Ch. 8.3+ Flight Procedures Flashcards
Bold flashcard headlines are pertinent to safe operation of the aircraft
What is EK VFR/IFR policy?
UAE OMA 8.3.1 Rev 22
All flights shall operated with IFR under and IFR FPL that shall not be reverted to VFR.
This does not preclude accepting visual approaches or maintain VMC
e.g. VMC photography flights must be flow under IFR
OMA 8.3 General crew navigation procedures?
3 main items
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Independently x-check the route regarldess of source (uplink, DB…)
- Remain vigilant to nav performance and be prepared to revert to conventional navigation
- Report degraded navigation immediatley to ATC
In-depth nav procedures as per FCOM/OM-C
When shall a NAVAID not be used?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Not positively identified by crew
- On TST or Maintenance
- Ground but not flight checked
- Unreliabe
What is the altimeter setting when climbing to a FL and approaching the TA?
UAE OMA Rev 22
(approaching TA means within 1000’)
What is the altimeter setting when cleared to descend to an altitude with no planned FL restrictions?
UAE OMA Rev 22
By when shall the crew obtain the aerodrome QNH the latest and where should they input it first?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Just before TOD and set on the standby altimeter
What is the procedure and considerations when operating in areas with metric H/ALT/FL assignements?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Use the conversion table on the applicable Lido chart/manual to determine corresponding altitude in feet
- Cross check said converted figures with metric altimeter indications on board (except clearances in meters QFE)
- All callouts shalls be referenced to feet
TCAS Policy
What is the procedure unidentified traffic is reported by ATC?
UAE OMA 8.3.6 Rev 23
Request immediate avoiding action
TCAS Policy
How should flight crew manage workload in areas of dense traffic in CLB/DES?
UAE OMA 8.3.6 Rev 23
Keep additional workload (map reading, paperwork etc to minimum necessary)
TCAS Policy
How should pilots manage their V/S in proximity of other traffic?
UAE OMA 8.3.6 Rev 22
Limit V/S to 1500 fpm or less when within 1000’ of the assigned ALT/FL
(if safe and practical to do so)
In-flight Fuel Management
What is the frequency of in-flight fuel checks and what is the crew checking for?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Regular intervals not exceeding 60 min and shall be recorded on the OFP.
1. Compare actual to planned consumption
2. Check that usuable rem. fuel suffices to complete the flight
In-flight Fuel Management
What does “MINR” stand for and what does it include”
UAE OMA Rev 22
Minimum Fuel Required
1. Remaining Trip Fuel
2. ALTN Fuel
3. Final Res
Does not inlude Contingency/ADDL/Extra. Any fuel used up from those should be investigated for possible reasons.
In-flight Fuel Management
What are the appropriate corrective actions for a negative fuel check trend?
(if fuel leak can be positively excluded)
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Decreasing speed/CI
- Request DCT routes and Optimum FL
- Nominating a closer suitable DEST ALTN
In-flight Fuel Management
In case of an inflight re-route or diversion, how shall the crew record fuel?
UAE OMA Rev 22
A fuel log shall be maintained to record consumption and trends to confirm the the fuel at destination is adequate
Follow same 60 min interval
In-flight Fuel Management
If during the in-flight fuel check the expected fuel on arrival as DEST is less than ALTN+FRES, the commander may continue the DEST AD under what provisions?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- EAT unknown: May continue to DEST if possible to reach two AD with FRES at touchdown
- EAT known: May continue or hold regardless of number of RWYs as long as landing is assured with FRES at touchdown.
Two separate independent RWYs at a single AD within 2hrs of flight time may be considered as 2 AD
In-flight Fuel Management
How is a landing considered to be assured by the commander incase of a minimum fuel scenario?
UAE OMA Rev 22
In the judgement of the Comm. the APP/LDG can be done in the event of any FCST WX deterioration and plausible single failures of ground or airborne facilities.
In-flight Fuel Management
How are forecasts and actual reports treated to assess probability of landing success at destination?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- +2hrs away: FCST should be used to asses landing probability
- Within 2hrs from DEST: actual WX and TREND reports may be used
In-flight Fuel Management
When using Reduced Contingency Fuel (RCF), what shall the commander ensure at the Descision Point (DP)?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Total usable fuel is at least the total of:
1. Trip Fuel from DP to DEST
^DEST ALTN if required
Notwithstanding the above, the commander may decide to apply the In-flight Fuel Management policy stipulated in
In-flight Fuel Management
“Minimum Fuel” in a nutshell
UAE OMA Rev 22
Commander shall advise “MINIMUM FUEL” to ATC when commited to land at a specific AD.
Any change to existing clearance may result landing with less than FRES
In-flight Fuel Management
Is “minimum fuel” an emergency scenario?
UAE OMA Rev 22
No, but is meant to indicate to ATC that an emergency is possible should additional delays occur.
In-flight Fuel Management
Mayday Fuel in a nutshell
(Also, does a low fuel ECAM message trigger the MAYDAY?)
UAE OMA Rev 22
Shall be declared when calculated fuel ANSA is less than FRES Fuel
by declaring “Mayday x3 Fuel”
No, low fuel ECAM does not establish a second level of min fuel.
Dispatch Policy
Above what surface mean wind speed shall an AD be considered closed?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Dispatch Policy
Is it allowed to T/O or Land in the vicinity of heavy TS activity?
UAE OMA Rev 22
It is prohibited (refer to OMC)
**Thunderstorms **
How shall strong WX radar echoes be avoided if no alternative course of action is possible?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- At and BLW FL200: At least 10 NM
- ABV FL 200: At least 20 NM
Cockpit lights should be set to high intensity if lightning expected
What caution is advised when flying near jetstreams?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Turbulence along the edge and unexpected significant HW
For how far and high can mountain waves be encountered above ranges?
UAE OMA Rev 22
200-300 NM extending up to 10,000-20,000’ above the range
How do temperature inversions affect A/C performance?
UAE OMA Rev 22
May seriously degrade initial climb out / go around CLB gradient.
May prevent the A/C to reach cruise level or prompt descent from CRZ level if near MAX REC
Wake Turbulence
What is the WTC/WTG of A380?
wake turbulence category/group
UAE OMA 8.3.9 Rev 22
WTC Super ( J )
When shall each flight crew occupy their respective seat during the flight?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- From A/C starts to move until CRZ
- From TOD till parked
Physiological and other necessary reasons can be attended to in cruise/pre flight or pre descent
What shall a handover briefing include when handing over your station to a pilot relieving them from duty?
Any additional things a commander should brief SIC?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Position, cleared route, FL
- ATC/FIR environment, boundaries, clearances and restrictions
- Threats and mitigation (WX, Terrain etc.)
- Fuel and A/C Status
- ANy relevant information
Commander should also brief SIC: Severity of a non-normal event that requires the commander to be notified and the level of operational decision that requires the commander’s authority (unable to meet, anticipated diversion etc)
Can additional flight crew members be tasked with calculating takeoff performance data?
UAE OMA Rev 24
They shall not
Who designates the crew members on augmented LR operations?
UAE OMA Rev 24
Crew Scheduling
What considerations are to be taken when adopting rest strategies during augmented LR ops?
UAE OMA Rev 24
- Match the strategy in OM-C
- If planning to deviate from pulished rest strategy the commmander shall ensure that flight crew have enough time to adjust their sleep pattern before the flight
- The divison of duty shall be kept in balance
What are the Safety Pilot duties and what sort of flights they arent to be rostered on?
UAE OMA Rev 24
- Assume an operating role at anytime required by the trainer
- Assume their operating seat whenever the commander leaves for physiological reasons
- Conduct the walkaround at the trainer’s discretion
They will not be rostered on Augmented LR ops
When controlled rest shall not be planned?
UAE OMA Rev 24
- Periods of high workload (FL changes, poor wx etc.)
What are some considerations to be taken when conducting controlled rest?
UAE OMA Rev 24
- It should not exceed 40 mins
- Attend to physilogical needs before rest
- PF to Verify comm system is configured properly and operational
- Cater for a 20 minute post wakeup period without duties
- After end of rest Confirm with ATC cleared FL and check Comm system operational
Where should additional cabin crew be seated if cannot be accommodated in CC jumpseats?
PAX Seats or unoccupied cockpit jumpseat at captain’s discretion
What is the EK policy on the Use of the Fasten Seat Belt Sign?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Taxi, Takeoff and all phases of flight below 10,000 AAL
- At or below 25,000 AAL during descent
- Whenever deemed necessary by the commander (Turbulence)
in case of anticipated delay signs may be delayed to 10,000 AAL in descent
What is the EK policy on admission to the flight deck?
UAE OMA 8.3.12 Rev 22
- Visits by passengers to flight deck are not permitted
- When any person intends to leave the flight deck the area outside must be clear of PAX
- Adhere to the table in for anyone occupying the Flight Deck Jump Seat (provided official ID and authorization)
When shall flight crew incapacitation be suspected ?
UAE OMA Rev 22
When flight crew does not respond to:
1. Two verbal communications above 1000 AGL
2. One verbal communication below 1000 AGL
3. Any verbal communication associated with significant deviation from the intended flight path
What are the steps to be followed after a flight deck crew confirms the other is incapacitated?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Takeover immediatly and ensure safe condition
- Engage AP
- Declare Emergency (*)
- Call CC to cockpit to remove the pilot from controls (*)
- Evaluate Operational flight aspects
- Determine suitability of en-route altn. (^)
(*) When appropriate
(^)ALTN WX should ideally be above CAT I Minima
FO’s may conduct an autoland CAT II/III approach
If incapacitation occurs during approach to land, remaining pilot may continue approach if safe.
What is the EK policy on use of autopilot and A/THR?
UAE OMA 8.3.18 Rev 23
- FD and A/THR Shall always be on
- AP shall always be engaged above 20,000 MSL
- FMS entries during high worload times shall be done by PM and reduced to essential items
Environmental conditions permitting manual flight is encourage through T/O and LDG phases during low workload conditions
When is the sterile flight deck policy applicable?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Departure: Final Door closure and ends with passing 10,000 AAL
- Arrival: Passing 25,000 AAL during descent until first aeroplane door is opened
After T/O Normal communication between flight deck and cabin after seat belt signs are switched off
Define the no contact period policy of EK
UAE OMA Rev 23
CC shall not contact the flight crew during the no contact period;
* Departure: T/O roll untill gear retraction
* Arrival: Extention of landing gear until A/C vacates the RWY
Describe the ATC Comm policy for departure, route clearances and when a pilot is acting as both PM and PF.
UAE OMA Rev 23
- When in doubt, shall clarify
- Voice Departure and route clearances shall be recorded in OFP
- Pilot acting as both PM/PF should accept clearances adding an additional confirmation readback prior executing a clearance.
What is the policy regarding interrupted C/L?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Shall be started again from the beginning
When may crew deviate from ATC clearance?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Emergency
- Adhering to clearance would be hazardous
And inform ATC as soon as possible
Headsets shall be used as follows:
UAE OMA Rev 22
- ATC Departure Clearance
- On ground with ENG running
- Below 10,000 AAL/Transition ALT (*)
- When operating more than one radio
- One pilot in operating seat
- One pilot conducts controlled rest
- When deemed necessary by PIC
(*) whichever comes later
Taxi from RHS is not allowed when :
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Visual docking system calibrated to P1
- 180 degree turn required
What is the policy on RETO/RETI?
Reduced Engine Taxi IN/OUT
UAE OMA Rev 23
UAE OMA Rev 23
- RETO: May be conducted in exceptional cirmustances (extended ground hold) or if CCI/CONOTAM says so
- RETI: Shall be applied whenever practical during normal ops
What is the speed limit below 10,000 and when it may be exceeded?
Speed below 10,000 AAL shall not exceed 250kts or minimum clean whichever greater.
May be exceeded if SID/STAR requires it, or ATC requires it or waives the speed restriction save for USA airspace
What are the elements of the cabin crew briefing?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Flight Crew Intro
- FC Roles and responsibilities
- Expected taxi time, flight time and CRZ ALT
- Expected WX and periods of turbulence
- Policy to access flight deck if not std
- Any security related requirement (during duty or layover)
What is the “choice of RWY policy”?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Commander shall select the RWY offering the best safety margin under prevailing WX and RWY sfc conditions
What shall flight crew do on PA when take-off is imminent?
UAE OMA Rev 23
“Cabin crew prepare for departure” on PA
What is the intersection takeoff policy?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Full RWY should be used.
Intersection may be performed if operationally advantageous e.g. holding point blocked, avoid delay, ops efficiency, ATC request etc…)
if there is no significant reduction in safety margins
In addition to normal flows, what shall crew do when lining up on RWY for T/O?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Shall both verify that the A/C is lined up at the correct position
nod to ABY
What is the EK initial turn and AOB at departure policy?
UAE OMA Rev 22
No turns shall be initiated below 400ft unless procedurally required.
Max AOB:
* 15º below 200 AGL
* 15º (20º with specific approval at 200-400 AGL
* 30º above 400 AGL
When and how may the commander release the cabin crew for their in-flight duties?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Flaps fully retracted, and
- Above 5000 AAL, and
- No or light TURB expected
- extinguish seatbelt sign
- cycling seatbelt sign
- Calling Purser
- via PA “CC cleared for duties”
What is the preferred order of approach procedures?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- IAP / APV / Visual with vertical guidance
- Circling
- Visual
visual circuit shall only be used in emergency or base check
Commander may deviate from the order if safer, or equally safe but more efficient. Otherwise enhanced coding is required for item 3
Cabin communication and breifing prior arrival policy
UAE OMA Rev 22
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Flight crew shall inform purser 20 min before TOD and make an arrival PA
- Flight crew shall conduct the approach breifing not more than 20 min before TOD after independently reviewing charts and FMS entries.
If too busy to make the PA, may delegate TOD PA to purser then conduct it when appropriate
Policy on temperature altitude corrections or displaced threshold crossing altitude corrections
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Crew shall make independent calculations and agree on the altitude corrections before applying cold weather or displaced THR corrections on FMS
- Combination of cold temperature and displaced THR crossing altitude correction is not allowed
refer to OM-C for warm temperature corrections
What is the ROD policy
UAE OMA Rev 22
Save for momentary excursions
When shall an autoland be conducted?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Mandatory for all CAT III App
Mandatory for all CAT II App in normal operations
in accordance with LVP
Should the crew always have the VOR/NDB in reference when conducting the NPA approach?
UAE OMA Rev 22
No, it may be conducted without reference as same for an RNP approach.
save a selected/selected (raw data) approach when it must be manually hard tuned
In order to conduct an FMS based approach (FLS, LNAV/VNAV) the following shall apply:
UAE OMA Rev 22
UAE FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-160 P 7/14 29-Sep-22
- Approach shall be line selectable from the database
- Any modification at or beyond FAF not allowed (2)
- RNP value of 0.3 shall be assumed (unless specified)
- Adhere to attached validation table
(2) Point 2 applies for A380. In FCOM all FAF/FAP harmozined to FDP
For GNSS or LOC based approaches the max final track difference is 1°
When are LDA minima referred to straight in or circling minima?
LOC Type Directional Aid
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Straight-in minima if IF-FDP alignment doesn’t exceed 30º
- Circling minima if more than 30°
Are SRA approaches permitted?
UAE OMA Rev 22
When may a visual approach be conducted?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- If requested by ATC for separation, or
- When more efficient than the complete IAP
What are the flight crew responsibilites when conducting a visual app?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Terrain clearance
- Navigation by visual cues (e.g. PAPI)
- Traffic and wake separation
- Establishing the GA requirement
What is the policy when conducting RVFP?
RNAV Visual Flight Procedures (RNAV Visual in LIDO)
UAE OMA Rev 23
Shall be coded in FMS and flown as charted
What are the limitations that apply for Circling Approaches?
UAE OMA Rev 24
- Not permitted without enhanced coding
- Maintain visual with the rwy or its environment
- Follow the published MAP for the IAP used to align by making an initial climbing turn towards the RWY to establish on the MAP
unless approved by DSVP-FO
Describe the approach ban policy
UAE OMA Rev 23
Commander may commence IAP regardless of reported VIS/RVR provided he:
* Shall not continue beyond OM or equivalent if VIS/RVR is less than the minima (1)
* RVR/VIS allowed to conduct approach but fell below applicable minima after Appr Ban point, the Appr may be conducted till minima and continue if visual reference is established.
* For circling approach the point is the IAF
(1) Use CMV as per OMA if RVR not available
Approach Ban height in UAE is 1000 AAL
What is the policy on orbits?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Shall be conducted only:
1. At or above 1500 AAL/AGL whichever higher
2. AP engaged
3. Compliance with stabilization criteria
4. Conducted in daylight and VMC unless under radar
5. Ensure adequate terrain clearance
Until what altitude may SPD BRK be used in approach?
UAE OMA Rev 23
1000 AAL
At what height must the stablization criteria be met?
Could you delay anything for later than that?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- 1000 AAL Should be in full landing config without speedbrakes
- At latest 500 AAL:
1. Speed to be VREF to Vapp +10
2. Appropriate thrust
3. All C/L completed
If touchdown cannot be accomplished within the runway touchdown zone:
UAE OMA Rev 23
A GA should be considered, but if ROW/ROP activates a GA shall be conducted
What defines the missed approach ACC ALT?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Published charted Missed App ALT,
- Level off altitude prior to published Missed App ALT, or
- State published Missed App ALT, if lower.
Inserted in FMS GA page
Subsequent APP following GA
Following a missed approach. When can the commander consider a second or even third approach?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Second approach shall only be considered if the commander assesses a high likelihood of a successful approach and landing.
- If second approach was unsuccessful due to WX, the commander shall divert unless commited to DEST
- Third approach may only be flown when one or both missed approaches was non WX related and commander assessed a high likelihood of a successful APP/LDG.
Commander shall carefully evaluate WX and FCST before commiting (think SQ319)
When the decision to divert has been made, what shall the crew consider?
In the context of an operational diversion
UAE OMA Rev 23
Diversion shall be made to the most operationally suitable ALTN considering the following:
1. AD classification as per OM-C
2. MET and TAF
Commander shall also ensure the diversion communicated to NCC, CC and PAX
Controller, Company, Crew, Customers
In addition to normal procedures following a decision to divert; what additonal aspects should be considered in the context of a medical diversion?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- GMS will provide a recommendation with alternates that are adequate for medical support (given the initial input of the pax condition).
- Commander decides from the choices bearing in mind the overall risk to safety.
- When decision is taken GMS will contact the diversion AD to arrange
(If NCC/GMS not reachable the decision rests with the commander who shall insure to contact the diversion AD with the PAX info)
Commander shall not indicate that airline will accept responsibility of the cost of medical care.
What is the policy of disembarking PAX when diverting to AD with company support?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- If AD has company support and expected to depart shortly after refuelling : Preferably Keep PAX onboard (Commander responsibility)
- Otherwise: Disembark with their belongings (Ground staff responsibility)
- If Flight Duty limits are to be exceeded, advise NCC ASAP as to arrange for accomodation. Crew shall not leave the AD until suitable arrangements for PAX and A/C Secured.
- Commander shall liase with ground staff that any course of action would not infringe on local regulations at the AD.
What is the policy of disembarking PAX when diverting to AD w/out company support?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Commander shall consult NCC and arrange for:
1. Security and maintenance of A/C,
2. Catering and accomodation for PAX,
3. Baggage and cargo, and
4. Flight Prep (OFP, FPLN etc)
5. Coordinate with NCC the preceding
6. If PAX disembark a min of 2 CC to escort them to terminal
PAX required to take all possessions with them
What shall crew insure before entering the parking bay with VDGS?
UAE OMA Rev 23
That the A/C type is illuminated on the VDGS
What additional precautions exist when parking at stand?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Maintain lookout and if in doubt request marshalling assistance.
When PRK BRK is set both crew shall visually ensure that A/C is not moving
What should the commander brief after a flight?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Post flight review and the Layover briefing
During an emergency the commander may deviate from prescribed:
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Rules (company)
- Regulations (authority)
- Procedures (SOP)
- Minima (WX)
Who is to conduct the landing during abnormal ops affecting A/C performance?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Commander should conduct it but may delegate if safest to do so
Are crew allowed to enter AVNCs compartment?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Shall not unless in an emergency
Following an RTO, what shall the commander insure before taxi?
UAE OMA Rev 23
A/C condition is under full control
Define a STD EOP
Engine out procedure
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Maintain RWY TRK
- Climb V2 - V2+15
- ACC at or above MIN ACC ALT
Straight Out
Define a non-STD EOP
Engine Out Procedure
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Maintain RWY TRK
- Climb V2 - V2+15
- Turn a turning point (AOB 15º)
- Accelerate when at: Defined in the EOP or MSA or On Final EOP HDG/TRK/CRS and at or above EO ACC ALT
Turning usually is done at 1000 AGL unless otherwise stated which can also dictate a different than stipulated AOB
Continuation policy after engine failure (4 ENG Aeroplane)
UAE OMA Rev 23
This policy does not exist anymore
* If flight is > 12 hrs and less than 2hrs from departure: Return
* Otherwise: May continue the flight to destination or suitable alternate considering all implications and potential failures
All in coordination with NCC
Can crew request a foam carpet when landing with defective gear?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Can frew request fly-by maneuvers to verify technical status?
UAE OMA Rev 23
When may a commander decide to perform an overweight landing and what is the policy of jettisoning fuel?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Overweight LDG can be attempted in exceptional circumstances.
Fuel jettison in the abscence or abnormal/non-normal situation shall not be considered without NCC approval.
**Turbulence **
When should it be reported on the ATL when bad WX is encountered?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Lightning strikes, severe turbulences or stress leading to actual/suspected exceedance of airframe/engine limits
When shall an RTO be conducted when visual reference is lost in LVTO?
UAE OMA 8.4.1 Rev 22
A380 below 100 kts
B777 80 kts
T.O. should be continued above these speeds
Is training or practice of CAT II/III approaches including autoland allowed without LVP in force even if WX CAT I minima? If not then when?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Crew shall not do that unless during flight test or emergency with due consideration to beam fluctutaion and shall notify ATC of their intention.
Up to what altitude may the crew fly if the flight crew oxygen system becomes faulty?
Followup: At what cabin altitude shall use oxygen?
UAE OMA 8.8.1 Rev 23
Up to 25,000 provided portable oxygen bottles are readily available for each flight crew on duty otherwise the quick doning masks must be serviceable.
Flight Crew shall use oxygen at cabin altitude above 10,000
What is the flight crew responsibility when carrying dangerous goods?
UAE OMA Rev 21
- Signature of NOTOC and keep it readily available
- Relay dangerous goods info to realtive ATSU in emergencies
- Other operating flight crew (e.g. transit stop) must be privy of the NOTOC
- If unable to personally handover A/C to other crew, leave a message onboard to the other crew.
- Report any realted accidents/incidents through relevant ASR
Stablization criteria
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Established on the lateral and vertical path at FAP
- 1000 AAL Should be in full landing config without speedbrakes
- At latest 500 AAL:
1. Speed to be VREF to Vapp +10
2. Appropriate thrust
3. All C/L completed
AAL not RA
Established means **one dot (half of the full scale deflection) **and not half dot as in the PM callout