*Primates Flashcards
which primates are included in the suborder strepsihini?
lemurs and lorises
In many primate species, which behaviour plays a central role in reinforcing social relationships?
In old world monkeys, the swelling and changes in colour of the skin surrounding the female’s genital area is an indication that she is in what state?
Arms that are longer than the legs, and a short stable lumbar spine are traits associated with which type of locomotion?
What is the basic primate social unit? (which pair)?
mother and her offspring
The differences between the sexes with regard to features such as body size is referred to as?
sexual dimorphism
Vertical clinging and leaping is a locomotor pattern frequently practiced by which types of primates?
lemurs and tarsiers
An organism’s entire way of life is referred to as their?
adaptive niche
which are the largest living primates?
Humans and chimpanzees share what percentage of their DNA?
Which ape has very large, highly sexually dimorphic body sizes and live largely solitary lives?
Which of the following are not hominoids?
bonobos, baboons, gorillas, orangutans
Baboons are not a hominoid
Define Altrusim
A behaviour that benefits another while involving some risk to the performer
What is seen in some New World monkeys, but not in any Old World monkeys?
A prehensile tail
What is chest slapping by gorillas an example of?
Traditionally, primate characteristics have been explained as the result of adaptation to what types of enviroments?
The term for a mating system in which males, and some cases females, have several mating partners is?
Primate behaviour is best viewed as being what?
Influenced by environmental factors
define adaptive niche?
An organism’s entire way of life: where it lives, what it eats, how it gets food, how it avoids predators, and so on.
define primates
members of the mammalian order primates, which includes lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans
Why does behaviour count as a phenotype?
- natural selection favours characteristics that provide a reproductive advantage.
- an individual whose behavioural phenotypes increase reproductive fitness will pass on their genes at a faster rate than others.
Define dominance hierarchies
Systems of social organization wherein individuals within a group are ranked relative to one another. Higher-ranking animals have greater access to preferred food items and mating partners than lower ranking individuals.
Explain innate bahviour
- In insects and other invertebrates, behaviour is mostly under genetic control. Most behavioural patterns in these species aren’t learned, they’re innate.
- In many vertebrates the proportion of behaviour thats due to learning is substantially increased, and the proportion under genetic control is reduced. This is especially true of primates and humans, who are a product of cultue.
The order primates is divided into two suborders?
Strepsirhini- lemurs and lorises
haplprhini- trasiers, monkeys, apes, and humans