Prenatal and Postpartum Care Flashcards
What does antepartum care include?
- Education at every visit
- Screening
True or false: for women with regular menstrual cycles, a h/o one more more missed periods following a time of unprotected sex pretty much diagnoses pregnancy
True, for the most part
When does the softening and enlargement of the uterus begin after the LMP?
6 weeks after
When is the uterus enlarged enough to be palpable in the lower abdomen?
12 weeks
What is Chadwick’s sign
Bluish discoloration of the cervix
What is Hegar’s sign?
Softening of the cervix
What is Quickening? When does this occur?
Patient’s initial perception of fetal movement at 16-20 weeks
What do pregnancy tests measure? What produces this?
hCG produced by the syncytiotrophoblasts of the placenta
When do standard urine lab tests become positive for pregnancy (how long after LMP)?
about 4 weeks
When during the day is urine concentration of hCG the highest?
What allows the serum pregnancy test to be more sensitive and specific for pregnancy? When does this become positive?
Tests for unique beta subunit of hCG
Two weeks from ovulation
Can the serum pregnancy test detect a pregnancy before a missed period?
What is the doubling time of serum hCG?
2 days
How do you detect fetal heart tones? (2 methods) When are these detectable for each method?
- Traditional acoustic fetoscope (18-20 weeks)
- electronic doppler (12 weeks)
When does the fundal height represent the gestational age of the fetus?
When the uterus grows in size so that it exits the pelvis
What is the correlation between the fundal height and gestational age?
Fundal height in cm represents that gestation age of the fetus to about 36 weeks (+/- 2 weeks)
What level of exercise should pregnant women get to? Why not more?
Speaking while jogging etc
Do not risk the fetus
What is gestational age, technically?
Number of weeks that have elapsed between the 1st day of LMP and the date of delivery (NOT the presumed time of conception)
What is the EDD? How is this calculated?
Estimated date of delivery
What is Naegele’s rule?
Rule to determine the date of expectancy:
Add 1 year + 7 days to first day of LMP andn subtract 3 months
True or false: US established dates should take precedence over menstrual dates
When, in weeks gestation, can an abdominal US detect the gestational sac? What are the bhCG levels?
5-6 weeks
When, in weeks gestation, can an TVUS detect the gestational sac? What are the bhCG levels?
3-4 weeks
The embryo and cardiac activity should be seen if the hCG level is greater than what value?
What are the components of the GTPAL?
- Gravida
- Parity (term/preterm)
- Abortions
- Living
What is the technical definition of abortion for the GTPAL system?
Any pregnancy loss before 20 weeks
What are the normal pregnancy PE intervals for prenatal care? (3)
- q 4 weeks until 28 weeks
- q 2 weeks until 36 weeks
- q 1 week until delivery
What are the leopold maneuvers, and when can you perform these?
Feeling for the fetus
third trimester
What is the gestational age at which the fundal measurement is at the pubic symphysis
6 weeks
What is the gestational age at which the fundal measurement is at the umbilicus?
20 weeks
What is the gestational age at which the fundal measurement is at the xiphoid?
36 weeks
What is felt with leopold maneuvers? What is the sequence?
- Head
- buttocks
- back
- arms/legs
What are the infection screens that are done at the first prenatal visit? (6)
- Rubella
- Hep B and C
When should glucose screen be performed at the first prenatal visit?
If BMI is greater than 30
What are the general labs that are obtained at the first prenatal visit? (4)
- ABO/Rh
- Urine culture
During what gestational weeks is rechecking for Hb necessary in patients with gestational DM?
When does GBS testing begin?
35-37 weeks
What is the main lab that is obtained at postpartum day 1?
Hb to r/o anemia
Uterus emerges from the pelvis at how many weeks?
12 weeks
FHRs by doppler appear around what week?
12 weeks
What is the definition of a threatened abortion?
Bleeding before 20 weeks
When should the n/v of pregnancy subside?
After the first trimester
What is done in the 2nd trimester? (4 labs)
2nd integrated screen
- Hb
- Estriol
- Inhibin A
What are the measurements on US that determine gestational age in the 2nd trimester?
- Head circumference
- Biparietal diameter
When is movement perceived (nulliparous/multiparous)?
18-20 weeks in nulliparous or 16 weeks in multiparous
What are the components of the quad screen?
- Hb
- Estriol
- Inhibin A
What is the key screening test in the 3rd trimester?
Rh test and rhogam administration
When is Rh screening needed?
28 weeks
What are the four majors tests obtained at 28 weeks?
- Rh status
- Glucose GDM screen
- Repeat H&H
- Repeat ab screen
How should a seat belt be worn for a pregnant woman?
Below the uterus
When documenting GTPAL, do twins count as a P1 or P2?
If a patient on medicaid desires sterilization the consent forms must be signed more than (__) days in advance, but no more than (__) days in advance.
Bleeding in the 3rd trimester should always be suspicious for what?
Rh cross reactivity–get Rh type!
What is placental abruption, and how does it present?
The placental lining has separated from the uterus of the mother prior to delivery
Extremely painful
When does placenta previa usually present?
Around 32-34 weeks
Why do you not want to do a cervical exam if you do not know where the placenta is?
Do not want to stick fingers into the placenta, and damage it.
What tests are ordered at 36 weeks?
- H and H
- GC/chlamydia
How can you confirm fetal presentation in the 3rd trimester?
Leopold maneuvers or US
What is the difference between PROM and PPROM?
Premature and preterm premature ROM
How many calories a day are needed for pregnant women?
How many lbs should a pregnant woman gain during pregnancy?
25-35 lbs
When should folic acid supplementation begin and end?
4 weeks preconception to at least 12 weeks gestation
Why should soft cheeses and uncooked lunchmeat be avoided by pregnant women?
Concern for listeria monocytogenes
Is sushi okay for pregnant women to eat
Why should pregnant women avoid fish?
What happens to moles and skin tags in pregnancy?
What is PUPP?
Pruritic urticarial papules of pregnancy an intense pruritus that occurs in pregnancy
What causes the linea nigra to form?
Migration of melanocytes to the umbilicus
What happens to hair in pregnancy?
Gets longer, does not fall out as easily
What causes the erythema of the palms with pregnancy?
Dilation of the peripheral blood vessels
What is the treatment for diastasis recti that may occur with pregnancy?
Usually resolves on its own, but may need surgery
Why does GERD occur with pregnancy?
Estrogen makes the pyloric sphincter less competent
What happens to the kidneys with pregnancy?
Pressure on the ureters from the growing uterus may cause them to enlarge
Why is peristaltic activity decreased in pregnant women?
Colon is displaced upward, and posteriorly
What causes the urinary frequency and urgency with pregnancy?
Pressure from the enlarging uterus
What are the eye changes with pregnancy?
Changes in refractive power and increased lysozyme may cause clouding of contact lenses
True or false: pregnant patients are more at risk for mastitis even before giving birth
What causes the nasal stuffiness with pregnancy?
Increase capillaries of the nose, pharynx etc
What happens to the functional residual capacity in pregnancy? Vital capacity? RR? MInute ventilation?
- Decreased FRC
- Increased Vc
- Normal RR
- Min vent increases
True or false: dyspnea is common in prego
What happens to HR ans SV with prego?
What happens to the position of the heart with pregnancy?
Shifts into a more longitudinal position
Systolic murmurs are not uncommon over which listening post in pregnancy?
What happens to systemic vascular resistance with prego?
What causes hemorrhoids and dependent edema with pregnancy?
Compression of the IVC by baby
When do uterine contractions begin? What are the early ones called?
As early as the third month of gestation
Braxton Hicks
What is the effect of relaxin on the pelvic cartilage?
Softens to prep for delivery
True or false: any vaginal discharge in the 3rd trimester is concerning?
False– very common, and physiologic
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy?
D/t fluid retention
What is the most common site of back pain for pregnant women?
SI joint
True or false: Migraine headaches are more common in pregnancy