Cardiovascular Anatomy Diagrams Flashcards
Name structures A to C

A - Ligamentum arteriosum
B - Vagus nerve (left) CN X
C - Oesophagus
Name structures A to C

A - Oesophagus
B - Vagus nerve (right) - CN X
C - Right phrenic nerve
Name structures A to E

A - Tracheobronchial lymph nodes
B - Right lymphatic duct
C - Thoracic duct
D - Left venous angle
E - Bronchopulmonary lymph nodes
Name structures A and B

A - Postcentral gyrus of parietal lobe
B - Precentral gyrus of frontal lobe
Name the nerves A

A - Supraclavicular nerves (C3, C4)
Name structure A

A - Thymus gland
Name structures A, B, C and D

A - Scapula
B - Pectoralis major
C - Pectoralis minor
D - Left common carotid artery

Name structures A to D

A - Parietal lobe
B - Central sulcus
C - Frontal lobe
D - Lateral fissure
Name structures A, B and C

A - Sympathetic chains
B - Vagus nerve (left)
C - Trachea
Name structures A to E

A - Ligamentum arteriosum
B - Thoracic duct
C - Arch of aorta
D - Thoracic aorta
E - Left abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves
Name the different areas of mediastinum A to D

A - Middle mediastinum
B - Anterior mediastinum
C - Posterior mediastinum
D - Superior mediastinum
Name structures A to G

A - Thoracic duct
B - Sympathetic chains/trunk
C - Azygous vein
D - Vagus nerves
E - Trachea
F - Thoracic aorta
G - Oesophagus
Name structures A to F

A - Right pulmonary veins
B - Brachiocephalic trunk
C - Right subclavian vein
D - Left common carotid artery
E - Left subclavian artery
F - Left pulmonary veins
Name structures A to E

A - Azygous vein
B - Right sympathetic chains
C - Oesophagus
D - Superior vena cava
E - Right phrenic nerve
Name structures A to D

A - Thoracic inlet
B - Sternal angle
C - Sternum
D - Diaphragm
Name structures A to D

A - Aorta (ascending)
B - Aorta (descending)
C - Oesophagus
D - Trachea (at carina)
Name structures A to D

B - Aorta (ascending thoracic)
C - Left pulmonary artery
D - Vertebral foramen
Name structures A and B

A - Liver
B - Abdominal aorta
Name structures A to E

A - Trachea (bifurcation)
B - Oesophagus
C - Thoracic duct
D - Thoracic aorta
E - Ascending aorta
Name structures A to D

A - Left phrenic nerve
B - Recurrent larngeal branch of the left vagus nerve
C - Thoracic aorta
D - Oesophagus
Name structures A to H

A - Thoracic duct
B - Sympathetic chains
C - Azygous vein
D - Vagus nerves
E - Trachea
F - Thoracic aorta (posterior to oesophagus)
G - Oesophagus
H - Vagal trunks
Name structures A to F

A - Inferior vena cava
B - Superior vena cava
C - Aorta
D - Pulmonary trunk
E - Left pulmonary artery
F - Left pulmonary veins
Name structures A to D

B - Brachiocephalic artery
C - Left common carotid artery
D - Aorta
Name structures A, B and C

B - Aorta
C - Right pulmonary trunk

Name structures A to E

A - Tracheobronchial lymph nodes
B - Azygous vein
C - Thoracic duct
D - Cisterna chyli
E - Aortic hiatus
Name structures A to G

A - Coronary sinus
B - Left pulmonary veins
C - Left pulmonary artery
D - Azygous vein
E - Right pulmonary arteries
F - Right pulmonary veins
G - Interatrial groove
Name vessels A to D

A - Right brachiocephaic vein
B - Right subclavian vein
C - Right internal jugular vein
D - Left brachiocephalic vein
Name structures A to F

A - Right phrenic nerve
B - Right vagus nerve
C - Right recurrent laryngeal nerve
D - Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
E - Left vagus nerve
F - Left phrenic nerve
Name structures A to F

A - Left phrenic nerve
B - Recurrent larngeal branch of left vagus nerve
C - Left vagus nerve
D - Left sympathetic chain
E - Lung hilum
F - Oesophagus
Name arteries A to F

A - Brachiocephalic trunk
B - Coronary arteries
C - Posterior intercostal arteries
D - Abdominal aorta
E - Left common carotid artery
F - Left subclavian artery
Name structures A, B, C and E

A - Thoracic duct
B - Azygous vein
C - Aorta
E - Oesophagus
Name the vessel that drains into the right atrium at A

A - Coronary sinus

Name structures A to E

A - Intercostal vein
B - Azygous vein
C - Superior vena cava
D - Lung hilum (root)
E - Oesophagus
Name structures A, B and C

A - Trachea
B - Brachiocephalic artery
C - Oesophagus

Name structures A, B and C

A - Trachea
C - Arch of aorta
Name structures A to G

A - Right pulmonary veins
B - Right pulmonary arteries
C - Internal jugular vein
D - Right common carotid artery
E - Left vagus nerve
F - Left phrenic nerve
G - Right brachiocephalic vein
Name structures A to D

A - Left venous angle
B - Bronchopulmonary lymph nodes
C - Oesophagus
D - Oesophageal hiatus
Name structures A and B

A - Interatrial septum
B - Interventricular septum
Name structures A to H

A - Right coronary artery
B - Right marginal artery
C - Posterior interventricular artery
D - Lateral diagonal branch
E - Left marginal artery
F - Left anterior descending artery
G - Circumflex artery
H - Left coronary artery
Name structures A to F

A - Oesophagus
B - Right abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves
C - Right vagus nerve
D - Trachea
E - Lung hilum
F - Inferior vena cava