Practice Test #5 Flashcards
In severe aortic stenosis, all of the following are indications of valve replacement except: Myocardial ischemia, left ventricle hypertrophy, palpitations, angina?
Ethylene Oxide sterilization destroys microbes by the process of :
Prior to being placed in an EtO sterilizer, items must :
be completely dry
What nerve is at greatest risk during a thyroidectomy?
Recurrent Laryngeal
Which nerve could be compressed against the humerus in the prone position?
If the broth in the steam sterilization biological indicator is yellow after incubation, what action should be taken?
Items must be immediately recalled
Which of the following vessels arises from the right ventricle of the heart : descending aorta, ascending aorta, pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery?
Pulmonary artery
Which of the following procedures requires preoperative high-level disinfection of the endoscope : bronchoscopy, laparoscopy, mediastinoscopy, thoracoscopy?
If the surgeon uses a knife blade to incise the oral mucosa, the preferred blade is :
12 blade
What is inserted into the tympanic membrane incision during a myringotomy?
PE tube
Which organelle contains digestive juices?
During a thyroidectomy, if all parathyroid glands are accidentally removed, what complication will occur?
Which of the following surgical instruments are used to retract the lung : Glover, Kocher, Allison, Davidson?
What would the preoperative diagnosis be for an infant undergoing craniotomy?
Where is the anterior chamber of the eye located?
Posterior to the cornea and anterior to the iris
What procedure is an incision into the tympanic membrane for the removal of accumulated fluid?
Which of the following is not a requirement when a patient is placed in the prone position : bolsters placed under axilla, arms on armboards parallel to bed, head placed on donut, safety belt is placed below the knees?
Safety belt is placed below the knees
Which stapling device would be used to create an anastomosis during a lower anterior resection?
What route of drug administration is parenteral?
Which space is entered during a thymectomy?
Femoral rasps are used for which of the following reasons : expose the operative site, file the cortical bone, prepare the intramedullary space for a prosthesis, inject bone cement into the intramedullary space?
Prepare the intramedullary space for a prosthesis
What incision is frequently used for pediatric aortic coarctation repair?
Posterolateral thoracotomy
The purpose of the kidney elevator is to :
Increase the space between the lower rib and iliac crest
What is the proper method of handling disposable suction containers when turning over an OR?
Wipe down outside of container and place in biohazard bag for disposal
How often should biological testing of EtO sterilization be conducted?
Every load
Which of the following is a liquid chemical sterilant often used for sterilizing endoscopes with a cycle time of 30 minutes : isopropyl alcohol, sodium hypochlorite, peracetic acid, glutaraldyhyde?
Peracetic acid
A short-acting narcotic opioid given intramuscularly for preoperative sedation is :
How many minutes should a frazier suction tip be immediate-use (flashed) sterilized in a gravity steam sterilizer?
How often should the steam sterilizing machine’s strainer be cleaned?
What is the smallest microorganism that requires a host cell for replication?
An intraoperative mutagenic and carcinogenic hazard of laser use is :
laser plume
Which of the following incisions would be performed for repair of a liver laceration : midline, pfannenstiel, oblique, McBurney’s?
Which portion of the stomach is superior to the esophogeal sphincter?
What does pneumonectomy mean?
removal of the lung
What is responsible for causing transmission of spongiform encephalopathy?
The thyroid gland consists of right and left lobes joined by the :
A sustained contraction produced by rapid stimuli is called:
Which of the following would be the least likely complication of suprapubic prostatectomy : acute phlebitis, acute epidiymitis, embolism, hemorrhage?
acute phlebitis
What type of needle is used when suturing the skin?
reverse cutting
Which of the following factors is used to determine the inflation pressure of a tourniquet : previous surgeries, length of surgery, type of incision, patient’s age?
patient’s age
At the end of the procedure and after the patient has been transported out of the OR, the ST should remove the :
What is considered the operative stage of anesthesia?
A rapid-onset muscle relaxant used for intubation is :
When the ST is breaking down the back table, instruments with ratchets should be :
Placed in a basin with enzymatic solution in open position for transport to decontamination
The cup-like extensions of the renal pelvis that collect urine from the pyramids are :
The inner layer of an artery is the :
In the presence of infection, the absorption rate of surgical gut is :
Dark blood in the sterile field could indicate what?
Which of the following is a type of meniscal tear: greenstick, bucket handle, capsular, comminuted?
Bucket handle
Which of the following microorganisms is least likely to be associated with wound infections : E. Coli, Stapylococcus, Clostridium perfringens, Treponema palladium?
Treponema palladium
When using EtO sterilization, the recommended aeration time for an aerator set at 140*F is :
8 hours
Which of the following vessels empties into the right atrium : pulmonary vein, aortic arch, superior vena cava, pulmonary artery?
Superior Vena Cava
What dietary substance enhances the production of collagen?
What procedure should the first scrub ST set up for when a female patient is undergoing s repair for a cystocele and rectocele?
Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy
Which vein drains the small intestine?
Hepatic portal vein
What specialized retractors are used during a rotator cuff repair?
Which portion of the small intestine joins to the large intestine?
Which tank would be brought into the OR if a ST is preparing an oscillating saw?
Compressed Nitrogen