Lecture 8 - Jan 30 Flashcards
if we increase TUT we enhance ___ and ___ but not ___
msucualr endurance and hypertrophy - not power
5 main componensts in training session framework
briefing, warmup, main session, cooldown, debrief
what a tool u can use in client briefing?
open ended quesiton/commncaiton - VAG (visual analogue scale)
waht should u do in client briefing?
review exrcises, time, intensity, duraiton, description - has anuthing progressed - does anything need to change - add push intensity - set abck on intensity
what are some things the rpactioner should do during wam up
monitor client respone - fluid or stiff, energertic or lazy, demosntration if needed
encouagement + mtoivaiotn, plannign changes
what are ome things to conider during main session?
familairity with workou, how ready theu are, how to pregress? if client is habing diffult witha nything
alwaus have modifcaitons/backups if needed
when selsecting an exrcise for trainign sessions what are some guidelines taht could help?
sepcifcityy - related to gaol?
plane of movement - relevent to daily/sport motion
movement type - dynamic or static? supp required intensity/msucle recruitment
movement pattern: fucntional patterns in activity
open vs closed chain? - isoltaed or stability?
give an exmaple of an exrecise that may cross multople jjoints vs one
seatd calf raises - just soleus = just ankle
stanidn. = gastroc = knee + ankle
what is the differnece betwem open and clsoed chain exrcsies
open - free to move sital limb
- bicep curl, leg extension, trcip psuh down
closed - distal segment = fixed/stationar - pushhup, swauats, lunges
is a pull up open or clsoed chain?
benefis of open chain exercsies
isolate of specific muscles (biceps, quads) + more comfotable for individuals with joint pain/injurt
consideration - not funtional/stimualting real wotrk movements
waht are some benefits of closed chain exrcsies
benefits - fucntional movements of evreydat, multiple muscl groups engaged - promotes stability
-can be safer for join - less shear force
consdieration - technique can be tricky - better coordination and balance needed - less isolating or mroe challenging -
name 4 steps to scaffolding the exreicse triaign session framework
- identify goals
- analyze movement needs (multi-direction, power?, stability?)
- apply framework
- consider the framework in sldies
4) adapt on individuals needs
waht are the 2 wyas to manage intensity?
fixed internsity - a specific intesity is prescribe - %1rm, wright..
Autoregulation - allows adjustment of resitance training based on readiness to rain (sleep, anxiety..
what principle does autorgulation relate to and why?
individualization - adjsitong the intesnity of a session based on an individuals readiness
what leads to greater gains? fixed load or autoregualtion
autoregulation - lead to graeter gains compared to fixxed load as it is more flexible
what method of monitoring resistanve taininf allows for easier autoregulation?
RiR - reps in reserve
how many additonal reps teh client oculd completel