Preeclampsia Flashcards
What is the definition of preeclampsia?
Pregnancy induced: Hypertension (after 20 weeks'), >140/90 (or >30/15 over baseline) Proteinuria, >300mg/24hrs Generalised oedema Multisystem dysfunction
What Ix do you do for preeclampsia?
Maternal: FBE, coagulation studies, renal function (dipstick and urinary protein/Cr ratio), LFTs
Fetal: CTG, U/S
What are some indicators of severe preeclampsia?
Extreme HTN Headache Visual disturbances Pulmonary oedema Upper abdominal pain Worsening proteinuria Papilloedema
What is the definition of eclampsia?
Seizures in the context of preeclampsia
How is preeclampsia managed?
Prevention: calcium, low dose aspirin Admission Stabilisation Multidisciplinary care Fetal monitoring BP control: methyldopa, labetalol, nifedipine Fluid balance Seizure prophylaxis Neuronal stabilisation and fetal neuroprotection: MgSO4 Delivery! Postpartum observation
What are some complications of preeclampsia?
Cardiac: severe HTN, pulmonary oedema
Renal: oliguria, renal failure
Hepatic: hepatic rupture
Haem: DIC, haemolysis, thrombocytopenia
Neurological: eclampsia, cerebral haemorrhage
Uroplacental: abruption, fetal distress, fetal death
What is HELLP syndrome?
A variant of severe preeclampsia where HTN may not be the predominant feature
Characterised by haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low plt count
What are symptoms and signs of HELLP syndrome?
Malaise Epigastric pain RUQ tenderness N/V Headache Oedema