Practice Sentences Pre-Midterm Flashcards
Cicero was elected consul by the votes of the Roman People.
Cicero consul suffragiis populi Romani creatus est.
Fortune favors the bold but envies the fortunate.
Fortuna audacem adiuvat, sed felicem invidet.
If Caesar is obeyed, the hostages will be spared.
Si Caesari parebitur, obsidibus parcentur.
Cato slew himself with his own sword.
Cato se suo gladio interfecit.
He held the dictatorship to (cum + abl) the greatest advantage of the republic.
Dictaturam gessit cum optima opportunitate rei publicae.
Lepidus resolved to abandon his country and join the mutiny.
Lepidus deserere patriam statuit et ad seditionem transire.
While the Romans were making these preparations, the Gauls assembled at Milan.
Comparationibus a Romanis factis, Galli ad Mediolanum coegerunt.
Alexander laid the district waste with fire and sword.
Alexander regionem ferro et igni vastavit.
Tellus the Athenenian received a mortal wound fighting for his country.
Tellus Athenaeus pro patria pugnans vulnere mortali laesus est.
The envoys consulted with us in Rome for three days.
Legati nobiscum in Roma consuluerunt tribus diebus.
Caesar and Bibulus were elected consuls by the favor of the Roman People.
Caesar Bibulusque consules beneficio populi Romani creati sunt.
The Persians were defeated by Alexander before the end of winter.
Persae ante extremam heimem ab Alexandro victi sunt.
The scouts returned safe the next day.
Speculatores postridie incolumes redierunt.
Valentinianus was killed by Petronius with a dagger.
Valentinianus a Petronio pugione interfectus est.
Caesar perceived that the Gauls would soon attack the camp.
Caesar Gallos oppugnaturos esse mox castra sensit.
Lepidus believed that the soldiers would follow him to a man.
Lepidus milites se secuturos esse omnes credidit.
He denied that he had taken up arms against the country and laws.
Se arma contra patriam legesque sumpsisse negavit.
For Scipio, to be praised by the wicked was almost the same as to be blamed by the good.
Scipioni, laudari ab improbo paene idem fuit quod culpari a probo.
It is one thing to be praised, another to have deserved praise.
Aliud laudari est, aliud laudem meruisse.
It is one thing to live content, another to enjoy good fortune.
Aliud beatum vivere, aliud bona fortuna uti.
The conspirators were slain to a man but the hostages were spared.
Coniurati ad unum occisi sunt sed obsidibus temperatum est.
Aemilianus is said to have wept over the ancient city of Carthage.
Aemilianus dicitur antiquae urbi Carthagini illacrimavisse.
We are all apt to trust in those like ourselves.
Omnes nostri similibus fidere solemus.
Augustus dedicated an obelisk in the Campus Martius as a gift for the Sun.
Augustus obeliscum in Campo Martio dono Soli dedicavit.
It is dishonorable to consider the Republic as a source of gain.
Dedecori est rei publicae habere quaestui.
It is the part of the consuls to command the armies; our part is to obey orders.
Consulum est exercitus ducere; nostrum est imperata facere.
Fate has left the vanquished nothing except (nisi ut + subj.) either to die with honor or to live with disgrace.
Fatum victis nihil reliqui fecit nisi ut aut cum dignitate moriantur aut cum ignominia vivant.
No one of my contemporaries labored (nitor) as fiercely as he on behalf of liberty.
Nemo meorum aequalium tam ferociter quam ille pro libertate nisus est.
Antonius was a sensible man and of the greatest influence with the soldiers.
Antonius prudens vir fuit et summae auctoritatis apud milites.