Principles Flashcards
Name structure labelled A

Name the structures labelled A

Name structure labelled A

Hyaline (articular) cartilage
Name structures labelled A

Epiphyseal growth plate
Name structures labelled A

Name the structure labelled A

Name the structure labelled A

Coronal Suture
Name the structure labelled B

Sphenoid bone (left)
Name the structure labelled C

Occipital bone
Name the structure labelled A

Sagittal suture
Name structures B and C

Temporal bones (left and right)
Name structure D

Occipital bone
Name structure labelled A

Foramen Magnum
Name stuctures B, C, D, E and F

B&C - Temporal bones
D - Occipital bone
E&F - Parietal bones
Name structure G and H

G - Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
H - Frontal bone
Name the structure labelled A

Zygomatic bone (left)
Name the structures A,B,C,D and E

A - Condylar process
B - Ramus
C - Mental foramen
D - Mental process
E - Coronoid process
Nane the structures A, B, C, D, E and F

A - Vertebral foramen
B - Transverse process
C - Spinous process
D - Inferior articular process
E - Superior articular process
F - Vertebral arch
Name structures A and B

A - Intervertebral foramen
B - Facet joint
Name structures A, B and C

A - Fibula (right)
B - Tibia (right)
C - (interosseous membrane (right))
Name structures A and B

A - Annulus fibrosus
B - Nucleus pulposus
Name the types of muscle from the examples given

A - Circular
B - Pennate
C - Quadrate
D - Flat (with aponeurosis)
E - Fusiform
Name the three origins sites (A, B and C) and the one insertion site (D) of the deltoid muscle

A - Spine of scapula
B - Acromium process of scapula
C - Lateral 1/3rd of clavicle
D - Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Name the layers in the skin from A to E

A - Epidermis
B - Dermis (collagen/elastic fibres)
C - Superficial fascia (adipose tissue)
D - Deep fascia (fibrous tissue)
E - Skeletal muscle
Name structures A to D

A - Cerebrum
B - Cerebellum
C - Brain stem (midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata)
D - Spinal cord
Name structures A, B and C

A - Midbrain
B - Pons
C - Medulla oblongata
Name the regions or structures labelled A to G

A - Cervical region
B - Thoracic region
C - Lumbar region
D - Sacral region
E - Cervical enlargement
F - Lumbosacral enlargement
G - Cauda equina
Name the foramina A to H

A - Cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
B - Optic canal
C - Superior orbital fissure
D - Foramen rotundum
E - Foramen ovale
F - Internal acoustic meatus
G - Jugular foramen
H - Hypoglossal foramen
Name structures A to E

A - Kidney
B - Ureter
C - Bladder
D - Urethra
E - Pubic symphysis
Name structure A

A - Kidney (right)
Name structures A, B and C

A - Renal artery
B - Renal vein
C - Ureter
Name structures A, B and C

A - Abdominolateral muscles (external oblique, internal oblique and transversus abdominus)
B - Paranephric fat
C - Perinephric fat
Name structures A, B and C

A - Parietal peritoneum
B - Renal (deep) fascia
C - Renal capsule
Name vessels A and B

A - Renal arteries (left and right)
B - Abdominal aorta
Name the veins from A to D

A - Right gonadal vein
B - Right renal vein
C - Left renal vein
D - Left gonadal vein
Name the parts of the kidney A to E

A - Renal papilla
B - Renal pyramid
C - Renal cortex
D - Renal capsule
E - Renal medulla
Name the labelled areas of the nephron A to E

A - Renal corpuscle (glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule)
B - Proximal convoluted tubule
C - Loop of Henle
D - Collecting duct
E - Distal convoluted tubule
Name the parts of the kidney A to E

A - Nephron collecting ducts (make up renal pyramid)
B - Minor calyx
C - Major calyx
D - Renal pelvis
E - Ureter
Name structures A, B and C

A - Ureters
B - Ureteric orifices
C - Urethra
Name structures A to D

A - Urethra
B - External urethral sphincter
C - Internal urethral sphincter
D - Internal urethral orifice
Name structures A to E

A - Bladder
B - Internal urethral orifice
C - Urethra
D - External urethral sphincter
E - External urethral orifice
Name structures A, B and C

A - Mandible
B - Pharynx
C - Epiglottis
Name the structures associated with the lungs, A to F

A - Right main bronchus
B - Trachea
C - Bifurcation of bronchi (carina)
D - Left main bronchus
E - Lobar bronchi
F - Segmental bronchi
Name structures A to D

A - Lobar bronchi
B - Segmental bronchus
C - Bronchioles
D - Alveoli
Name the cartilages A and B

A - Thyroid cartilage
B - Cricoid cartilage
Name structures A and B

A - Larngeal inlet
B - Arytenoid cartilages
Name the structures A to E

A - Rima glottidis
B - Vocal cords
C - Thyroid cartilage
D - Arytenoid cartilages
E - Cricoid cartilage
Name structure A

A - Spine of scapula (left)
Name groove A

A - Costal groove
Name the parts of the rib labelled A to D

A - Head
B - Neck
C - Tubercle
D - Shaft (body)
Name the parts associated with the sternum A to D

A - Sternoclavicular joint
B - Manubrium
C - Body
D - Xiphoid process
Name the joints A and B, and the structures highlighted by C

A - Sternocostal joints
B - Costochondral joints
C - Costal cartilages
Name structure A

A - Thyroid gland (contains 4 parathyroid glands)
Name structures A to E associated with the brain

A - Spinal cord
B - Medulla oblongata
C - Pons
D - Midbrain
E - Diencephalon (thalamus/hypothalamus)
Name structure A

A - Pituitary gland
These structures are found in the brain, name A, B and C

A - Infundibulum
B - Posterior pituitary
C - Anterior pituitary
Name the vessels labelled A

A - Hypophyseal portal veins
Name vessels A and B

A - Superior, middle and inferior thyroid veins (right)
B - Superior vena cava
Name vessels A, B and C

A - Inferior thyroid artery (right)
B - Superior thyroid artery (left)
C - Aorta (arch)
Name structure A

A - Pancreas
Name vessels A and B

A - Coeliac trunk
B - Superior mesenteric artery
Name vessels A and B

A - Splenic vein
B - Superior mesenteric vein
Name structures A, B and C

A - Major duodenal papilla
B - Bile duct
C - Panceatic duct
Name regions A and B of the adrenal gland

A - Outer cortex
B - Inner medulla
Name structures labelled A

A - Adrenal glands
Name vessels A, B and C

A - Superior suprarenal artery (left)
B - Middle suprarenal artery (left)
C - Inferior suprarenal artery (left)
Name vessels A, B and C

A - Coeliac trunk
B - Superior mesenteric artery
C - Renal vein (left)
Name vessels A, B and C

A - Suprarenal vein (right)
B - Renal vein (left)
C - Suprarenal vein (left)
Name the arteries labelled A

A - Gonadal arteries
Name the veins labelled A and B

A & B - Gonadal veins (right & left)
Name structures A and B

A - Thyroid gland
B - Parathyroid glands

Name vessels A, B and C

A - Brachiocephalic trunk
B - Left common carotid artery
C - Left subclavian artery
Name vessels A and B

A - Common carotid artery (right)
B - Subclavian artery (right)
Name vessel A

A - Subclavian artery (right)
Name vessels A to E

A - Brachiocephalic trunk
B - Subclavian artery (right)
C - Common carotid artery (right)
D - Common carotid artery (left)
E - Subclavian artery (left)
Name vessels A to D

A - Vertebral artery
B - Common cartoid artery (right)
C - External carotid artery (right)
D - Interna caroitid artery (right)
Name vessels A to D

A - Common carotid artery (right)
B - Vertebral artery (right)
C - External carotid artery (right)
D - Internal carotid artery (right)
Name vessels A to E

A - Internal carotid artery (left)
B - Internal carotid artery (right)
C - Basilar artery
D - Vertebral artery (left)
E - Vertebral artery (right)
Name structures A, B and C

A - Right carotid sinus (bifurcation of common carotid artery (right))
B - Braches of glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
C - Internal carotid artery (right)
As a vessel progresses along its path, its name will often change based of its location. Name the vessel at points A to E

A - Subclavian artery (left)
B - Axillary artery (left)
C - Brachial artery (left)
D - Radial artery (left)
E - Ulnar artery (left)
Name the branches and parts of the aorta from A to F

A - Brachiocephalic trunk
B - Coronary arteries
C - Posterior intercostal arteries
D - Abdominal aorta
E - Common carotid artery (left)
F - Subclavian artery (left)
Name arteries A to D

A - External iliac artery (right)
B - Internal iliac artery (left)
C - Common iliac arteries (left & right)
D - Abdominal aorta
Name structures A to E

A - Cervix
B - Fimbriae
C - Infundibulum
D - Isthmus
E - Ampulla
Name structures A, B and C

A - Vas deferens
B - Head of epididymis
C - Rete testis
Name structures A and B

A - Dartos muscle
B - Seminiferous tubules
Name structures A, B and C

A - Spermatic cord (right)
B - Pampiniform plexus (right)
C - Testicular artery (right)
Name structures A to D

A - Seminal vesicle (gland) (right)
B - Ejaculatory duct (left)
C - Prostate gland
D - Urethra
Name structures A to D

A - Seminal vesicle (gland) (right)
B - Prostate gland
C - Vas deferens (right)
D - External urethra meatus
Name structures A to D

A - Vas deferens (right)
B - Ejaculatory duct (right)
C - Prostatic urethra
D - Epididymis (right)
Name vessels A and B

A - External jugular vein (right)
B - Internal jugular vein (left)
Name the actions demonstrated by A and B

A - Extension
B - Flexion
Name the actions demonstrated by A and B

A - Extension
B - Flexion
Name the actions demonstrated by A and B

A - Abduction
B - Adduction
Name the actions demonstrated by A and B

A - Lateral rotation
B - Medial rotation
Name the action demonstrated by A

A - Circumduction
Name the actions demonstrated by A and B

A - Eversion
B - Inversion
Name the actions demonstrated by A and B

A - Opposition
B - Reposition
Name the actions demonstrated by A and B

A - Elevation
B - Depression
Name structure A

A - Pericardium
Name the layers A, B and C

A - Epicardium (under pericardium)
B - Myocardium
C - Endocardium
Name structures A, B and C

A - Right auricle
B - Left auricle
C - Apex
Name valves A to D

A - Tricuspid
B - Pulmonary
C - Mitral (bicuspid)
D - Aortic
Name muscles A and B

A - Temporalis
B - Masseter
Name muscles A and B

A - Lateral pterygoid
B - Medial pterygoid
Name muscle A

Orbicularis oris
Name this individual
Your Mum

Name muscles A and B

A - Orbicularis oris
B - Buccinator
Name the types of teeth labelled A to D

A - Incisors
B - Canines
C - Premolars
D - Molars
Name the tonsils present based on the locations A to D

A - Adenoid
B - Tubal tonsil
C - Palatine tonsil
D - Lingual tonsil
Name the regions of the colon A to F

A - Appendix
B - Caecum
C - Ascending colon
D - Transverse colon
E - Descending colon
F - Sigmoid colon
Name muscles A to D

A - Stylopharyngeus (longitudinal muscle)
B - Superior pharyngeal constrictor
C - Middle pharyngeal constrictor
D - Inferior pharyngeal constrictor
Name structures A to D

A - Ventral root
B - Dorasal root
C - Dorsal ramus
D - Ventral ramus
E - Spinal nerve

Name structures A, B and C

A - Adductor tubercle
B - Medial epicondyle of femur
C - Lateral epicondyle of femur

Name structures A, B and C

A - Medial epicondyle of femur
B - Greater trochanter
C - Lateral epicondyle of femur

Name bony features A and B

A - Radial groove
B - Deltoid tuberosity

Name bony features A, B and C

A - Medial epicondyle
B - Trochlea
C - Lateral epicondyle

Name bony feature A

A - Olecranon fossa

Name bony features A and B

A - Greater tubercle
B - Lesser tubercle

Name bony features A, B and C

A - Radial fossa
B - Deltoid tuberosity
C - Coronoid fossa

Name bony features A, B and C

A - Capitulum
B - Medial epicondyle
C - Trochlea