Primary economic activities Flashcards
Natural resources
Things provided by nature which are useful to people
Types of natural resource
Renewable resources
Can be used over and over again. With careful management, will not run out.
eg. cut down trees for wood, plant new trees
Non-renewable resources
Can only be used once.
Each time they are used, less is left for future.
Will eventually run out
Local water supply: Limerick City
Water in taps comes from River Shannon. Treated so it is safe to drink.
Goes through filters to take out bacteria & viruses.
Use horizontal flow settling tank & rapid gravity filters.
Adding Chemicals
Chemicals added to make water better. Chlorine + fluoride.
Coagulants added to make water clear.
Pumped into storage resevoirs. Flows through mains to Limerick City into distribution pipes to homes, businesses, other users.
Central Valley project in California
How it was completed
Reasons for Central Valley Project
Summer drought is a feature of Central Valley bc Mediterranean climate
North has Sacramento River w/ large supply of water from Rocky mountains. Most good farm land in south,
Solution = carry waters from north to south.
how central valley project was completed
Dams built on river, reservoirs created.
canals & aqua ducts built to transfer water from north to south
water stored in reservoirs of north for summer drought in south
advantages of central valley project
dry land can be irrigated
HEP is produced at dams to pump water to central valley
wide range of food can be grown in area to feed cities of San Francisco & LA
Disadvantages of central valley project
Reservoirs flooded land. People had to leave their homes.
Water loss through evaporation from canal & reservoirs is high. Water remaining is high in salt contetn, not suitable for farm land.
Scheme was expensive to construct so water charges & crop prices are high
positive effects of oil exploration in Irish waters
employment would increase as oil workers got jobs on rigs. Service industries would develop to supply rigs.
Irish gov would get more tax revenue from workers + oil companies
Transport & housing would improve towns near oil resources.
Negative effects of oil exploration in Irish Waters
Pollution from oil spillages would increase
Wild life, marine life, beaches would suffer
Areas of natural beauty would suffer from heavy engineering side effects of oil exploration.
why has fishing become an important industry in Ireland?
Waters rich in plankton
Fish found in these waters are high quality - high prices
Fish found in large single species schools, easier to get a good catch
Decline in fish stock elsewhere brought foreign trawlers
Irish coastal waters are free from serious pollution
Why overfishing occurred in the Celtic sea
Herron use shallow sheltered warm water near coast to spawn. Easy to fish these areas.
Herron predictable in movement, coming between October & January each year.
Come in large schools - attractive catch
Before spawning, Herron more suitable for processing, fetch high prices
Conservative measures for fishing
EU banned Herron fishing in 1977
Allowed fishing to resume but set quotas to limit amount each member state may catch in a year.
Regular surveys monitor size of fish stock
Sustainable exploitation of fish
Conservation zones around countries
Reduce number of fishing boats
Yearly quotas for fish cathces
Banned fishing of endangered species
Fishing season shorter for some types of fish
Examples of Ireland’s fishing ports
conservation of peat bogs
Some bogs should be preserved in natural state for future generatns
Bord na Móna now returning some bogs to wetlands & preserving diff. bogs
bogs exploited may become wind farms in future
How Bord na Mona exploited bogs
Large machines drain, level, strip vegetation
Machine boggers cut turf
Milling machines scraped peat dust from surface of bog to make milled peat.
Private railway laid across bogs to solve transport problems by wet bogd
Advantages to Irish economy from exploitation of peat
Employment (2000+ people in areas where job creation is difficult
Reduced coal & oil imports, saving economy money
Exported moss peat to other countries, earn money for economy
Much of bogs when finished or cut away can be turned into farmland
Things needed of be put into farm, eg. cattle & machinery
Tasks or jobs done by farmer throughout year on farm, eg. milking, ploughing
Produce of farm, what farmer sells, eg. milk, veg, livestock
Types of farms
Dairy farming - milk, butter, cheese
Cereal farming - maize, wheat, barley
Market gardening - veg., flowers, fruits
Pastoral farming - cows, calves
Mixed farming - calves, milk, veg.
Farming’s impact on the environment
Insect sprays on crops are harmful, can end up in our food
Fertilisers used on land to increase fertility can run off into streams & rivers, pollute water supply
Illegal dumping of sillage, slurry, milk leads to over-pollution of rivers - killing of fish.
A mixed farm in co. meath - inputs
Labour - farmer & family work on farm with help from farm labourers & vet.
Stock a seeds, animals, fertilisers.
Farm buildings - milking parlour, grain silos, slurry tank, sheds, barn
Machinery - tractor, milking machine, fertiliser spreader
Capital - money from sale + single farm payment, grants & subsidies from EU & gov.
Processes of a mixed farm in co. meath
Divided into three sections:
Dairy farming - milking cows, breeding
Pastoral farming - feeding & caring for animals
Arable farming - ploughing, sowing seeds, harvesting, storing
Outputs of a mixed farm in Co. Meath
Dairy farming - calves, milk, manure for fertiliser
Pastoral farming - beef & manure for fertiliser
Arable farming - crips, veg, straw
How we take resources from the land and sea
Farming Fishing Forestry Mining Quarrying
Saudi Arabia - Oil Producing country
In Persian Gulf
Produces more oil than any other country
One of the wealthiest
Saudi arabia - Adv of oil production
Huge income for gov.
Improve services + living standards
Saudi Arabia - disadv. to oil production
overspent on weapons
despite changes - little improvements on women’s rights