PRO-NOR-SOP (FCTM & FCOM BA7) Flashcards
Only reference is FCOM and FCTM (differences with OM-A must be considered0
What buffet margin does VLS give in cruise?
0.3 g
Flight Progress
What consideration is given to manually entered waypoints on the computerized FPL?
- Check track and distance to next waypoint
- Check wind and update it when current wind is significantly different (30kts, 30 degrees)
How frequent and how is a fuel check done when overflying a waypoint?
- Compare permanent SD FOB and Prediction in FUEL & LOAD Page with the OFP Navlog or the IFPA CRZ module (diversion).
- Check sum of FOB and FU is consistent with Block Fuel and deduce the following
1. If the sum if much less and cannot be explained suspect a fuel leak
2. If Sum is much above then suspect an overread. - Check for imbalance
When overflying a designated waypoint or every 30 minutes if distance between waypoints is more than 30 minutes.
How is Descent preparation conducted?
- WX
- Elevation
- Baro
- Synchro ECAM
- LDG Conditions and Perf
Wizards Navigating the Elven Barren Stone Symbolic Land
In addition to the normal LDPA calculation, what should crew consider calculating for?
- Crew to do a second calculation with worst possible RWY condition
- REV MAX is the standard Practice for landing, crew may elect REV IDLE on Dry RWY
Can crew select REV IDLE on WET RWY and under what conditions?
- Surface condition is WET and reported GOOD (5/5/5)
- Calculation with LDPA using medium to poor with No REV credit is within LDA. (RWYCC 2)
Airbus recommends max rev on Wet rwys
How should crew go around if QFE is used?
Flight Crew must convert QFE to QNH and must insert QNH in APPR Perf for correct pressurization profile
If crew forgets to recall STS in DES prep, when are they reminded?
- When Slats are extended
- When crew sets the Baro reference
What conditions does the FCTM warrants crew to recalculation LDG Perf?
- Using basic autobrake or autoland as dispatch considers manual braking
- Intending REV Idle
- Degradation of RWY conditions since dispatch
- In-flight fail affecting LDG Perf
- Rwy change
How should crew go around using RCAM if provided in GRF and non GRF format?
- GRF: Use as reported (e.g. 6,6,6)
- Non-GRF: use RCAM with procedures laid out under FCOM-PERF-LND-CTA and referencing the table in FCOM-LIM-OPS-AIR
What type of contamination does the FCOM not recommend to land on?
- Water or Slush > 13mm
- Wet Snow > 30mm
- Dry Snow > 100mm
- Water, Dry and Wet Snow over Ice
- Water on Compact SN
How should crew consider performance on a RWY with less than 3mm of water but +TSRA in the vicinity?
Asses with RWYCC 2 (Medium to Poor)
How should crew go about a “GOOD” ESF of a runway covered by treated ice?
Airport may only upgrade the RWYCC to 3 (medium) in that case and crew to disregard the ESF.
What is the expected managed speed when entering a hold? What should crew do if the speed is higher than ICAO or state max hold speed?
Green dot + 25 (max endurance)
If higher than regulation speed, crew to extend flaps and fly S speed
What does the last exit time in the FMS/ACTIVE/F-PLN/HOLD page ensure?
latest time to depart with minimum reserve fuel for diversion
What wind conditions preclude a pilot from carrying out a decelerated approach?
Reported TW > 10kts
Pilot should consider easrly stabilized when G/S angle > 3.5º
When is NAV FPA not allowed? (Approach capability)
When should crew consider an Vpilot increment on the VAPP?
- Strong crosswind
- Expected downburst and windshear
What is the cardinal reference for reported winds by METAR and ATIS?
- As per runway orientation: ATIS and Tower (i.e. if rwy is oriented to magentic or true north)
- True North: VOLMET, METAR, TAF
What may cause the Vapp to differ when the approach mode is activated?
When in CRZ and DES the Vapp is refered to the predicted LW whereas in APPR mode uses the current gross weight
What speed range will GS mini use?
Vapp till VFE next
VFE next-5 for CONF FULL
In regards to PM flight parameter deviation callouts, what is the only difference when calling out FLS vs ILS parameters?
Reaching minima, in FLS approach the visual cues prevail over “LOC” and “GLIDE” callouts
What ND selection should PM and PF fly when NAV PRIMARY LOST and NAV ACCUR LOW during approach?
- PM: ARC or ROSE NAV or ROSE LS with raw data
What tool is prudent to utilize if conducting an approach using FD’s in gusty conditions?
Using the VV to display the small balck bird and aid in situational awareness
How should crew go about navigating the FLS when flying to an anchor point that is not the rwy threshold? (offset)
Crew should disregard the FLS guidance after MDA and fly the visual part of the approach with TRK FPA.
Crew can maintain FLS FD guidance after MDA if anchor point is the RWY
What may cause the FAF and altitude checkpoints on the FLS to have minute diffrences from the published chart?
Earth curvature (FLS uses a geometric GP whilst the IAP will consider the earth curvature)
up to 50ft over FAF
What does the FCTM say about the use of landing light in CAT II/III LVO?
Should not use
What prompts the AUTOLAND light to flash below AH?
7 Reasons
- Last AP disengages
- Excessive LOC-G/S deviation
- ILS x-mitter fails
- RA difference > 15’
- Long flare
- TCM during flare
- Alpha Floor
TCM: Thrust Control Malfunction
What are some specificities regarding RF legs in FCTM?
- Crew are to be aware that X-TRK error could arise if GS is too high or with exessive TW as the AOB is limited to (30º AEO, 25º OEI, 15º below maneuvring speeds) and be ready to take over as the deviation tolerances are low.
- In case of GA during and RF segement the crew must ensure the A/C flies in NAV mode
What does SRS target in the go around?
VLS+25 (AEO)
VLS+15 (OEI)
What might warrant an earlier flare?
- High elevation (due increased ROD)
- Steeper approach (>3º)
- TW (higher ROD)
- Increased RWY slope (can cause late flare thinking you’re high and RA closure rate is quicker)
After entering the expected arrival in FMS, what should crew check or modify?
- Check F-PLN agrees with STAR, IAP and MISAPP
- Tracks and distances between waypoints
- Speed and Altitude CSTR
- Do not modify final and missed approach
- Insert DES Winds
- Modify DES SPD constraint when necessary (250/10000 AAL)
- Modify the GA THR RED and ACCEL Alt if necessary
Using ND PLAN mode
When there is a wind speed range on ATIS, what should the crew insert in APPR PERF?
Mean wind component without gusts
What are the correct entries to the minima box in the APPR page when conducint a CAT III NO DH?
- NO
What is the next step after approach preparation and cross check?
- OANS LDA Crosscheck
- LDG Shift Insertion
- BTV arming
Over what displaced threshold value should crew start applying the relevant procedure?
> 300m
When is BTV not allowed?
- Contaminated RWY
- Fails affecting LDG Perf
- Cross check between charted and OANS LDA is >35m
When should FMS APPR mode be activated when in HDG/TRK?
Approx 15nm from touchdown
When is latest FLAPS 1 should be set?
Not later than 3nm from FDP.
At or above 2500RA A/C should be max at S Speed Flaps 1
When should Flaps 2 be selected by?
At least by 2500AGL Minimum
Whens the latest L/G may be extended? What additional considerations should the PM give at this point?
2000 AGL. PM is to confirm the Autobrake mode to see if it is still applicable with current RWY state
According to SOP when is Flaps 3 selected?
As soon as the gear is selected down
Below what altitude does the FMA display the correct landing capability?
5000 AGL
When may the APPR pb be armed?
- Cleared for approach
- A/C is on the intercept trajectory
- LOC Deviation is available on PFD
When conducting autoland, what is an imperative check by the PF (CM1) when LAND is displayed and checked on FMA?
Check that the ILS/GLS course pointer and the RWY TRK dont differ by more than 5º otherwise perform a go around or land visually.