Cranial and Peripheral Nerves Flashcards
Name the type of neurone A

A - Multipolar

Name the type of neurone A

A - Unipolar

Name nerve A

A - Olfactory nerve

Name nerve A

A - Optic nerve

Name nerve A

A - Oculomotor nerve

Name nerve A

A - Trochlear nerve

Name nerve A

A - Trigeminal nerve

Name nerve A

A - Abducens nerve

Name nerve A

A - Facial nerve

Name nerve A

A - Vestibulocochlear nerve

Name nerve A

A - Glossopharyngeal nerve

Name nerve A

A - Vagus nerve

Name nerve A

A - Accessory nerve

Name nerve A

A - Hypoglossal nerve

Name space A

A - Intervertebral foramen

Name space A

A - Intervertebral foramen

Name nerve A

A - Spinal nerve

Name the structures at A

A - Rami

Name structures at A

A - Roots

Name structure A

A - Posterior rami

Name structure A

A - Anterior rami

Name nuclei A and B

A - Edinger-Westphal nucleus
B - Oculomotor nucleus
Name nucleus A

A - Trochlear
Name nuclei A and B

A - Trigeminal sensory nucleus
B - Trigeminal motor nucleus
Name nuclei A and B

A - Abducens nerve
B - Facial motor nucleus
Name nucleus A

A - Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve
Name nucleus A

A - Hypoglossal nucleus
Name cranial nerves A to D

A - Trigeminal nerve
B - Oculomotor nerve
C - Optic nerve
D - Trochlear nerve
Name cranial nerves A to D

A - Vestibulocochlear nerve
B - Rootlets of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves
C - Cranial root of accessory nerve
D - Spinal root of accessory nerve
Name cranial nerves A to F

A - Abducens nerve
B - Trochlear nerve
C - Trigeminal nerve
D - Facial nerve
E - Vestibulocochlear nerve
F - Glossopharngeal nerve
Name structures A and B

A - Inferior colliculus
B - Trochlear nucleus
Name structures A, B and C

A - Oculomotor nucleus
B - Edinger-Westphal nucleus
C - Superior colliculus
Name structures A and B

A - Spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
B - Nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
Name structures A and B

A - Abducens nerve
B - Abducens nucleus