pre-op assessment Flashcards
minimum alveolar concentration. stands for the alveolar partial pressures of a gas in which 50% of humans do not respond to a surgical stimulus.
when do you want a full mac?
prior to incision
who has the highest MAC requirement
as people get older, mac values
the more oil/lipid soluble an inhaled anesthetic is,
the more potent it is. Meyer Overton rule
MAC value for isoflurane
MAC for sevo
MAC for des
normal Hct
25-30% is tolerated, 25-40 is normal.
normal hgb
7 is acceptable
multiply hgb by ___ to get your hct
Mac for nitrous
104.. but really 100. cant get to a full mac of nitrous
which gas is the most potent
iso, then sevo, then des, then nitrous
MP class 1
soft palate, tonsillar fauces, tonsillar pillars, and uvula
MP class 2
soft palate, tonsillar fauces, and uvula
MP class 3
soft palate and base of uvula
MP class 4
soft palate not visualized. hard palate only
what is the cormack view
the view of the chords you actually see on laryngoscopy
cormack grade 1
full view of vocal cords, glotties
cormack grade 2
partial view of epiglottis, vocal cords, arytenoid, and corniculate cartilages