important people Flashcards
who is associated with the inferiority complex?
proposed the gain-loss principle that states: an evaluation that changes will have more effect than one that remains constant
Aronson and Linder
developed self-perception theory as an alternative to cognitive dissonance theory
who’s empirical studies led to traveling theory of pitch perception, which supported Hemholtz’s place-resonance theory
discovered and studied instinctual drift
Breland and breland
investigated the role of schemata in memory and determined that memory is largely a reconstructive process
who coined the term schizophrenia
proposed filter theory of attention
developed list of depth cues that help us perceive depth
developed social learning theory after studying observational learning
focuses on learning through social contexts
what is bandura’s theory of vicarious reinforcement?
individuals can learn new behaviors by watching other people’s behaviors being reinforced
distinguished between surface and deep structures of a sentence; studied transformational rules that could be used to transform one sentence into another
what term did Chomsky coin
transformational grammar
studied ANS’s fight or flight reactions, investigated homeostasis, and proposed the cannon bard theory of emotions
who is credited with the first inference of the existence of synapses
devised the spreading activation model of semantic memory
collins and Loftus
developed the levels of processing theory of memory as an alternative to the stage theory of memory
craik and lockhart
proposed that social influence and diffusion of responsibility lead to nonhelping
Darley and Latane
discovered that gender differences in conformity are due to differing social roles
studied memory using nonsense syllables and the method of savings; developed the forgetting curve
what are Eysenck’s two major dimensions of personality?
stability and introversion
what did Fechner do?
quantified weber’s statement of the relationship between stimulus and sensation
who’s existential approach to therapy center around meaningfulness?
victor frankl
who coined the term cognitive dissonance?
in Freud’s structural dynamic model of personality, what are the unconscious mechanisms that deny, falsify and distort reality?
defense mechanisms
what is the primary process in Freud’s structural dynamic model of personality?
id’s response to frustration that says to obtain satisfaction now not later
what is the secondary process in Freud’s structural dynamic model of personality?
the ego’s mode of functioning that postpones the discharge of energy until the object that will satisfy the need is discovered or produced
ex: you think about pizza all of class, and after class you go get pizza
what is ego psychology
branch of psychoanalytic theory that emphasizes ego is self-governing
what is the id
devil on the shoulder; primary process
what is the ego
balance between id and superego
what is the superego
angel on the shoulder; morals
who’s therapy technique uses free association, dream interpretation, analysis of transference and analysis resistance
who put forth the idea that centers on the desire to receive dissonance between behaviors and cognitions
what is the cognitive dissonance theory?
change cognitions to match behaviors
who studied depth cues (especially texture gradients) that help us perceive depth
proposed multiple intelligences theory that divides intelligence into 7 types which are equally important?
how many of Gardner’s 7 intelligences does IQ measure?
who is most closely associated with phrenology?
who believed development was mainly due to maturation
what is the central tenant of the gestalt school?
the concept of mind and other mentalistic terms are meaningless
who studied feature detection in visual cortex and discovered: simple, complex and hypercomplex cells
hubel and weisel
who developed the balance theory that explains why attitudes change
who developed the attribution theory that divides attributions into dispositional and situational
what is heider’s attributional theory?
people infer the causes of others behaviors to be situational or dispositional
studied attitude change
what is Jung associated with
collective unconscious
introversion v extroversion
anima and animus
what does Jung’s archetype include
persona, shadow, anima, animus
what is Jung’s collective unconscious
idea that all humans share an unconscious from our earlier ancestors
who studied group decision making and group think?
who developed field theory
who developed the theory of isomorphism and studied problem solving and insight
who’s experiments of chimps showed that they are capable of state-dependent learning?
who studied loss of normal fear and rage reactions by bilaterally removing the amygdala
Kluver and Bucy
who conducted a longitudinal study to examine the developmental trajectories of child temperament?
who investigated the use of heuristics in decision making and studied the availability and representativeness heuristics
kahneman and tversky
who demonstrated that simple learning behaviors in sea snails is associated with changes in neurotransmission
what hypothesis did kandel’s study of sea slug aplysia support?
basic changes in neural pathways occur within changes of learning and memory
who developed a framework for classifying mental disorders in the 19th century, which the DSMV stemmed from?
who divided leadership into autocratic, democratic and laissez faire?
what did Lewin’s study of leadership styles show
autocratic leaders create more hostility than democratic leaders
who proposed belief in a just world
what Russian neurologist studied how brain damage leads to impairment in sensory, motor and language functions
who was an ethologist that studied unlearned instinctual behaviors in the natural environment and imprinting in birds?
studied eyewitness memory and concluded that our memories can be altered by presenting new information by asking misleading questions
used the water jar problem to study the effect of mental sets on problem solving
studied obedience through asking participants to administer electroshock
who proposed stimulus overload theory to explain differences between city and country dwellers
who’s theory of personality believes that the trait theory is based on flawed assumptions about the consistency of human behavior across situations?
who criticized personalty tests because he believed traits were less important than situational factors
studied how psychological inoculation can help people resist persuasion
studied anterograde amnesia in HM who’s hippocampus and temporal lobes were removed to control epilepsy
proposed gate theory of pain
melzack and wall
developed TAT, which is associated with the need to achieve
Morgan and murray
what is Mcguire’s analogy of inoculation
people can be psychologically inoculated against an argument by first exposing them to a weakened argument
studied political norms
found pleasure center in the brain by using self stimulation studies in rats
olds and milner
what is Piaget’s stage concerned with the understanding of conservation
concrete operational
what is the order of Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development?
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete, formal,
who is a Canadian neurosurgeon that used electrodes and electrical stimulations to map out different parts of the brain during surgery
who developed the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion which is divided to Central and Peripheral routes
Cacciopo & Petty
developed client-centered therapy which is based on unconditional positive regard
who investigated the label of being mentally ill and had pseudo patients admitted into the mental hospital
believed that development can unfold without help from society
performed experiments that showed that contiguity cannot fully explain classical conditioning, leading him to propose the contingency theory of classical conditioning
developed a projective personality test using sentence completion
who made the triarchic theory of intelligence?
what aspects are in Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence
componential (performance on a test)
experiental (creativeness)
contextual (street smarts)
what is spearman’s g
individual diff in intelligence that refers to a general unitary factor of intelligence
who investigated functional differences between left and right cerebral hemispheres using split brain studies?
Sperry and Gazzaninga
who formulated learned helplessness theory of depression
who was an English physiologist that first inferred that there is synaptic communication between neurons
developed concept of ratio IQ
developed strong-cambell interest inventory that assesses interest in different lines of work
strong and cambell
refined ROC curves in signal detection theory
studied relationship between anxiety and need for affiliation
developed steven’s power law as an alternative to Fechner’s law
conducted a longitudinal study on gifted children, and revised the Binet Simon IQ test to make it the Stanford-binet IQ test
who was an ethologist who introduced experimental methods into field situations
proposed law of effect and used puzzle boxes to study problem solving in cats
performed experiment on little Albert to show that the acquiring of phobias can be due to classical conditioning
what did Watson use to study behavior
simple observation
conditioned reflex studies
instrumental control studies
verbal reports on visceral reactions
whose goal of behaviorism is to predict the response if the stimulus is known?
who believed that an analyst must serve as an object onto which hostile impulses are projected
developed systematic desensitization to eliminate phobias
who developed sociobiology
who developed intelligence tests for different ages such as the WPPI, WISC, WAIS
what 3 IQ deviations do these tests yield
verbal IQ
performance IQ
scale IQ
who proposed volley theory of pitch perception in response to a criticism of the frequency theory of pitch perception
Wever and Bray
who introduced the idea of JND
who founded the first official lab for psychology in Leipzig in 1879
what researcher would say that their hypothesis on language would show that an adolescent raised in a culture with no word for snow would call it “white rain”
who studied mere exposure effect
who solved problems with social facilitation effect by suggesting that the presence of others enhances good responses and impairs bad responses