Multiple vesicular and vesicopustular lesions, some of which are crusted
What is this? Causal organism? Treatment?
Eczema herpeticum
Dry, plate-like (“fish-like”) scales over extensor surfaces of extremities
What is this? Finding on hand? Treatment?
Ichthyosis vulgaris
Hand finding = accentuated palmar and plantar markings
Treatment = moisturizing cream
Multiple small, oval, scaling, pinkish papules over trunk, neck
What is this? Cause? Treatment?
Pityriasis rosea
Possible viral causes inflammation
Prepubertal girl with dysuria, serous vaginal discharge, sharply-dermacated intense erythema of the vulvar area.
What is going on? Causal organism
Vaginitis caused by Strep pyogenes (Group A strep)
4-week-old girl with new crops of inflammatory vesicles and pustules distributed in a swirling pattern on trunk down to extremities.
What is going on? Cause?
Incontinentia pigmenti (1st phase)
An X-linked dominant genetic disorder
What is characteristic finding on CBC in incontinentia pigmenti?
Black newborn with multiple superificial pustule, also with slightly hyperpigmented, scaly macules. Pustular smea shows numerous neutrophils
What is going on? Treatment?
Transient neonatal pustular melanosis (TNPM)
Benign - self-resolve
What are cutaneous side effects of topical steroid? (3)
1 - Atrophy
2 - Telangiectasia
3 - Hypopigmentation
Antibiotics that can cause sunburn
Infant with sharply-dermacated cutaneous defect on scalp, not associated with delivery or monitor instruments
What is going on ? Cause? Treatment?
Aplasia cutis congenita
Failure of ectodermal fusion -> focal absence of epidermis / dermis
Conservative observation
Multinucleated cells on Tzanck smear
What is going on?
Herpes infection
Pruritic, multiple deep-seated inflamed vesicles on palms and lateral aspects of fingers
What is this condition? What is it most often associated with?
Dyshidrotic eczema
Associated with excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
What is the most common sign of essential fatty acid deficiency
Eczematous dermatitis
(diffuse scaly rash on most skin surfaces)
Multiple erythematous and inflamed follicular, papular, and pustular lesion on back and upper outer arms
What is the condition? Treatment for mild vs more severe?
Keratosis pilaris
Mild - treatment with moisturizing cream (lactic acid, urea, or glycolic acid)
More severe - low potency steroid
Symmetric slightly edematous and erythematous papules symmetrically distributed on face, buttons, and extensor surface after viral infection
What is it?
Papular acrodermatitis
What labs need to be taken in patient starting isotretinoin therapy?
1 - Pregnancy test (female)
2 - Serum triglycerides and cholesterol
New reddish brown macules and papules that appear AFTER varicella starts crusting over.
What is going on ? Treatment?
(can associated with varicella - cause unknown)
treat with oral erythromycin (or tetracycline)
What differentiates tinea pedis from juvenile plantar dermatosis?
Tinea pedis involves the webspaces (intertriginous area)
Which condition is associated with alopecia areata?
Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis
Which condition is associated with alopecia areata?
Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis
Scaly papules and thick whitish plaques with crust-like scales in an immunocompromised patient
What is going on ? How to diagnose? Treatment?
Crusted scabies
Diagnosed by mineral oil exam of skin scrapings
Treatment = permethrin cream
What is the most common cause of congenital heart block?
What is the associated skin finding?
Neonatal lupus erythematosus
- sharply dermacated annular scaling plaques on cheeks and periocular areas
What differentiate TEN from Stevens-Johnson (SJS)?
Epidermal detachment > 30% in TEN
Slightly raised lesions with an umbilicated center?
What is it?
Molluscum contagiosum