Practical Q's and CT's Flashcards
The proper hepatic artery travels through which ligament?
Hepatoduodenal Lig.
Which ligaments do the right and left gastric arteries travel through?
Right gastric = Hepatoduodenal lig
Left gastric = Hepatogastric lig.
Which ligament do the short gastric arteries run through?
Gastrosplenic lig.
The falciform ligament arises from what embryologically?
Ventral mesentery
The right and left crus of the diaphragm arise from what embryologically?
Dorsal mesentery of esophagus
What is the pathology commonly seen with the pyloric sphincter?
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
The liver and gallbladder (including hepatic duct and bile duct) arise from where embryologically?
Ventral outgrowth of Hepatic diverticulum
Where do the body, tail, head, and uncinate process of the pancreas arise from embryologically?
Body and tail = dorsal primordia
Head and uncinate process = ventral primordia
What is the embryologic origin of the main pancreatic duct?
Ventral duct
A Meckel’s Diverticulum is an abnormality involving what embryologic structure and contains what 2 tissue types?
- Vitelline duct
- Gastric and pancreatic tissue
What is the mesentery containing the jejunum and ileum?
Mesentery proper
The spleen arises from what embryologically and what germ layer?
Dorsal mesogastrium from splanchnic mesoderm
Where does the medial umbilical fold arise from?
Umbilical artery
What fossa contains the inguinal triangle and direct hernias?
Medial inguinal fossa
What fossa contains indirect hernias?
Lateral inguinal fossa
Where does the inferior and superior epigastric arteries arise from?
Superior epigastric = internal thoracic a
Inferior epigastric = external iliac a
The superficial inguinal ring, lateral, and medial crus all arise from?
External oblique aponeurosis
Where does the inguinal ligament attach?
ASIS to Pubic tubercle
The conjoint tendon is formed by what 2 structures?
Internal oblique and transversus abdominis aponeurosis
What is the innervation of external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, and rectus abdominis muscles?
Thoraco-abdominal n.
What forms the anterior and posterior sheath above the arcuate line?
Anterior = Aponeurosis of External oblique and internal oblique
Posterior = Aponeurosis of Internal oblique and transversus abdominis
What forms the anterior and posterior rectus sheath below the arcuate line?
Anterior = aponeurosis of external oblique, internal oblique and transversus abdominis
Posterior = transversalis fascia
What spinal level is the caval opening and what is found here?
T8, IVC and right phrenic n.
What spinal level is the esophageal hiatus and what is found within?
T10; esophagus, anterior/posterior vagal trunk, and esophageal branches
What spinal level is the aortic hiatus and what is found within?
T12; aorta, thoracic duct, azgos/hemi-azgos veins
Where does the Psoas major m. attach and what is it innervated by?
- TP’s and vertebral bodies of T12-L5
- Greater trochanter
- Anterior rami of L1-L3
Where does the iliacus m attahc and what is it innervated by?
- Femoral n.
- Greater trochanter
What spinal level is the aorta, celiac trunk, SMA, renals, gonadal, and IMA found at?
Aorta: T12
Celiac: T12
Renals: L1/L2
Gonadal: L2
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Innervation of Quadratus lumborum m.?
Subcostal n. (T12)