practice test 2 Flashcards
impaired language comprehension following a stroke is diagnosed as what?
wernickes aphasia
door-to- door salespeople are paid on commission and maintain high levels of perseverance despite infrequent sales displays an effect of what?
variable ratio schedule
what did investigators into the influence of group pressure on perceptual judgements reveal?
the more open to interpretation the stimulus, the more likely it is that the subject will conform to group pressure
what is a statement that characterizes cognitive-structuralist orientation in developmental psych?
a child actively constructs their own knowledge
who is associated with functional autonomy?
what is the most important assumption made by Piaget about intelligence?
assimilation and accommodation are necessary for the development of intelligence
what does motion parallax do?
makes objects appear larger when the viewer steps back
Bowlby’s major contribution to theories of child development grew out of studies of?
children separated from their families
in the auditory system, where does transduction take place?
organ of corti
what can calculating standard deviations most directly assess?
whether the price of corn was subject to greater fluctuations during July than the price of wheat
what did McClelland & Rumelhart develop the idea of?
parallel distributed processing
what is the dominant hemisphere more adept at?
spatial organization
what was Galton’s major contribution to psychology?
focus on ind. diffs
what does the dual code hypothesis suggest?
concrete information tends to be recalled better than abstract information
what is bandura associated with?
social learning theory
removal of the hippocampus is most likely to lead to what?
retrograde amnesia
who studied the effect of misleading questions on eyewitness testimony?
what is used to treat an acute schizophrenic episode?
what is confabulation usually a symptom of?
Korsakoff’s syndrome
what four researchers made important contributions to psychophysics?
fechner, Stevens, weber and swets
what does iconic memory refer to?
short term visual sensory memory
what is the custom that a majority vote is sufficient to become law closely associated with?
all or nothing law regarding action potential
what is used to measure the time it takes to perform various mental processes?
mental chronometry
under dim light, a researcher repeatedly displays several objects to a subject, so that each time, the image falls on a different part of their retina. what is the expected result?
object discrimination will be best in the fovea
who clearly demonstrated vicarious learning?
where is aggressive behavior inhibited
septal nuclei