Practice Test #4 Flashcards
Why is an indwelling Foley catheter placed prior to a hysterectomy?
Avoid injury to bladder
Which of the following is used to stain the cervix for a Schiller’s test : Lugol’s solution, Indigo carmine, Methylene Blue, Acetic Acid?
Lugol’s solution
What method is used to confirm that items have been exposed to the sterilization process but sterility is not guaranteed?
Which structure, during a total hip arthroplasty, requires intramedullary reaming prior to placement of a prosthesis?
Femoral canal
Which of the following is the least restrictive form of credentialing : Certification, Licensure, Registration, Accreditation?
What should be transported to the PACU with a patient who underwent a thyroidectomy?
Tracheotomy tray
Which organelle is responsible for packaging of proteins?
Golgi complex
Which of the following is a primary postoperative complication of carotid endartectomy : failure of graft, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, stroke?
Which method of sterilization requires an aeration cycle?
Elevated IOP in a glaucoma patient is a result of excess :
Aqueous humor
The large artery to arises from the left side of the aortic arch and descends into the arm is the :
What is the name for a dorsally angulated fracture of the distal radius?
Which ligament is transected during surgery for De Quervain’s Disease?
Dorsal carpal
What approach is used for the removal of a small acoustic neuroma that is located in the internal auditory canal?
Middle fossa
What drug is used to treat hypotension and shock?
The agent used to expand blood plasma volume is :
Which of the following agents should not be used to disinfect endoscopes : Distilled water, glutaraldehyde, enzymatic solution, isopropyl alcohol?
Isopropyl alcohol
What term refers to cell “drinking”?
Which type of fire extinguisher should be available when using a laser?
What is the major side effects of thrombolytics?
If a sterile glove becomes contaminated during a procedure, what action should the ST take?
Circ pulls off glove; ST is regloved by another sterile team member
What is the proper procedure for removing a laparotomy drape?
ST holds dressing in place; rolls drape head to feet
Gerota’s fascia is located:
Around the kidney
What is the purpose of maintaining 20 - 60% relative humidity in the OR?
Decrease static electricity
What is the technical term for robotic arms?
Vitamins A, D, E, and K are absorbed in the :
Which of the following vessels is harvested during a CABG : Azygous vein, internal mammary artery, popliteal vein, left axillary artery?
Internal mammary artery
Which type of laser is used to remove polymethacrylate from a cemented joint implant during a revision arthroplasty?
Carbon Dioxide
In large abdominal wounds that require frequent dressing changes, which of the following will minimize the skin break-down?
Montgomery straps
What is the importance of humidity when using EtO sterilization?
Hydrate spores and bacteria
The medial mallelous is part of which bone?
What is performed prior to implantation of a Dacron knit polyester graft?
The ciliary body is part of which layer of the eye?
Which of these drugs is a miotic : Tropicamide, Atropine, Pilocarpine, Phenylephrine?
What is the term for the division of a reproductive cell into two cells with chromosome cells?
Which of the following accelerates the coagulation cascade : papaverine, epinepherine, topical thrombin, IV heparin?
Topical thrombin
What does the term ‘os’ mean?
What type of suture is used for a vascular reanastomosis?
Nonabsorbable monofilament
Which of the following represents a saddle joint : radius and carpals, thumb and trapezium, femur and hip, ulna and radius?
thumb and trapezium
An emergency drug given to stabilize ventricular fibrillation is :
What assesses the electrical activity of the nervous system?
The functional unit of the kidney responsible for removing waste and regulating fluid is the :
The process by which glucose is stored as glycogen is:
For which of the following surgical procedures would bupivivaine with epi be contraindicated : subacromial decompression, total joint arthroplasty, knee arthroscopy, trigger finger release?
Trigger finger release
Which of the following procedures is performed before completing an ileal conduit : Ureterolithotomy, Prostatectomy, Cystectomy, Ileostomy?
What is the recommended postoperative handling of reusable instruments used on a patient with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease?
Place in biohazard bag and destroy
In what anatomical structure would a T-tube most likley be placed?
Common bile duct
What is the required pressure for a steam sterilizer set at a temperature of 250*?
What is the most commonly used thermal method of hemostasis in cranial surgery?
Bipoloar electrosurgery
A wrapped instrument set that will be run in the steam prevacuum sterilizer at 270* must be sterilized for a minimum of :
4 minutes
The sutures of the adult skull are examples of :
Catabolism of fats produces :
Ketone bodies