Private Dwellings Flashcards
Originally built for one or two family occupancy, these structures are usually ___ to ___ stories in height
1 to 3
What is the major weakness from a firefighting and fire protection standpoint in PD’s?
An open and unenclosed stairway
The dimensions of a PD average ___ ft x ___ ft
True or false: Flat roofs may have a scuttle and or skylight?
___ entrances are most common. In structures more than one story, the interior stairs to the cellar will usually be located ___ the main stair. With semi-attached structures or those with minimal space on one side, the inside cellar stair will usually be found near the ___ or ___ ___
side or rear entrance
In some homes, access to the attic is via a pulldown type stairs with a rope attached for ease of use. These stairs are lightweight stairs. Can they be used for access to the attic or line advancement?
No, a portable ladder should be used.
Platform frame construction ___ fire extension. Balloon frame construction lacks fire stopping between floors on exterior walls, allowing for ___ fire extension
Can members use porch and garage roofs constructed of aluminum or similar lightweight materials to access the 2nd floor?
Windows with sills that are approximately chest high may require a drop of ___ to ___ ft to floor level. This presents a serious problem if fire conditions force members to exit via this window. What shall you do immediately upon entering a window like this?
5-6 ft
Consider placing a dresser, chair or another piece of furniture below this window to assist in egress
True or false:
When the first arriving engine company backstretches to the hydrant, they should consider dropping two handlines in front of the building
The hoseline should be flaked out, charged, and bled ___ entering the fire building
The primary consideration in the placement of the first hoseline for access to a fire in the cellar when an interior attack is ordered is via the entrance door that?
Provides the quickest access to the fire area
Is smoke pushing from the chimney (especially during warmer weather) and smoke from attic windows or louvered vents (especially in older homes with balloon frame construction) possible indications of a cellar fire?
True or false:
When entering the first floor main entrance above a cellar fire, a TIC showing heat waves emanating across the first floor ceiling indicates the interior cellar door is open. Also, smoke showing significant force and speed under pressure will indicate that the interior cellar door is open. This interior cellar entrance door should be immediately closed if possible.
PDs: True or false: The IC (Chief or Company Officer) should consider ordering an exterior hoseline operated into a cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown when there will be a delay in applying water from the interior or whenever fire conditions dictate
True or false:
In an emergency such as members trapped by fire in the cellar or endangered by fire because a collapse has occurred, the IC should order the immediate operation of a hoseline into a cellar window. It is a good practice at PD fires, especially serious cellar fires, to have a precautionary charged hoseline in position near the front of the building for these contingencies
At a cellar fire the placement of the first hoseline requires a coordinated size-up and communication by the ___ and ___. After size-up, the first hoseline should be stretched to the entrance door that provides the quickest access to the cellar in order to extinguish the fire
First engine and ladder officer
True or false:
Bilco style doors are the least desirable type of entrance for access to the cellar and shall only be used unless they are the only option.
True or false:
In situations where the first line is advanced through the main entrance and the first line does not advance into the cellar, then the line will maintain its position on the first floor if safety allows, to protect the interior stairs leading to the floors above, protect members conducting searches on the first floor and the floors above, and extinguish any fire that is extending from the cellar. The line will remain on the first floor until the fire is controlled
True or false:
In rare instances, there may be a situation where the first line was advanced through the main entrance, and units are unable to locate an interior cellar entrance and there is no other line available on scene to attempt entry via a secondary entrance. If there is a delay in gaining access or applying water to the cellar through the interior, the ACTING CHIEF/CHIEF OFFICER serving as IC may consider repositioning the first hoseline that was stretched through the main entrance on the first floor to a secondary entrance. ONLY AN ACTING CHIEF OFFICER OR CHIEF OFFICER CAN MAKE THIS DECISION
Ladder company members operating on the first floor must be ___ BEFORE the first hoseline is repositioned from that floor. Members operating on the upper floors may also need to be withdrawn to a safe area if no portable ladders are positioned and readily available. The forcible entry team will then operate with the engine company and facilitate the advance of the hoseline via a secondary entrance
If roof ventilation is needed on a peaked roof private dwelling what truck is responsible to accomplish this task?
2nd due truck
True or false:
Pending the arrival of the second ladder company, assume responsibility for the entire dwelling.
Who is responsible for roof ventilation on a flat roof? Who is to ENSURE ventilation on a flat roof?
1st due truck
2nd due truck
Who is responsible for shutting down the utilities at a PD fire?
2nd due truck
True or false:
At cellar fires, if the first ladder did not advance into the cellar, and the second hoseline has been stretched via a secondary entrance, the 2nd due truck will perform a search and examination of the cellar using this secondary entrance in coordination with the engine company
When the 1st due truck is conducting a search on the first floor and they are unable to cover the cellar area who shall they notify?
2nd arriving ladder company
What is the tool assignment for the FE entry FF at a fire in a PD?
Ax and Halligan
True or false:
Members of the first ladder outside team should initiate removal of window bars on both the front and rear of the building early in the operation if conditions allow. (search and rescue duties may preclude window bar removal)
What is the Roof/OV team tool assignment?
Portable, 6’ halligan hook and/or halligan for each member
True or false:
In situations where size up indicates an obvious occupied attic, the first ladder chauffeur, when teamed up with the second ladder chauffeur, or another available member, may utilize the aerial ladder or tower ladder to perform VEIS of the attic area
If an aerial ladder operation and/or rescue are indicated, the Roof/OV Team will make entry. Perimeter searches will be communicated and tasked to?
The second arriving ladder
True or false:
At top floor fires the 2nd due truck shall check floors below to ensure fire did not start on or drop down to lower floors. Be available to assist or relieve the first ladder on the top floor. At top floor fires in attached PD’s, examine exposures for possible extention
Order of preference for roof access at a peaked roof private dwelling.
Tower ladder, Aerial Ladder, Portable ladder
Opening a peaked roof, the first hole should be made at the?
main gable
A ___ usually follows the main gable?
Center hall
The power saw may only be used from?
The basket of a TL
Cutting the roof with an ax:
1. Working from a position straddling the peak, cut a hole over the fire, parallel to and on the ___ side of the building.
2. The size of the opening is limited by the members reach but will generally be ___ x ___.
3. A 6ft hook (10’ for a Queen Anne) should be brought to the roof to push down the ceiling on the top floor after the roof hole has been cut?
- Lee side
2. 2 x 3
When a LSR rescue is required, the 1st due roof ff shall contact who for assistance?
True or false:
At a flat roof dwelling, no vertical ventilation shall be performed unless the roof firefighter directly communicates with and receives approval from the Ladder Company Officer operating in the fire area, OR the roof firefighter hears radio transmissions that the inside team has door control of the fire area OR a charged hoseline is ADVANCING into the fire area
There may be a door in a closet leading to the scuttle. Can the roof FF descend the scuttle ladder to open the door? Can the roof ff descend this ladder when the fire is “under control”?
What is the tool assignment for the 2nd due roof FF at a fire in a flat roof PD?
6’ Halligan hook and saw
True or false
In attached PD’s except for assisting the 2nd due chauffeur in front of the building when aerial or portable ladders are needed for rescue or removal, the 2nd due OV shall check rear to ensure ventilation has been completed. If necessary, team-up with second ladder chauffeur to check IDLH exposures.
True or false:
For top floor fires with exposure problems, the 2nd due chauffeur may be used to examine an exposure which has not been covered by the 2nd due inside team. If the exposed building is an IDLH area, the chauffeur must team up with the 2nd OV or another available member before entering
True or false:
In TWO family dwellings for cellar and first floor fires, the roof/ov team of the first arriving ladder company will conduct a survey around the perimeter of the dwelling for occupants in need of immediate rescue. If no visible life hazard is found, they shall VEIS the FIRST FLOOR windows and assist in searches