Important Secondary Shit Flashcards
How do the starting air valves fail due to a loss of CA on the EDG?
As Is
What happens if the EDG electronic governor fails High?
Speed will rise until the mechanical governor takes over
What are the 1KV Inverter loads for the EDG?
Speed Transmitters
Bear Temp Monitor
Field Flash Power
Local/Remote control Transfer Relays
Why is the EDG INOP during surveillance testing?
It will not generate a Loadshed signal
How will the EDG Throttle control cylinder fail on loss of CA?
Extended, forcing the fuel racks closed
What order do the EDG fans start on an EDG start?
Exhaust fan starts immediately
Supply fan has a 20 sec delay
What stops the EDG Ventilation fans?
30 mins after EDG stops
70*F Room Temp
CO2 Actuation
What supplies the EDG with fuel oil during operation?
Shaft driven pump
When do the upper valve gear lube oil valves open for the EDG?
On the start signal
2 mins every 4 hrs in Sby
When does the EDG Jacket water pump start?
on run relay (95% speed)
What are the Circ Water support systems?
250 VDC
Screen Wash
Vac Priming
Does the CW Pump discharge valve change position automatically?
Only on an auto start or breaker opening
Manual starts require manual valve manipulations
What is the De-Icing flowpath?
WMO-16 or 26 Open
WMO-30 Open
Can a NESW Pump be restarted after a loadshed?
Yes, by going to lockout after 75 secs
If you lose CA, do MAC valves has backup air bottles?
They close immediately
What are the suction sources for the NESW Pump in order of preference?
- Circ Water Suction (own and opp)
2. Discharge Tunnels (own and opp)
Where does CA come from to the ESW Strainers for backwash?
Unit 1 supplies both Units
Is there auto makeup to the CCW Surge Tank?
No auto signal
What is the makeup to the CCW Surge Tank?
Demin Water
What are the ESF Loads for CCW?
RHR hx RHR pp Seal Hx CTS pp Seal Hx SI pp Seal Hx SI LO cooler CCP LO cooler CCP Speed Increaser
What is the biggest Misc Hdr load for CCW?
What are the pressures for compressed air system actions?
95 # PAC Opp Unit PAC starts
90# CAC Starts
85# PA Hdr Iso Valve Close
80# Manual Rx Trip
Where is the 90# sensed to start the CAC?
wet air receiver pressure
PAC air flowpath for control air?
Pac ==> Plant Air Receivers ==> Control Air
Can the Backup PAC supply both units?
YES! If Isolation valves are closed
If you lose air to VRV-315/325 for the CR Ventilation, how will these valves fail?
Full flow to chillers
How much exhaust hood spray is there for U1?
138 gpm
How much exhaust hood spray is there for U2?
1200 gpm
What is minimum flow for a CBP?
4000 gpm
LP#1 heaters can provide how much flow capacity?
50% per string
LP 2-4 Htrs can provide how much flow capacity?
80% per string
CRV-224, LP Htr Bypass valve is good for how much flow?
What is the purpose of CRV-224, LP Htr Bypass valve?
maintains NPSH for MFP
What are the loads for the TACW Pump?
Bus Duct Cooling
Hydrogen Coolers
Stator Water Coolers
Exciter Coolers
U1- Steam Packing Exhauster
U2- Glad Steam Condenser