Presentations Flashcards
Honeyguides and honey gatherers
Honeyguides and humans have developed a complex relationship where both species benefit. Honeyguides show humans to bee nests, and humans open up the hives for honeyguides, giving them access to honey.
Red-billed oxpecker vampires
Oxpeckers might not actually benefit their host. They didn’t decrease tick counts, and they prolonged healing time of wounds. They may actually be reopening/creating wounds, because they feed on blood.
Parasitic cowbirds/mafia
Cowbirds destroy the nests of birds who reject their eggs. They also destroyed nests to create future parasitism opportunities. This behavior might hinder the evolution of host-rejection behavior.
Cost of deception in rhesus monkeys
Rhesus monkeys often call when discovering food. Female monkeys call more than males. Vocal discoverers received less aggression than silent discoverers, and in females, they ate more. Also, silent discoverers were approached most by non-kin.
Kleptoparasitism in drongos
false alarm calls increase opportunities for fork-tailed drongos. They called more often when stealing small food items, or when stealing from larger species.
Pre-dawn infidelity in superb fairy wrens
Extra-pair paternity is common in fairy wrens. Females who crossed more territory boundaries during forays had clutches with multiple extra-pair sires. Gives healthier and more adaptable offspring.
Teaching in meerkats
Meerkat helpers engage in “opportunity teaching” and facilitate learning by giving pups live prey and nudging them. This teaching accelerated pups’ handling skills.
Fatherhood and testosterone
Higher levels of T in single, childless men predicted greater likelihood of becoming partnered in the next few years. T declined once men became fathers, was lowest in men who participated in childcare.
Foot size and physical attractiveness
Humans may have evolved to find smaller feet in women more attractive, indicating youth and nulliparity. Evidence suggested an evolutionary hypothesis. study wasn’t that good though.
Lizard threat display handicap endurance
Duration of a lizard’s threat display indicates its endurance capacity. Producing threat displays decreased lizard endurance and increased lactate concentration. Threat displays act as quality handicaps.
Lion infanticide
Temporary infertility and enhanced mating are advantageous to females after a new takeover/infanticide. This attracts new male coalitions, females want the best one so there’s longer between takeovers. Fertility returns, have new cubs with new males.
Geladas/bruce effect
The bruce effect is advantageous to geladas. 80% of pregnancies were terminated after male takeover (offspring would otherwise be susceptible to infanticide).
Chimps share meat
Chimps hunt and share meat for social purposes and male-male bonding. Hunting takes place mostly when food is abundant.
Chimps hunt with tools
Tool use in hunting was observed, and mainly in females and immature chimpanzees.
Transient masculinization in fossas
Female fossa masculinization is transient – most pronounced in juveniles, diminishes when they reach sexual maturity. It was not due to androgen levels. Helps avoid male sexual harassment and territorial female aggression.