Principles of resistance training - Jan 21 Flashcards
what are the 2 key beenfits were focusing on?
inhibiton of age related delcones in fucntional capabilites
prevention of common msk disorders like lower bak neck and shoudler
waht arwahr are some nerumouscular factors relate with age that structure RT can offset/delay?
change in resting h
resting hormone levels
* Blunted acute hormonal response to exercise
* Decrease in muscular energy substrate content
* Decrease in anaerobic enzyme concentration & activity
* Decrease in mitochondrial mass
* Denervation or death of muscle cells
Decreased muscle mass (atrophy of muscle fibres, esp Type II)
* Decreased ability to develop force rapidly
* Antagonistic coactivation
* Changes in ability to maximally activate a muscle
* Changes at NMJ
* Decreased firing rate of Mus
* Decreased insulin sensitivity & tolerance
waht is musc strenght
muscle gtoupd evlops max contractile force afianst a resitnace in single contraction
strength for dynamic mocments is max force genrated in a single contraction at specife velocity
musc endurance
ability to exert submax force
what is a sattic/isometric force?
foce where join is not visblu moving
explain the resistnace vs force relationship for concentric contraction?
resitance<force, msucle shrotens
eccentic forces ___ gravity
resisst - elengthening of a msucle - typicallly breakinf force to decelrate rapidly moving segments
what is teh difference between isotonic and isokinetic foce?
isotonic is the same tension but despite same resistance tsnion fluctuates across range of motion (chang ein msucle length/angle of pull, uniqe stength curve)
eg bicep cirlc (concenytic and eccenttic contraciyon
in isotnic contraction the reatest resitance that canbe sued in regualr dynamic exercise =
weakes tpoint in ROM
what is an isokinetic contraction
max contraction of msucle group at constant velocity thru ROM - velcoity controlled mechanically -resitance vaires to match froce at each point in ROM; allows vatiable but max resitances during movement
what is it claled when msucle is maximally contracted at a constant velocity thru ROM
when are isokinetic ecercises typically used?
rehabilitation. - need machine to keepa t constant velocity
what are 3 key factors for RT program design
cleints goals
current fitnes levelsand experience
time availability and acess to equipment
In resistance training waht is volume the oriduct of
intensity (wight and time (setes and reps)
what are some options for organizing frequency in a workout
full body routine
upper/lowerbody split
push and pull
body part/day
how many session in fully bodyr orutine and abotu how many exrcises -what is it good for
effective for building strenfth and msuucle maintenance
8 to 10 exrcses
wha is an exmaple of a 4 day upper lower body split routine?
2 days on 1 day off, 2 days on, 2 days off
what are some alternatve split rotuiens?
Legs-and-Arms vs. Shoulders-and-Back
body part per day
name 3 ways that u can increase workload in a resistanc etrainign session
lift heavier weight
decrease rest
increase reps with same week
does workload/volume = intetnsit? why?
it odes NOT - a 1RM effor would be high intesnity but low volume and little worklaod
what is a sutiable intensity for most indiciuals in resistanc etraining?
60 to 80% 1RM
for strenght ____ reps/set
for hypertophy ___reps/set
for msuc endurance ___ reps per set at ____ 1RM
2-6 reps
8-12 reps
less than 50% 1RM for 15-25 for 1-2 sets
what shoudl u do for deconditioned indviduals in RT training - start w…
low resitance (40-50% 1RM) an dhigher resps (10-20)
pregress resitance and reps as muscle conditioning iproves
true or false evidene indiated that lifting lighter weights till voluntary fatigue is NOT as effective as lifting ehavier weights.
false - equallyas effective
what % of 1Rm is considered moderate effort? very hard?
true ro false - beginners may see muslce conditionign imrpovemts with a min of 2 sets?
false - acn seeimrpovemt seven in single set
rest period for muscle strength shoul be ____ long
2-3 mins
rest perod for hyperotphy shpuld be ___ long
30-90 sec
rest periods for endruance should be ____ sc long
15-60 sec
optimal recovery betwen workout sessions is
48-72 hours
what are 4 options fo organzing sets?
simple/stragiht sets, sueprsets, pyrmaids, circults
what are some benefits of supersets
shorten workout time, increase efficency and varitey
what are some different superset sets u could do?
compound sets, antagonist-agonist sets, upper/lower body sets, tri-sets, opposing msucles ,cardio-strength supersets
what are pyrmaid sets
light to heavy or heacy to kight
what is it called when u go heavy to light inpyrmid sets? what does this allow for?
allows for ovelroading of myscle sagfely by permroming more reps
what ia circuit and how are theya rranges?
eercises one agfter another with rest at the end of each circuit - arrange dwith opposing msucle gorups to allow msucle revoery while maintaining high intensity
what is the isseu with circuits oemtiemes?
often end up scaricing quality for quantitiy
can turn into junk reps rly wuick or in fitness classes become. alow intenisty aerobic workout
what are 5 factors infleuncing duration of a workout
of eexrcises + msucle goru
# of reps and sets
time of rest
tempo of reps
structure of sets
what is the proper breahing technique for tempo during resitance trainign and an example in seconds
inhale brace ecahale during concentric
generally 2 sec fo exxentric and 1 sec for concentric
what is integral to stength develop
eccentic phase
most sessions for beginners last ___ mins with intense session ___
45-60, 20-30 mins for intense/sueprset/circuit
what are some movement patterns that cna be incoorporated into exrcise type choice
horizontal push pull - bench
verticla push pull (lat pull)
quad dominant (squats/lunges)
hip/hamsting dominant
elbow felxion/extension
exerccise selction should include exrcsies frome each movement pattern category - give an exmaple for a workout with focus ont he upper body
full body?
combine 1 horizonatal push, 1 horiz pul, 1 veticla push, 1 veicla pull, 1 elbow flexion, 1 elbow extension
sinle exrcise from each movement pattern category
what are compound ecercises/
exercises that engage multple msucle groups simualtnaously - bench, squat, deadlift
waht are isolation exercises?
specific, often smaller muscle group - bicep curls/tricep extensions
what is the guideeline for exrcise order
always do larger muscle group befreo small, multi joont before single, alternate upper an dlower bodu, prioritzie higher inetsnituy exrcisese
one adv and disadv of body weight as equipment type
adv: freedom of movement, use of stabilizer muscles, mimic func movement
disadv: hard for beginneres or those with excess body fat
1 adv and disadv of machine weights?
safe and easy for beginners
disadv, unnatural, limtied ROM< limited func application
adv and disadv of free weights
adv: frredom of movement, stabilizer muscles req, mmimic func movemnt
disadv: difficult for beginner + slightly higher risk of injury
what are some ways to apply progression
increase weight, increase reps, rsuce rest, increase complexity (static to wlking lunges)