Microbiology Flashcards
Microorganisms that can be macroscopic and treated with antihelmintic drugs are :
parasitic worms
A tough resistant “shell form” of some gram-positive bacilli which is extremely resistant to destruction and toward which all sterilization methods are aimed :
What is associated with streptococcus pyogenes?
Necrotizing fascitis
What color does a gram-stain turn when it’s positive?
What color does a gram-stain turn when it’s negative?
What is the degree that a pathogen will cause a disease?
What is a method used to prevent microorganisms from contaminating objects in the OR?
What is the organism that is easily removed through washing and lives on the surface of the skin?
transient organisms
Bacteriostatic means :
to inhibit the growth of microorganisms
The organism most frequently found in burns :
Psuedomonas aeruginosa
Gas gangrene is caused by :
Clostridium perfringens
OSHA is a governmental regulating agency whose aim is to :
execute requirements designed to prevent transmission of blood-borne pathogens in the work enviroment
A cicatrix is :
a scar
The type of wound healing that requires debridement is :
To promote healing a surgical wound must have all of the following EXCEPT : suture closing of dead space, drains to remove fluid or air, a moderately tight dressing, tight sutures to create tension?
tight sutures to create tension
What living cells are more complex, have nuclei and include protozoa, fungi, green, red, and brown algae?
A surgical technologist just opened an instrument set that is wet inside after undergoing steam sterilization. Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for the condensate in the package and how can it be corrected?
The absorbent towels were wrapped too tightly around the instrument tray, so they retained moisture. The tray should be reprocessed with loosely wrapped new towels.