PreTest Medicine: Hospital-Based Medicine Flashcards
You are called to an elderly patient in the ICU’s room. She is unresponsive and has sinus tach on tele but no palpable pulses. What should you do?
Administer saline
This is pulseless electrical activity (PEA), which is often caused by hypovolemia. Tamponade can also be a cause.
List the five most important features of perioperative cardiovascular risk calculation.
- Ischemic heart disease
- Creatinine > 2
tPA can be given to those with ischemic stroke up to _________ hours after the onset of symptoms.
Though some sources still say 3.
Give the CHF caveats on these drugs:
- ACEi
- Spironolactone
- Digoxin
- ACEi: reduces mortality in all-comers
- Spironolactone: should be given in NYHA III or IV (less than 30% EF) to improve mortality
- Digoxin: reduces hospitalizations but not mortality
What is the recommended treatment for community-acquired pneumonia?
- Third-generation cephalosporin or fluoroquinolone (for S. pneumo)
- Macrolide (atypicals)
List the four things that may be seen on an EKG in hyperkalemia.
- Peaked T waves
- Widened QRS
- PR prolongation
- Loss of P waves
List four things that can decrease the risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia.
- Sedation holidays
- Oropharyngeal intubation
- Subglottic suctioning
- Elevating the head of the bed
Remember that ____________ can present with single P waves before each QRS with a sharp upslope.
atrial flutter
Look for the classic rate of 150 BPM.