Prematurity (Week 3) Flashcards
What time period classifies a baby as premature?
born less than 37 weeks gestation
How many premature infants have neurodevelopmental disabilities?
LBW size?
5 1/2 lbs
VLBW size
3 1/2 lbs
ELBW size
2 1/2 lbs
micro-premie size
1 3/4 lbs
What is the difference b/w symmetric and asymmetric SGA?
symmetric SGA: baby is proportionally small in weight, length, head size
assymmetric SGA: baby weight is small but length and head size is typical
3 reasons for small baby
- mom issue such as illness or substance abuse
- placenta problem
- baby issue such as genetic factor or toxin exposure
Define apnea in a baby
if they stop breathing for 15-20 seconds
What is Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN)? Which side?
- right side of the heart is compromised
What is respiratory distress syndrome?
How many weeks premature?
- baby is born before 34 weeks and they do not have right level of surfactant to prevent the alveoli from collapsing
- acute condition when lungs are immature
What is respiratory syncytial virus?
What can it cause?
- similar to cold virus in adult but in a newborn
- most common cause of bronchiolitis
What is foramen ovale?
- opening for blood to flow from R. atria to L. atria in a fetus
- once born closes off and is called fossa ovalis
What is the ductus arteriosus?
- vessel that connects the pulmonary trunk to the aorta in a fetus so that any blood that enters the R. ventricle is pumped thru this vessel into the aorta and not the lungs
- after birth becomes the ligamentum arteriosum
When does the:
- heart develop
- start pumping blood
- heard thru stethoscope?
- develop = 5th week GA
- pump = 6th week GA (can see on ultrasound)
- heart = 22 week GA
Name the 2 shunts a fetal heart has.
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
2. Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO)
Most common heart defect in premature babies
List some common symptoms
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) not closing after birth
- Symptoms bc body not getting enough O2: poor growth, cry & sweat during eating, tachypnea or SOB (shortness of breath), tired easily, tachycardia, dusky or blue skin
What will eventually happen to a premie if there is mixing of deoxygenated and oxygenated blood?
- pulmonary hypertension and then heart failure
List 5 types of pulmonary hypertension
- Congenital heart defect
- Left side heart failure
- Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- Any type of clot
- Combo of these or another rare disease
What is it called when there is a condition with the shunt b/w atria?
atrial septal defect (ASD)
What is it called when there is a condition with the wall b/w ventricles?
ventricular septal defects (VSD)
What is the condition called when there is a combination of ASD, VSD, and AV valve abnormalities?
AV Canal defecits
What is coarctation of the aorta?
narrowing of the aorta
What is transposition of the great arteries?
When the aorta and pulmonary artery are in the reverse positions and need surgery to correct it
What is tetrology of fallot?
combo of 4 cardiac defecits
What procedure may be done if a baby has ASD, VSD, or PDA?
cardiac catheterization
What procedure may be done if a baby has ASD, VSD, AV canal deficits, transposition of great arteries, or tetralogy of fallot?
Open heart surgery
What stimulates the closure of the foramen ovale?
first breath
What is the earliest stage a premie can survive and why?
- 25 weeks bc at this point the bronchial trees have developed so they are capable of gas exchange but there is no surfactant
- called the canalicular stage of fetal lung development
What is the saccular stage?
- stage of fetal lung development when surfactant is detected, and alveoli develop
- 26-36 weeks
List the stages of fetal lung development
- embryonic
- pseudo-glandular
- canalicular
- saccular
- alveolar
What pulmonary condition has the following symptoms:
Cyanosis, apnea, grunting, nasal flaring, rapid shallow breath
Respiratory distress syndrome
What pulmonary condition has the following symptoms and what causes it:
Productive cough, chest pain, vomiting or diarrhea, loss of appetite, fatigue, fever and headache
- pneumonia
- Inflammation of lungs caused by bacterial, viral, or chemical irritation
What pulmonary condition has the following symptoms and what causes it:
Cough, wheezing, tachycardia, tachypnea, retractions, flaring, dehydration and poor appetite, fever, lethargy, and apnea
- bronchiolitis
- acute respiratory tract inflammation and infection, viral, bacterial
What pulmonary condition has the following symptoms and what causes it:
Tachycardia, tachypnea, respiratory distress, frequent desaturation, weight loss
- bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- chronic pulmonary condition that causes fibrotic change in the lungs
What is pediatric cystic fibrosis?
- Chronic progressive condition affecting exocrine glands
- Autosomal recessive 4:1
- thick mucus gland obstructions that affect the respiratory, GI, and reproductive systems
According to the AAP at what age is it ok to let children watch TV?
2 yrs old
What are 3 common acute pulmonary conditions
- pneumonia
- bronchiolitis
What are 3 common chronic pulmonary conditions
- Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- CF
- asthma
This disorder is characterized by children who are >/10 weeks premature who require ventilation and RDS
bronchiopulmonary dysplasia
This disorder is characterized by an incomplete lung development with inadequate alveoli and circulation
pulmonary hypoplasia
The tripod position and retractions are commonly seen in this disorder
This is a common cause of bronchiolitis
RSV respiratory syncytial virus
This is a common virus that is seen in adults and children
Incubation and tracheostomy can be a treatment of which disorder?
bronchopulmonary dysplasia
This procedure decreases airflow and pressure in the upper airways
4 common symptoms seen post-tracheostomy?
decrease in smell and taste
aphonia and voice difficulties
weak cough
what is a chronic progressive disease that effects exocrine glands causing gland obstructions
The chronic and reactive airway disease that inflames and narrows airways?