Preventative Health Flashcards
Men’s Lack of Participation in the Healthcare System
Less likely to carry health insurance
Less likely to see physician in previous year
More likely to delay seeking healthcare
Minority Male Participation in the Healthcare System
Twice as likely to have had no physician contacts in the past year when compared with minority women
Less likely to carry health insurance than female counterparts
Providing Healthcare in Ways Conducive to Male Participation
Health fairs held on weekends
Bringing health screenings to the workplace during lunch hours & other convenient times
Bring screenings to places where men normally gather
Innovative gender-specific programs targeting males
Building Men’s Interest in Health on Desire for Performance
Success of Viagra & Propecia
Taking charge of health can help attain, maintain, or regain their greatest potential productivity, vitality, strength, speed, endurance, virility, stamina, concentration, and attractiveness
Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer
Age: 50-70
Family history: 1st degree relative
African American
Predisposing Factors for Testicular Cancer
Cryptorchidism: lack of descent of testicles
Klinefelter syndrome
Risk Factors for Testicular Cancer
Natural exposure to intrapartum estrogens
Exposure to insecticides
Prognosis of Testicular Cancer
Good if diagnosed early
Colorectal Cancer Screening
Colonoscopy @ 50
Positive family history (10 years prior to onset)
Low fiber/high fat diets
Predisposing Factors to Colorectal Cancer
Ulcerative colitis
Crohn’s (unsure)
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Risk Factors of Colorectal Cancer
Advancing age
Family history
Family history of adenomatous polyps
Patient with benign adenomatous polyps
Screening Tests for Colorectal Cancers
DRE Serial sampling of stools for occult blood Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy Double contrast barium enemas
STI Testing in Men
Counsel early & often
Discuss at sports physical & acute care visits
Education for STIs
OCPs do not protect against STDs
Possible to have STD & have no symptoms
No protection method is 100%
Proper use of condoms
Condom will not prevent many lesions STDs
Screen for use
Provide tobacco cessation interventions
Educate parents about harmful effects of 2nd-hand smoke
2 Big Cancers Caused by Smoking
Flu Shot Recommendations
Annually for individuals with CV or pulmonary disorders
Annually for anyone at increased risk for acquiring influenza
Anyone who wants to be vaccinated
Anyone over 50
Education for Flu Shots
Does not cause the flu
Pneumovax Recommendations
Anyone over 65
Anyone less than 65 with chronic disorders of pulmonary system, CV diseases, DM, & number of other disorders
Educate that this isn’t an annual shot & for pneumonia
Td or Tdap
Booster every 10 years
Herpes Zoster Vaccine (Zostavax)
Incidence & severity of herpes zoster & postherpetic neuralgia increase with age
Use of live attenuated zoster vaccine
Complications of Herpes Zoster
Postherpetic neuralgia