.A few(A)/of the windows(B)/in the main hall was broken(C)/by the demonstrators.(D)/No error(E)
21.(C) ‘……. was broken ……’ should be changed to ‘……. were broken…….’. Some infinite pronouns like ‘a few’, ‘many’, ‘several’ etc. are always plural and take plural verb
23.His daughter(A)/, as well as(B)/mine, are(C)/playing for the(D)/nation. No error(E)
22.(C) ‘…… are playing…..’ should be replaced by ‘…… is playing….’
24.Every(A)/book and every(B)/magazine have(C)/been entered(D)/in the record register. No error(E)
23.(C) ‘has been entered’: If the subject consists of two or more singular nouns connected by ‘and’ and presided by ‘each’ or ‘every’, the verb is in singular
- Sanjay bought(A)/the suit(B)/before(C)/he met(D)/Neetu. No error(E)
- (A) ‘had bought’: Past perfect tense indicates that an event had taken place before another event in the past. The suit was purchased before meeting Neetu