Ectopic pregnancy Flashcards
What are the common sites of an ectopic pregnancy?
Fallopian tubes: ampulla, isthmus, fimbrial ends
Peritoneal cavity
What are the risk factors for an ectopic pregnancy?
E = ectopics previously, endometriosis C = contraception - POP, IUD, emergency T = tubal surgery, damage or adhesions (PID, STIs) O = other abdominal surgery (appendectomy) P = PID I = IVF C = cause unknown (50%) S = smoking and advanced maternal age
What is the classic triad of symptoms for an ectopic pregnancy?
Amenorrhoea + lower abdominal pain + vaginal bleeding
What might you expect on examination with an ectopic pregnancy?
Tender adnexum and posterior fornix Cervical excitation (very tender on palpation) Acute abdomen +/- shock (massive intraperitoneal bleeding)
What Ix would you do for an ectopic pregnancy and what would you expect to see?
Quantitative bHCG every 48hrs x 3 readings: usually doubles in 48hrs, but in ectopic pregnancies it will not double normally (suboptimal rise)
U/S: empty uterus, free fluid in POD
What is the management for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy?
DRSABC - assess haemodynamic stability
IV access
Cross match
Coagulation screen
Resus with O-ve blood or IV fluid if blood unavailable
All Rh-ve women should receive anti D IgG
Call anaesthetics and obstetrician for emergency laparotomy
What is the management for an ectopic pregnancy if the patient is stable?
Methotrexate and monitoring of bHCG until drops to 0