FCTM General Information and AOP Flashcards
FCTM Purpose
What if the FCTM Data differs from FCOM?
FCOM remains the reference
Reconfiguration Laws
According to the FCTM, what should the flight crew consider when flying in reconfiguration laws at high altitudes and speeds?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-10-30-20
Descend to a lower altitude to increase the buffet margin (Approx 4000’ below REC MAX)
Manoeuvre with care and use small control inputs*.
*Some fails result in ALT2 so roll and yaw are almost in direct control.
Reconfiguration Laws
According to the FCTM, what should the flight crew consider when flying in DIRECT law?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-10-30-20
Avoid large thrust changes or sudden speedbrake movements, particularly with aft CG.
If the a/c was retrimmed with the speedbrakes out. PF must gently retract the speed brakes for ample retrimming to avoid a large nose-down trim change.
Procedure Design
What are the PRO-NOR-SOP use principles?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-10-40
Crew should perform normal SOP actions by memory. Crew can also decide to refer to FCOM for Preliminary Preparation and Securing the Aircraft procedures.
Procedure Design
What are the PRO-NOR-SUPP use principles?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-10-40
Crew must perform SUPP SOP using the READ & DO principle. If the SUPP Procedure is regarding engine start then it should be read fully before application; it is read by PM then actioned by PF. Other procedures can be actioned by either pilot depending on context.
Procedure Design
How are emergency procedures utilized in the case of
1. Memory Items
2. OEB Immediate Actions
3. Abnormal/Emer Proc. ECAM/QRH/FCOM
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-10-40
- Immediatley by memory
- Immediately by memory
- When appropriate by READ & Do
What form of tasksharing should crew use when applying SUPP PRO?
- If Proc. is related to engine start, it is recommended to read the entire procedure first then PM reads and PF does.
- Other SUPP PROC. the PM reads and PF or PM does depending on context.
During Abnormal Ops, who has communication?
- Before and after completion of ECAM/QRH Procedure: PM
- After initiaion of and until end of ECAM/QRH Proc: PF
Who performs EFIS CP Selections?
Whatever status of the AP, the PF and PM must perform their onside EFIS CP selections
When flying below 10,000’ what FMS entries via MFD/KCCU should only be done?
Entries that have an operational effect:
* Late Change of RWY
How should time consuming MFD/KCCU entries be performed?
Must be performed by the PM upon PF request, or by PF after temporary transfer of controls to PM
Management of Abnormal Ops
What are the different types of Abnormal Procedures?
5 types
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-1
- Memory Items
- “ECAM Sensed”
- “ECAM Not-Sensed”
- “QRH Not Sensed”
“READ and DO” except for Memory Items and Immediate OEB actions
Management of Abnormal Ops
What is an “ECAM Sensed” Procedure?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-1
Proc. triggered automatically due to abnormal behaviours of systems monitored by the FWS
(Flight Warning System)
What is an “ECAM Not-Sensed” Procedure?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-1
Procedures that can be manually activated by the flight crew in response to an ABN event detected by the flight crew.
(activated by the “ABN Proc” pb on the ECP)
Management of Abnormal Ops
In the case of abnormal or emergency situations, in what order should crew apply the procedures?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-1
- Memory items
- Sensed ECAM
- Not-sensed ECAM
Management of Abnormal Ops
In the case the procedure is available in both ABNORMAL PROC menu of the ECP and in the QRH (e.g. SMOKE/FUMES) which is the preferable procedure to follow? And why? And When should the crew apply the procedure using the other reference?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-1
Crew should preferably select and apply the Abnormal Not-Sensed Procedure in order to update the EWD/PFD limitations and STATUS page in accordance with the current technical status.
The crew should apply the QRH if conditions are not adequate to perfrom ECAM (smoke) and if more convenient in time critical situations (EMER EVAC)
Management of Abnormal Ops
What are the main aspects flight crew members must take into account when assessing an ABN situation?
Non exhaustive (Lists 3)
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-1
- Operational aspects
- Dispatch at destination
- Commercial aspect
Management of Abnormal Ops
What are the operational aspects flight crew members must take into account when assessing an ABN situation?
Non exhaustive (Lists 7)
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-1
- A/C Limitations
- WX
- Perf. Penalty
- LDG Capability
Handling of CKPT Controls
What are the tasksharing rules of Thrust Lever Operation
(Abnormal Engine Ops)
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-2
- PF Indicates the lever and requests confirmation from PM
- PM verifies and confirms
- PF operates related lever
Handling of CKPT Controls
How should a PM go about handling of OVHD panel controls?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-2
- Name and Indicate System
- Name the pb or RESET/PWR supply button
- Perform and announce the action
PM should check the SD page to verify action
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
Who should remain as PF during the ABN Procedures?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
Usually the PF remains the same unless the Captain decides reallocation of tasks or the failure impacts the PF to “FLY” e.g. EEC
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
What is the minimum altitude during a T/O or GA at which pilots should be able to initiate a “READ & DO” action? Is it a must?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
400 ft AAL
May initiate below provided flight path is safe
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
How would the crew go about if an ECAM Sensed procedure requests that the flight crew apply an ECAM Not-Sensed or QRH Procedure
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
- Keep the Procedure Displayed on ECAM
- Apply the Not-Sensed Proc.
- Tick the action line of the Sensed Proc.
To avoid the crew to be disturbed with less priority subsequent alerts
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
Who resets the Master WARNING/CAUTION light? What is the first action to follow that?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
First pilot who notices.
PM will announce the title of the failure and confirm the ECAM by inspecting the SD and/or OVHD Panel before any action.
Sensors on OVHD Panel and/or SD may differ from FWC sensor
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
When are OEB’s considered when handling ECAM?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
Before “ECAM Actions”
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
When “STOP ECAM” is announced in the normal sequence of events what are the things considered before resuming ECAM?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
- Normal C/L
- Computer Reset
- Any additional Proc. (Relight)
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
When the STATUS indicates a DEFERRED procedure, should the crew action it or at the later stage (e.g. approach) when the STATUS is referred to again?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
Those actions are to be performed at a more appropriate time. The purpose of reading the content of the deferred procedures is to evaluate and anticipate the workload for each flight phase.
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
What happens when an ECAM warning dissapears while the procedure is being applied?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
Warning is considered no longer applicable and procedure can be stopped
e.g. engine fire extinguishes after first bottle discharge
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
When crew needs to review or discuss a Not-Sensed Procedure should they do that by bringing it up via the ECP or refer to the FCOM? And why?
repeated question to add emphasis
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
* Limitations/Memos will appear on the EWD/PDF
* If Not Sensed proc. is unduly activated AVNCS/FWS will reconfigure their behaviour accordingly
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
How should crew go about activating an ECAM Not-Sensed Proc. ?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
- PF: “Check ECAM Not Sensed” or “SELECT XXX ABN PROC” if PF knows the name of the procedure
- PM “ABN PROC pb … Press, SEARCH and SELECT”
- PM “Activate (PROC Name)?”
- PF “Activate”
- PM Activates Procedure
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
How may the crew go about applying deferred procedures?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
- Same tasksharing as for a C/L
- Deferred PROC are integrated in the C/L menu and applied in the displayed order
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
What should the crew do after ECAM/QRH/OEB actions are completed?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-3
- Resume Normal Operation Tasksharing
- Review FCOM (note)
- Assess Situation
- Recall STATUS to check penalties (fuel, Landing distance..)
- Consider Ops, maintenance and commercial aspects
- Apply Decision making
- Inform ATC, CC, PAX, AOC
If time permits refer to FCOM but should not prolong the flight doing so
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
Whay should crew keep in mind when handling an ADVISORY?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-4
- Sensors that trigger ADV may be different than FWS
- ADV is to bring attention to the crew of a drifting parameter
- No specific action required if ECAM not triggered
ADV is a funtion provided by CDS (Control and Display System)
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
How should crew go about handling of an advisory?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-4
- First crew to notice announces “ADVISORY on XYZ system”
- PF Requests PM to monitor
- Time permitting, PM refers to FCOM to review triggering conditions
Handling of ECAM/QRH/OEB Proc.
How should crew go about handling of a fluctuating caution?
e.g. Fluctuating SURV XPDR 1(2) FAULT in known areas of interference
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-5
Caution can be deleted via EMER CANC pb
Airbus Operational Philosophy
What are the AIRBUS “Golden rules for pilots”?
- Fly. Navigate, Communicate
- Use appropriate level of automation at all times
- Understand FMA at all times
- Take actions if things do not go as expected
Golden Rules for Pilots
Clarify “FLY”
Fly Navigate Communicate
- PF: monitor and control a/c on all axes to achieved desired flightpath targets in both planes.
- PM: Assist PF with active monitoring of parameters and callout deviations
Golden Rules for Pilots
Clarify “Navigate”
Fly Navigate Communicate
- Know where you are
- Know where you should be
- Know where you should go
- Know where the hazards are (WX, TERR etc.)
Golden Rules for Pilots
Clarify “Communicate”
Fly Navigate Communicate
- Inter pilot communication (PM and PF)
- Pilots and ATC
- Pilots and Cabin Crew
- Pilots and Ground Crew
By using standard phraseology and callouts
Golden Rules for Pilots
How to “use proper automation at all times”?
- Understand the operational effect of the selected automation
- Determine and select the appropriate level that aids in workload management and enhanced situational awareness
Manual flight must be agreed by both pilots by assessing a/c status, fatigue, weather, traffic and familiarty.
Golden Rules for Pilots
How to “Understand FMA at all times”?
- Confirm and X-Check actions on AFS by FCU or KCCU
- Aware of guidance modes and targets
- Aware of the A/C expected response
- Aware of mode reversions/transitions
- Monitor, announce, confirm and understand FMA
High knowledge of AFS, FMA monitoring and adherence to SOP required
Golden Rules for Pilots
How must a pilot “Take action if things do not go as expected”
PF must immediately take control if a/c does not followed the desired flight path ot selected targets and there is no time to analyze the situation
PM must call out and bring attention to PF if a/c is not responding properly, challenge PF actions and be ready to take over when necessary.
Taking control is done by lowering the level of automation from managed to selected, selected to manual or managed straight to manual.
Handling of CKPT Controls
What controls are always X-Checked?
UAE A380 FCTM AOP-30-30-2
- ENG Master and Thrust LVR
- IR MODE selector
- Guarded Controls
**In-Flight **
Crew must restrict system resets as listed on FCOM