Vulvar itching - with hyperemic and edematous vulva and thin, yellowish-green, frothy, malodorous discharge and punctate hemorrhages on the vagina / cervix. No cervical motion or adnexal tenderness
What is the condition? Treatment
Trhichomonas vaginalis
Flagyl x 7 days
What are the criteria for diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (BV)? (3 out of 4 criteria)
1 - Clue cells
2 - Vaginal pH > 4.5
3 - “Fishy” odor precedes or follows addition of KOH to vaginal discharge
4 -Grayish-white, milky vaginal discharge
Treatment = Flagyl x 7 days
What bacterial vaginosis and vaginal trichomoniasis have in common ? (2)
What differentiates them?
Common: (1) elevated vaginal pH; (2) positive KOH test
Vaginal trichomoniasis presents with **intense inflammation of vaginal walls, punctate hemorrhages on vagina / cervix (“strawberry cervix”)
Painless cyst-like nodule around the testicle that transilluminates
What is it ?
What is the recommendation to start Pap smear in asymptomatic, immunocompetent women?
Start at 21 years of age, regardless of age of sexual activity initiation
What is the recommendation to start Pap smear in HIV-positive patient?
Starting within 1 year of onset of sexual activity
Criteria for delayed puberty in males
SMR Stage 1 persists beyond 14 years
SMR Stage 2 persist > 2.5 years
SMR Stage 3 persist > 1.5 years
SMR Stage 4 persist > 2 years
Medications that can cause gynecomastia (1)
1 - Steroids
2 - Cimetidine
3 - TCA
4 - Calcium channel blockers
5 - ACEIs
6 - Spironolactone
7 - Ketoconazole
8 - INH
9 - HIV anvirirals
10 - Opioids
Male with dysuria, urinary frequency, mucopurulent urethral discharge
What is the STD? Treatment?
Gonoccoccal urethritis
IM Ceftriaxone 500mg (or cefixime) + PO Doxycycline (for Chlamydia) x 7d
Smooth, skin-colored, well-circumscribed papules on the shaft of penis
What is the finding? Cause?
Genital warts
Human papillomavirus
Small, grouped, painful vesicles on an erythematous base on the shaft of penis
What is the finding? Cause?
Hepertic lesions
Indurated, punched-out, painless ulcer with slight elevated margins on the foreskin
What is the finding? Cause?
Chancre in syphillis
(Treponema pallidum)
Painful, inflammed, shallow ulcer associated with grayish, fibrinous membrane and ragged, undermined border on the foreskin
What is the finding? Cause?
Bubo in Chancroid
Haemophilus ducreyi
Gram stain of a penile lesion.
What is the organism? What is the disease? Treatment?
Haemophilus ducreyi
Azithromycin OR IM ceftriaxone
Most common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in adolescents (AUB)
Anovulatory cycles
Tendon pain / inflammation, painless vesiculopustular lesion on skin, joint pain
What is the condition called? Organism?
Arthritis-dermatitis syndrome
(1 of 2 types of disseminated N.gonnorhea)
ST depression, flat T wave, promient “U” wave on ECG
What is going on?
Male with small, painless, shallow papules on penis which then disappears, then 2-3 weeks later has lymphadenopathy in groin.
What is the infection?
Chlamydia trachomatis