LIFUS General Knowledge Flashcards
Pilot Recency requirements?
OMA 4.2.3
- 1 in 45
- 3 in 90
Takeoff, App and Landing in aeroplane only
T/O can be performed on the last day of the period, with APP and LDG on the following day
New Fuel Policy
When may the commander continue towards the DEST when the expected fuel on arrival is less than ALTN+FRSV?
- Commander may continue to DEST if safe landing can be achieved at two different AD with no less than FRF.
- Shall only commit to land after taking into consideration any operational factor that may cause a delay to land
What are the general responsibilities of the First Officer?
UAE OMA 27-Jan-22 Rev 23
- Maintain familiarity with 1) UAE CAR and 2) International air law and proc. 3) EK OMs
- Assist and support The Commander concerning admin duties and maintaining proper standards
Familiarity as to be able to fullfill their functions
Standards: SOP, crew discipline and personal appearance.
What are the specific responsibilities of the First Officer (10 items)
Card is abridged for space and ease of recollection.
UAE OMA 27-Jan-22 Rev 23
- Carry out flight duty to SOP and limitations
- Safe A/C navigation and terrain clearance
- Comply with FPLN and Commander Instructions and notify him of changes
- Volunteer favourable advice, info, assistance to the Commander*
- Seek necessary information from the Commander as to fullfill duties
- Maintain high standards of discipline, appearance, conduct
- Actively promote and maintain a high professional atmosphere and crew morale
- Carry out duties of CC on flights without CC
- Insure proper and current personal documentation and notify The Commander of any issue before departure
- Cross check Commanders documents
*FO shouldn’t hesitate to suggest an alternative course of action
What is the CRM Intervention model?
CRM Manual
- Ask (Why?)
- Suggest (How)
- Direct (State not ok with time avail)
- Take Over (State not ok and no time avail)
Use the word uncomfortable
What are the commanders specific responsibilites?
OMA 1.5.3
- Ensure safety and security of all crew, PAX and cargo and has the authority to give all commands necessary for that.
- Safe operation of A/C
- Ensure A/C is operated under EK Ops policy, checklists and comply with foregin requirements.
- Has authority to disembark a PAX or cargo that may cause a hazard.
- Not allow intoxicated PAX on board
- Right to refuse carriage of deportees and criminals.
- Ensure PAX are briefed on emergency exits and equipment.
- Ensure dispatch WX requirement is met.
- Ensure proper re-fueling when engineer is not available
- Ensure correct W&B of A/C.
- Ensure Crew and PAX are in their correct seats in T/O, Taxi and LDG.
- Ensure required documents are on board.
- Ensure Pre-flight inspection is done.
- Ensure crew and PAX compy with non-smoking.
- Confirm safe navigation of the A/C
- Shall check physically the documents of other flight crew
- Report any hazards to ATC
FO Ops restrictions?
Shall not conduct T/O and LDG:
* RWYCC < 5
* X/W > 20kt gust included
* Commander only AD
* RVR/VIS is ≤ 500m
* Autoland and LVO
Can be waived during command training
When can an FO relieve the PIC?
OMA 5.2.3
Above FL 200
What is the maximum FDP extention using in-flight rest?
- In bunk (half of rest is credited and extention up to 18 for FC)
- In seat (Third of rest and MAX FDP is 15 hrs)
Add one hour to CC
Less than 3 hours does not count
What is the approach category for A380?
Where is the contact info for the company? VPNC etc
OMA 2.4.1
OMC 1.3.1
Min CC requirement A380?
OMA 4.3.1
- 2 Class is 19
- 3 Class is 18
16 CC and one SCCM for each deck (PUR and CSV)
ULA1 and UR1A shall always be occupied
What is the reporting time for FC on LRV sectors and normal sectors?
OMA 7.E.2 and 7.6.1
Both: Base 1:25 hr
Outstation: Normal is 1:00 and LRV 1:15
What is the minimum post flight duty time?
OMA 7.6.1
30 min
Hows shall crew go about ATC readbacks when one pilot is both PM and PF?
Adding an addtional confirmation readback prior to executing a clearance
Headsets shall be used as follows:
- ATC Departure Clearance
- On ground with ENG running
- Below 10,000 AAL/Transition ALT (*)
- When operating more than one radio
- One pilot in operating seat
- One pilot conducts controlled rest
- When deemed necessary by PIC
(*) whichever comes later
ICAO Loss of Comms Proc.
What is Estimated App Time
EAT (Estimated Approach Time): Given to A/C if delay of 10 Min or more expected. Given best before TOD and updated if changes by 5 min or more.
It shall be also be given if A/C is expected to hold more than 30 min and is transmitted with the holding fix info.
It’s the estimated time to start the STAR
When is the sterile flight deck policy applicable?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Departure: Final Door closure and ends with passing 10,000 AAL
- Arrival: Passing 25,000 AAL during descent until first aeroplane door is opened
After T/O Normal communication between flight deck and cabin after seat belt signs are switched off
Define the no contact period policy of EK
UAE OMA Rev 23
CC shall not contact the flight crew during the no contact period;
* Departure: T/O roll untill gear retraction
* Arrival: Extention of landing gear until A/C vacates the RWY
What shall flight crew do on PA when take-off is imminent?
UAE OMA Rev 23
“Cabin crew prepare for departure” on PA
When and how may the commander release the cabin crew for their in-flight duties?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Flaps fully retracted, and
- Above 5000 AAL, and
- No or light TURB expected
- extinguish seatbelt sign
- cycling seatbelt sign
- Calling Purser
- via PA “CC cleared for duties”
Cabin communication and breifing prior arrival policy
UAE OMA Rev 22
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Flight crew shall inform purser 20 min before TOD and make an arrival PA
- Flight crew shall conduct the approach breifing not more than 20 min before TOD after independently reviewing charts and FMS entries.
If too busy to make the PA, may delegate TOD PA to purser then conduct it when approriate
How are FANS 1/A+ and ATN denoted on the ATC FPL?
UAE OM-C 4.2.1
Z/ D1 (FANS 1/A) G1 (ATN)
What is EK fleet CNS capability?
(Communication, Navigation Surveillance)
UAE OM-C 4.2
- All Fleet have FANS 1/A+ and PBCS compliant
- All RR 380 and some GP 380 have ATN B1
(GP are EOJ-EOM)
What is the main difference between ATN B1 and ACARS bases systems?
UAE OM-C 4.1
ATN: ATN B1 (VHF only)
ATN is faster and more reliable and is set to phase out FANS CPDLC but still no equivalent ot ADS-C
- What does FANS 1/A+ split into?
UAE OM-C 4.2.1 Rev 175
What is the difference between ADS-B and C?
UAE OM-C 4.3.1 4.3.2
- ADS-B uses mode S XPDR to broadcast position info to ATC (line of sight limitation approx 120nm)
- ADS-C uses FANS 1/A+ via satellite to transmit position info to ATC replacing position reports and creates radar environment in remote airspace.
ADS-C is set to replace CPDLC
B is for broadcast
C is for Contract
When is ADS-C established with NCC?
UAE OM-C 4.3.2
Automatically when airborne indicated by connection to DXBEGEK
When transiting betwen FANS 1/A+ or ATN B1 CPDLC airspace, is there any pilot action involved?
UAE OM-C 4.4
No, its fully automatic
Where may the pilot find the SATCOM numbers?
OMC 1.3.3
What is the EK policy on use of autopilot and A/THR?
UAE OMA 8.3.18 Rev 23
- FD and A/THR Shall always be on
- AP shall always be engaged above 20,000 MSL
- FMS entries during high worload times shall be done by PM and reduced to essential items
Environmental conditions permitting manual flight is encourage through T/O and LDG phases during low workload conditions
When will crew set STD?
UAE OMA Rev 22
When climbing to a FL and approaching the TA
(approaching TA means within 1000’)
When will the crew set QNH?
UAE OMA Rev 22
When cleared to descend to an altitude with no planned FL restrictions
Stablization criteria
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Established on the lateral and vertical path at FAP
- 1000 AAL Should be in full landing config without speedbrakes
- At latest 500 AAL:
1. Speed to be VREF to Vapp +10
2. Appropriate thrust
3. All C/L completed
AAL not RA
Established means one dot (half of the full scale deflection) and not half dot as in the PM callout
What is the EK initial turn and AOB at departure policy?
UAE OMA Rev 22
No turns shall be initiated below 400ft unless procedurally required.
Max AOB:
* 15º below 200 AGL
* 15º (20º with specific approval at 200-400 AGL
* 30º above 400 AGL
PA Guideline
- Done 10-15 min before departure with coordination with PUR
- Shall be done in arabic
- Shall make tarmac delay PA at US DEST
In-flight Fuel Management
What is the frequency of in-flight fuel checks and what is the crew checking for?
UAE OMA (FCI 2024-008)
Regular intervals not exceeding 60 min and shall be recorded.
- Compare actual to planned consumption
- Check that usuable rem. fuel suffices to complete the flight
- Determine the useable fuel that is expected to remain upon landing at the destination
Number 3 is new
In-flight Fuel Management
What are the appropriate corrective actions for a negative fuel check trend?
(if fuel leak can be positively excluded)
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Decreasing speed/CI
- Request DCT routes and Optimum FL
- Nominating a closer suitable DEST ALTN
In-flight Fuel Management
What does “MINR” stand for and what does it include”
UAE OMA Rev 22
Minimum Fuel Required
1. Remaining Trip Fuel
2. ALTN Fuel
3. Final Res
Does not inlude Contingency/ADDL/Extra. Any fuel used up from those should be investigated for possible reasons.
What are augmenting crew responsibilities?
- Participate in all breifings
- Monitor the flight path and PF/PM
- Monitor ATC
Minimum experience to act as a safety pilot
OMA 5.2.6
Min 6 months or 200hr on type
When controlled rest shall not be planned?
UAE OMA Rev 24
- Periods of high workload (FL changes, poor wx etc.)
What are some considerations to be taken when conducting controlled rest?
UAE OMA Rev 24
- It should not exceed 40 mins
- Attend to physilogical needs before rest
- PF to Verify comm system is configured properly and operational
- Cater for a 20 minute post wakeup period without duties
- After end of rest Confirm with ATC cleared FL and check Comm system operational
What is the flight crew responsibility when carrying dangerous goods?
UAE OMA Rev 21
- Signature of NOTOC and keep it readily available
- Relay dangerous goods info to realtive ATSU in emergencies
- Other operating flight crew (e.g. transit stop) must be privy of the NOTOC
- If unable to personally handover A/C to other crew, leave a message onboard to the other crew.
- Report any realted accidents/incidents through relevant ASR
- NOTOC must remain accessible quickly
What is the ROD policy
UAE OMA Rev 22
Save for momentary excursions
What sort of WX activity preclude a pilot from conducting an approach, landing or takeoff?
- Microburst Alert
- Horizontal separation of at least 3nm cannot be achieved from severe WX when A/C is < 1000’ AGL
Can crew select REV IDLE on WET RWY and under what conditions?
- Surface condition is WET and reported GOOD (5/5/5)
- Calculation with LDPA using medium to poor with No REV credit is within LDA. (RWYCC 2)
Airbus recommends max rev on Wet rwys
BTV operational limitations
Cant be used on contaminated RWY and/or fails affecting LDG perf (e.g. REV INOP ) or a crosscheck error of LDA more than 35m on OANS
Will be affected by GNSS interference
Can be used in CONF 3 and Full on WET or DRY RWY in any LW
BTV disarms of GA is done below 500 RA
Deceleration target of BTV?
10 knots at 65m from exit or 300m from RWY end (whichever comes first)
When is ROW armed?
No BTV: 500 RA
BTV: 300 RA
What input does BTV use to calculated LD?
- Above 600 RA inserted inputs in APP and estimated LW
- Below 600 RA actual conditions
BTV considers 400m flare in initial calculation then uses IR data
Max difference between OANS and Lido RWY length?
35m, otherwise cannot use BTV
Which exit should be chosed as per procedure using BTV?
Exit after WET line
What is the policy on RETO/RETI?
Reduced Engine Taxi IN/OUT
UAE OMA Rev 23
UAE OMA Rev 23
- RETO: May be conducted in exceptional cirmustances (extended ground hold) or if CCI/CONOTAM says so
- RETI: Shall be applied whenever practical during normal ops
What is the speed limit below 10,000 and when it may be exceeded?
Speed below 10,000 AAL shall not exceed 250kts or minimum clean whichever greater.
May be exceeded if SID/STAR requires it, or ATC requires it or waives the speed restriction save for USA airspace
Taxi from RHS is not allowed when :
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Visual docking system calibrated to P1
- 180 degree turn required
Carriage of weapons policy?
OMA 9.18
Prohibited in cabin or Flight deck or anywhere accessible in flight.
VIP escorts must have their weapons unloaded put in the hold and have the munition stored separately.
NOTOC must be provided
Where to find emergency repsonse drill code and procedure for dangerous goods?
Code in NOTOC
decipher on tabe 9.1 in OMA
Where can crew find conditions of carrying Wheelchair and mobility aid spare battery carriage requirements?
OMA 9.5
Where to find the provisions for dangerous goods carried by PAX or Crew/
What does a FD security search include?
- All Seats and seat pouches
- Life Jacket
- All Stowage compartments
- Coat Closet
- The walls and ceiling
- complete floor area
FC procedure in case of hijack?
- Ensure cockpit door remains closed
- XPDR 7500
- Advise ATC with as much information
- Contact VP-NC and follow their instructions
What is the LRBL on A380?
Policy of crew change at transit stops
UAE OM-A Rev 21
IB crew shall remain onbaord until the A/C has been handed over to OB crew which in turn shall conduct a transit security search
What is the crew component required to be onboard on the ground during a turnaround?
UAE OM-A 10.4.2 Rev 22
All Cabin Crew
One Flight Deck in cockpit
When shall the company ID be made visible? When may it be removed in flight?
UAE OM-A 10.4.2 Rev 22
Crew shall prominently display their company ID cards while onboard and restricted areas of the airport
Crew ID may be removed after take-off once crew are released for the service and wear it again at TOD.
Is giving access allowed to a person claiming to be an inspector and unwilling to provide proper ID ?
UAE OM-A 10.4.4 Rev 22
No. Authorities shall only be allowed when proper ID is presented. Such an incident shall be reported to the police/ground staff.
What is the policy on expired airside permits or staff at some outstations due admin reasons?
UAE OM-A 10.4.4 Rev 22
Prior permitting access to A/C the purser shall verify the authenticity of said ID with EK ground staff and inform the PIC
What shall crew insure when some PAX are to remain onboard in transit or turnarounds?
UAE OM-A Rev 21
Remaining PAX must identify their bags and crew then conduct the pre-flight security check before the joining pax board
When shall the cockpit door be secured on duty?
UAE OM-A 10.5.2 Rev 22
When the last door closes for departure until the first door opens for disembarkation.
Identify and define the bomb threat classifications
UAE OM-A Rev 26
- RED: Specific threat that identifies a target or made by a t.e.r.r.o.r.i.s.t organisation and judged credible by DSVP EGS.
- Green: Vague threat which does not identify a target or specific group of targets and lacks credibility.
When shall the Bomb on Board C/L be actioned?
UAE OM-A Rev 26
- RED Bomb threat
- Device is discovered in flight and EGS assessment not possible and PIC assesses that the device is a bomb
Oberver/Jumpseat use in case of personal travel
PAPM 8.1
- FD jumpseat can be used where no PAX seats are available in the cabin. Request to be done 90 min prior with a valid ticket and must get approval from the commander.
- If jumpseat is already occupied by operating crew then it cant be availed
- Have valid EK ID
- Must not consume alcohol
- permitted to use fwd stairs
- not permitted to CRC
- Must not be given UC1 in a 2 class
- Exit FD in restricted Airspace
Are CC jumpseat allowed on personal travel?
PAPM 8.2
Only for duty or compassionate travel
What warrants a PSR? (shall)
OMA 11.7
- Departure in curfew
- Tarmac Delays in USA/Canada
- SAFA inspection
- Missing A/C Documents
- Policies that conflict with CRAR
- Offloading PAX
- CoNOTAM says so
When should a PSR be done?
not shall
OMA 11.7
- CPDLC/ATN/FANs anomaly
- relevant feedback on CCI and company policies
Designation of Commander
When a flight is operated by an augmented crew of at least two captains and is preceded by a layover, who is the designated commander? How about training flights?
UAE OMA 1.5.1 27-Jan-22 Rev 23
The commander of the preceding sector remains the designated commander during the duration of the layover until the reporting time of the next flight.
Training Captain is designated Commander irrespective of seniority.
If none either of visibility or RVR is reported, can a commander T/O?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Yes, if the commander can determine that the RVR/VIS along the T/O RWY is at or above minima
Under what RVR shall LVP be in force?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
when RVR is less than and not including 400m
TABLE showing T/O minima
TABLE showing company LDG minima
What is the policy for A380 fuel LMC?
UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
Not permitted
What is least thing flight crew shall review during flight preparation?
UAE OMA 8.1.13 14-Jul-2021 Rev 24
- WX and NOTAMS (*)
- Relevant SCB, FCI, ACIs
- Documents carried by crew
- Augmented flight crew rest strategy
(*)WX and NOTAMS of DEP,DEST, DEST ALTN, AND ERA’s for the first hour
After the review, an interactive threat-based breifing including mitigation shall be conducted
What is the list of valid documents that shall be carried by flight crew?
UAE OMA 14-Jul-2021 Rev 24
- Medical
- Passport with approproate visa
- Certificate of vaccination
- Company ID
- UAE E-Gate card
in case of document loss at outstation NCC can coordinate GCAA approval for crew to operate back
What is the validity of the daily maintenance check?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
48 hours
should be valid until planned arrival at next station
Minimum RFFS category for A380 at Departure and Destination
Revenue Flight
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Temporary downgrade by NOTAM for 72hrs Max to Cat 8
Minimum RFFS category for A380 at ALTN (T/O, En-route, Dest ALTN)
Revenue Flight
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Minimum RFFS category for A380 in the case of Driftdown/Depressurization ALTN
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Are operations to AD with lower than min RFFS cateogries allowed
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Yes, under exceptional circumstances and special approval. They will be specifically annotated on OM-C / CoNOTAM
Can a commander divert to an AD regardless of the RFFS category?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Yes, if the pilot’s judgement after considering all prevailing circumstance that it would be safer to divert.
Performance Requirements
What is a damp runway? Any special consideration?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Surface is not dry but the moisture on it does not give a shiny appearance. Shall be considered wet
Performance Requirements
When is a RWY Wet?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
When the surface is covered by water less or equal than 3mm or equivalent depth of slush/loose snow. Or when the moisture is sufficient to make the RWY appear reflective without areas of standing water
Performance Requirements
When is a RWY contaminated?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
More than 25% of RWY is covered by:
1. More than 3mm of water and equivalent slush/loose snow
2. Compacted snow
3. Ice (Wet and Dry)
What is the Airbus definition of the In-Flight Landing Distance? (LD) and what margin is applied to it to calculated the Factored Landing Distance (FLD)
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Achievable LD without margins assuming realistic conditions from threshold to touchdown and deceleration to full stop.
The FLD margin factor is x1.15
If a runway contains multiple RWYCC codes, what shall be used for the performance calculation?
UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
The most conservative one. (A calculation must be made on both end spectrums of the contamination depth).
When is it permitted to take off on icey runways as an exemption?
If treated with sand/chemicals and CCI denotes the exemption
If a runway contains multiple RWYCC codes, what shall be used for the performance calculation?
UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
The most conservative one. (A calculation must be made on both end spectrums of the contamination depth).
Minimum width of treated RWY for A380?
What additional limitations apply during contaminated RWY Ops?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
- Prohibited ops on untreated icey RWYs
- T/O prohibited if initial climb icing is forecast/reported as severe
- RTO if A/C does not accelerate properly
- Minimum 45m of cleared/treated RWY for A380
- Snownbanks shall be limited to a height that provides protection from ingestion or damage to A/C structure
When shall a TO ALTN be nominated?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
When performance, operational or met conditions preclude a return to the departure AD within 950nm.
As a form of airmanship consider fails that affect LAND capability after departure (e.g. flaps stuck at departure gives you LAND1)
TO ALTN WX must be** at or above** minima (RVR/VIS) and ceiling minima for APV/NPA approaches -/+ 1 hr ETA
What condition makes an AD isolated?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Dest ALTN is more than 2 hours away + final reserve fuel and only be used by approval from GCAA and flight ops
**normal cruise **consumption above DEST
When are two DEST ALTN required instead of the normal one alternate?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
- WX -/+ 1hr ETA below applicable planning minima
- No MET info available
both ALTN shall be specified in the OFP
What defines a NPA? What consideration is given when conducting it
UAE OMA 14-Jul-2022 Rev 24
Instrument app that utilized lateral but not vertical guidance. It should be flown as CDFA
CDFA means no level off required between FAF and flare
What are the DEST planning minima for CAT I/II/III, APV and NPA?
UAE OMA 14-Jul-2022 Rev 24
WX is at or above Applicable landing minima (RVR or visibility)
ETA -/+ 1 hour
What are the DEST ALTN/Fuel ERA/Isol AD planning minima for CAT I/II/III, APV and NPA?
UAE OMA 14-Jul-2022 Rev 24
WX at or above Planning Minima
* CAT II/III = CAT 1 (RVR only i.e. 550m)
* CAT I = NPA (RVR and ceiling)
* APV & NPA = NPA minima+ 200ft/1000m (RVR and ceiling)
* Circling = Circling min
* Visual = VMC
ETA -/+ 1 hour
Ceiling shall be at or above MDH
Which RVR zone values are controlling for CAT I, NPA and APV ops?
UAE OMA 14-Jul-2022 Rev 24
Touchdown zone RVR or VIS relevant
RVR is only authorized with VIS below 800m
What is the In-Flight minima in all other cases for CAT I/II/III NPA APV?
UAE OMA 14-Jul-2022 Rev 24
Applicable landing minima (RVR for CAT 2/3 and RVR or VIS for CAT 1 APV and NPA.
When shall CMV never be used?
UAE OMA 14-Jul-2022 Rev 24
LIDO Route Manual
- Determining T/O Minima,
- any RVR minima < 800m, or
- When RVR is reported
- When both V and R minima are stipulated on the IAP as pictured(LIDO)
Considering DEST, DEST ALTN, ERA
How would you regard the TREND “BECMG AT” considering deterioration and improvement?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Considered at the start of the change including mean wind but gusts may be disregarded
ETA -/+ 1 Hour
Considering DEST, DEST ALTN, ERA
How would you regard the TREND “BECMG/BECMG FM or TL/BECMG FM…TL” considering deterioration and improvement?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
- Deterioration: at start
- Improvement: at end
ETA -/+ 1 Hour
including mean wind but gusts may be disregarded
Considering DEST, DEST ALTN, ERA
How would you regard the TREND “TEMPO, TEMPO FM, TEMPO TL, TL PROB 30/40” considering deterioration and improvement?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
- Transient deterioration and any improvement: Not Applicable
- Persistent conditions deterioration: Applicable with mean wind excluding gusts
ETA -/+ 1 Hour
persistent such as HZ, BR, FG, DU, SS, Continuous precipitation
Considering DEST, DEST ALTN, ERA
How would you regard the TREND “PROB TEMPO” considering deterioration and improvement?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
May be disregarded
What does Contingency Fuel consider?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
- Deviations of an individual A/C from expected consumption data
- Deviations from forecast met conditions
- Deviations from planned routings and/or cruising levels
What is the Reduced Contingency Fuel Procedure? (RCF)
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
When planning a flight with Decision Points (DP) en route. The minumum fuel is the same as in the basic procedure except for the contingency. (Basically chopping up the trip from one leg to multiple intermediate legs as not to carry contingency based on the entire trip leg).
The contingency should be the greater of 5% of the fuel consumption from the DP to the DEST or 3% of the fuel from the DP to the Fuel ERA
What are the elements of the cabin crew briefing?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Flight Crew Intro
- FC Roles and responsibilities
- Expected taxi time, flight time and CRZ ALT
- Expected WX and periods of turbulence
- Policy to access flight deck if not std
- Any security related requirement (during duty or layover)
What is the EK policy of how much fuel to tanker? Can a commander deviate from it?
UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
lesser of MLW/RLW - 1%.
Yes a commander may carry up to MLW/RLW or consider carrying less due to rwy conditions.
based on EZFW
What consideration is there to tankering with cold soaked fuel on the A380?
UAE OMA Flight Ops Update 516
Should not plan to arrive with > 25T Fuel when:
- FT> 4hrs: is FSCT OAT at DEST ≥ 20ºC or,
- 2hrs < FT < 4hrs: FCST OAT ≥ 15ºC and,
- FSCT precipitation or condensation (BR or HZ excluded)
avoiding unnecessary cost for de-icing
This is only a dispatch requirement and not applicable in-flight
What is the min fuel in case of “In-Flight Replanning Procedure?”
NCC redirection due to commercial interests
UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
- Trip for remainder of the flight
- Contingency (5 or 3 % remainder of the trip fuel)
- ADDNL (if Required)
- Extra (by Commander)
What is the ISOL AD min fuel procedure? Any additional considerations
UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
Same as Basic Procedure except that ADDNL is minimum of 2 hours in addition of FRSV at normal CRZ consumption.
A point of safe return (PSR) will be depicted and a two hours before PSR a recalculated PSR shall be performed by Dispatch and relayed to the crew.
What should the contingency fuel amount be?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
The higher of:
* 5% of Trip fuel (3% in case of a fuel suitable ERA), or
* 5 min holding at 1500 above destination at holding speed in ISA
What does Taxi fuel consider?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Fuel expected to be used prior to T/O including APU consumption
What is Emirate’s policy regarding minimum amount of fuel to be carried?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Carry the minimum fuel required corrected for ZFW changes shown on the ACARS preliminary loadsheet
What is the minimum fuel required as per the Basic Procedure? And until when is it applicable?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
- Taxi
- Trip
- Cont 3.0/5.0
- Extra (by commander)
applicable till refueling is done and bowser released
Where may a pilot find the legend to decode the EK-OFP
Decoding LIDO OFP
Elaborate on item 8
- Company Route, or,
- MFT: Min Fuel
- MTT: Min Time
- MCT: Min Cost
- MDT: Min Distance
- DEFRTE: Dispatcher Defined
- NAT B: Designated OTS Track
Elaborate on 11
A380 En-Route Reclearance
Elaborate on 12
OFP 5/0/0
1st number is OFP Sequence
2nd Number are RCF DP points with zero being RCF not utilized
3rd is ETOPS with 0 non ETOPS
Elaborate on 13
Time of WX prognosis in OFP calculation; 6-24 UTC. It is based on the STD+ET+ETA ALTN
How often are EK-OFP FCST updated and what are their validity?
FCST are updated on 3hr intervals valid 36 hrs each.
At what intervals are upper wind data validated into Lido and are they used on the spot?
Every 6 hours starting from 00:00UTC
They can only ne uploaded to FMS after 4:30hrs delay to complexity of calculations required
Elaborate on item 14
Calculated T/O Time used by Eurocontrol IFPS
Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System
What are the available contigency scenarios under 17
- Statistical (CONT 99,95,90)
- 5% or 3%
- CONT (RCF Procedure)
What are the conditions for FRSV on Lido OFP?
30 min @ 1500’ over the ALTN under ISA and anticipated weight
What is the range of the CID on the OFP? And define VSOPS CID
Cost index 10-250.
VSOPS is triggered by arrival delays and is purely an opertaional cost index that speeds a flight up if late by 5+ mins and slows it down if early by 15+ min.
Variable Speed Ops
VSOPS reverts back to default CID if flight is delayed more than 5hrs
What are TRM and ITT on items 73 and 74?
TRM: OB Magnetrick TRK
ITT: OB Initial True TRK
Elaborate on items 76 and 77
Wind is 230º/021kts
SR/TDEV are Shear rate and delta ISA
So the Shear rate is 02 and ISA +14
Define wind shear rate in OFP?
Change of wind speed per 1000’
What is the MORA on lido nav log OFP base on?
10 nm on either side of route centerline
What do the + and = signs mean on the Nav lop?
”+” Compulsory reporting point
“=” FIR Boundary
Explain the relationship of ETA ATA RTA
- ETA is Airborne time + accumulated sector times (STM)
- ATA is the Actual time of arrival over a waypoint
- RTA is ATA + STM
What destinations do not require a GD?
Australia and New Zealand
In regards to the list of the documents that shall be carried on board, what should the crew consider in the case of the theft or loss of any of those documents?
UAE OMA 14-Jul-2021 Rev 24
Advise NCC in case of missing documents. Operation is permitted to continue to a destination where replacements can be provided
What is the list of valid documents that shall be carried by flight crew?
UAE OMA 14-Jul-2021 Rev 24
- Medical
- Passport with approproate visa
- Certificate of vaccination
- Company ID
- UAE E-Gate card
in case of document loss at outstation NCC can coordinate GCAA approval for crew to operate back
What does EK consider when determining the minimum alternate fuel?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
Cost Index 0 and 60nm (track miles)
After accepting the OFP, what is the minimum entry that shall be recorded before submitting the master copy back to EK?
UAE OMA 8.1.10 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
The entire first page and the ETA (or revised ETA) and ATA for significant waypoints and comply with the in flight fuel check requirement as per OM-C
Which manuals are required to be carried on board?
can they be soft copies?
UAE OMA 14-Jul-2021 Rev 24
electronic versions acceptable as per EFB manual
What does X-Check with avionics not check for?
TO Shift
RWY Ident
Dispatch Policy
Above what surface mean wind speed shall an AD be considered closed?
UAE OMA Rev 22
**Thunderstorms **
How shall strong WX radar echoes be avoided if no alternative course of action is possible?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- At and BLW FL200: At least 10 NM
- ABV FL 200: At least 20 NM
Cockpit lights should be set to high intensity if lightning expected
Wake Turbulence
What is the WTC/WTG of A380?
wake turbulence category/group
UAE OMA 8.3.9 Rev 22
WTC Super ( J )
What shall a handover briefing include when handing over your station to a pilot relieving them from duty?
Any additional things a commander should brief SIC?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Position, cleared route, FL
- ATC/FIR environment, boundaries, clearances and restrictions
- Threats and mitigation (WX, Terrain etc.)
- Fuel and A/C Status
- ANy relevant information
Commander should also brief SIC: Severity of a non-normal event that requires the commander to be notified and the level of operational decision that requires the commander’s authority (unable to meet, anticipated diversion etc)
Can additional flight crew members be tasked with calculating takeoff performance data?
UAE OMA Rev 24
They shall not
What are the Safety Pilot duties and what sort of flights they arent to be rostered on?
UAE OMA Rev 24
- Assume an operating role at anytime required by the trainer
- Assume their operating seat whenever the commander leaves for physiological reasons
- Conduct the walkaround at the trainer’s discretion
They will not be rostered on Augmented LR ops
What is the EK policy on the Use of the Fasten Seat Belt Sign?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Taxi, Takeoff and all phases of flight below 10,000 AAL
- At or below 25,000 AAL during descent
- Whenever deemed necessary by the commander (Turbulence)
in case of anticipated delay signs may be delayed to 10,000 AAL in descent
What is the EK policy on admission to the flight deck?
UAE OMA 8.3.12 Rev 22
- Visits by passengers to flight deck are not permitted
- When any person intends to leave the flight deck the area outside must be clear of PAX
- Adhere to the table in for anyone occupying the Flight Deck Jump Seat (provided official ID and authorization)
When shall flight crew incapacitation be suspected ?
UAE OMA Rev 22
When flight crew does not respond to:
1. Two verbal communications above 1000 AGL
2. One verbal communication below 1000 AGL
3. Any verbal communication associated with significant deviation from the intended flight path
What are the steps to be followed after a flight deck crew confirms the other is incapacitated?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Takeover immediatly and ensure safe condition
- Engage AP
- Declare Emergency (*)
- Call CC to cockpit to remove the pilot from controls (*)
- Evaluate Operational flight aspects
- Determine suitability of en-route altn. (^)
(*) When appropriate
(^)ALTN WX should ideally be above CAT I Minima
FO’s may conduct an autoland CAT II/III approach
If incapacitation occurs during approach to land, remaining pilot may continue approach if safe.
A/C documents to be carried on each flight in the documents folder:
What are the repair intervals for MEL (A,B,C,D)
- A: No STD interval
- B: 3 Days
- C: 10 days
- D: 120 days
Who other than flight deck crew are authrorized to commence fuelling? And how much can they refuel unless otherwise instructed?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Authourized engineers approved by EK Engineering or a delegate. OFP Ramp fuel -5 Tons
When may the commander request an updated OFP for TOW changes?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Changes of 2 Tons or more. Otherwise calculate CORR T/O FUEL using ZFW CHG figures from OFP.
What safety precautions exist during refuelling/defuelling?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- ENG IGN shall be OFF
- WX Radar OFF
- Strobe light OFF
- No HF transmissions
- No smoking or use of naked lights
What additional safety precautions are taken when wide cut type fuels are “involved”?
UAE OMA Rev 23 and Rev 22
- No fuelling ops when PAX are either on board, embarking or disembarking
- Next two uplifts are considered with wide-cut involved
- Consider reduction of flow rate as per OM-A if static disspator is not present in the fuel
*“Involved” means when it is being supplied or already in the tanks
What shall the flight crew do when refueling with PAX either on board, embarking or disembarking?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Establish communication with the engineer and stay alert for a spillage/fire warning from the engineer or crew,
- Prepared to initiate evacuation, if necessary,
- Inform CC that refueling is finished with seatbelt sign on, and
- Stop refueling operation if fuel vapour is detected in the cabin or due to any other hazard.
During Re/Defueling, should the slides of the respective designated evacuation doors be armed?
UAE OMA Rev 22
No, unless an evacuation is commanded.
What is EK policy regarding refuelling with Wide-Cut type fuels?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Shall be avoided unless it is the only option
What is EK’s policy on refuelling with one engine running?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Allowed if authourized by AD authority
- Follow FCOM PRO-NOR-SUP-SUP-FUEL Procedure
Where will the flight crew find the tolerances for the fuel uplift gross check?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Under “FUEL ON BOARD” FCOM Normal Procedures
UAE FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-60 P 20/20 29-Sep-22
What is the fuel freezing point for JET A and JET A1? TS-1(FCOM)?
if an actual measurement was not provided
JET A = -40ºC*
JET A1= -47ºC*
TS-1= -50ºC
*if 90% or more of the uplifted fuel for current sector otherwise -40ºC
Who shall send the fuel figures on the NSS?
Subsequent APP following GA
Following a missed approach. When can the commander consider a second or even third approach?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Second approach shall only be considered if the commander assesses a high likelihood of a successful approach and landing.
- If second approach was unsuccessful due to WX, the commander shall divert unless commited to DEST
- Third approach may only be flown when one or both missed approaches was non WX related and commander assessed a high likelihood of a successful APP/LDG.
Commander shall carefully evaluate WX and FCST before commiting (think SQ319)
When the decision to divert has been made, what shall the crew consider?
In the context of an operational diversion
UAE OMA Rev 23
Diversion shall be made to the most operationally suitable ALTN considering the following:
1. AD classification as per OM-C
2. MET and TAF
Commander shall also ensure the diversion communicated to NCC, CC and PAX
Controller, Company, Crew, Customers
In addition to normal procedures following a decision to divert; what additonal aspects should be considered in the context of a medical diversion?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- GMS will provide a recommendation with alternates that are adequate for medical support (given the initial input of the pax condition).
- Commander decides from the choices bearing in mind the overall risk to safety.
- When decision is taken GMS will contact the diversion AD to arrange
(If NCC/GMS not reachable the decision rests with the commander who shall insure to contact the diversion AD with the PAX info)
Commander shall not indicate that airline will accept responsibility of the cost of medical care.
What are the recommendations for the use of FLEX T/O thrust vs. Flap setting for T/O?
Using the flap setting that provides the highest flex is best for engine life but a higher flap setting is more comfortable for the PAX so if the difference in TFELX is minimal in a higer flap seting T/O its best to use the higher flap setting.
Consider higher flap setting for High ALT A/D and RWYS in bad rough condition or ASDA limited
Is engine life affected if you reduce the TFLEX by only a few degrees?
No. Highest TFlex is best for engine life and its reduction be a few degrees wont affect the engine life much.
What is the intersection takeoff policy?
UAE OMA Rev 22
Full RWY should be used.
Intersection may be performed if operationally advantageous e.g. holding point blocked, avoid delay, ops efficiency, ATC request etc…)
if there is no significant reduction in safety margins
What is the policy of handling checked-in baggage of an offloaded passenger travelling in a group?
(consider Family and Non Family group scenario)
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Family: They cannot carry the offloaded PAX’s baggage
- Non-Family: All of the group’s baggage is offloaded
What is the EK policy on animals carried in the cabin?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Carriage is prohibited with the exception of service dogs and falcons.
What is the cabin limitation on the carriage of service dogs?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Only one per cabin
(Purser shall inform the commander and its up to flight crew discretion)
Max number of falcons in the PAX cabin?
UAE OMA Rev 23
15 Falcons
What is the EK procedure for Live Animals Carried as Cargo (AVI)?
AVI = Animaux Vivants
UAE OMA Rev 23
Commander shall confirm the serviceability of the cargo hold ventilation and temperature controls.
What is the policy if the maximum allowable LMC is exceeded?
UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
A new loadsheet shall be prepared
What baggage weight shall be used if the actual baggage weight is not available during an LMC?
UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
20 kg
What are the limitations of an LMC?
any other considerations?
UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
- Indivisual or total LMC shall be 500 kg or less
- maximum weights not exceeded
- Loading limits not exceeded
Captain shall conduct T/O performance calculation with ATOW/CG as needed
Standard PAX Mass in loadsheet
Define a STD EOP
Engine out procedure
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Maintain RWY TRK
- Climb V2 - V2+15
- ACC at or above MIN ACC ALT
Straight Out
Define a non-STD EOP
Engine Out Procedure
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Maintain RWY TRK
- Climb V2 - V2+15
- Turn a turning point (AOB 15º)
- Accelerate when at: Defined in the EOP or MSA or On Final EOP HDG/TRK/CRS and at or above EO ACC ALT
Turning usually is done at 1000 AGL unless otherwise stated which can also dictate a different than stipulated AOB
NADP summary
What is Vx and Vy on A380?
Vx is Green Dot
Vy by IFPA App
Turbulence penetration speed?
Between GDOT and 300/0.85
Opt profile is 260/300/0.85
DeRated Climb table
Weather monitoring policy?
Crew shall monitor the actual and forecasted WX at DEST, DEST ALT and ER ALTN throughout the flight
ROP and BTV relationship
- If both WET and DRY lines inside RWY ROP considers WET RWY
- If only DRY line is inside the RWY ROP considers a DRY RWY
What is the REV consideration with BTV
What is the preferred order of approach procedures?
UAE OMA Rev 22
- IAP / APV / Visual with vertical guidance
- Circling
- Visual
visual circuit shall only be used in emergency or base check
Commander may deviate from the order if safer, or equally safe but more efficient. Enhanced coding is required for item 3
How should crew go around using RCAM if provided in GRF and non GRF format?
- GRF: Use as reported (e.g. 6,6,6)
- Non-GRF: use RCAM with procedures laid out under FCOM-PERF-LND-CTA and referencing the table in FCOM-LIM-OPS-AIR
If touchdown cannot be accomplished within the runway touchdown zone:
UAE OMA Rev 23
A GA should be considered, but if ROW/ROP activates a GA shall be conducted
Policy on temperature altitude corrections or displaced threshold crossing altitude corrections
UAE OMA Rev 22
- Crew shall make independent calculations and agree on the altitude corrections before applying cold weather or displaced THR corrections on FMS
- Combination of cold temperature and displaced THR crossing altitude correction is not allowed
refer to OM-C for warm temperature corrections
When is the dispalced THR procedure applicable?
when the displacement is > 300m
TCAS Policy
How should pilots manage their V/S in proximity of other traffic?
UAE OMA 8.3.6 Rev 22
Limit V/S to 1500 fpm or less when within 1000’ of the assigned ALT/FL
(if safe and practical to do so)
What is the policy on orbits?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Shall be conducted only:
1. At or above 1500 AAL/AGL whichever higher
2. AP engaged
3. Compliance with stabilization criteria
4. Conducted in daylight and VMC unless under radar
5. Ensure adequate terrain clearance
What is the policy of disembarking PAX when diverting to AD with company support?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- If AD has company support and expected to depart shortly after refuelling : Preferably Keep PAX onboard (Commander responsibility)
- Otherwise: Disembark with their belongings (Ground staff responsibility)
- If Flight Duty limits are to be exceeded, advise NCC ASAP as to arrange for accomodation. Crew shall not leave the AD until suitable arrangements for PAX and A/C Secured.
- Commander shall liase with ground staff that any course of action would not infringe on local regulations at the AD.
What is the policy of disembarking PAX when diverting to AD w/out company support?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Commander shall consult NCC and arrange for:
1. Security and maintenance of A/C,
2. Catering and accomodation for PAX,
3. Baggage and cargo, and
4. Flight Prep (OFP, FPLN etc)
5. Coordinate with NCC the preceding
6. If PAX disembark a min of 2 CC to escort them to terminal
PAX required to take all possessions with them
What shall crew insure before entering the parking bay with VDGS?
UAE OMA Rev 23
That the A/C type is illuminated on the VDGS
What additional precautions exist when parking at stand?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Maintain lookout and if in doubt request marshalling assistance.
When PRK BRK is set both crew shall visually ensure that A/C is not moving
At what BRK temp are chocks preferred
BLG wheels of >500 ºC
Engine cooling times EA and RR
EA: 3min
RR: 5 min
Engine warmup times EA and RR
5 minutes recommended for both
3 mins minimum for EA
What shall flight crew do on PA when turning into the parking bay or before pushback?
Cabin crew prepare all doors and cross check
When is RETI discouraged?
- Upslope taxi
- High GW
- Tight turns
When is it better to use outer engines for RETI?
if inner engines are above non stabilized surfaces and/or tight turns are anticipated
Simplified holding speeds for TERPS and PANS OPS
What is the expected managed speed when entering a hold? What should crew do if the speed is higher than ICAO or state max hold speed?
Green dot + 25 (max endurance)
If higher than regulation speed, crew to extend flaps and fly S speed
What does the last exit time in the FMS/ACTIVE/F-PLN/HOLD page ensure?
latest time to depart with minimum reserve fuel for diversion
How should crew go about navigating the FLS when flying to an anchor point that is not the rwy threshold? (offset)
Crew should disregard the FLS guidance after MDA and fly the visual part of the approach with TRK FPA.
Crew can maintain FLS FD guidance after MDA if anchor point is the RWY
Over what displaced threshold value should crew start applying the relevant procedure?
> 300m
Predictions and guidance for FMS holds
FMS assumes the lowest speed of ICAO or Max endurance and speed constraint or nav database hold speed.
FMS assumes it will fly one hold
When may a visual approach be conducted?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- If requested by ATC for separation, or
- When more efficient than the complete IAP
What are the flight crew responsibilites when conducting a visual app?
UAE OMA Rev 23
- Terrain clearance
- Navigation by visual cues (e.g. PAPI)
- Traffic and wake separation
- Establishing the GA requirement
What is the policy when conducting RVFP?
RNAV Visual Flight Procedures (RNAV Visual in LIDO)
UAE OMA Rev 23
Shall be coded in FMS and flown as charted
What are the limitations that apply for Circling Approaches?
UAE OMA Rev 24
- Not permitted without enhanced coding
- Maintain visual with the rwy or its environment
- Follow the published MAP for the IAP used to align by making an initial climbing turn towards the RWY to establish on the MAP
unless approved by DSVP-FO
Describe the approach ban policy
UAE OMA Rev 23
Commander may commence IAP regardless of reported VIS/RVR provided he:
* Shall not continue beyond OM or equivalent if VIS/RVR is less than the minima (1)
* RVR/VIS allowed to conduct approach but fell below applicable minima after Appr Ban point, the Appr may be conducted till minima and continue if visual reference is established.
* For circling approach the point is the IAF
(1) Use CMV as per OMA if RVR not available
Approach Ban height in UAE is 1000 AAL
When shall an RTO be conducted when visual reference is lost in LVTO?
UAE OMA 8.4.1 Rev 22
A380 below 100 kts
B777 80 kts
T.O. should be continued above these speeds
What are the required visual references at MDA/DA for CAT I NPA and APV?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
At least one element of the ALS, RWY lights or RWY threshold/touchdown markings or PAPI/VASI
What are the required visual references at DH for CAT II?
UAE OMA 15-Jul-2021 Rev 22
- A Lateral segment of the ALS or TDZL barrette; and
- 3 consecutive lights of any ALS CL/RWY lights element
any combination of above attained and maintained
What are the required visual references at DH for CAT IIIA?
15-Jul-2021 Rev 22UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
3 consecutive lights of any ALS CL/RWY lights element e.g. TDZL, RCLL, REL,
any combination of above attained and maintained
What are the required visual references at DH for CAT IIIB With DH?
15-Jul-2021 Rev 22UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
one RCLL
attained and maintained
What are the required visual references at DH for CAT IIIB With DH?
15-Jul-2021 Rev 22UAE OMA 27-Jan-2022 Rev 23
No requirement
How should the crew treat PAPI/VASIS?
Crew should maintain the VASIS glidepath in alignment with the aiming point only if the stabilization criteria can be met
What shall the threshold crossing height be referenced to?
In order to conduct an FMS based approach (FLS, LNAV/VNAV) the following shall apply:
UAE OMA Rev 22
UAE FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-160 P 7/14 29-Sep-22
- Approach shall be line selectable from the database
- Any modification at or beyond FAF not allowed (2)
- RNP value of 0.3 shall be assumed (unless specified)
- Adhere to attached validation table
(2) Point 2 applies for A380. In FCOM all FAF/FAP harmozined to FDP
For GNSS or LOC based approaches the max final track difference is 1°
For RVSM operations, the PFD altimeters are checked as to…
Accurate with 75 feet of aerodrome elevation
PFD 1 and 2 within 20 feet
PFD with STBY is within 30 feet of
When may a commander decide to perform an overweight landing and what is the policy of jettisoning fuel?
UAE OMA Rev 23
Overweight LDG can be attempted in exceptional circumstances.
Fuel jettison in the abscence or abnormal/non-normal situation shall not be considered without NCC approval.
Technical defects at outstation with an engineer and without an engineer?
authorized engineer
- With engineer: He shall be the one ensuring the rectification of the defect or adding it as an ADD in the ATL
- Without: PIC does preflight inspection, re-fueling, add ADD to ATL in accordance with MEL
Pilot incapacitation preventative meaures
- Maintain a high standard of alertness
- Routine adherence to Standard Operating Procedures and flight deck discipline is stressed
- A procedural deviation might provide the first indication
- Must inform colleagues if you start to feel unfit or unwell
- When in doubt, ask - victims often ignore their problems
Signs of pilot incapacitation
- Illogical decision making
- Limited response to stimuli
- Loss of skill or judgement noticeable
- Hazardous manipulation of controls
Symptoms evident under high stress environment and gets more dramatic over time
Actions to deal with pilot incapacitation
- Ensure safety of the flight
- “I have controls”
- Engage AP
- Declare Emergency
- “This is the captain, purser to the flight deck”
- Purser to move incapacitated crew from controls
- Arrange medical assistance
- Evaluate all operational aspects
- Explain your plan to crew and ATC
- Continue approach if in approach even if CAT III for FO
- Plan to divert on CAT I at least
- Consider if parking is calibrated to CM 1
Call purser when appropriate
Augmenting crew member to take place
Type of approaches that we may not conduct
- RNAV with LPV minima
- SRA Approaches
- Side-step and Circling will need approval and enhanced coding