Miscellaneous (Odd stuff/avoid getting tripped up) Flashcards
Whenever the LSR is placed out of service who shall the officer on duty notify and how should they be notified?
Notify the Division by telephone and fax
Where are “Out of Service Life Safety Equipment Reports” forwarded to?
Through the chain of command to the CHIEF OF SAFETY
When re-packing the LSR where shall the empty carrying case be placed in relation to the coiled rope?
To the left of it
When placing the anti-chafing device on the LSR after re-packing it how much rope should be removed from the carrying case?
How many hooks on the rope shall be marked with tape and what color tape shall be used?
1 hook, red tape
How long is the LSR training rope?
Can the LSR training rope be used without the landing mat? What is the maximum amount of times the LSR training rope may be used? Whats the maximum height the LSR training rope may be used?
100 ft
100 slides for each end for a total of 200 slides
3 stories
In regards to the landing mat where must it be used? How many members to carry it?
Only at firehouse, not at off-site drill locations
Whenever a Personal Harness is placed OOS who shall be notified immediately for a replacement?
Administrative Division
What is the minimum breaking strength of the personal harness?
At what times shall the personal harness be inspected (5 times)
Issued, replaced, returned, start of each tour, after each use
How long is PSS? Strength at tip? Strength at Saddle
When shall the PSS be inspected (2 times)
Start of each tour
True or false: When inspecting pss depress cam and pull 3-6 inches through exo to ensure the device is working properly
How much pss rope should be between the hook and exo?
8 inches
True or false: Upon completion of required inspection and repacking, the company officer shall update the PSS Checklist Application on the Intranet and ensure the EXO and harness serial number assigned to each member are correct
When re-packing EXO how many folds of rope are stuffed into storage bag at a time? Repeat this process until approximately how many inches of rope with hook and exo remain?
True or false: Every firefighting unit up to and including battalion chief has been issued one spare PSS that can be worn by a member while their PSS is being re-packed or while awaiting a replacement pss
When operation at a fire in a HRFPMD who will deliver the “Window Blanket” and where will it be delivered?
Delivered to the floor below the fire by Squad
Who shall the officer on duty request a replacement fire window blanket from?
R&D during normal business hours, SOC during NON-business hours
How often is the fire window blanket inspected?
The Fire Window blanket is what color? The training fire window blanket is what color?
Regular is Natural color
Training is dark brown
NYC is most at risk of being affected by a hurricane during what time period?
Between August and October
In regards to hurricanes or severe storms members shall be reminded of reception areas by what date each year?
On or about May 1st of each year
How many hours prior to the storms predicted impact do the de-watering pumps need to be placed on the apparatus?
48 hrs prior
In regards to severe storm ops what is the optimal size of a recon team?
2-4 members
What is the maximum capacitie of people or weight of the flat bottom boat
3 people/380 lbs
In regards to severe weather and RRV’s, what is the primary, alternate, contingency, and emergency means of communication?
Primary - DARS radio
Alternate - 800 MHZ radio
Contingency - Cell phones
Emergency- Dept Radio
In regards to RRV Task Forces, how many chain saws do you carry and where do you request additional equipment from?
2 Chain Saws, Tech Services (NOT SOC or Rescue Ops)
What are the tools included in the High Rise Roof Kit? (Code: BRASH 6-Hour Bags)
Boltcutters, Hydra-Ram (1), Ax (2), Search Ropes (2), Halligans (2), 6 SCBA with One hour cylinders, Bag for all tools
Tools shall be stored in helicopter as directed by who?
NYPD Helicopter crew chief
True or false: Each member of the High Rise Roof team will carry their own SCBA with one hour cylinder?
When boarding the Bell 412 Air Rescue Ship where do you approach the helicopter from?
Front the front within the field of vision of the pilot. DO NOT approach the tail section under any circumstances
In regards to a HRRT when do you don the PFD? When do you inflate it? After pulling activation tab to inflate how long should it take to inflate PFD?
Donned over bunker gear PRIOR to boarding air-craft. You inflate it after EXITING aircraft. Within 5 seconds
When requesting PD for possible EDP what 10-code do you use?
Does Satellite apparatus have pumping capabilities?
If the delivery of water is not an issue at an incident can the satellite unit be tasked to perform other firefighting duties at an incident?
What size hose does Satellite Units carry (Mentioned a ton in bulletin)
In regards to a satellite apparatus, do you use the UNCHECKED inlets first or the GATED inlets?
Units of Satellite Water system respond with pumper and satellite apparatus. Each rig must have atleast how many members in it? Where does officer ride?
2 members, officer rides in pumper
The use of a drafting site for a satellite apparatus should only be considered when?
When a fireboat cannot be used to supply the satellite
In regards to satellite ops who supervises operations at the hook-up site and who supervises the stretching of hoselines
Hook-up site- Water resource officer (1st Satellite officer)
Stretching of hose-lines (additional satellite officers)
In regards to schools attended by Non-Ambulatory students which officer is responsible for contacting the principal or person in charge regarding the status and or location of all non-ambulatory students?
First officer to arrive
In regards to ABR schools, what is expected to be set up outside the building adjacent to holding areas?
In regards to emergency tree cutting ops, during times of multiple incidents what must be given priority?
The clearing of primary response routes of downed trees and debris
If a fallen tree or section of tree is resting on electrical wires what shall members do? When can members must such trees?
Check electrical service of affected buildings?
When the utility company certifies that power has been removed and wires are DISENGAGED from tree
In regards to downed trees, can apparatus in conjunction with chains be used to move obstructions?
Can a chain-saw be operated from a portable? When using a chain-saw in the bucket where do you start it? Can you operate with one foot in the bucket and one foot outside the bucket when using chain-saw?
Start it inside the bucket and then hold it OUTSIDE the bucket until it is turned off
NO, member is to keep both feet within the bucket
In regards to child abuse and abandoned infants are firefighters mandated reporters?. Who is responsible for filing the mandated Report of Suspected Child Abuse or Maltreatment form?
The ambulance crew
When a parent approaches a unit and states they wish to abandon their infant what must the officer do?
Contact Borough Communications office, inform them you are in possession of an abandoned infant, request response of ambulance and notify them you are oos (10-99)
What two pieces of paperwork must be completed by the Officer when taking possession of an abandoned infant?
Journal entry and Unusual Occurrence report
When a CFR-D company suspects child abuse, the circumstances of the suspected abuse shall be reported to who? What must the company officer do when returning to qtrs?
EMS personnel at the scene
Make a journal entry including the NAMES of the members notified and their UNIT DESIGNATION
What must be done if negative results are encountered when using the positive pressure ventilation fans?
Fans THROTTLED DOWN to idle and close stairwell door
The optimal placement of the PPF is ___ to ___ feet from the attack stairway door on the ground floor and directly facing the door to the stairwell at an angle tilt of ___ degrees
4 to 6 feet
80 degrees
The pressure delivered to the attack stair by the PPF will allow for how many stairwell doors to remain open and pressurization to still remain effective?
Depending on conditions, how many stories can 1 fan effectively pressurize?
Up to 10 stories
When properly positioned how many stories can 2 fans effectively pressurize?
40 stories
If the fire floor is above the ___ floor or additional pressures are required to pressurize the stairwell a second fan must be brought to ___ floors below the fire
10th floor
3 floors below the fire
When using PPF for sequential ventilation where shall the fans be located? Inside or outside building?
If CO levels inside the building are in the ___ to ___ ppm range the PPF will not significantly reduce those levels due to the CO emissions put out by the gasoline powered fan
0 to 60 ppm
In a Hi-Rise office building what is the preferred evacuation stairs?
Fire Tower
All Hi-Rise Office buildings built between what years were required to have a fire tower? Some built prior to this have these?
Fire Tower
What 3 things must be done to place an HVAC system in non-circulating mode? (Open, Close, Open)
Open all outside air supply dampers
Close all mixing dampers
Open all exhaust dampers
In regards to fusible links and Fire Dampers, Fusible links should have a temperature rating approximately ___ degrees above the maximum temperature that would normally be encountered with the system in operation or shut down
50 degrees
The pump room is usually located on the ___ floor of a hi-rise office building
Lowest, (cellar or sub-cellar)
The bypass valve on a building fire pump is located on the intake or discharge side of the pump? How can you determine which side is the discharge side?
By observing the gauges, the gauges on the discharge side are calibrated for higher pressures than those on the inlet side
The bypass valve shall be in what position before starting fire pump? Can a fire-pump be started with the bypass valve open? With the bypass open a loss of ___% can be expected in an 8” riser and a loss of ___% can be expected in an 6” riser with the bypass open
Closed (stem in)
What are the 4 steps to starting a fire pump
CLOSE knife switch to ON position
CLOSE circuit breakers
PUSH starting button
MOVE selector lever to desired position
If the fire-pumps fail to start what shall you use?
The emergency power lever at the panel
Most hi-rise office buildings have 2 fire-pumps that are connected in the ___ position
Near each fire-pump is a ___ ___ providing direct communication to the Incident Command Post
Standpipe Phone
True or false: In hi-rise office buildings it is a good rule of thumb to have a separate engine supply each handline in OPERATION
The search rope is what diameter size rope and how long is it?
5/16” white nylon or 7.5mm kern mantle
200 ft long with a snap-hook at each end
The search rope is packed in a ___ carrying bag marked with the ___ number
Nylon search ropes may be short by how many feet or more? What are the two MOST COMMON causes of this shrinkage? What else causes shrinkage in every single search rope?
25ft or more
Moisture and Temperature
Directional and distance knots
How far apart are the distance knots on a search rope? What is the spacing between the distance knots? A single directional knot is how many inches before the distance knots when traveling in the direction of deployment. The direction knot will ___ be closer to the tie-off or exit. Will the 25ft distance knot have a direction knot?
25ft 6 inches 18 inches Always No
The search rope shall be maintained ___ to ___ ft above the ground when deploying it. The rope shall be tied off when? (2)
1 to 2 ft
When changing direction or grade
What type of contact must be kept with all search team members using a search rope?
Under most conditions the number of search team members assigned to a search rope shall be limited to how many
When is the search rope inspected? How often is it re-packed
Inspected after each use
Re-packed monthly
The search rope is coiled in what direction into the bag?
LP Gas is heavier or lighter than air (and how much). Are LP gasses flammable?
1.5 to 2 times lighter than air (will sink)
At an LPG leak with fire, do not extinguish the fire until the leak has been ___. Except under extremely unusual circumstances.
Is water spray effective in dispersing LP gas vapor?
Can a satisfactory performance of a relief valve prevent a BLEVE? Can an impact failure of a cylinder in a transportation accident cause a BLEVE?
Compressed Natural Gas is lighter or heavier than air? Are BLEVE’s a concern in a CNG cylinder?
No, they do not contain liquid
If first arriving units are able to identify the hazardous material in question how are they supposed to relay this information to the dispatcher?
Letter by Letter phonetically
The DOT requires a truck to have a placard when transporting how many lbs of a particular substance?
over 1,000 lbs
Upon discovery of any type of lab the following notifications shall be made (5)
Battalion, Deputy, BFI, NYPD, Haz-Mat
When a fatality or serious injury associated with a CO incident is discovered the IC shall notify who through the Borough Dispatcher?
In regards to Mass Decon, one options is to stretch a 2.5” handline equipped with what type of nozzle? What is the recommended operating pressure range for this nozzle?
Aquastream Fog Nozzle
50 to 80psi
In regards to gross decon, another option is to stretch two handlines operating opposite each other how many feet apart?
25 to 30ft
The preferred choice when it comes to Mass decon is two pumpers parallel to each other approximately ___ft apart with the control panels facing the outside. Place two ___ nozzles on discharges facing the inside. The operating pressure will be ___
50-80 psi
What is the key to the CIDS program?
The address and or the special name/place of the bldg
If the address of the fire or emergency is not a CIDS buildings but is on the same side of the street and within ___ house-numbers of a CIDS building, the computer will identify the CIDS buildings to the borough dispatcher
An immediate CIDS entry will ALWAYS appear at the ___ of a units pending list and be in ___ print
In regards to entering CIDS, when you encounter a SINGLE BUILDING with MULTIPLE ADDRESS RANGE POSTED (ex. 100-112 Williams Street), how many CIDS entries must be posted?
2, For the first and last posted address numbers of such range.
In regards to the “Transmitted Data” portion of CIDS, information in this sections MUST be listed in the following order (DOD)
- FD Designation
- Occupancy type
- Description of building
For Segment one EMS runs such as Cardiac arrest or choking at CFR-H facilities do Engines respond?
What are the duplex channels on the HT?
11, 12, 14, 15
Do duplex radio repeater systems support multiple transmissions? Multiple transmissions given at the same time on a duplex radio repeater system may do what to those transmissions
They may cancel them all out
Describe the steps taken when operating in a building with an ARCS Communications system and what the first arriving Ladder Company Officer must do.
1st Arriving Ladder Company
- Officer will activate Building ARCS (1620 Key or ON/OFF switch) at the Fire Command Station, if so equipped.
- Officer will instruct the member designated to staff the Incident Command Post to monitor the tactical and/or repeater channel/relay messages.
- Officer will remain on Channel 1 or switch his/her HT to the Building duplex UHF radio repeater channel (Channel 11 / Channel 12), or acquire an in-house radio for the investigation team, as appropriate. (Office stay on Ch 1 or Ch 11/12 or get build radio)
- Officer will ensure a functional test is performed prior to leaving the lobby.
- Officer will notify the Dispatcher for re-transmittal to all incoming units if the Building duplex UHF radio repeater system and Channel (11 or 12) have been activated or in-house radios are being used.
- Officer and members will proceed to the location of the reported incident.
At a fire in a Hi-Rise office bldg where is the CFR Engine assigned and what other tools do they bring?
Fire Sector/Branch, forcible entry tools
The fourth arriving ladder company at a fire in a hi-rise office bldg is assigned to the upper floors and is tasked with initiating the search of what stairwell?
Attack stairwell
At a 10-76 a hoseline shall not be operated from a stairwell until when?
Until all occupants have been removed from stairwell
At a 10-76 who controls all horizontal ventilation? What channel does IC operate on? What channel does aide operate on?
Primary Command
Primary Tactical
At a 10-76 where is the staging area located?
Outside and away from fire bldg (to avoid falling glass and debris)
At a 10-76 where is the Forward Triage Area located?
In an environmentally safe location on a floor below the forward staging area
At a 10-76 atleast ___ Engines and ___ Ladders should be at the Forward staging area for immediate support of the fire sector/brank
At a 10-76 the SAE group will require one unit for every ___ floors to be covered
At a 10-76 a supply of atleast ___ spare SCBA cylinders shall be maintained at the Forward Staging Area
Engine companies ordered to report to the Forward Staging Area shall bring with them the following equipment unless otherwise directed (4)
- SCBA for each member
- Nozzle and stand-pipe kit
- Length of hose per ff
- Spare SCBA cylinder for each member
Ladder companies ordered to report to the Forward Staging Area shall bring with them the following equipment unless otherwise directed (4)
- SCBA for each member
- TWO sets of forcible entry tools and 6 foot hooks
- Search and utility ropes
- spare SCBA for each member
At a 10-76 who does the Lobby Control Unit report to if staffed?
Logistics Section Chief
In regards to natural vertical ventilation at a 10-76 when should this be implemented?
AFTER the fire is extinguished
A group supervisor can supervisor
3 to 7 units
At a 10-76 the SAE group supervisor shall choose a location on a floor which is NOT serviced by the same bank of elevators as the fire floor and atleast how many floors above the fire floor?
At a 10-76 the Forward staging area is generally how many floors below the fire floor?
At a 10-76 who determines the attack stairway? Does this stairway have to contain a standpipe?
1st due ladder officer
The 3rd due truck at a 10-76 gets to the floor above by means of what stairway?
A stairway OTHER than the attack stairway
At a 10-76 who determines the best stairway to be used for evacuation and advises the IC?
3rd due truck
At a 10-76 the 3rd due truck shall remove all occupants from the attack stairway for how far above the fire floor?
“For a reasonable distance” and prevent its use by evacuating occupants
At a 10-76 if difficulty is encountered by the 3rd due truck in removing occupants from the attack stairway who must they notify to withhold the attack until the occupants are safely removed?
1st due ladder officer or fire sector supervisor or fire branch director
At a 10-76 when can the 2nd due engine officer leave the standpipe outlet?
When the line is stretched and operating at the correct nozzle pressure
At a fire at a POW when the fire is in the large open area the first priority for water application is what?
A TL stream through the Rose window
At a fire at a POW when fire is NOT visible in the large open area but suspected to be within the concealed area of the attic or cockloft the priority for water application is what?
A TL stream into the ventilation opening which is located about the Rose window
At a fire in a cellar in a POW units operating above the cellar must immediately check for extension where?
On the first floor AND in the cockloft/attic area
A ___ atop a Bell tower is more unstable than a ___ atop a Bell tower
In regards to the EZ Don harness, the primary connection point for the LSR will be what?
The tri-link connection
The EZ don harness shall only be used for the removal of how many people at a time?
On the EZ Don harness, the dorsal connection point is for use during what?
Technical rescue operations only and is to be used only by members who are trained in advanced technical rescue
Can members of a SOC Support Ladder Company perform mitigation tasks at a Haz-Mat incident?
No, they can only assist HMC1 and HM-Tech Units
What are the minimum staffing requirements for SSL’s?
1 trained officers and atleast 3 trained firefighters
During scaffold emergencies SSL companies shall lower what size safety line rope to stranded workers to attach to their harnesses instead of the 9/16” life-saving rope
1/2” kernmantle rope
Each employee at an excavation shall be protected from cave-ins by an adequate protective system (shoring) except when (2)
- Excavations are made ENTIRELY in STABLE ROCK
- Excavations are LESS than 5 ft in depth AND examination of the ground by a competent person provides no indication of a potential cave-in
A stairway, ladder, or ramp shall be located in excavations that are ___ ft or more in depth so as to require no more than ___ ft of lateral travel for employees
At a chemical suicide incident transmit what code and ensure the response of who?
10-80 Code 1, NYPD
At a chemical suicide incident a hose line shall be stretched with a ___ nozzle attached. The primary purpose of this line is for? It can also be used for vapor dispersal and fire suppression
At a chemical suicide incident the vehicle or structure should be ventilated prior to or after entering?
Prior to
At a chemical suicide incident if the patient is going to be transported to hospital how shall they be deconned?
Remove clothing and flush with copious amounts of water
At a BDS incident at a mail facility who will provide decon and back-up for the USPS inspectors?
The following are GROUP 1, single unit responses and should be responded to in 10-20 mode (Code: WELTS)
- Water Leaks
- ERS no contact (2300 to 0800)
- Lock-INS (no reported food on the stove or other associated emergency)
- Trees Down (no wires, buildings, or vehicles affected)
- Salvage Truck
The following are GROUP 2 call types, 1st due units respond in emergency mode, all other units in 10-20 mode (Code: 3 SOME)
- Class 3 alarms (automatic, valve, manual, etc)
- Sprinkler Activation
- Odors (gas, fumes, etc, other than smoke)
- Manhole Emergencies (not fires)
- Electrical Emergencies (not fires)
Describe following responses (Unit and mode) BARS Alarm CLASS E Class J (0700 - 1900) Class J (1900 - 0700)
BARS alarm - 1st due Eng only (EM)
CLASS E- 1st due Eng or Lad only (EM)
Class J (0700-1900) - 1st due Eng or Lad only (EM)
Class J (1900-0700) Box Assignment (first due units in EM)
What are the 5 main functions of ICS?
Command, Planning, Operations, logistics, finance/administration
In general the span of control for any individual with management responsibilities should be what?
3 to 7 with 5 being ideal
To operate as a communications unit the minimum staffing shall be what?
Atleast 3 trained members (Officers count towards this total)
Should the communications unit be used for firefighting purposes?
Who does the communications unit report to?
Communications Unit Leader (not officer of communications unit)….if not staffed then RESOURCES UNIT LEADER…..if not staffed then IC
If possible at Ops in Hi-Rise Office buildings where shall elevators be maintained?
One in the lobby and one at the Forward Staging area which is ideally 2 floors below the fire floor
In regards to the Lobby Control Unit the following equipment shall be carried in every elevator car (7)
HT, ONE set of FE tools, Spare Cylinder, Elevator Keys, search rope, elevator control sheet, clipboard
As it relates to PCB incidents. Deactivation of transformers shall be performed by who? Can members of this department deactivate transformers under the direction of engineers?
Only by Con-Ed personnel or engineering personnel familiar with the procedure. NO
Only members exposed to how much PCB’s shall be deconned?
50ppm or higher
You MUST leave the fire room/area immediately upon feeling any pain or discomfort through the hood UNLESS what?
The area can be cooled IMMEDIATELY by the use of a handline
In regards to emergencies at Airports, Port Authority escorts should stay with units until when?
Positive Water Supply is established
In regards to voice and flight data recorders on an aircraft if they are found attached to an aircraft they should not be unless what? Spherical recorders are painted what color? Rectangular recorders are painted what color?
Removing them will preserve them from further fire damage.
Spherical recorders are YELLOW
Rectangular recorders are RED or International Orange
When lining up to enter an airport how should units be lined up?
Ladders, Rescues and special units on the left and Engines on the right
Wall hydrants at Laguardia Airport are labeled how?
Large phosphorescent signs with a WHITE H on a GREEN background
PA/ARFF crash trucks carry only how much 1 3/4” hose? When supplying these crash trucks ECC’s should not exceed how much discharge pressure?
200 ft
Submerged hydrants at Kennedy airport are located at exterior corners of hangars. These hydrants require special wrenches that are carried where?
PA-ARFF crash trucks