Pre-Test Review Flashcards
Source Range High Flux reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 90,000 CPS
- 1/2 Source Range Counts
- P6
Intermediate Range High Flux reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 22.5 (20) % RTP
- 1/2 Intermediate Range Indicators
- P10
Power Range High Flux, low reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 20% RTP
- 2/4 Power Range Indicators
- p-10
Power Range High Flux, high reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 107% RTP
- 2/4 Power Range Indicators
- None
Power Range High Positive Rate reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 4.5 % in 2 sec
- 2/4 Power Range Indicators
- None
OTDT reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- Variable
- 2/4 OTDT Indicators
- None
OPDT reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- Variable
- 2/4 OPDT Indicators
- None
Pressurizer Pressure High reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 2385 psig
- 2/4 Pressure Channels
- None
Pressurizer Pressure Low reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 1950 psig
- 2/4 Pressure Channels
- P7
Pressurizer Level High reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 92%
- 2/3 Level Channels
- P7
RCS Loss of Flow reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 91% 2/3 Flow Channels on 1/4 loops (>P8)
- 91% 2/3 Flow Channels on 2/4 loops (P7)
RCP Bus Undervoltage reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 88 Volts
- 1/2 on 2/4 busses
- P7
RCP Bus Underfrequency reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 58.2 Hz
- 1/2 on 2/4 busses
- P7
RCP Breaker Position reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- Open Auxiliary Switches
- 2/4
- P7
Steam Generator Water Level Lo-Lo reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 5 (22) %
- 2/3 Level Channels on 1 out of 4 Steam Generators
- None
Steam Generator Water Level Lo w/ Feed < Steam reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 15 (26) % level AND 0.71E6 (1.47E6) lbm/hr
- 1/2 level channels on 1/4 Steam Generators AND 1/2 flow channels on the same Steam Generator
- None
Safety Injection reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- Either Train
- N/A
- None
Turbine Trip reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- Oil press < 800 psig OR Stop Valves 1%
- 2/3 Oil Channels OR 4/4 Stop Valve Limit Switches
- P8
Manual reactor trip:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- Manual Switches
- 1/2
- None
Manual SI actuation:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- N/A
- 1/2 per train
- None
Containment Pressure High SI actuation:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 1.0 psig
- 2/3 Pressure Channels
- None
Pressurizer Pressure Low SI actuation:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 1775 psig
- 2/3 Pressure Channels
- P11
Steam Line dP SI actuation:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 100 psid
- 2/3 Pressure Channels on 1 SG lower than 2 other SGs
- None
Steam Generator Pressure Low SI actuation:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 500 psig
- 1/1 Pressure Channels on 2 SGs
- P12
Manual Containment Spray actuation:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- N/A
- 1/1 per Train
- None
Containment Pressure High High Containment Spray actuation:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 2.8 psig
- 2/4 Pressure Channels
- None
Containment Isolation Phase A actuation signals
- Manual
- SI
Containment Isolation Phase B actuation signals
- Manual
Steam Line Isolation actuation signals w/ setpoints and coincidences
- Manual
- Containment Pressure High High (2.8 psig on 2/4 channels)
- Hi Steam Flow w/ P12 (1.42E6 [1.6E6] lbm/hr)
- SG Pressure Lo (500 psig 1/1 channels on 2 SGs)
Feed Water Isolation actuation signals w/ setpoints and coincidences
- Reactor Trip w/ Lo Tave (554 deg F on 2/4 loops)
- SG Water Level Hi-Hi (67% level on 2/3 channels on 1 SG)
- SI
What starts the CEQ fans w/ setpoints and coincidences
- Containment Pressure High (1.0 psig on 2/3 Pressure Channels)
- 5 min delay U1
- 2 min delay U2
What are the safety related functions of the Reactor Protection System
- Keep fuel within DNBR
- Limit RCS Pressure w/in design
What are the non-safety related functions of the Reactor Protection System
- Initiate Turbine trip from a Reactor Trip
- Status and Alarm Conditions
What is the function of OTDT & what are the inputs
- Protects from DNB
- Inputs from dT, Tave, AFD, and Pressurizer Pressure
What is the function of OPDT & what are the inputs
- Protects from kW/ft
- Inputs from dT and Tave
What are the Safety Limits
- WRB-1 DNBR >= 1.17
- W-3 BNDR >= 1.30
- Centerline Fuel Temperature < 5080 deg F (decreasing by 58 deg F per 10K MWD/MTU)
- RCS Pressure < 2735 psig
Loss of 4kV Bus Voltage MDAFP start signal:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 94 (93) V
- 2/3 on EITHER T11A/T11D bus
- None
Loss of 4kV Bus Voltage MDAFP Valve repositioning signal:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 94 (93) V
- 2/3 on BOTH T busses in the same train
- None
AMSAC MDAFP start signal:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- Feedwater Flow <25%
- 3/4 flow channels
- C20
Low Low Steam Generator Water Level MDAFP start signal:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 5 (22) % Level
- 2/3 level channels on 1 Steam Generator
- None
Loss of Both Main Feedpumps MDAFP start signal:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- Feedpump Turbine Stop Valves Closed
- 2/2 limit switches madeup (1 from each MFP)
- Only Available w/ switch in AUTO
RCP Bus Undervoltage TDAFP start signal:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 88 V
- 1/2 on 2 RCP busses
- On time delay
SG Water Level Low Low TDAFP start signal:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 5 (22) % Level
- 2/3 level channels on 2 Steam Generators)
- None
AMSAC TDAFP start signal:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- Feedwater Flow <25%
- 3/4 flow channels
- C20
Loss of Voltage Load Shed signal:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 94 (93) V
- 2/3 on ANY T bus
- 2 sec Delay
Degraded Bus Voltage signal:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- 113 V
- 2/3 on EITHER T11A/T11D
- 2 min Delay
RWST Sequence signal:
- Setpoint
- Coincidence
- Interlock
- VCT Level < 2.5%
- 2/2 Level Channels (QLC-451/2)
- Either IMO-910/911 full open before QMO-451/452 closes
Which Pressurizer Pressure Channels are used for SI
- Channels 1-3
Which Containment Pressure Channels are used for SI
- Channels 2-4
Which Containment Pressure Channels are used for CTS
- Channels 1-4
When is P4 active (On) and what is the function
- Both Reactor Trip Breaker A and Bypass Breaker A Open OR Both Reactor Trip Breaker B and Bypass Breaker B Open
- Combines w/ Low Tave to initiate FWI
- Seals in FWI from SI or Hi-Hi SG Levels
- Permit Manual block of auto SI signals
When is P4 inactive (Off) and what is the function
- Either Reactor Trip or Bypass Breaker racked in and closed
- Prevents/Defeats manual block of SI
When is P6 active (On) and what is the function
- 1/2 Intermediate Range detectors >= 1E-10 amps
- SR High Flux at SD alarm blocked clears
- Permits manual block of SR High Flux Trip
When is P6 active (Off) and what is the function
- 2/2 Intermediate Range dectors < 6E-11 amps
- Prevents/Defeats manual block of SR High Flux Trip
When is P7 active (On) and what is the function
- 3/4 Power Range Detectors < 10% AND 2/2 Impulse Pressures < 10% (P10 off AND P13 on)
- Permits auto block of “at power” reactor trips (6)
When is P7 active (Off) and what is the function
- 2/4 Power Range Detectors > 10% OR 1/2 Impulse Pressures > 10% (P10 on OR P13 off)
- Prevents/Defeats auto block of “at power” reactor trips (6)
When is P8 active (On) and what is the function
- 3/4 Power Range Detectors <= 29%
- Permits auto block of Reactor Trip due to single loop low flow AND Turbine trip
When is P8 active (Off) and what is the function
- 2/4 Power Range Detectors > 29%
- Prevents/Defeats auto block of Reactor Trip due to single loop flow AND Turbine Trip
When is P10 active (On) and what is the function
- 2/4 Power Range Detectors >= 10%
- Permits the Manual block of: \+ Power Range High Flux Low setpoint trip \+ IR Trip \+ IR Rod Stop - Also: \+ Resets P7 \+ Backup de-energization of SR
When is P10 active (Off) and what is the function
- 3/4 Power Range Detectors < 10%
- Prevents/Defeats manual blocks of: \+ Power Range High Flux Low setpoint trip \+ IR Trip \+ IR Rod Stop - Also: \+ Inputs to P7
When is P11 active (On) and what is the function
- 2/3 Pressurizer Pressure Channels < 1910 psig
- Permits manual block of Pressurizer Pressure Low SI
When is P11 active (Off) and what is the function
- 2/3 Pressurizer Pressure Channels >= 1910 psig
- Prevents/Defeats manual block of Pressurizer Pressure Low SI
When is P12 active (On) and what is the function
- 2/4 Loop Tave <= 541 deg F
- Allows manual block of SI due to low steam line pressure
- Combined w/ High Steam Flow gives a SLI
- Blocks all Steam Dumps
When is P12 active (Off) and what is the function
- 3/4 Loop Tave > 541 deg F
- Prevents/Defeats manual block of SI due to low steam line pressure
When is P13 active (On) and what is the function
- 2/2 Turbine Impulse Pressures < 10%
- Inputs to to P7
When is P13 active (Off) and what is the function
- 1/2 Turbine Impulse Pressures > 10%
- Input to P7
When is P14 active (On) and what is the function
- 2/3 SG NR Levels < 64% in ALL 4 SGs
- Allows MFW addition to SGs
When is P14 active (Off) and what is the function
- 2/3 SG NR Levels > 67% in AT LEAST 1 SG
- Prevents MFW addition by initiating FWI and tripping both MFPs and Main Turbine
When is C1 met and what is the function
- 1/2 IR detectors @ 18 (16) %
- Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal Stop (Blocked above P10)
When is C2 met and what is the function
- 1/4 PR detectors at 103%
- Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal Stop
When is C3 met and what is the function
- 2/4 OTDT at 3% < Trip Setpoint
- Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal stop AND initiates Turbine Runback
When is C4 met and what is the function
- 2/4 OPDT at 3% < Trip Setpoint
- Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal stop AND initiates Turbine Runback
When is C5 met and what is the function
- MPC-253 < 15%
- Prevents Auto Rod Withdrawal
When are C7A and C7B met and what are the functions
- 10% turbine load reject on MPC-254 (C7A)
- 30% turbine load reject on MPC-254 (C7B)
- Arms Steam Dumps
When is C8 met and what is the function
- 2/3 Oil Pressure Channels < 800 psig OR 4/4 Stop Valves at 1%
- Turbine Trip Interlock for Steam Dumps
When is C9 met and what is the function
- 1 Circ water pump Breaker closed
- CRID II energized
- 3/3 Condenser Vacuum >= 20.6 in Hg
- Unblocks Steam Dumps
When is C11 met and what is the function
- Control bank D at 229 steps
- Prevent Auto Rod Withdrawal
When is C20 met and what is the function
- 2/2 Turbine Impulse Pressures > 40%
- Enables AMSAC
What is the input into Pressurizer Level Program Control
- Auctioneered high Tave
How many gallons per % Level in the Pressurizer
- 75 gallons per % level
What happens at 17% Pressurizer Level and lowering
- All heaters are de-energized AND Letdown Orifice valves close to protect heaters
Why is NLI-151 (Pressurizer Level Cold Cal) used during cooldown
- Because actual level is lower than indicated on the hot cal channels and doesn’t provide heater protection
What instrument inputs to LTOP Protection for NRV-152
- NPS-122 (Loop 1 WR)
- Even, Even, Odd
What instrument inputs to LTOP Protection for NRV-153
- NPS-121 (Loop 2 WR)
- Odd, Odd, Even
What is the normal PRT:
- Temperature
- Level
- Pressure
- 100 deg F
- 83 % level
- 3 psig
Why are all backup heaters energized before a large dilution
- To promote boron equalization between the RCS and the Pressurizer
What are the dT limits for Aux Spray
- 320 deg F (TRM)
- 302 deg F (QTI-451)
- 290 deg F (QTI-60)
During cold shutdown why must PRT level remains less than 5% level
- To ensure sparger line are uncovered to aid in RCS draining
What is the minimum demand/flow achievable with QRV-251 in AUTO and what does this ensure
- QRV-251 stops at 23.5% demand/47 gpm in AUTO
- Prevents isolating seal injection
What action is required with regards to the BAT during emergency boration
- Must be manually shifted to FAST speed
What do the CCP ELO valves (QMO-225/226) do on an SI
- Close on SI
- w/ standing SI, 2 sec delay then cycle to maintain RCS pressure 1812-1825 psig (controlled by NPP-151/153)
- Continue to cycle until SI reset AND valves taken to Pull-to-Reset
If shutdown margin IS NOT within COLR limits what action must be taken
- Borate to restore within 15 minutes
Why is Charging flow kept slightly higher than Letdown flow during normal at power operations
- To account for seal leakoff flow
Generally speaking, what functions are associated with QLC-451
- VCT Makeup Functions
Generally speaking, what functions are associated with QLC-452
- VCT Divert Functions
What happens at 87% VCT level on QLC-451/452
- Trip open divert AND alarm (QLC-451)
- Divert full open (QLC-452)
What happens at 78% VCT level on QLC-451/452
- Nothing (QLC-451)
- Divert starts opening (QLC-452)
What happens at 24% VCT level on QLC-451/452
- Makeup secured (QLC-451)
- Nothing (QLC-452)
What happens at 14% VCT level on QLC-451/452
- Auto makeup starts AND low level alarm (QLC-451)
- Nothing (QLC-452)
What happens at 7% VCT level on QLC-451/452
- Nothing (QLC-451)
- Low level alarm (QLC-452)
What happens at 2.5% VCT level on QLC-451/452
- VCT Low Low Level Alarm (QLC-451/452)
- RWST Sequence on 2/2
What flow path does QRV-303 Letdown Divert Valve fail to
- Fails to VCT
What are the inputs to the Steam Dump controller in Tave Mode while on the “Load Rejection Controller”
- Auctioneered Tave-Tref
What are the inputs to the Steam Dump controller in Tave mode while on the “Turbine Trip Controller”
- Auctioneered Tave-547
How many groups of Steam Dump Valves are available while on the “Load Rejection Controller” AND at what temperature delta do they begin to open
- Group 1 (5 deg delta)
- Group 2 (9 deg delta)
- Group 3 (13 deg delta)
How many groups of Steam Dump Valves are available while on the “Turbine Trip Controller” AND at what temperature delta do they begin to open
- Group 1 (0 deg delta)
- Group 2 (10 deg delta)
What temperature is T no load
- 547 deg F
How many groups of Steam Dump Valves are available below “Low Tave” when the controller has been taken to “Bypass Interlock”
- One Group available below 541 deg F
What pressure is being controlled with the Steam Dump Controller in “Steam Pressure Mode”
- Bypass Header UPC-101
What are the ECCS Design Acceptance Criteria
- Peak clad temperature ,2200 deg F
- Max clad oxidation <17%
- H2 generation <1%
At what pressure does the CCP start to inject during an accident
- 2300 psig
At what pressure does the SI start to inject during an accident
- 1600 psig
At what pressure do the accumulators start to inject during an accident
- 600 psig
At what pressure does the RHR start to inject during an accident
- 200 psig
At what flow rate does the CCP inject during an accident
- 150-550 gpm
At what flow rate does the SI inject during an accident
- 400-600 gpm
At what flow rate does the RHR inject during an accident
- 4500 gpm
What is acceptable volume range for the Accumulators
- 921-971 cuft
What is acceptable pressure range for the Accumulators
- 585-658 psig
What is acceptable boron concentration range for the Accumulators
- 2400-2600 ppm
What interlocks must be met in order to start an RCP
- Bearing Lift Pump Motor Start Closed
- Bearing Lift Oil Pressure > 510 psig
What is the flow rate up through the #1 RCP seal
- 3 gpm
What is the flow rate up through the #2 RCP seal
- 3 gph
What is the flow rate up through the #3 RCP seal
- 100 cc/hr
Where does #1 RCP seal return go
- Seal Water Hx to the CCP suction/VCT
Where does #2 RCP seal flow go
- RCP standpipe/RCDT
Where does #3 RCP seal flow go
With regards to the RCPs, what must be done on a loss of CCW or a Phase B Containment Isolation AND what is the timeframe for this action AND why is this action taken
- Trip the RCPs
- Within 2 minutes
- Prevent damaging bearings
If at power what must be done if an RCP trips
- Trip the reactor
What do the Incore NIs do
- Determine magnitude/location of fuel burnup
- Identify misaligned rods
- Perform flux profiles/QPTR
What type of detectors are the Source Range NIs
- BF3 Proportional
What type of detectors are the Intermediate Range NIs
- Compensated Ion Chamber
What would your Intermediate Range NIs read if they are over compensated
- IR would give a false LOW indication
What would your Intermediate Range NIs read if they are under compensated
- IR would give a false HIGH indication
What type of detectors are the Power Range NIs
- Uncompensated Ion Chamber
What type of detectors are the Gammametrics NIs
- Fission Chamber
What is the tech spec limit for QPTR
- 1.02
Describe how QPTR is calculated
- Max upper vs AVERAGE of all Upper
- Max Lower vs AVERAGE of all Lower
If AFD IS NOT in target band what actions are required
- Above 90% power -> restore within 15 mins
- If you cannot restore w/in 15 mins then be less than 50% within 15 mins (30 mins total)
What are the inputs to Rod Control
- Auctioneered High Tave
- Auctioneered High PRNI
- MPC-253
During restoration of a mis-aligned rod, why is an urgen failure generated in the other banks of rods in that power cabiner
- All lift coil disconnect switches are open for that entire group
How fast do the shutdown rod banks move
- 62 steps per minute
- No indication of S/D banks C & D
How fast do the control banks move in MANUAL
- 48 steps per minute
How fast do the control banks move in AUTO
- 8-72 steps per minute
At what temperature error (Tave - Tref) do Rods start to move
- 1.5 deg F
At what speed do rods move in AUTO with a temperature error between 1.5 deg F and 3.0 deg F
- 8 steps per minute
At what speed do rods move in AUTO with a temperature error between 3.0 deg F and 5.0 deg F
- Increases linearly from 8 steps to 72 steps per minute
At what temperature error (Tave - Tref) do Rods stop moving
- 1 deg F
What does the Variable Gain Unit do for Rod Control
- Increases the output at low power
- Reactivity changes at low power have a smaller effect on power than at high power
What does the Mismatch Rate Comparator do for Rod Control
- Provides faster response to transient conditions
- Rate of change vs. Turbine 1st stage press AND NIs
- Rate eventually decays away
What must be done with 1 rod out of the ARM (Allowable Rod Misalignment)
- Borate to SDM within 1 hour AND lower power to 75% within 2 hours
What must be done with more than 1 rods out of the ARM (Allowable Rod Misalignment)
- Borate to SDM within 1 hour OR be in M3 in 6 hours
What is the definition of Mode 1
- Keff >= 0.99
- > 5% RTP
What is the definition of Mode 2
- Keff >= 0.99
- <= 5% RTP
What is the definition of Mode 3
- Keff < 0.99
- >= 350 deg F
What is the definition of Mode 4
- Keff < 0.99
- 200 deg F < Tave < 350 deg F
What is the definition of Mode 5
- Keff < 0.99
- <= 200 deg F
In Mode 4 how many RCS Loops are required operable AND what action is required if NOT met
- 2 RCS OR RHR loops with 1 in operation
- Restore Immediately
In Mode 5 with Loops Filled how many RCS Loops are required operable AND what action is required if NOT met
- 1 RHR loop operable and in Operation AND Either 1 additional RHR loop Operatble OR 2 SGs Operable
- Restore Immediately
In Mode 5 with Loops NOT Filled how many RCS Loops are required operable AND what action is required if NOT met
- 2 RHR loops operable AND 1 in operation
- Restore Immediately
In Modes 1-3 how many ECCS Trains must be operable
- 2 trains
- IF less than 100% flow THEN LCO 3.0.3
In Mode 4 how many ECCS Trains must be operable AND what action is required if NOT met
- 1 train
- Restore Immediately
In Mode 6 with greater than 23 ft of water how many RHR loops are required AND what action is required if NOT met
- One RHR loop operable AND in operation
- Restore Immediately
In Mode 6 with less than 23 ft of water how many RHR loops are required AND what action is required if NOT met
- Two RHR loops operable AND one in operation
- Restore Immediately
With level greater than 23 ft during refueling how long can the required RHR train be removed for service AND what stipulations are there
- Required loop can be removed for less than 1 hour per 8 hour period
- No operations are permitted that would cause RCS dilution
Under what conditions is RVLIS Narrow Range Used
- No RCPs running
Under what condtions is RVLIS Wide Range Used
- With RCPs running
Under what conditions is RVLIS Upper Plenum Used
- No RCPs running
- Used for fill & vent using RCP bump method
What are the inputs to the Subcooling meters
- Auctioneered Hi CETC OR WR RTD
- Auctioneered LO RVLIS pressure
Why is RVLIS pressure used for the subcooling meters
- Because it’s located outside of Containment (Mild Environment)
If RCS Tave is less than 541 deg F what action is required
- Be in M2 w/ Keff <1 in 30 minutes
If RCS Tave is less than 539 deg F what action is required
- Immediately place Rx in subcritical condition
What are the RCS heatup and cooldown limits
- 60 deg F/hr heatup
- 100 deg F/hr cooldown
What is the required action if an RCS heatup OR cooldown limit is exceeded in M1-4
- Restore to within 30 minutes
- Due to brittle fracture concerns
What is the required action if an RCS heatup OR cooldown limit is exceeded M5
- Restore immediately
- Due to brittle fracture concerns
During power changes, when is an Iodine sample required
- If the power change is greater than 15% in 1 hour
If an RHR pump trips at low temperatures what is the effect on Letdown flow
- Letdown flow is reduced immediately from the loss of pump discharge pressure
During a cooldown why is 600 gpm RHR flow sent to L2 & L3 Hot legs
- To keep L3 subcooled during pressurizer outsurge
During the recirculation phase of an accident, which train of RHR provides suction to the SI pumps
- West RHR
During the recirculation phase of an accident, which train of RHR provides suction to the CCP pumps
- East RHR
In order to open ICM-305/306 (RHR Suction from the Recirc Sump), what interlocks must be met
- IMO-310/320 (RHR suction from RWST) CLOSED
In order to open IMO-340/350 (RHR to CCP/SI Suction), what interlocks must be met
- ICM-305/306 (RHR suction from Recirc Sump) OPEN
- IMO-262 OR IMO 263 (SI Recirc to RWST) CLOSED
In order to open IMO-330/331 (RHR to Upper Spray), what interlocks must be met
- ICM-305/306 (RHR suction from Recirc Sump) OPEN
In order to open IMO-310/320 (RHR Suction from RWST), what interlocks must be met
- ICM-305/306 (RHR suction from Recirc Sump) CLOSED
- IMO-340/350 (RHR to CCP/SI) CLOSED
- IMO-330/331 (RHR to Upper Spray) CLOSED
What interlock enables the RWST Lo-Lo Level RHR trip at 9%
- IMO-310/320 OPEN
What provides the open signal for ESW to CTS Hx valves to OPEN
- ICM-305/306 OPEN
What interlock must be met in order to open IMO-128/ICM-129
- NPS-122 < 411 psig (L1 WR Press) for IMO-128
- NPS-121 < 411 psig (L2 WR Press) for ICM-129
How much is turbine load lowered (MW) AND at what rate rate does the load reduction occur for a 10% manual runback
- 114.9 (121.7) MW @ 100 MW/min
How much is turbine load lowered (MW) AND at what rate rate does the load reduction occur for a 20% manual runback
- 130 (240) MW @ 100 MW/min
How much is turbine load lowered (MW) AND at what rate rate does the load reduction occur for a Loss of Feed Pump
- Goes to load target of 625 MW @ 600 MW/min in U1
- Goes to 90% @ 1000 MW/min then to 60% @140 MW/min in U2
When is the Loss of Feed Pump turbine runback enables
- Greater than 54.5% U1
- Greater than 60% U2
How much is turbine load lowered (MW) AND at what rate rate does the load reduction occur for an OPDT/OTDT runback
- 30 MW @ an average of 124 (134) MW/min
- 1 sec on (10X speed) 9.5 sec off
How much is turbine load lowered (MW) AND at what rate rate does the load reduction occur for an ATWS
- Load target of 1 MW @ 1389 MW/min
How much is turbine load lowered (MW) AND at what rate rate does the load reduction occur for a Power Load Unbalance runback
- 30 MW @ 1389 MW/min in MW-OUT
Where is SG water level measured
- In the downcomer
What is the SG normal level
- 43.8%
What causes SG water level SHRINK
- Reduction is steam flow (i.e., Pressure rises, bubbles collapse)
What causes SG water level SWELL
- Increase in steam flow (i.e., Pressure lowers, bubbles expand)
After a prolonged period of SF and FF mismatch where will SG water levels ultimately settle out (assuming no operator actions or automatic actions occur) AND why does this happen
- 43.8 % BECAUSE SGWLC is level dominate
- Valves will move to reduce error but level will ultimately override error signal
What will AUTO start an ESW pump
- SI on either Unit
- Load shed
- Low header pressure 40 psig (switch in AUTO only)
Which unit supplies control air for BOTH units ESW backwash strainer
- Unit 1
What will AUTO start a CCW pump
- SI
- Loadshed
- Low discharge pressure on running pump 80 psig (switch in AUTO only)
What is the flow range for a CCW pump (min flow - run out flow)
- 3,000 - 9,000 gpm
What actions occur in the CCW system on an SI
- Letdown Hx Isolate
- ESW to CCW Hx Throttles 5500 gpm
- RHR Hx Outlet opens to 3000-3500 gpm
- CCW Hx outlet opens (also on a LOOP)
What do the Odd numbered Containment Radiation monitors (Train A) do during a CVI
- Close the 100 series (inside containment) valves
- Trips the IR Purge Supply fan
What do the Even numbered Containment Radiation monitors (Train B) do during a CVI
- Close the 200 series (outside containment) valves
- Trips Pressure Relief fan
- Trips Upper & Lower Containment Purge Supply fans
- Trips Upper & Lower Containment Purge Exhaust fans
- Trips IR Purge Exhaust fan
What are the Upper Containment tech spec temperature limits
- 60-100 deg F
What are the Lower Containment tech spec temperature limits
- 60-120 deg F
What are the Containment Pressure limits AND what is the required action if outside the limits
- -1.5 to +0.3 psig
- Restore within 1 hour
When is new fuel considered conditioned
- After 72 hours of operation in the last 7 days
When is fuel considered condition under “normal” operation
- After 72 hours of operation in the last 30 days
What is the power escalation rate limit below 50% power
- There is no limit
What is the power escalation limit above 50% with condition fuel
- 10% per hour
What is the power escalation limit above 50% with unconditioned fuel
- 3% per hour
How many steps per hour can rods be withdrawn between 50%-75% with unconditioned fuel
- 3 steps per hour
How many steps per hour can rods be withdrawn above 75% with unconditioned fuel
- 6 steps per hour
How many steps per hour can rods be withdrawn above 50% with conditioned fuel
- There is no hourly limit (3 steps at a time until feedback is received)
What does the Turbine being in MW-in do
- Allows valves to move to maintain constant MW
What does the Turbine being in MW-out do
- Holds the valves in position (MWs may vary)
What conditions will force a MFP to speed control
- BOTH MS pressure transmitters fail
- BOTH MFP Hdr pressure transmitters fail
- MFP DP setpoint transmitter fails
- Other MFP trips above 60% power
- MFP Speed > 5220 (5300) rpm
How is the dP auto target setpoint for MFPs determined
- Based on the total steam flow from selected channels
How is the actual dP for MFPs determined
- Highest steam pressure
- Lowest feedwater pressure
What is the tech spec minimum volume of the CST in gallons AND percent
- 182,000 gal
- 44%
What is the basis for the CST minimum volume
- Maintain plant in hot standby for 9 hours on PORVs w/ LOOP
What is the maximum and minimum flow for a MFP
- 7M lbm/hr MAX
- 2M lbm/hr MIN (ELO capacity)
What are the MFP hardwired trips
- Manual
- Reactor Trip
- SI
- Hi-Hi SG lvl (P14)
- IOPS (110%)
- Thrust Bearing Wear
What are the MFP DCS trips
- Condenser Vacuum Low (20”/20.3” Hg)
- Overspeed (107%)
- Lube Oil Pressure (4 psig, 5 sec delay)
- Low Suction Pressure (180 psig, 5 sec delay)
- Low Trip Header Pressure (800 psig)
What are the EDG trips with an SI or LOOP w/ 250 VDC available
- Generator Phase Differential
- Electronic Overspeed (110%)
- Manual push button
If the EDG electronic governor fails high, what happens
- Speed will rise and machine will be controlled by the mechanical governor
Why is the EDG inoperable during testing
- Because it will not generate a load shed signal
What is the tech spec limit on EDG air receiver pressure
- 190 psig
What is the tech spec level range for the EDG fuel oil tank
- 39,500 gal - 46,000 gal
What is the tech spec limit for the EDG day tank
- 101.4 gal
Why is EDG load raised to 900-1100 KW after closing the output breaker
- To prevent motoring of the EDG due to no-load conditions
Why do extraction steam lines to feedwater and condensate heaters have check valves
- To protect the turbine from overspeeding
Which train of RATs does TR-5 supply
- Train B
Which train of RATs does TR-9 supply
- Train A
Why does transferring to EP require a dead bus transfer
- Because EP is 30 deg out of phase
What is the ampacity limit for EP
- 600 amps per phase (Aluminum cables)
What are the SDGs sized for
- 1 train of RCS inventory control
Describe is the degraded bus voltage sequence
- 113 V on 2/3 indicator on T11A or T11D
- 9 sec delay w/ SI or SG lo-lo, Load Shed
- 99 sec, Auto transfer to RATs
- 120 sec, Load Shed
- 120 sec time delay to Load Shed w/o SI or SG Lo Lo
- 9 sec time delay to Load Shed w/ SI or SG Lo Lo
If a degraded bus voltage sequence occurs which busses are stripped
- Both busses on the train that initiated the DBV
Describe the Load Shed sequence
- 94 (93) V on 2/3 indicators on ANY T bus
- 2 sec delay
- Trips bus feeders, loads, and starts EDG and sequences loads
What initiates a Load Conservation and what does it do
- Trips and locks out non-essential loads
- Prevents restarting stripped loads until 75 sec timer or SI reset after 60 sec SI timer
- Trips NESW pp