How long to wait to give live vaccines after finishing a course of steroids that is > 14 days?
4 weeks
When to give first dose of HepB vaccine to infant whose mom is HbsAg negative?
At discharge or 1 month (whenever comes first)
(note that for infant weight < 1kg, wait for 1 month to ensure seroconversion)
What are contraindications to rotavirus vaccine? (2)
1 - SCID
2- History of intussussception
After which age Hib vaccine is no longer required in immunocompetent children (regardless of number of Hib shots already received)
15 months
How to transport a broken tooth to dental office to maximize the chance of viability to reinsert?
In isotonic fluid (cold cow milk)
Live vaccines, if not given on the same day, should be given how far apart from one another?
4 weeks
Minimum interval between HepA vaccines
6 months
Minimum interval between varicella vaccines
If < 13 years old: 3 months
If >= 13 years old: 1 month (4 weeks)
Criteria to give live vaccine in children with HIV
CD4 T-cell % > 15%
At what age can Tdap or Td vaccines can be used?
> 7 years old
How many total doses of PCV13 a patient with high risk should have ? When they should be given?
4 doses
at 2,4,6 months and 12-15 months
How far apart should 2nd dose of PPSV23 be given from 1st dose (for high-risk patients)?
5 years
Most common side effect of varicella vaccine
A localized varicella-like rash
How far apart between 1st and 2nd dose of HepA vaccine?
6-12 months
How to decide between 2-dose vs 3-dose series of HPV vaccine?
If start series at < 15yo -> 2-dose series
If start series at > 15yo -> 3-dose series
Which test provides the best measurement of sensorineural hearing loss in children who has meningitis?
Auditory brainstem responses (ABR)
Current guidelines for dyslipidemia screening in pediatric
Selective screening between 2 -8 years of age
Universal screening 9 - 11 years
Universal screen 17 - 21 years
Youngest age to get MMR vaccine if needed
6 months
(but shots between 6-12 months do NOT count toward the required 2 doses)
The only vaccine that should NOT be given to close relative of immunocompromised patient
Live attenuated influenza vaccine
Recommended schedule for MCV4 vaccine
12 yo then 16 yo
By what age rotavirus MUST be started ? (do not start if patient is over this age)
15 months
By what age rotavirus series must be completed?
8 months
First permanent teeth to erupt
First molars
Which vaccines are administered subQ ? (others are IM)
MMR, Varicella, IPV
Preferred sites for IM shots in children > 2 years (2)
1 - Anterolateral aspect of upper thigh
2 - Deltoid region of upper arm
At which age Hib is no longer required
5 years old
What is a rare but potentially life-threatening side effect of all statins
What are common side effects of statin? (4)
1 - Anorexia
2 - Nausea
3 - Myalgias
4 - Elevated LFTs