Anatomy of Obstetric Anaesthesia Flashcards
Name arteries A and B

A - Ovarian artery
B - Vaginal arteries

Name structures A and B

A - Inguinal ligament
B - Ilioinguinal nerve

Name arteries associated with the rectum A, B and C

A - Superior rectal artery
B - Inferior rectal artery
C - Internal pudendal artery
Identify nerves A

A - Sympathetic fibres

Name the surgical procedure associated with the line at A

A - Epiostomy

Name structures A and B

A - Transverse cervical ligament
B - Uterosacral ligament

Name spaces A and B

A - Subarchnoid space
B - Epidural space

Name nerve A

A - Pudendal nerve

Identify structures at A

A - Perineal structures
(inferior vagina, perineal muscles, glands, skin)

Name muscles A, B and C

A - Puborectalis
B - Pubococcygeus
C - Iliococcygeus

Name arteries A to D

A - Umbilical artery
B - Obturator artery
C - Superior vesical artery
D - Dorsal artery of the penis
Identify nerve A

A - Visceral afferents

Name muscles A, B and C

A - Superficial transverse perineal
B - Bulbospongiosus
C - Ischiocavernosus

Name the surgical procedures associated with incisions A and B

A - Laparotomy
B - Lower segment caesarean section (or abdominal hysterectomy)

Identify structures A and B

A - Superior vagina
B - Cervix

Name arteries A, B and C

A - Common iliac artery
B - Internal iliac artery
C - Middle rectal artery
Name nerves A to D

A - Thoracoabdominal nerves
B - Subcostal nerve
C - Iliohypogastric nerve
D - Ilioinguinal nerve

Name structures A, B and C

A - Extra peritoneal fat
B - Parietal peritoneum
C - Transversalis fascia

Name muscle A

A - Transversus abdominis

Name structures A and B

A - Crura
B - Bulb

Name structures A, B and C

A - Xiphoid process
B - Linea alba
C - Public symphysis

Name arteries A, B and C

A - Intercostal and subcostal arteries
(some posterior intercostal arteries may also be present)
B - Superior epigastric artery
C - Inferior epigastric artery

Identify the types of nerves A and B

A - Visceral afferents
B - Parasympathetics

Name muscles A, B and C

A - External oblique
B - Internal oblique
C - Transversus abdominis

Name structures A, B and C

A - Interspinous ligament
B - Supraspinous ligament
C - Ligamentum flavum

Name structures A, B and C

A - Lateral ligament of bladder
B - Tendinous arch of levator ani
C - Tendinous arch of pelvic fascia

Name arteries A and B

A - Inferior epigastric artery
B - External iliac artery

Name structures A and B

A - Ureter
B - Uterine artery

Name arteries A, B and C

A - Anterior trunk of internal iliac artery
B - Inferior gluteal artery
C - Middle rectal artery
Idenfify structures A, B and C

A - Ovaries
B - Uterus
C - Uterine tubes

Name structures A, B and C

A - Internal iliac nodes
B - External iliac nodes
C - Lymph from pelvic viscera
Name the type of anaesthesia associated with lack of pain sensation up to the areas A, B and C

A - Spinal anaesthesia
B - Epidural anaesthesia
C - Pudendal nerve block

Name region for administering anaesthetic at A

A - L3/4 region

Name structures A, B and C

A - Ilioinguinal nerve
B - Ischial spine
C - Pudendal nerve

Name structure A

A - Perineal membrane

Name muscle A

A - Internal oblique

Name structures A, B and C

A - Ligamentum flavum
B - Dura mater
C - Subarchnoid mater

Identify nerve A

A - Pudendal nerve (sensory and motor aspects)

Name structures A to D

A - Dorsal vein of the penis
B - External urethral sphincter
C - Compressor urethrae
D - Location of bulbourethral gland

Name arteries A and B

A - Internal iliac artery
B - Anterior trunk of internal iliac artery
Name structures A, B and C

A - Inferior epigastric vein
B - Inferior epigastric artery
C - External iliac artery

Name muscle A
(superior view)

A - Pelvic diaphragm

Name arteries A, B and C

A - Middle rectal artery
B - Internal pudendal artery
C - Inferior vesical artery
Name structures A, B and C

A - Posterior rectus sheath
B - Anterior rectus sheath
C - Anterior rectus sheath

Name structures A and B

A - Anterior rectus sheath
B - Rectus abdominis

Name structures A

A - Greater vestibular glands

Name arteries A to E and structure F

A - Uterine artery
B - Umbilical artery
C - Vaginal artery
D - Obturator artery
E - Superior vesical artery
F - Medial umbilical ligament
Name structures A, B and C

A - Pre-aortic nodes
B - Lumbar nodes
C - Internal iliac nodes
Name muscle A

A - External oblique

Name structures A, B and C

A - Dorsal vein of the clitoris
B - External urethral sphincter
C - Compressor urethrae

Name artery A

A - Internal iliac artery